Megger PAT320 Operating Manual

PAT300 Series
Portable Appliance Testers
User Manual
Thank you for purchasing the Megger portable appliance tester.
For your own safety and to get the maximum benefit from your instrument, please ensure that you read and understand the safety warnings and instructions before attempting to use the instrument.
These instruments are designed and manufactured by:
Megger Limited Archcliffe Road Dover Kent CT17 9EN England
Megger Limited reserves the right to change the specification of these instruments at any time without prior notice.
1. Contents
1.1 Unpacking the carton ....................................................................................................................4
1.2 Safety Warnings.............................................................................................................................5
1.3 Symbols used on the instrument .................................................................................................6
2. Getting started ........................................................................................................................................7
2.1 Carry case....................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Instrument layout ........................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Controls layout............................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Instrument start-up ........................................................................................................................9
2.5 Switching off the appliance tester................................................................................................ 9
2.6 Testing an asset...........................................................................................................................10
2.7 Remote test probe and clip.........................................................................................................12
3. Test options ..........................................................................................................................................13
3.1 110 V or 230 V selection:.............................................................................................................13
3.2 Class I - Assets with an earth return conductor ............................................................. 14
3.3 Class II – Assets with no earth conductor ......................................................................... 15
3.4 IEC - Power leads fitted with 10 A IEC connector............................................................16
3.5 Extension leads - Single and multi-way extension leads .............................................17
3.6 RCD ....................................................................................................................................18
3.7 Test failure....................................................................................................................................19
3.8 Changing PASS limits .................................................................................................................19
4. Individual tests – Quick tests: ............................................................................................................. 20
4.1 Bond (Rpe) ...........................................................................................................................20
4.2 Insulation (also referred to as Riso) .................................................................................21
4.3 Leakage (Ipe) ....................................................................................................................22
4.4 VA ........................................................................................................................................26
4.5 1.5 kV/ 3 kV (not available on PAT310 or 320) ..................................................................27
5. SETUP....................................................................................................................................................29
5.1 Test Group key configuration.....................................................................................................29
5.2 Quick test key setup .................................................................................................................... 30
5.4 Lead Null ....................................................................................................................................... 31
6. Battery and fuses..................................................................................................................................32
6.1 Battery function............................................................................................................................32
6.2 Battery replacement.....................................................................................................................32
6.3 Fuse replacement.........................................................................................................................32
7. Care and maintenance .........................................................................................................................32
8. Specification .........................................................................................................................................33
9. Repair and Warranty.............................................................................................................................36
1.1 Unpacking the carton
Unpack the carton contents carefully. There are important documents that you should read and keep for future reference.
Please complete the pre-paid warranty card and return it to Megger Limited as soon as possible to help us reduce any delays in supporting you should the need arise.
PAT310 & 320 carton contents
PAT350 Carton contents
PAT300 series appliance tester
PAT300 series appliance tester
Carry case
Carry case
Quick-start guide
Quick-start guide
Black test lead set with probe and clip
Black test lead set with probe and clip
IEC lead 0.5 m (Extension lead adaptor)
IEC lead 0.5 m (Extension lead adaptor)
Warranty card
Warranty card
Owners CD manual
Owners CD manual
1 PP3 9 V NiMH rechargeable battery
Flash test lead
1.2 Safety Warnings
The following Safety Warnings and Precautions must be read and understood before the instrument
is used. They must be observed during use.
! For safety, only connect the PAT to a supply that is properly earthed. If in doubt, the supply should
be checked by a qualified electrician.
! Do not use the instrument if there are any signs of damage. ! All test leads, probes and clips must be in good order, clean and with no broken or cracked
! Probes and clips should be held behind the finger guard. ! Test leads not used during a measurement should be disconnected from the Appliance tester. ! For dual voltage testers, both sockets can be live simultaneously. ! Only connect one asset to the PAT during testing. ! Tests should be carried out in the order recommended below. An appliance that fails a test should
be repaired before further testing is carried out.
Recommended Sequence:
1. Earth Bond/ Continuity of the protective earth conductor (Class I devices)
2. Insulation test (or earth leakage)
In addition further tests can be performed
3. Operation test
4. Leakage test
! Only perform an operational test after the Earth bond and insulation tests have been completed, as
this test operate at mains voltage.
! During testing, ensure no hazard will exist as a result of normal running or under fault conditions. ! During testing the unit under test (asset) should not be touched, other than using the appropriate
accessories, as faulty appliances can present a shock hazard.
! Do not touch the exposed parts of test leads during tests as hazardous voltages may be present due
to potentially faulty appliance.
! Do not touch the IEC extension lead socket pins especially during a test, as hazardous voltages may
be present due to a potentially faulty appliance
! Assets should not be routinely flash tested. Where flash testing is required, refer to further guidance
on Flash testing, section 4.5.
! Replacement fuses must be of the correct rating and type. Refer to section 6.3 ! The USB connection should only be used by approved service personnel; nothing should be
connected to the USB port during testing.
! Only use NiMH rechargeable 9 V PP3 battery, do not use a non rechargeable type as this could
become dangerous if charged by the instrument.
! Serviceable fuses should only be replaced with those that are suitably rated ! In case of an emergency use an easily accessible power point
CAT II Measurement category II: Equipment connected between the electrical outlets and the user’s equipment.
CAT III Measurement category III: Equipment connected between the distribution panel and the electrical outlets.
CAT IV Measurement category IV: Equipment connected between the origin of the low-voltage mains supply and the distribution panel.
1.3 Symbols used on the instrument
Caution: risk of electric shock
Caution: refer to accompanying notes. When displayed at the start of an insulation test, warns that a hazardous voltage may exist at the test lead probes
Equipment complies with relevant EU Directives
Equipment complies with ‘C tick’ requirements
2. Getting started
2.1 Carry case
The carry case for the appliance tester has a lead storage pouch in the lid of the case when opened. This is designed for basic lead and document storage.
Further items can be stored in the pouch. If it becomes difficult to close the case, the storage pouch can be removed from inside the case and attached to the front using the straps on the reverse of the pouch.
These are passed through the D-loops on the outside of the case and secured to the underside of the pouch using the Velcro fixings.
An additional storage pouch is available from Megger Ltd for extended storage, such that there is a pouch on both the inside and outside of the carry case.
9 V PP3 rechargeable NiMH Battery is supplied- not fitted. This should be installed prior to first use. See section 6 for instructions.
2.2 Instrument layout
2.3 Controls layout
The following tests are available on the PAT350. Note: The PAT310 & 320 does not include the Flash test option (j).
Test groups (a) to (d) – See section 3 for details Test group
Class I test
For testing assets with an earth return conductor
Class II test
For testing assets without an earth return conductor
IEC lead and Extension lead test
For testing extension leads and IEC type power leads (found on computers, kettles etc)
RCD tests
For testing Plug-in RCDs and extension leads fitted with RCDs.
Provides technical support contact information
Individual tests (f) to (j)
Bond test (Rpe)
Performs an earth bond/continuity test at 200 mA,10 A or 25 A
INS test (Riso)
Performs an Insulation test at either 250 V or 500 V
Leakage test (Ipe)
Performs a RUN test and measures the power drawn
Load test (VA)
Performs an earth leakage test, either: Differential earth leakage Touch leakage Substitute leakage
Flash1.5 kV/3 kV
Performs a flash test at the required voltage
Appliance test socket 110 V
Flash test socket (PAT 350 only)
Earth bond and Insulation test probe socket
Lead null post
Firmware upgrade port
Power off (Red), Home (Grey) and Escape (Green) keys
Test keypad
Mains lead entry
Extension lead / IEC lead test return socket 10
Appliance test socket (230 V) 11
Fuse checker 12
Display 13
Display navigation UP / DPWN / LEFT / RIGHT OK 14
TEST button
2 3 4
13 14
10 6 8 9 7
2.4 Instrument start-up
Connect the instrument to a suitable electrical supply: The appliance tester will automatically start when connected to the mains supply.
NOTE: DO NOT connect any equipment to the PAT tester until it has been switched on and passed self test. Connected equipment will create a relay error and necessitate restarting the appliance tester by pressing the OFF button. Once switched off the power should be disconnected and reconnected.
The following warning screen is displayed when the PAT tester is switched on. This screen is not displayed if the PAT tester is re-started within five minutes of switching off, when the PAT tester restarts from the same screen as before.
Home Setup
WARNINGS: The following warnings must be read and understood before proceedingt :
_ Power is applied to both sockets during testing . Ensure only one asset is connected and tested at a time .
_ Faulty appliances can present a shock hazard . Avoid contact with al conductors and conductive parts during testing .
_ All tests that include a load or Leakage test will run the asset . Ensure asset is switched on and safe before starting the test sequence .
Press OK to confirm these warnings have been read and understood
Press OK to confirm you have read and understood these warnings.
For testing 230 V electrical equipment, connect the PAT tester to a 230 V electrical outlet.
For testing 110 V electrical equipment, connect the PAT tester to a 110 V electrical outlet, using the optional 110 V to 230 V supply lead adaptor (not applicable to PAT310).
The instrument will display the following when all initial tests pass.
Home screen
All testing can be run from this screen
Setup options
Test limits, test duration, Language, Auto or Manual test modes etc can be changed here.
Power-up status and test results
Displays supply status and Self test results
2.5 Switching off the appliance tester
To switch off the tester, press the RED off button. The display will show the message “It is now safe to remove power”. Now the mains plug can be removed from the supply.
Failure to press the RED off button will discharge the FAST START battery un-necessarily as per section
If the RED off button is pressed accidentally, pressing the
button will return the PAT to normal testing
2.5.1 FAST Restart
If the tester is to be moved to a new location and testing continued, simply unplug the unit from the mains supply and reconnect it in the new location. The appliance tester will enter a hibernation mode during the move and restart instantly from the point power was disconnected, without any delay. The rechargeable 9 V NIMH battery is used to maintain hibernation status whilst unplugged. This cell is continuously charged whilst the appliance tester is connected to the mains supply. Continuous use of the hibernation mode will discharge the battery. Only use the hibernation mode when a fast restart is required.
Should the move take longer than 5 minutes, the appliance tester will leave hibernation mode and complete a full power down.
2.6 Testing an asset
2.6.1 To run a test - (Example shows a Class I test in AUTOMATIC test mode)
(a) Connect the asset to be tested to the portable appliance tester.
(b) Press the
button for a CLASS I test for assets with a protective earth conductor.
The display will show the initial test information:
Class I results
0.5 M_
0.1 _
Test Result Limits
3000 VA
Test Result Limits
Attach probe and press TEST to start
(c) Connect the bond lead to the asset and press the
button to start the test.
(d) The Appliance tester will display any operational warnings as well as the measured values during the
test and the remaining test time.
Class I results
0.5 M_
0.1 _
Test Result Limits
3000 VA
Test Result Limits
Timer: 5s Bond: 0.08
The first test will be an Rpe (Earth continuity / bond) test. The resistance during the test is displayed.
The Timer shows the number of seconds remaining of the test. After each test the worst case measurement will be displayed and tagged with a GREEN marker for a PASS, or a RED marker for a FAIL.
A test can be aborted at any time by pressing the
Each test will run automatically unless there is a manual operation required.
Earth bond test passed
Isolation (Insulation) test failed
To return to the HOME screen or run a different type of test, press the
At the completion of a successful set of tests the display will show all results marked GREEN and the “Asset PASSED” message displayed:
(1) To return to the HOME screen press the
(2) To repeat the same test (or test another CLASS I asset) press the test button. The
appliance tester will return to the first test screen and wait for the TEST
button to be pressed to
commence testing.
(3) To change the test type, press the appropriate function button.
Should a test fail it will be marked with a RED tag, testing will stop and the display will show “Asset Failed”. Any fault should be made good before testing is re-started.
2.7 Remote test probe and clip
Some tests will require the use of the remote probe and clip. These are used where the asset under test has no earth return (Class II assets). The probe is used for both insulation and bond testing, under the control of the instrument.
Class I Insulation test (Riso)
Live and neutral are shorted together automatically in the PAT tester and a voltage (250 V or 500 V) is applied between the shorted L/N and the earth conductor as below.
Class II Insulation test (Riso)
Live and neutral are shorted together automatically in the PAT and a voltage (250 V or 500 V) is applied between the shorted L/N and the remote probe.
The probe is connected to any metallic locations on the “Appliance Under Test” to ensure there is no breakdown of the insulation.
Remote probe not required
Remote probe required
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