The LCB2000/2 and LCB2500/2 are designed to provide
the electrical contractor with highly professional tools for
testing and commissioning fixed installations to both the
British and International Wiring Regulations. The
LCB2000/2 provides a comprehensive set of features to
cater for almost all Loop and RCD testing needs. The
LCB2500/2 adds to these the ability to store and print
results on site and to view R1 + R2 loop values during a
live test. The on-board storage facilities enable each test
result to be assigned to particular distribution board and
circuit references. Data may be later recalled to the
display for manual completion of certificates of test or for
maximum performance downloaded to certification
software such as PowerSuite for Windows, PowerSuite
XPress or NICEone to create a seamless recording system
with the traceability necessary for safety critical applications.
Some of the key features of the LCB2000/2 and LCB2500/2
■ Intelligent Power saving backlight
The inclusion of an intelligent backlight ensures
that the display can be clearly seen even where
the distribution board is located in a dark
cupboard but without ruining battery life.
■ A choice of Non Tripping loop tests
A three wire 15 mA non tripping loop test
provides a fast response with 0,01 Ω. A two wire
15mA non-tripping loop test is also included and
provides 0.1 Ω resolution. Both tests guarantee
not to trip RCDs rated at 15 mA or more.
■ No neutral needed for Line - Earth Testing
This useful feature enables tests to be performed
on lighting and three phase delta configurations
where no neutral is available.
■ Automatic Test Start
When using probes to make the connections
both hands are needed making it almost
impossible to press the test button. The
LCB2000/2 and LCB2500/2 include a “Test start
on voltage detection” feature. Once armed the
instrument will wait until the probes are
connected or voltage is turned on then
automatically start a test .
■ Three Phase Test Capability
Phase-Phase measurements (up to 440 V), PhaseNeutral and Phase-Earth tests are all possible.
■ A variety of Test leads Supplied as standard
LCB2000/2 and LCB2500/2 are supplied with a
pre-wired plug for making connections via the
standard socket outlets and a three wire leadset
with probes and clips. This enables connection
to be made easily to a wide variety of systems.
■ Selectable RCD Types
The LCB2000/2 and LCB2500/2 may be easily set
to test General purpose, Selective or dc sensitive
■ Tests Programmable RCDs
The Megger LCB2000/2 and LCB2500/2 cater for
programmable RCDs by allowing the test current
to be precisely defined up to 1000 mA. This
advanced feature enables the instruments to be
used in a wide range of specialist installations,
(e.g. medical), or where a programmable device
is encountered.
■ Contact Voltage Indication
Megger LCB2000/2 and LCB2500/2 indicate the
Contact Voltage, (potential that bonded
metalwork would actually rise to in the event of
a fault) and the loop impedance during and RCD
■ Auto-Sequence RCD tests
RCD testing requires a number of tests to be
performed sequentially, many of which will trip
the RCD which then has to be reset each time.
In many cases the tester is some distance away
from the RCD requiring the operator to make
repeated journeys to reset the trip. LCB2500/2
includes an unique Auto-Sequence RCD enabling
the operator to remain with the RCD in order to
reset it whilst the instrument automatically cycles
through the necessary tests and records the
results ready for when the operator returns.
■ RCD Ramp Test - Indicates the actual tripping current
There are numerous situations when it is useful
to know the current at which a particular RCD
actually trips. For instance in cases of nuisance
tripping it is necessary to establish whether the
RCD is over sensitive. LCB2000/2 and LCB500/2
include a Ramp Test feature which automatically
increases the test current until the RCD trips. At
this point the actual tripping current is displayed.
■ Phase Rotation Display
LCB2000/2 and LCB2500/2 include a special
phase rotation symbol within the LCD display.
When connected to a three phase supply the
symbol automatically indicates the phase
rotational sequence.
■ Warranty
In addition to the electrical features above the
rugged design of the LCB2000/2 and LCB2500/2
range ensures that they can withstand the
everyday handling, transportation and storage
with other tools in the contractor’s toolbag. Both
products are supplied with a three year
manufacturer’s warranty.
LCB2000/2 AND LCB2500/2
Premium Loop & Circuit Breaker Testers