Megger MTR105 Instruction Manual

Baker Instruments
Rotating Machine Tester
User Guide
This document is copyright of:
Megger Limited, Archcliffe Road, Dover, Kent CT17 9EN. ENGLAND T +44 (0)1304 502101 F +44 (0)1304 207342
Megger Ltd reserves the right to alter the specification of its products from time to time without notice. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this document it is not warranted or represented by Megger Ltd. to be a complete and up - to - date description.
For Patent information about this instrument refer to the following web site:
This manual supersedes all previous issues of this manual. Please ensure that you are using the most recent issue of this document. Destroy any copies that are of an older issue.
Declaration of Conformity
Hereby, Megger Instruments Limited declares that radio equipment manufactured by Megger Instruments Limited described in this user guide is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. Other equipment manufactured by Megger Instruments Limited described in this user guide is in compliance with Directives 2014/30/EU and 2014/35/EU where they apply.
The full text of Megger Instruments EU declarations of conformity are available at the following internet address: iii
1. Safety Warnings ........................................................................................................2
1.1 Warnings, Cautions and Notes ........................................................................................ 2
1.1.1 Warnings ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.1.2 Cautions ......................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.3 Notes .............................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Safety warnings ................................................................................................................ 2
1.2.1 Test lead safety warnings ................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Product Safety Category - Measurement Connection .................................................... 3
1.3.1 Voltage ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.2 CAT IV ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.3.3 CAT III ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.3.4 CAT II .............................................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Safety, Hazard and Warning Symbols on the Instrument .............................................. 4
1.4.1 Warning Icons ................................................................................................................. 4
2. Introduction ...............................................................................................................5
2.1 Product Description .......................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Applications ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Features ............................................................................................................................. 6
2.4 Company web site. ........................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Instrument Controls ......................................................................................................... 7
2.6 Instrument Display ........................................................................................................... 8
2.7 Instrument Controls.......................................................................................................... 9
2.8 Instrument Connections and Leads ................................................................................. 10
2.8.1 View on top of MTR105 .................................................................................................. 10
3. Instrument Set up ......................................................................................................11
3.1 Warnings and exception conditions ................................................................................ 11
3.2 Power ................................................................................................................................ 11
3.2.1 First use ......................................................................................................................... 11
3.2.2 Turn the instrument on and off ....................................................................................... 11
3.2.3 Power options ................................................................................................................. 12
3.3 Lockout Voltage ............................................................................................................... 12
4. Insulation Resistance Tests .......................................................................................13
4.1 Insulation test options...................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Two Terminal and Guard .................................................................................................. 13
4.3 Automatic discharge ........................................................................................................ 14
4.4 Insulation Resistance (IR) Test .......................................................................................... 14
4.4.1 Buzzer settings ................................................................................................................ 16
4.4.2 Temperature compensation ............................................................................................. 17
4.5 3 Phase (3P) ....................................................................................................................... 18
4.6 Polarization Index (PI) ...................................................................................................... 20
4.7 Timed (T(s))Test ................................................................................................................. 22
4.8 Dielectric Absorption Ratio (DAR) .................................................................................. 24
4.9 Variable voltage .............................................................................................................. 26
5. Voltmeter ...................................................................................................................28
5.1 TRMS (True RMS) .............................................................................................................. 28
5.2 AC or DC ........................................................................................................................... 29
5.3 Supply Phase Rotation...................................................................................................... 30
6. Continuity ..................................................................................................................32
6.1 Uni-direction ..................................................................................................................... 32
6.2 Bi-direction ....................................................................................................................... 34
6.3 Diode test .......................................................................................................................... 36
7. DLRO Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter ................................................................38
7.1 Manual single direction test ............................................................................................ 38
7.2 Auto Single direction test ................................................................................................ 40
7.3 Manual bi-direction test................................................................................................... 41
7.4 Auto Bi direction test ....................................................................................................... 44
7.5 Test failure ...................................................................................................................... 46
7.5.1 Lost connection ............................................................................................................... 46
8. Direction of Motor Rotation .....................................................................................47
9. Inductance (L); Capacitance (C); Resistance (R) (LCR) ..............................................48
9.1 Auto .................................................................................................................................. 48
9.2 Capacitance or inductance ............................................................................................... 49
9.3 LCR Calibration ................................................................................................................. 51
10. Temperature measurement ....................................................................................54
10.1 Thermocouple temperature measurement................................................................... 54
10.2 Manual Temperature measurement .............................................................................. 56
11. Data management ...................................................................................................58
11.1 Creating a new asset ID ................................................................................................. 58
11.2 Using an existing asset ID............................................................................................... 59
11.3 Deleting an asset ............................................................................................................ 60
11.4 Deleting items from within an asset ............................................................................. 61
11.5 Deleting a single test ..................................................................................................... 63
11.6 Exporting entries to USB ................................................................................................ 65
12. Firmware update .....................................................................................................68
13. Error and Warning Conditions................................................................................70
13.1 Failed export ................................................................................................................... 70
13.2 Fuse Failure ..................................................................................................................... 70
13.3 Battery Low ..................................................................................................................... 70
14. Settings ....................................................................................................................71
14.1 IR Test Settings ................................................................................................................ 71 v
14.1.1 DAR Settings ................................................................................................................. 71
14.1.2 Insulation threshold ....................................................................................................... 72
14.1.3 Lock .............................................................................................................................. 72
14.1.4 Temperature compensation ........................................................................................... 72
14.1.5 Terminal lock out ........................................................................................................... 72
14.1.6 Timed Insulation ............................................................................................................ 73
14.1.7 Variable Voltage ............................................................................................................ 73
14.2 General Settings ............................................................................................................. 73
14.2.1 Back-light timer ............................................................................................................. 73
14.2.2 Battery Technology ........................................................................................................ 73
14.2.3 Date .............................................................................................................................. 74
14.2.4 Instrument information ................................................................................................. 74
14.2.5 Key Press Notification ................................................................................................... 74
14.2.6 Sleep timer .................................................................................................................... 74
14.2.7 Time ............................................................................................................................. 75
14.2.8 Restore factory settings ................................................................................................. 75
14.3 Language settings .......................................................................................................... 75
15. Maintenance ............................................................................................................76
15.1 General Maintenance ..................................................................................................... 76
15.2 Cleaning .......................................................................................................................... 76
15.3 Battery ............................................................................................................................. 76
15.3.1 Battery status ................................................................................................................ 76
15.3.2 12 V supply ................................................................................................................... 77
15.3.3 Battery Charging ........................................................................................................... 77
15.3.4 Battery error screens .................................................................................................. 77
15.4 Battery and Fuse Replacement ...................................................................................... 78
15.4.1 Replace battery cells and remove isolation tab ............................................................... 79
15.4.2 To replace the fuses ....................................................................................................... 79
16. Specifications ...........................................................................................................80
17. Accessories and Equipment ....................................................................................83
17.1 Included Accessories ....................................................................................................... 83
17.2 Optional Accessories....................................................................................................... 83
18. Calibration, Repair and Warranty ..........................................................................84
18.1 Return procedure ........................................................................................................... 84
19. Decommissioning ....................................................................................................85
19.1 WEEE Directive ............................................................................................................... 85
19.2 Battery disposal .............................................................................................................. 85
vi vii
Safety Warnings

1. Safety Warnings

The safety instructions given in this document are indicative of safe practice and are not be considered exhaustive. Additionally, they are not intended to replace local safety procedures in the region where the instrument is used. If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.

1.1 Warnings, Cautions and Notes

This user guide follows the internationally recognized definition of warnings, cautions and notes. These instructions must be adhered to at all times.

1.1.1 Warnings

Warnings alert the reader to hazardous situations where injury to personnel can occur. They are set in red type to make them stand out. They are placed before the item to which they relate and repeated at each applicable occasion.

1.1.2 Cautions

Cautions alert the reader to situations where equipment damage may result if a process is not followed properly. They are set in bold type. They are placed before the item to which they relate and repeated at each applicable occasion.

1.1.3 Notes

Notes give additional important information that will help the reader. They are not used when a Warning or Caution is applicable. They are not safety related and may be placed either before or after the associated text as required.

1.2 Safety warnings

These safety warnings must be read and understood before the instrument is used. Retain for future reference.
Warning: This instrument must be operated only by suitably trained and competent people. Protection provided by the instrument may be impaired if it is not used in a manner specified by the manufacturer.
 Local Health and Safety Legislation requires users of this equipment and their employers to carry out valid risk
assessments of all electrical work to identify potential sources of electrical danger and risk of electrical injury such as inadvertent short circuits. Where the assessments show that the risk is significant then the use of fused test leads may be appropriate.
 The voltage indicator and automatic discharge features must be regarded as additional safety features and not a
substitute for normal safe working practice which MUST be followed.
 The circuit under test must be switched off, de-energized, securely isolated and proved dead before test
connections are made unless measuring voltage or phase rotation.
 Circuit connections, exposed conductive parts and other metalwork of an installation or equipment under test
must not be touched during testing.
 When inductive loads are measured it is essential that the current carrying leads are securely clamped to the item
being tested and that they are not removed before any stored charge has been discharged at the end of the test. Failure to comply with these instructions might result in an arc being produced, which might be dangerous for the instrument and the operator.
 The Voltmeter function will operate only if the instrument is switched on and working correctly.
 After an insulation test, the instrument must be left connected until the circuit has been discharged to a safe
 The instrument must not be used if any part of it is damaged or if the terminal shutter is missing.
Safety Warnings
 All test leads, probes and crocodile clips must be in good order, clean and with no broken or cracked insulation.
 Verify the integrity of the test leads before use. Only “Megger” approved test leads must be used with this
 The safe maximum limit of a measurement connection is that of the lowest rated component in the
measurement circuit formed by the instrument, test leads and any accessories.
 Ensure that hands remain behind finger guards of probes/clips.
 Replacement fuses must be of the correct type and rating. Failure to fit the correctly rated fuse will result in fire
and burns hazards and cause damage to the instrument in the event of an overload.
 All covers must be in place whilst conducting tests.
 This product is not intrinsically safe. Do not use in an explosive atmosphere.
 Ensure every cell in the battery compartment is of identical type. Never mix rechargeable and non-chargeable

1.2.1 Test lead safety warnings

 The circuit under test must be switched off, de-energized, isolated and checked to be safe before insulation test
connections are made. Make sure the circuit is not re-energized while the instrument is connected.
 Test leads, including crocodile clips, must be in good condition, clean, dry and free of broken or cracked
insulation. The lead set or its components must not be used if any part of it is damaged.
 The safe maximum limit of a measurement connection is that of the lowest rated component in the
measurement circuit formed by the instrument, test leads and any accessories.
 The CAT III 600 V rated thermocouple probe tip and protective ring are conductive. Care must be taken when
using the probe on live systems not to short-circuit to adjacent conductors.

1.3 Product Safety Category - Measurement Connection

Only Megger supplied test leads designed for this instrument provide the full safety rating.

1.3.1 Voltage

The rated measurement connection voltage is the maximum line to earth voltage at which it is safe to connect.

1.3.2 CAT IV

Measurement category IV: Equipment connected between the origin of the low-voltage Mains Power supply and the distribution panel.

1.3.3 CAT III

Measurement category III: Equipment connected between the distribution panel and the electrical outlets.

1.3.4 CAT II

Measurement category II: Equipment connected between the electrical outlets and the User’s equipment.
Measurement equipment may be safely connected to circuits at the marked rating or lower. The connection rating is that of the lowest rated component in the measurement circuit. 3
Safety Warnings

1.4 Safety, Hazard and Warning Symbols on the Instrument

This section details the various safety and hazard icons on the instruments outer case.
Icon Description
Warning: High Voltage, risk of electric shock
Caution: Refer to User Guide.
Equipment complies with current EU directives.
Equipment complies with current ‘C tick’ requirements.
Do not dispose of in the normal waste stream.
Equipment protected throughout by double insulation.
600 V
CAT rating 600 V ac RMS maximum between terminals and between terminal and earth
G >1100 V
IP54 IP rating

1.4.1 Warning Icons

This section details the warning icons that can show on the display.
Icon Warning Description
Do not use in distribution systems with voltages higher than 1100 V
External Voltage Warning If an external voltage is applied between the terminals and the
instrument is set to On, the High Voltage warning will flash on the display. This is a warning that the item under test is live and might be dangerous and testing is disabled. The High Voltage warning message will flash if more than 50 V potential difference is applied between the Voltage terminals and the Current terminals. This warning will not show if all terminals are at the same high voltage.
NOTE: The warning will not operate if the instrument is set to Off.
Internal Error Warning Internal Error Warning switch off and back on. Contact Megger
if not cleared.
Read the User Guide Refer to the user guide if this message shows.

2. Introduction

2.1 Product Description

This user guide details the operational and functional details of the Megger MTR105 Rotating Machine Tester. Please read this user guide fully before attempting to use the MTR105. The MTR105 instrument is designed to perform a number tests that are typical for rotating machines. These tests include
 Insulation resistance,
 Voltage measurement,
 Continuity,
 DLRO, digital low resistance ohmmeter - 4 wire kelvin mΩ,
 Motor direction of rotation test,
 Capacitance,
 Inductance
 Temperature.
The MTR105 is powered by six AA alkaline primary cells. As an optional accessory, rechargeable NiMH AA cells can be used with an external power supply and adaptor to charge the batteries whilst in the instrument. Lithium primary (not Lithium Ion) cells can also be used.
For personal safety and to get the maximum benefit from this instrument, make sure that the safety warnings and instructions are read and understood before the instrument is used, see Refer to 1. Safety Warnings on page 2. This user guide must be thoroughly read before attempting to operate the MTR105.
NOTE: This manual includes instructions for all MTR105 variants. Some facilities may not be available on your model of this equipment.
The MTR105 takes the test abilities of Megger’s proven MIT400 test instruments adding; DLRO four wire tests, inductance and capacitance to provide a versatile motor tester, all packaged in a robust hand held instrument, which up to now has simply not been available.
In addition the MTR105 also incorporates temperature measurement and compensation (for IR tests), direction of rotation plus supply phase rotation tests.
All these new test abilities go together to make the MTR105 a real world, versatile, hand held test instrument for rotating machinery.
The MTR105 also comes in an over-moulded case, providing increased protection, robustness and achieving an IP54 rating against moisture and dust ingress.
Refer to the image at Refer to 2.5 Instrument Controls on page 7 for detail of the MTR105 layout.
For the safety of all personnel and to get the maximum benefit from this instrument, ensure the safety instructions of Refer to 1. Safety Warnings on page 2 are read and thoroughly understood before the MTR105 is used.
Tests and connections detailed in this user guide are not exhaustive. Refer to the booklet Guide to Motor Testing (published by Megger) for further information about motor testing. 5

2.2 Applications

The MTR105 is an OFF LINE motor tester that can be used on small to medium sized rotating machines, typically up to 500 hp.
Typical applications include but are not limited to:
 New manufactured motor – test in production process.
 Refurbished/Repaired motor – test in repair workshop.
 Monitoring and maintenance of in service motors (off line) – workshop or in the field.
Where there is doubt about a particular application, refer to the booklet Guide to Motor Testing.

2.3 Features

 Guard Terminal - to eliminate any surface leakage current.
 Detachable insulation resistance test leads with interchangeable clips and probes for different applications.
 Stores test results for up to 256 motors, which can be downloaded to a USB drive.
 Rotary dial control and full graphic display - simple and easy to use.
 Sealed to IP54, providing protection against moisture and dust ingress, including the battery and fuse
 Tough housing: A ‘rubber over moulding’ combines a tough shock absorbing outer protection with excellent
grip, on a strong modified ABS housing, providing an almost indestructible case.
 Rechargeable batteries with mains charger kit option.

2.4 Company web site.

Occasionally an information bulletin may be issued via the Megger web site. This may be new accessories, new usage instructions or a software update. Please occasionally check on the Megger web site for anything applicable to your Megger instruments.

2.5 Instrument Controls

Item Description Item Description
1 External electrical connections 6 Save
2 Display 7 Test
3 Soft keys (multifunction) 8 Information / Lock / OK
4 Buzzer control 9 Rotary selection switch
5 Back-light control 7

2.6 Instrument Display

1 2
Item Description Item Description
1 Status / Mode 5 Soft key functions
2 Battery indicator 6 Secondary field
3 Primary field 7 Time
4 Status symbols

2.7 Instrument Controls

13 1412
Item Description Item Description
Rotary switch positions
1 Settings (Grey) 8 Off (Grey)
2 Data management (Blue) 9 Voltmeter, 3 phase supply, direction of
rotation and frequency (Black)
3 Temperature (White) 10 Insulation Resistance Test, 50 V (Red)
4 Inductance capacitance and resistance
11 Insulation Resistance Test, 250 V (Red)
5 Motor direction of rotation (Light grey) 12 Insulation Resistance Test, 500 V (Red)
6 Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter (Yellow) 13 Insulation Resistance Test, 1 kV (Red)
7 Continuity and diode test (Orange) 14 Insulation Resistance Test, user
selectable voltage (Red) 9

2.8 Instrument Connections and Leads

2.8.1 View on top of MTR105

Slider to front Slider to back
Item Description Item Description
1 Rear attachment point for strap 4 Slider in rear position
2 Battery charger connection / switch probe 5 USB port
3 Slider in front position 6 Front
The external connections are all situated on top of the MTR105. A sliding cover is installed to prevent any other connection being made at the same time as the USB port. Connection to the USB port can only be made when the sliding cover is pushed completely to the back of the instrument.
For charging or connection to any test leads the sliding cover must be in the forward position.
The charger connection is designed so that no other lead can be connected while the battery is being charged in the instrument.
Instrument Set up

3. Instrument Set up

Before each use of the instrument, visually inspect the instrument case, test leads and connectors to confirm their condition is good, with no damaged or broken insulation

3.1 Warnings and exception conditions

There are two types of alerts that interrupt the standard process, they are the warnings for an external condition alert and the exception condition for an internal fault alert. The alert message is overlaid on the display screen with the fault message. The images below are examples illustrating the two types of alerts:
Alert for dangerous external fault. Alert for internal fault.

3.2 Power

3.2.1 First use

NOTE: Before the MTR105 can be turned on the battery isolation tab must be removed.
1. Remove the battery cover.
2. Pull the battery isolation tab clear of the battery cells.
3. Replace cover.
For further details on accessing the battery panel, Refer to 15.4 Battery and Fuse Replacement on page 78.
For initial date and time set up, Refer to 14.2.3 Date on page 74 and Refer to 14.2.7 Time on page 75.
NOTE: If the MTR should lose the date and time setting, (for example if the batteries have been replaced and the instrument has been without them for more than 3 minutes) the instrument will display a prompt screen when turned on to enter the date and time details - this can appear anytime after first set up.

3.2.2 Turn the instrument on and off

1. Turn the instrument ON by turning the rotary switch away from the OFF position to activate the instrument. 11
Instrument Set up
2. Turn the instrument OFF by turning the rotary switch to the OFF position to deactivate the instrument.
NOTE: The MTR105 switches off after a period of inactivity, which is user adjustable, Refer to 14. Settings on page 71. To start the instrument again rotate the mode switch to Off and then select a mode or press the TEST button to wake the instrument up.

3.2.3 Power options

Caution: Do not attempt to recharge alkaline or Lithium cells, this action is a high potential fire hazard.
The MTR105 is powered by Internal batteries,
 These cells may be used:
 6 x LR6 1.5 V Alkaline (AA)
 6 x IEC HR6 1.2V NiMH
 6 x IEC FR6 1.5 V Lithium (LiFeS2).
The instrument charges using the dc adapter (NiMH cells only), which will work at voltages between 100 and 240 V ac. Charging will only occur if the battery type is set to NiMh.
Warning: Charge NiMH cells only between 0 ºC and +40 ºC ambient.
The battery cell type is selected from the settings menu, Refer to 14. Settings on page 71. It will not charge Alkaline or LiFeS2 cells.
To charge the cells in the instrument, it has to have the mains charger kit plugged into the terminal connections. Testing or access the USB is not possible while the instrument is being charged.
See also Refer to 16. Specifications on page 80

3.3 Lockout Voltage

Before testing, the measurement board will carry out a short a pre-test voltage check. If the lockout voltage is exceeded, the user will see an overlay menu showing the current voltage measured. The overlay will disappear if the voltage is lowered below the lockout voltage threshold.
The lockout voltage is active on all test modes. It is hard-coded to activate at 20 V. The only exception is the insulation resistance tests, where the lockout voltage can be set in the settings (as 20 V, 30 V, 50 V or 75 V).
Insulation Resistance Tests

4. Insulation Resistance Tests

Warning: Hazardous voltages are emitted throughout the insulation resistance tests. Do not touch the test leads while testing is in progress (after test button has been pressed). The warning triangle will flash on the display during these tests.
Insulation resistance tests can be carried out at the following settings 50 V, 250 V, 500 V, 1 kV and variable voltage (variable symbol). These are all coloured red and are positioned across the top of the rotary switch.
The test method for each voltage setting is identical.
Variable voltage is user selectable, Refer to 14. Settings on page 71. The variable voltage setting is configurable between 10 V to 999 V.

4.1 Insulation test options

Icon Description
IR: Insulation resistance.
PI: Polarization Index is the ratio between insulation resistance values recorded at 1 minute
(assigned t1) and 10 minutes (assigned t2).
DAR: Dielectric Absorption Ratio, it is the ratio between the insulation resistance values at 15 or
30 seconds (assigned t1) and at 60 second interval (assigned t2). i.e. after 30 seconds and 60 seconds. DAR = 15 or 30 (default) second value / 60 second value
T(s): Time IR = Selectable from 1 minute to 10 minutes, in 1 minute increments.
3P 3 Phase. To test insulation resistance phase to phase.
F This warning triangle flashes when any voltage is being output in the insulation resistance test

4.2 Two Terminal and Guard

The MTR105 is fitted with a guard terminal. The guard terminal is used to conduct leakage currents away from the measured circuit to reduce errors.
The guard terminal is only used for insulation testing and as and additional connection in 3-phase testing. The lead is coloured blue.
The guard lead (G) is optional. When used, it should be connected to the guard conductor, screen, steel wire armoured conductor, or “user added” conductive wire or wrapper, such as foil.
For further information refer to Guide to Motor Testing published by Megger. 13
Insulation Resistance Tests

4.3 Automatic discharge

Following any insulation test, when the TEST button is released, the discharge loop begins to discharge the test piece. The automatic discharge loop will discharge the unit under test, removing any hazardous voltage introduced by the insulation test.
During the automatic discharge loop, the lightening symbol will flash and the falling voltage displayed on the left of the secondary field.
After the automatic discharge loop has finished, the secondary result is displayed in the secondary field again and the buzzer sounds for a second.

4.4 Insulation Resistance (IR) Test

1. Connect the test leads to the MTR105.
1.1. Press the Information ( ) button to view the lead set
up diagram.
NOTE: when the diagram is displayed a test cannot be performed. Press Information ( ) button to return to the test screen
This test can also be performed with just the red and the black lead.
2. Connect the test leads to the unit under test.
NOTE: The connection is for illustrative purposes only
When performing phase to phase measurements, the star or delta configuration has to be disconnected.
3. Select the required insulation test voltage.
4. The display will show the selected voltage, in this case 500 V.
5. Press soft keys 2 and 3 to move the carousel left or right through sub-modes. IR is default, scroll through to 3P, PI, T(s) DAR.
NOTE: The full title text of the sub-mode will appear in the secondary field for a few seconds.
6. If required, press soft key 1 to toggle between temperature compensation on and off.
NOTE: this is only available in IR test mode. To adjust the temperature compensation, Refer to 4.4.2 Temperature compensation on page 17
Insulation Resistance Tests
7. If required, Turn the buzzer on, off or visual as required by pressing buzzer button. Refer to 4.4.1 Buzzer settings on page 16
NOTE: This is only available in IR test mode. To adjust the insulation threshold, Refer to 14. Settings on page 71
8. Start the test by pressing and holding down the TEST button. The buzzer will sound on test initiation.
8.1. To hold the test voltage, press the LOCK button while
the TEST button is held. Once the lock symbol is displayed and the buzzer has sounded, the TEST button can be released. This test will continue until the TEST button or the LOCK button is pressed to stop the test. To enable this Refer to 14.1.3 Lock on page 72
NOTE: As the test starts the Soft Key Function field disappears, secondary and function fields drop to the bottom of the screen. Sub-mode initials separate the secondary fields. 15
Insulation Resistance Tests
9. During the tests,
 Test results in the primary field show the IR value.
 Status symbols will appear in the bottom right-hand
corner of the primary field.
 The secondary field shows the actual voltage and current.
10. The test may be stopped at any time by pressing or releasing the TEST button again
11. When the test has completed The primary field displays the test results. The secondary field displays actual voltage output and the current measured.
12. To save the test result press the SAVE button. A message will inform you the data was saved and which asset ID it was saved to.
13. To restart the test press the TEST button again.
NOTE: To set up an asset ID Refer to 14. Settings on page 71

4.4.1 Buzzer settings

Set the buzzer to the preferred option before starting a test.
Buzzer status is indicated at the bottom right hand corner of the primary field. The buzzer threshold is shown just above the status indicator.
The buzzer has 3 options and is set by pressing the fixed key.
The options are off (default), on and optical. Press and release the buzzer key until the desired function is reached.
Insulation Resistance Tests
Visual indicator Description
Buzzer off.
No indication given.
Buzzer on
Buzzer will give both audio and visual on screen indication.
Buzzer optical
Buzzer will only give a visual, on screen indication.
When running an IR test, if the threshold is exceeded the buzzer will activate and the background will flash. A pass band is shown in the analogue scale and is highlighted in green.

4.4.2 Temperature compensation

NOTE: Temperature compensation is only available in IR sub-mode. Temperature compensation is off by default.
Before an insulation resistance test can be carried out with temperature compensation enabled, the temperature of the unit under test must be established.
For this procedure Refer to 14.1.4 Temperature compensation on page 72
If a temperature measurement hasn’t been made, the left of the secondary field will show -- °C.
If a test is attempted the unit will display Temperature missing. 17
Insulation Resistance Tests
If the temperature reading is more than 30 minutes old, a red time stamp will be displayed in the secondary field above the temperature reading.

4.5 3 Phase (3P)

1. Connect the test leads to the MTR105.
1.1. Press the Information ( ) button to view the lead set
up diagram.
NOTE: when the diagram is displayed a test cannot be performed. Press Information ( ) button to return to the test screen.
2. Connect the test leads to the unit under test.
NOTE: The connection is for illustrative purposes only
When performing phase to phase measurements, the star or delta configuration has to be disconnected.
3. Select the required insulation test voltage.
4. The display will show the selected voltage, in this case 500 V.
5. Press soft keys 2 and 3 to move the carousel left or right through sub-modes to 3P (3 phase).
NOTE: The full title text of the sub-mode will appear in the secondary field for a few seconds.
6. To start the test press the TEST button.
A warning triangle will flash on screen.
NOTE: The test can be stopped at any time by pressing the TEST button.
Insulation Resistance Tests
7. During the tests:
 The primary field displays the test results and the active
and completed phase to phase tests in the three phase sequence.
 The secondary field displays actual voltage output and the
current measured.
8. When the test has completed:
 The primary field displays the test results and also the
actual voltage output and the current measured. 19
Insulation Resistance Tests
9. The result can be saved by pressing the SAVE button. A message will inform you the data was saved and which asset ID it was saved to.
NOTE If the test was stopped before completion, it cannot be saved.
10. To restart the test press the TEST button again.

4.6 Polarization Index (PI)

1. Connect the test leads to the MTR105.
1.1. Press the Information ( ) button to view the lead set
up diagram.
NOTE: when the diagram is displayed a test cannot be performed. Press Information ( ) button to return to the test screen.
This test can also be performed with just the red and the black lead.
2. Connect the test leads to the unit under test.
NOTE: The connection is for illustrative purposes only.
When performing phase to phase measurements, the star or delta configuration has to be disconnected.
3. Select the required insulation test voltage.
4. The display will show the selected voltage, in this case 500 V.
5. Press soft keys 2 and 3 to move the carousel left or right through sub-modes to PI (Polarization Index).
NOTE: The full title text of the sub-mode will appear in the secondary field for a few seconds.
Insulation Resistance Tests
6. To start the test press the TEST button.
The test will start and the clock will appear in the bottom left of the primary screen. The test will continue for 10 minutes. The clock will countdown the test. An interval result will appear after 1 minute.
A warning triangle will flash on screen.
NOTE: The test can be stopped at any time by pressing the TEST button.
7. During the tests,
 The primary field displays the test results.
 The secondary field displays actual voltage output and the
current measured.
8. When the test has completed,
 The primary field displays the test results. 21
Insulation Resistance Tests
9. The result can be saved by pressing the SAVE button. A message will inform you the data was saved and which asset ID it was saved to.
NOTE If the test was stopped before completion, it cannot be saved.
10. To restart the test pressing the TEST button again.

4.7 Timed (T(s)) Test

1. Connect the test leads to the MTR105.
1.1. Press the Information ( ) button to view the lead set
up diagram.
NOTE: When the diagram is displayed a test cannot be performed. Press Information ( ) button to return to the test screen.
This test can also be performed with just the red and the black lead.
2. Connect the test leads to the unit under test.
NOTE: The connection is for illustrative purposes only
When performing phase to phase measurements, the star or delta configuration has to be disconnected.
3. Select the required insulation test voltage.
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