Megger MIT1525, MIT1025 Data sheet

A Guide To Diagnostic
Insulation Testing Above 1 kV
The word “Megger” is a registered trademark
In March 2000, The IEEE-SA Standards Board approved a revision to IEEE Std 43-1974. The “IEEE Recommended Practice for Testing Insulation Resistance of Rotating Machinery,” Std 43-2000, emphasizes the need for upgrading current practices to accommodate changes and improvements in insulating materials and the value of higher voltage testing that reveals otherwise hidden flaws.
Following is a brief summary of the highlights of the standard:
Test voltages up to 10 kV are recommended for windings rated greater than 12 kV.
Both the Insulation Resistance test and the Polarization Index test are recommended.
Test results should be compared to historical values to identify changes.
In lieu of historical records, minimum acceptable values (based on the type of equipment) for both tests are
Depending on the machine rating, the readings for one or both tests should exceed the minimum acceptable
If the readings are below the minimum acceptable values, the winding is not recommended for an over voltage
test or for operation.
IEEE Std 43-2000 recommends a procedure for measuring insulation resistance of armature and field windings in rotating machines rated 1 hp, 750 W or greater and applies to synchronous machines, induction machines, dc machines and synchronous condensers. It does not apply to fractional horsepower machines. It also recommends the insulation test voltage (based on winding rating) and minimum acceptable values of insulation resistance for ac and dc rotating machine windings.
For more information on the IEEE Standard, please turn to page 23 in the booklet.
Introduction ........................................................................2
What is Insulation? ............................................................2
What Causes insulation to Degrade? ...........................3
Electrical Stress ...........................................................3
Mechanical Stress .......................................................3
Chemical Attack .........................................................3
Thermal Stress ............................................................3
Environmental Contamination .................................3
How Can Predictive Maintenance Help Me? ...............3
The Benefit of New Technology ...................................4
How Insulation Resistance is Measured ...........................4
How an Insulation Resistance Tester Operates ...........4
Components of Test Current ........................................4
Capacitive Charging Current .....................................4
Absorption or Polarization Current ..........................4
Surface Leakage Current ...........................................5
Conduction Current ...................................................5
Connecting your Insulation Tester ...............................6
Selected Typical Connections .......................................6
Shielded Power Cable ................................................6
Circuit Breaker/Bushings ............................................6
Power Transformer ....................................................6
AC Generator .............................................................7
Insulation Resistance Tester Scale ................................7
Voltage Characteristics .................................................8
The Guard Terminal ......................................................9
Introduction ...............................................................9
How the Guard Terminal Works .............................10
Guard Terminal Performance ..................................10
The Guard Terminal as a Diagnostic Tool ..............11
Final Words ..............................................................11
Evaluation and Interpretation of Results .......................12
Interpretation of the Infinity Reading .......................12
Diagnostic High Voltage Insulation Tests ......................12
Spot Reading Test .......................................................12
Time vs. Resistance Test ..............................................14
Polarization Index Test ...............................................14
Step Voltage Test ........................................................16
Dielectric Discharge Test .............................................16
Different Problems/Different Tests ............................18
Appendices .......................................................................19
Potential Sources of Error/Ensuring Quality Test
Results ..........................................................................19
Test Leads .................................................................19
Making Measurements above 100 GΩ ...................19
Accuracy Statements ................................................19
Delivery of Stated Voltage ......................................19
Interference Rejection .............................................19
Rules on Testing and Comparing ............................20
CAT Rating ...................................................................20
CAT Rating Guidelines .............................................21
The Importance of a CAT Rating ............................21
Some CAT Rating Basic Statistics .............................21
Testing Insulation Resistance
of Rotating Machinery ................................................21
Effects of Temperature ...............................................23
Effects of Humidity .....................................................24
Ingress Protection ........................................................24
High Potential Testing ................................................26
Current (nA) Readings vs.
Resistance (MΩ) Readings .......................................26
Burn Capability ............................................................26
Drying Out Electrical Equipment ................................26
Test Item Discharge .....................................................27
Charging Time for Large Equipment .........................28
Motor Driven Insulation Testers .................................28
Megger Insulation Testers ...............................................29
MIT510/2 and MIT520/2
5-kV Insulation Testers ................................................29
MJ15 and BM15
5-kV Insulation Testers ................................................29
S1-552/2 and S1-554/2
5-kV Insulation Testers ................................................29
10-kV Insulation Tester ...............................................30
S1-1052/2 and S1-1054/2
10-kV Insulation Testers ..............................................30
Electrical insulation degrades over a period of time because of various stresses, which are imposed upon it during its normal working life. The insulation has been designed to withstand these stresses for a period of years, which would be regarded as the working life of that insulation. This often runs into decades.
Abnormal stresses can bring about an increase in this natural aging process that can severely shorten the working life of the insulation. For this reason it is good practice to perform regular testing to identify whether increased aging is taking place and, if possible, to identify whether the effects may be reversible or not.
The purpose of diagnostic insulation testing is:
To identify increased aging.
To identify the cause of this aging.
To identify, if possible, the most appropriate actions
to correct the situation.
In its simplest form, diagnostic testing takes the form of a “Spot Test.” Most electrical maintenance professionals have made spot tests where a voltage is applied to the insulation and a resistance is measured. The diagnosis in this case is limited to “the insulation is good” or “the insulation is bad.” But having made this diagnosis what do we do about it? It’s a bit like going to the doctor with a bad cough and the doctor simply telling you, “You’ve got a bad cough.” You wouldn’t be happy to come away with only that information. You expect the doctor to examine you, carry out a few tests, and tell you why you have a bad cough and what to do about it to cure the cough.
In insulation testing, a spot test on its own is the equivalent of the doctor telling you that you are well or you are sick. It’s minimal information. This is the sort of test that is typically applied to low-voltage circuits where the cost of a failure is low and equipment can be replaced easily and inexpensively. Since the equipment being tested is low voltage equipment, these tests are typically performed using a 500 or 1000 V test voltage and will be familiar to all electrical maintenance personnel.
However, if the doctor records the results of his examination and compares them with those from previous visits, then a trend might be apparent which could lead to medication being prescribed. Similarly, if insulation resistance readings are recorded and compared with previously obtained readings, it may be possible to see a trend and to prescribe remedial actions if such are called for.
Diagnostic insulation testing at voltages above 1 kV is an area that is less familiar to many electrical maintenance personnel. The purpose of this booklet, therefore, is to:
Acquaint the reader with making diagnostic
insulation resistance tests.
Provide guidelines for evaluating the results of these
diagnostic insulation resistance tests.
Introduce the benefits of multi-voltage testing at
higher voltages.
A series of appendices are included at the end of the booklet to provide the reader with additional information related to diagnostic insulation testing.
This booklet is based on the principles established in the booklet “A Stitch in Time… The Complete Guide to Electrical insulation Testing” first published in 1966 by the James G. Biddle Company.
Every electric wire in a facility, whether it’s in a motor, generator, cable, switch, transformer, or whatever is covered with some form of electrical insulation. While the wire itself is a good conductor (usually made of copper or aluminum) of the electric current that powers electrical equipment, the insulation must resist current and keep the current in its path along the conductor. Understanding Ohm’s Law, which is expressed in the following equation, is the key to understanding insulation testing:
E = I x R
E = voltage in volts
I = current in amperes
R = resistance in ohms
For a given resistance, the higher the voltage, the greater the current. Alternatively, the lower the resistance of the wire, the more current that flows for the same voltage.
No insulation is perfect (has infinite resistance), so some current does flow along the insulation or through it to ground. Such a current may be insignificantly small for most practical purposes but it is the basis of insulation testing equipment.
So what is “good” insulation? “Good” means a relatively high resistance to current flow. When used to describe an insulation material, “good” also means “the ability to maintain a high resistance.” Measuring resistance can tell you how “good” the insulation is.
What Causes insulation to Degrade?
There are five basic causes for insulation degradation. They interact with each other and cause a gradual spiral of decline in insulation quality.
Electrical Stress
Insulation is designed for a particular application. Overvoltages and undervoltages cause abnormal stresses within the insulation, which can lead to cracking or delamination of the insulation.
Mechanical Stress
Mechanical damage such as hitting a cable while digging a trench is fairly obvious but mechanical stresses also may occur from running a machine out of balance or frequent stops and starts. The resulting vibration from machine operation may cause defects within the insulation.
Chemical Attack
While you would expect insulation to be affected by corrosive vapors, dirt and oil can also operate to reduce the effectiveness of insulation.
Thermal Stress
Running a piece of machinery in excessively hot or cold conditions will cause over expansion or contraction of the insulation which might result in cracks and failures. However, thermal stresses are also incurred every time a machine is started or stopped. Unless the machinery is designed for intermittent use, every stop and start will adversely affect the aging process of the insulation.
Environmental Contamination
Environmental contamination covers a multitude of agents ranging from moisture from processes, to humidity on a muggy day, and even to attack by rodents that gnaw their way into the insulation.
Insulation begins to degrade as soon as it is put in service. The insulation in any given application will have been designed to provide good service over many years under normal operating conditions. However, abnormal conditions may have a damaging effect which, if left unchecked, will speed up the rate of degradation and will ultimately cause a failure in the insulation. Insulation is deemed to have failed if it fails to adequately prevent electrical current from flowing in undesirable paths. This includes current flow across the outer or inner surfaces of the insulation (surface leakage current), through the body of the insulation (conduction current) or for a variety of other reasons.
For example, pinholes or cracks can develop in the insulation or moisture and foreign matter can penetrate the surface(s). These contaminants readily ionize under the effect of an applied voltage providing a low resistance path for surface leakage current which increases compared with dry uncontaminated surfaces. Cleaning and drying the insulation, however, will easily rectify the situation.
Other enemies of insulation may produce deterioration that is not so easily cured. However, once insulation degradation has started, the various initiators tend to assist each other to increase the rate of decline.
How Can Predictive Maintenance Help Me?
While there are cases where the drop in insulation resistance can be sudden, such as when equipment is flooded, it usually drops gradually, giving plenty of warning if tested periodically. These regular checks permit planned reconditioning prior to service failure and/or a shock condition.
Without a periodic testing program all failures will come as a surprise, unplanned, inconvenient and quite possibly very expensive in time and resources and, therefore, money to rectify. For instance, take a small motor that is used to pump material, which will solidify if allowed to stand, around a processing plant. Unexpected failure of this motor will cost tens maybe even hundreds of thousands of dollars to rectify if downtime of the plant is also calculated. However, if diagnostic insulation testing had been included in the preventive maintenance program it may have been possible to plan maintenance or replacement of the failing motor at a time when the line was inactive thereby minimizing costs. Indeed, it may have been that the motor could have been improved while it was still running.
If advanced insulation degradation goes undetected there is an increase in the possibility of electrical shock or even death for personnel; there is an increase in the possibility of electrically induced fires; the useful life of the electrical equipment can be reduced and/or the facility can face unscheduled and expensive downtime. Measuring insulation quality on a regular basis is a crucial part of any maintenance program as it helps predict and prevent electrical equipment breakdown.
This is particularly appropriate now when we consider that large parts of the electrical network in the USA and Europe were installed in the 1950s in a burst of postwar investment. Some equipment is approaching the end of its design life, while some has already exceeded it but is still operating satisfactorily.
Since diagnostic testing is generally reserved for more critical items we normally, but not always, find that diagnostic testers have voltage outputs of 5 or 10 kV, these voltages being more suitable for testing the assets which themselves are usually medium voltage machines, cables, transformers, etc.
The Benefit of New Technology
Insulation testers date back to the early 20th century when Sidney Evershed and Ernest Vignoles developed their first insulation tester (which developed in 1903 into the Megger
range of testers).
In the early days, most instruments were hand-cranked. This limited their ability to carry out tests which took an extended time to complete, and limited the voltage stability to the operator’s ability to crank steadily. Later, these same instruments were capable of having an external motor drive added which helped with long duration tests but did very little to improve the voltage stability. However, the range of these instruments rarely exceeded 1000 MΩ. The analog movements were very heavy and actually served to damp out any transient events.
The appearance of electronics and the development of battery technology revolutionized the design of insulation testers. Modern instruments are line or battery-powered and produce very stable test voltages under a wide variety of conditions. They are also able to measure very small currents so that their insulation resistance measuring range is extended several thousandfold into the teraohm (TΩ) range. Some can even replace the pencil, paper and stopwatch, which were formerly used to manually collect results, by recording data in memory for later download and analysis. It is fortunate that these astonishing enhancements were made since the manufacturers of insulating material have been working hard also, with the result that modern insulating materials now exhibit much higher resistances than those in the early 20th century.
Newer technology offers enhanced performance so that established procedures can yield greater insights and new methods can be made available. Modern instruments deliver stable voltage over their full resistance range, with microprocessor sensitivity in the measuring circuit enabling measurements in the TΩ range. The combination of stable voltage and enhanced sensitivity enables the tester to measure the minuscule amounts of current that are passed by quality insulation in new, capital equipment. Accordingly, sophisticated procedures that rely on precise measurement have been developed and may be easily implemented.
Now that the insulation tester isn’t limited to values associated with faulty or aged equipment, it can be used to pinpoint the test item’s position anywhere along its aging curve. The “infinity” indication that is a delight to the repair technician represents a void to the diagnostician. Some instruments have diagnostic tests preprogrammed into their software and can run them automatically, filling that void with valuable analytical data.
How an Insulation Resistance Tester Operates
The Megger® insulation tester is a portable instrument that provides a direct reading of insulation resistance in ohms, megohms, gigohms, or teraohms (depending on the model chosen) regardless of the test voltage selected. For good insulation, the resistance usually reads in the megohm or higher range. The Megger insulation tester is essentially a high-range resistance meter (ohmmeter) with a built-in dc generator.
The instrument’s generator, which can be hand-cranked, battery or line-operated, develops a high dc voltage that causes several small currents through and over surfaces of the insulation being tested. The total current is measured by the ohmmeter, which has an analog indicating scale, digital readout or both.
Components of Test Current
If we apply a test voltage across a piece of insulation, then by measuring the resultant current and applying Ohm’s Law (R=E/I), we can calculate the resistance of the insulation. Unfortunately, more than one current flows, which tends to complicate matters.
Capacitive Charging Current
We are all familiar with the current required to charge the capacitance of the insulation being tested. This current is initially large but relatively short lived, dropping exponentially to a value close to zero as the item under test is charged. Insulating material becomes charged in the same way as a dielectric in a capacitor.
Absorption or Polarization Current
Absorption current is actually made up of up to three components, which decay at a decreasing rate to a value close to zero over a period of several minutes.
The first is caused by a general drift of free electrons through the insulation under the effect of the electric field.
The second is caused by molecular distortion whereby the imposed electric field distorts the negative charge of the electron shells circulating around the nucleus toward the positive voltage.
The third is due to the alignment of polarized molecules within the electric field applied. This alignment is fairly random in a neutral state, but when an electric field is applied, these polarized molecules line up with the field to a greater or lesser extent.
Conduction Current
Conduction current is steady through the insulation and is usually represented by a very high value resistor in parallel with the capacitance of the insulation. It is a component of the Leakage Current, which is the current that would be measured when the insulation is fully charged and full absorption has taken place. Note that it includes surface leakage, which can be reduced or eliminated by the use of the guard terminal (to be discussed later).
The graph in Figure 2 shows the nature of each of the components of current with respect to time.
Figure 1: Alignment of Polarized Molecules
The three currents are generally considered together as a single current and are mainly affected by the type and condition of the bonding material used in the insulation. Although the absorption current approaches zero, the process takes much, much longer than with capacitive current.
Orientational polarization is increased in the presence of absorbed moisture since contaminated materials are more polarized. This increases the degree of polarization. Depolymerization of the insulation also leads to increased absorption current.
Not all materials possess all three components and, indeed, material such as polyethylene exhibits little, if any, polarization absorption.
Surface Leakage Current
The surface leakage current is present because the surface of the insulation is contaminated with moisture or salts. The current is constant with time and depends on the degree of ionization present, which is itself dependent on temperature. It is often ignored as a separate current, being included with the conduction current below as the total leakage current.
Figure 2: Components of Test Current
The total current is the sum of these components. (Leakage current is shown as one current.) It is this current that can be measured directly by a microammeter or, in terms of megohms, at a particular voltage by means of a Megger insulation tester. Some instruments offer the alternatives of displaying a measurement in terms of current or as a resistance.
Because the total current depends upon the time that the voltage is applied, Ohm’s Law (R = E/I) only holds, theoretically, at an infinite time (that implies waiting forever before taking a reading). It is also highly dependent upon starting from a base level of total discharge. The first step in any insulation test is, therefore, to ensure that the insulation is completely discharged.
Please note: The charging current disappears relatively rapidly as the equipment under test becomes charged. Larger units with more capacitance will take longer to be charged. This current is stored energy and, for safety reasons, must be discharged after the test. Fortunately, the discharge of this energy takes place relatively quickly. During testing, the absorption current decreases at a relatively slow rate, depending upon the exact nature of the insulation. This stored energy, too, must be released at the end of a test, and requires a much longer time to discharge than the capacitance charging current.
Connecting your Insulation Tester
With modern insulating materials there is little, if any, difference in the reading obtained, regardless of which way the terminals are connected. However, on older insulation, a little known phenomenon called electroendosmosis causes the lower reading to be obtained with the positive terminal connected to the grounded side of the insulation being tested. If testing an underground cable, the positive terminal would normally be connected to the outside of the cable since this will be grounded by contact with the soil, as shown in Figure 3. Please note that you do not connect directly to the insulation but rather to the cable’s neutral or ground.
Selected Typical Connections
Shielded Power Cable
Connected to measure the insulation resistance between one conductor and ground.
Figure 4: Connection to a Shielded Power Cable
Circuit Breaker/Bushings
Figure 3: Simplistic Connection to a Cable
Figure 5: Connection to a Circuit Breaker
Power Transformer
Figure 6: Connection to a Power Transformer
AC Generator
Keen observers will note that the hookup to measure the circuit breaker bushing included the connection of the third, or Guard, terminal. The use of this terminal is explained in greater detail later in this booklet.
Figure 7: Connection to an AC Generator
Insulation Resistance Tester Scale
Most modern insulation testers offer displays that provide the operator with both a digital readout of the result and some form of analog readout. Figure 8 is a representation of the Megger MIT520/2 display.
nearly impossible to discern from the dancing digits of an LCD. A few examples are listed here:
As the test voltage increases and the item under
test approaches breakdown, corona discharge will cause the pointer to “jitter,” indicating to the operator that the maximum voltage that the item can withstand is being approached. This warning happens in time to terminate the test before actual breakdown, and possible damage, occurs.
To the experienced operator, the speed at which
the pointer travels imparts information on the capacitance of the item under test. This is a useful property in high-voltage cable testing, and relates to the theoretical basis of the more sophisticated dielectric discharge test that is described elsewhere in this booklet.
If the pointer alternately rises and drops back, it
could indicate arcing in the item under test that is too small to cause the automatic shutdown of the tester. Such information helps direct the operator in pinpointing a problem.
Observing a pointer as it slows to an apparent halt
(it may still be moving, but at a “speed” likened to that of a clock hand) can be more agreeable to taking a quick or spot reading than trying to decide when a digital display has reasonably stabilized. No digital display “freezes” on a precise number without at least some fluctuation of the least significant digit.
Figure 8: Megger MT520/2 Display
When an insulation tester is “hooked up” to the item to be tested, and a test is started, several things occur. The three different currents, capacitive charging, dielectric absorption, and conduction/leakage are flowing. The sum of these three currents will cause the instrument display to vary with the reading increasing, initially quickly and then more slowly with time.
With an analog display, the movement of the pointer may provide information to an experienced operator. Is the pointer traveling smoothly, or “stuttering?” Is it rising steadily or intermittently dropping back? This valuable supplementary information would be difficult or
This kind of detail is difficult or impossible for the eye to extract from the scrolling digits on an electronic display. But whereas pointer travel may be desirable, when it stops, the operator is left to interpolate the reading between the scale markings, introducing an element of judgment, which can be a source of error. Digital models present no such problem, as they inform the operator exactly (within the unit’s accuracy specification) what measurement has been taken. And remember, most will give you a value of capacitance at the end of the test.
Most Megger insulation testers above 1 kV come with an analog/digital display. One of the advantages of this display is that the analog portion of the meter will sway and oscillate, indicating to the operator that the item under test has not yet reached a steady state and is still under the influence of the absorption and charging current. This indication means that the item should be tested longer or that there is a problem. When the analog portion of the display becomes steady, the instrument displays the result in an unambiguous digital direct reading form, with no multipliers or math to perform.
Unlike the analog/digital display mentioned above, an “average sensing” bar graph meter does not provide a real-time indication of insulation resistance. Some instruments offer a curved bar graph in place of a genuine logarithmic arc, in which the low end of the scale is expanded relative to the high end. The bar graph takes readings over time, performs calculations and then displays the results. The problem with this type of meter is its principal of operation. If an event occurs when the bar graph is not taking readings, it will be missed and not shown on the display. Additionally, bar graph simulations of pointer travel may not appear to the eye the same as the familiar pointer travel and may not replicate a mechanical movement to the expected degree.
When doing insulation testing, the more the operator knows about the results (during and after the test), the better his/her decision on how to correct the problem, if one exists. If something is missed during a test because the instrument had a bar graph style meter, important information could also be missed.
Voltage Characteristics
The output voltage of an insulation tester depends on the resistance it is measuring. At low resistances, say tens of ohms, the output voltage will be close to zero, maybe a few volts. As the resistance load is increased so the test voltage will increase until it reaches the requested voltage. As the resistance increases further, the test voltage will slowly increase until a steady value is reached. This value will probably be slightly in excess of the requested nominal voltage (e.g. 5104 V when 5000 V was selected).
You should always ensure that an insulation tester is provided with a “load graph” that indicates output voltage characteristics against load resistance or, alternatively, an integral voltmeter that actually measures the terminal voltage during a test and displays it continuously. By this means you can ensure that an adequate voltage is produced over the resistance range of interest.
A quality insulation tester will have a voltage characteristic that exhibits a sharp rise in voltage up to a level of resistance commensurate with good insulation. A fast rise time ensures an effective measurement. The voltage characteristic shown in Figure 9 represents a good characteristic. In this example, the output voltage will have reached 500 V at a load as low as 500 kΩ and 1000 V by 1 MΩ. These values are legislated by international standards for testing wiring in houses, shops, etc. While this is hardly a typical use for typical diagnostic insulation testers, it does provide a good benchmark for the serious manufacturer. Similar figures would apply at higher voltages. Voltage should rise sharply up to anywhere from one to five megohms, depending on the voltage selection, and maintain that voltage at all higher resistances.
With lower quality insulation testers, voltage ramp is far slower. The instruments typified by the poor curve shown in Figure 10 do not produce the rated voltage until much higher resistances have been reached. Thus tests could produce results that provide pass levels of insulation but have only been subjected to half the desired test voltage.
Figure 9: Good Load Curve
Figure 10: Poor Load Curve
Figure 11: Use of the Guard Terminal on a Power Cable
The Guard Terminal
When making an insulation test, we are often so preoccupied with the resistance of the actual insulator that we forget the resistance path on the outer surface of the insulating material. This resistance path can be very much part of our measurement and can dramatically affect the results.
As a refresher, the total current that flows during an insulation resistance test is made up of three main components:
1. The charging current, which is charging up the object’s capacitance.
circuit that diverts surface leakage current around the measurement function. If parallel leakage paths exist, a guard connection will eliminate those from the measurement, and give a more precise reading of the leakage between the remaining elements.
Surface leakage is essentially a resistance in parallel with the true insulation resistance of the material being tested. When making a two-terminal measurement, this resistance path is very much part of the measurement and can effect the readings dramatically. A three­terminal measurement, which includes the use of the guard terminal, ignores the surface leakage. This can be quite important when testing high voltage components like Insulators, bushings and cables where high resistance values are expected.
As an example, dirt and moisture on a transformer bushing will promote surface leakage between the + and – connections, thereby bringing down the reading and possibly giving a false impression that the bushing is defective. Connecting the guard to a bare wire wrapped around the bushing will intercept this current and yield a measurement based predominantly upon leakage through defects in the ceramic.
2. An absorption current, which is the current that is being drawn into the insulation by the polarizing of the electrons; initially high but drops over time (at a rate slower than the charging current).
3. The conduction or leakage current, which is the small, steady state current that divides into two parts:
a. The conduction path through the insulation.
b. The current flowing over the surface of the
The current flowing over the surface is the component of current that we do not want to measure if we want to measure the insulation resistance of the material. Surface leakage introduces errors into the measurement of insulation resistance. Removing the surface leakage from the measurement becomes more critical the higher the expected insulation resistance values.
Some insulation testers have two terminals, others have three. As these are dc testers, two of the terminals are the + and -. The third (if present) is a guard. It does not have to be used and many operators use insulation testers satisfactorily without ever employing the guard. However, it affords the operator an extra function for diagnosis of equipment problems. The guard is a shunt
Figure 12: Guard Terminal Diagram
It is most important not to confuse the guard with a ground. Connecting the guard and return lead to the same element of the test item only shunts the current that is supposed to be measured, and thereby short­circuits the measurement function. When selecting a tester, consider:
The goals of testing (basic installation checks don’t
generally require a guard).
The electrical composition of the items to be
tested (motors and transformers can be tested for leakage between windings, with ground leakage eliminated).
+ 25 hidden pages