Megger Detex Operating Manual

The Measure of Excellence in Electrical Testing…
The industry leader since 1895, Megger offers a comprehensive line of electrical test and measurement products, from portable instruments for use in the field to fully-integrated systems for high voltage systems testing. Megger fulfills a range of requirements found in electric utility, large industrial, electrical apparatus manufacturing, military and governmental applications worldwide.
Megger’s extensive product line includes its well known portable field test equipment, including the Megger® family of Insulation Resistance testers, which indicate the deterioration of electrical insulation; Ground Resistance Testers for installing and maintaining grounding systems; and equipment for locating faults in both power and communications cable.
Megger operates a calibration lab traceable to the NIST to insure the quality of its precision products, which includes the DRLO® line of digital low resistance ohmmeters.
Megger is a leading supplier of equipment and systems for High Voltage Systems testing applications, from rigorous QC testing of manufactured power cable to demanding R&D requirements in the Aerospace industry. This range of products includes fully-integrated systems for detecting minute levels of partial discharge to HV power supplies and DC dielectric, transformer turn ratio and capacitance/dissipation factor test sets for use in the field testing of large power apparatus.
No matter whether it’s a hand-held Megger® Insulation Tester or a 750kV Partial Discharge Detection Systems, Megger backs it up with a full range of support services:
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Megger also supports you with expert calibration services traceable to the NIST, full one-year warranty, convenient leasing and much more. Because when you buy Megger, you’re getting more than a quality product.
To speak to a Megger Customer Service Representative or for information about any of Megger’s products and services, contact us at:
Megger P.O. Box 9007 Valley Forge, PA 19485-1007 1-800-723-2861 ext. 8578 610-676-8578
Shipping Address: Valley Forge Corporate Center 2621 Van Buren Avenue Norristown, PA 19403
Rev. F October 2002
Instruction Manual
Detex® Voltage Detectors and Phasing Testers
Catalog Numbers 514242, 514360, 514440,
514500, 510836 Series and Accessories
High-Voltage Equipment
Read the entire manual before operating.
Aparato de Alto Voltaje
Antes de operar este producto lea este manual enteramente.
Copyright 2001 by Megger. All rights reserved.
The information presented in this manual is believed to be adequate for the intended use of the product. If the product or its individual instruments are used for purposes other than those specified herein, confirmation of their validity and suitability must be obtained from Megger. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Megger Valley Forge Corporate Center P.O. Box 9007 Valley Forge, PA 19485-1007 Tel.: 610-676-8500 Fax: 610-676-8610
Section 1 Introduction................................................................................................... 1
RECEIVING INSTRUCTIONS.................................................................................1
GENERAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................1
Section 2 Safety ...............................................................................................................3
Section 3 Equipment Tabulation and Specifications............................................7
VOLTAGE DETECTORS.........................................................................................7
PHASING TESTERS ................................................................................................7
Section 4 Description and Operation of the Detex® Voltage
PRECAUTION ...........................................................................................................9
ELECTRONIC VOLTAGE DETECTORS...............................................................9
LED VOLTAGE DETECTOR ................................................................................11
OPERATING CONDITIONS...................................................................................13
Section 5 Description and Operation of the Detex® Phasing
Testers....................................................................................................................... 15
PRECAUTION .........................................................................................................15
ANALOG-TYPE KILOVOLT PHASING TESTERS..............................................15
LED PHASING TESTER ........................................................................................20
Section 6 Description and Operation of the Piezo Verifier ..............................25
OPERATION ............................................................................................................25
Section 7 Troubleshooting and Repair...................................................................27
REPAIR ....................................................................................................................30
PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT AND STORAGE............................................30
Section 8 Technical Data on Phasing Testers...................................................... 31
Test 1 RESISTOR ELEMENT (REMOVABLE ROD)...........................................31
Test 2 INSULATION OF THE CONNECTING CABLE......................................32
Test 3 POLE INSULATION....................................................................................33
Test 4 OPERATING CURRENT.............................................................................33
Test 5 MAXIMUM FAULT CURRENT CALCULATIONS...................................34
Test 6 VOLTAGE-ADJUSTING KNOB .................................................................34
List of Illustrations
Figure 1 Dextex® Electronic Voltage Detectors.........................10
Figure 2 Dextex® LED Voltage Detector....................................11
Figure 3 Dextex® Analog-Type Kilovolt Phasing Tester.............16
Figure 4 Dextex® LED Phasing Tester.......................................20
Figure 5 Using the Piezo Verifier to Check LED Detector.........26
Figure 6 Using the Piezo Verifier to Check LED Phasing Tester...26
Figure 7 Test Setup Using Ohmmeter .......................................31
Figure 8 Connecting Cable Insulation Test Setup....................32
Figure 9 Pole Insulation Test Setup..........................................33
Figure 10 Operating Current Test Setup....................................33
Figure 11 Conditions for Maximum Fault Current .....................34
Section 1
Check the equipment received against the packing list to ensure that all materials are present. Notify Megger of any shortage. Telephone 1-800-723-2861 or 610-676-8578.
Examine the instrument for damage received in transit. If any damage is discovered, file a claim with the carrier at once and notify Megger or its nearest authorized sales representative, giving a detailed description of the damage.
Detex® Voltage Detectors and Phasing Testers have been thoroughly tested and inspected to rigid specifications before being shipped and are ready for use upon receipt. Batteries are not installed prior to shipment in the electronic voltage detectors and in the analog-type kilovolt phasing testers. Refer to Section 7 of this manual for battery installation instructions.
This manual describes Detex® Voltage Detectors and Phasing Testers. The detectors and testers are contact-type devices which indicate the presence of phase-to-ground voltages. Refer to Section 2 of this manual for safety information.
Specifications for the various instruments are delineated in Section 3. Section 4 describes the operation of the detectors and Section 5 describes the operation of the testers. The use of the Piezo Verifier, an accessory for verifying the correct operation of detectors and testers that do not have a self-testing capability, is described in Section 6. Section 7 contains simplified troubleshooting procedures including instructions for battery installation. Refer to Section 8 for additional technical data on phasing testers.
Section 2
Safety is the responsibility of the user.
The purpose of the detectors and testers is limited to use as described in this manual. Do not use the detectors or testers with any device other than specifically described.
The following warning and caution notices are used in this manual where applicable. These notices precede the specific instruction where the hazard is likely to be encountered.
Warning, as used in this manual, is defined as a condition or practice which could result in personal injury or loss of life.
Caution, as used in this manual, is defined as a condition or practice which could result in damage to or destruction of the equipment or apparatus under test.
§ Use with extreme care. If in doubt, stop.
§ Check detectors and testers for correct operation before and after use.
§ Ground the circuit under test before working on it.
§ These detectors and testers should be used only by personnel familiar
with safe methods of approach to live equipment and conversant with safety precautions in performing live line operations.
§ Follow all applicable safety rules.
These voltage detectors and phasing testers are intended to be connected to sources of high-voltage electrical energy and all persons making or assisting in the tests must use all practical safety precautions to prevent contact with energized parts of the test equipment and related circuits. If the detectors and testers are operated properly, test personnel need not wear rubber gloves. As a routine safety procedure, however, some users require that
rubber gloves be worn when making connections to high-voltage equipment. Megger considers this an excellent safety practice.
Users of high-voltage equipment should note that high-voltage discharges and other sources of strong electric or magnetic field may interfere with the proper functioning of heart pacemakers. Personnel with heart pacemakers should obtain expert advice on the possible risks before operating this equipment or being close to the equipment during operation.
Attention is drawn to the safety warnings marked on the body of the detectors. In particular, the detectors must be held below the line marking the safe limit for handling when applying to live apparatus, telescopic pole models extended correctly, and detector head models must be attached to a hot line pole, as required by the voltage of the apparatus under test.
The test equipment must be held on the power line for a minimum of 3 seconds.
The detectors and testers are contact devices; they are not proximity devices. Therefore, their fork or hook terminals must actually touch the
bare conductor being tested for at least 3 seconds to work properly.
Voltage detectors are designed to operate only on systems referenced to ground. Erroneous indications will occur when testing ungrounded delta or wye systems. Correct indications by the instruments depend on their being used with the correct system.
Cat. No. 514360-2, 514360-3, 514360-4, 514242-1, 514242-2, 514500-3, 514500-4 instruments (those supplied without integral poles) are showerproof. They are not waterproof and could be rendered inoperative if immersed. When using these detectors and testers in rain or snow, care must be taken to follow all safety precautions as suggested by the manufacturer of the hot line pole being used. In particular, make sure that the hot line pole used has a wet rating at least equal to the voltage of the system under test. Also make sure that it is clean and free from imperfections, such as cracks and chips.
Cat. No. 514440-2, 514360-1, 514500-1, 514500-2, and 510836-1 instruments (those supplied with integral poles) should not be used in rain or snow. They do not have a wet rating.
When checking for the absence of voltage, detectors and testers should be tested both before and after use to make sure they are operating properly. It is best to make this test on a live portion of the same circuit being tested. This will ensure that the sensitivity of the detector is satisfactory for the particular application. As an alternative, make the tests on another circuit of similar rating and in similar lighting conditions.
Before touching or working near de-energized circuits or apparatus, make sure that they are grounded using appropriate safe grounding techniques. Conductors and cables used for grounding must be capable of handling the maximum possible current.
Make sure that the nominal voltage of the apparatus under test is within the voltage range specified on the instrument.
The voltage specified on voltage detectors refers to nominal system line voltage. The actual operating voltage range of the detector is the voltage specified, divided by 1.73.
Section 3
Equipment Tabulation and Specifications
(For ac use only, grounded circuits only)
Cat. No Type
514242-1 Electronic 69 to 230 Spline Fitting 1.5 (0.67) 514242-2 Electronic 230 to 500 Spline Fitting 1.5 (0.67) 514360-1 Electronic 2.4 to 6.9
514360-2 Electronic 4.16 to 13.8 Spline Fitting 1.1 (0.50) 514360-3 Electronic 12 to 34.5 Spline Fitting 1.1 (0.50) 514360-4 Electronic 24.9 to 69 Spline Fitting 1.1 (0.50) 514440-2 LED 4.16 to 34.5
(kV) ph-ph
Telescopic Pole
34 to 51 in.
(86 to 129 cm)
Telescopic Pole
34 to 49.5 in.
(86 to 126 cm)
lb (kg)
2.2 (0.99)
2.1 (0.95)
Detectors are supplied with vinyl carrying cases.
(For ac use only, grounded or ungrounded circuits)
Cat. No Type
Range (kV)
Style Weight
lb (kg)
514500-1 Meter 1 to 7 Two Pole 4.0 (1.8) 514500-2 Meter 4 to 36 Two Pole 4.7 (2.1) 514500-3 Meter 13 to 80 Spline Fitting 4.3 (1.9) 514500-4 Meter 4 to 36 Spline Fitting 4.3 (1.9) 510836-1 LED 2.1 to 36 Two Pole 3.0 (1.4)
Testers are supplied with metal carrying cases.
Cat. No. 512117 Pneumatic Rubber Glove Tester Size: 5-1/2 in. (14 cm) high; 5 in. (12.7 cm) diameter Weight: 1-1/2 lb (0.7 kg)
Cat. No. 510005 Piezo Verifier Size: 7 in. (18 cm)
Weight: 3/4 lb (0.34 kg)
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