Megger DCM1500 Operating Manual

DCM1500 clampmeter
User Guide
Manuel de l’utilisateur
Guía del usuario
Safety Information
To ensure safe operation and service of the meter, follow these instructions. Failure to observe warnings can result in severe injury or death.
Q Avoid working alone so assistance can be rendered. Q To enhance safety, test leads should be disconnected from
instrument when not in use
Q Do not use test leads or the clamp meter if they
look damaged
Q Do not use the clamp meter if the tester is not operating
properly or if it is wet.
Q Use the clamp meter only as specified in the instruction card or the protection provided by the clamp meter may be impaired.
Q Special precautions are necessary when operating in situations where exposed live parts at dangerous voltages may be encountered. Personal protective equipment (not supplied with the instrument) should be used.
Q The test leads should be disconnected from the instrument when making a current measurement.
Q Use caution with voltages above 30 V AC RMS, or 60 V DC. These voltages pose a shock hazard.
Symbols as marked on the meter and instruction card
F Risk of electric shock G See instruction card d DC measurement t Equipment protected by double or reinforced insulation
g a AC measurement
c Conforms to EU directives
GCaution: If the meter is used in the vicinity of equipment which
generates electromagnetic interference, the display may become unstable or the measurements may be subject to large errors.
Off/On Auto Power Off
Auto Power Off disable: Press buttons (except Hold button) then
switch the rotary knob to power on the meter.
AC V / DC V Resistance
Tactile barrier for hand guard
G CAT IV 600 V - With respect to earth for the jaw
GDo not hold the meter in front of the tactile barrier.
Using the Relative mode (REL), a stable value can be stored, the instrument zeroed at that point, and then any variation from that value is displayed as a direct measurement relative to the stable value.
2. Make a measurement and then press the ZERO button. REL: Meter stores the measured value after pressing the ZERO button.
3. REL (flashing): The meter saves the offset value. Present value is displayed.
1. Normal: Press and hold ZERO for > 2 seconds to return to normal operation and cancel the offset value.
Data Hold
Min / Max Hold
2. MAX: Meter is saving the maximum and minimum value. Maximum value is displayed.
3. MIN: Meter is saving the maximum and minimum value. Minimum value is displayed.
4. MAX MIN (flashing): Meter is saving the maximum and minimum value. Present value is displayed.
1. Normal: Press and hold MIN MAX to return to normal operation.
Battery Replacement
Replace battery: is displayed.
Peak Hold
2. PMax: Meter is saving the peak maximum and minimum value. Peak maximum value id displayed.
3. PMin: Meter is saving the peak maximum and minimum value. Peak minimum value is displayed.
4. CAL: Press and hold PEAK button > 3seconds to calibrate the instrument for accurate measurement.
1. Normal: Press and hold PEAK button to return to normal operation.
Back Light
Back light Automatic off after 60 seconds.
General Specifications
LCD display digits: 3 ¾ digit large scale LCD readout. Display count: 4000 counts. Measuring rate: 1.5 times / sec. Overrange display: “OL” is displayed for “Ω” functions, shows
the real value for “A” and “V” function. Automatic power off time:
Approximately 30 minutes after power on. Low battery indicator:
when the indicator the display.
Power requirement: 9 V PP3 / 6LR61 battery. Rechargeable batteries are not recommended
for use with this instrument. Battery life: 100 hours.
is displayed. Replace the battery
appears in
Environmental Conditions
Indoor Use. Calibration: One year calibration period is recommended Operating temperature :
0°C ~ 30°C (≤ 80 % RH) 30°C ~ 40°C (≤ 75 % RH)
40°C ~ 50°C (≤45 % RH) Storage temperature:
-20 to +60°C, 0 to 80% RH (batteries not fitted).
Measurement Category: (acc. to CAT IV 600 V)
Application around and removal from UNINSULATED HAZARDOUS LIVE conductors permitted. Personal protection must always be observed.
Operating altitude: 2000m (6562 ft) Conductor Size: 51mm diameter. Pollution degree: 2 EMC: EN 61326-1 Shock vibration: Sinusoidal vibration per MIL-T- 28800E
(5 ~ 55 Hz, 3g maximum).
1-3 Electrical Specifications
Accuracy is ±(% reading + number of digits) at 23°C ± 5°C, less than 80% R.H.
Temperature coefficient:
0.2 × (Specified accuracy) /°C, <18°C, >28°C Operating temperature:
0°C ~ 30°C (≤ 80% RH) 30°C ~ 40°C (≤ 75% RH) 40°C ~ 50°C (≤ 45% RH)
AC Volts: Auto-ranging
Range Resolution Accuracy
400.0 V 100 mV
750 V 1 V
* add 2 digits to accuracy when reading less 15% of full scale.
±(1.0% reading + 5 digits) 50Hz ~ 500Hz *
Over voltage protection
750 V rms
Input Impedance: 1MΩ// less than 100pF.
AC Conversion Type:
AC Conversions are ac-coupled, true rms responding, calibrated to the rms value of a sine wave input. Accuracies are given for sine wave at full scale and non-sine wave below half scale. For non-sine wave add the following Crest Factor corrections:
For Crest Factor of 1.4 to 2.0, add 1.0% to accuracy. For Crest Factor of 2.0 to 2.5, add 2.5% to accuracy. For Crest Factor of 2.5 to 3.0, add 4.0% to accuracy.
Max.CF 2 @ 600V
1.5 @ 750V
DC Volts: Auto-ranging
Range Resolution Accuracy
400.0 V 100 mV ± (0.7% reading + 2 digits) 1000 V rms
1000 V 1 V
Input Impedance: ≥1MΩ
Over voltage protection
Resistance Auto-ranging
Range Resolution Accuracy
400.0Ω 100mΩ
±(1.0% reading + 3 digits)
Over voltage protection
600V rms
Continuity: Built-in buzzer sound when resistance is less than 30 Ω approximately.
Frequency (for ACA)
Range Resolution Accuracy
400Hz 1Hz
±(0.1% reading + 2 digits)
Min. Input Frequency: 20Hz Sensitivity: 3A rms for < 400Hz
Over voltage protection
AC/DC 1000A for 1 min.
Range Resolution Accuracy
400A 0.1A
1000A 1A
1500A 1A
400A 0.1A
1000A 1A
1500A 1A
±(1.5% reading + 5 digits) *
±(1.9% reading + 7 digits)
±(2.5% reading + 7 digits)
±(1.9% reading + 5 digits) *
±(2.5% reading + 7 digits)
±(3.0% reading + 7 digits)
Frequency Response
50Hz ~ 60Hz
61Hz ~ 400Hz
61Hz ~ 200Hz
Overload protection
1500A rms
AC Conversion Type: * add 2 digits to accuracy when reading less 15% of full scale.
AC Conversions are ac-coupled, true rms responding, calibrated to the rms value of a sine wave input. Accuracies are given for sine wave at full scale and non-sine wave below half scale. For non-sine wave add the following Crest Factor corrections:
For Crest Factor of 1.4 to 2.0, add 1.0% to accuracy.
For Crest Factor of 2.0 to 2.5, add 2.5% to accuracy. For Crest Factor of 2.5 to 3.0, add 4.0% to accuracy.
Max.CF 2 @ 600A
1.5 @ 1500A
Range Resolution Accuracy
400A 0.1A ±(1.0% reading + 3 digits)
1000A 1A ±(1.9% reading + 7 digits)
1500A 1A ±(2.5% reading + 7 digits)
Position Error: Add ±1% of LCD reading.
Over voltage
AC 1000A for 1 min.
Auto Power Off (APO)
The meter will automatically shut itself off after approximately 30 minutes after power on.
Peak Hold: ±(3% reading +10 digits) * >750V Unspecified. * >800A Unspecified. Min/Max Hold: Add ± 15 digits to accuracy for ACA and DCA.
Do not attempt to repair this meter. It contains no user-serviceable parts. Repair or servicing should only be performed by qualified personnel.
Periodically wipe the case with a dry cloth and detergent, do not use abrasives or solvents.
CATIV Measurement category IV: Equipment connected between the origin of the low-voltage mains supply outside the building and the consumer unit.
CATIII Measurement category III: Equipment connected between the consumer unit and the electrical outlets.
CATII Measurement category II: Equipment connected between the electrical outlets and the user’s equipment.
WEEE Directive
The crossed out wheeled bin symbol on the instrument and on the batteries is a reminder not to dispose of them with general waste at the end of their life.
Megger is registered in the UK as a Producer of Electrical and Electronic equipment. The registration no is; WEE/DJ2235XR.
Users of Megger products in the UK may dispose of them at the end of their useful life by contacting B2B Compliance at uk or by telephone on 01691 676124.
Users of Megger products in other parts of the EU should contact their local Megger company or distributor.
Battery Disposal
Batteries in this product are classified as Portable Batteries under the Batteries Directive. Please contact Megger Ltd for instructions on the safe disposal of these batteries.
Q For disposal of batteries in other parts of the EU
contact your local distributor.
Q Megger is registered in the UK as a producer of batteries. Q The registration number is BPRN01235. Q For Further information see
Limited Warranty
This meter is warranted to the original purchaser against defects in material and workmanship for 1 year from the date of purchase. During this warranty period, manufacturer will, at its option, replace or repair the defective unit, subject to verification of the defect or malfunction.
This warranty does not cover fuses, disposable batteries, or damage from abuse, neglect, accident, unauthorised repair, alteration, contamination, or abnormal conditions of operation or handling.
Any implied warranties arising out of the sale of this product, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to the above. The manufacturer shall not be liable for loss of use of the instrument or other incidental or consequential damages, expenses, or economic loss, or for any claim or claims for such damage, expense or economic loss. Some states or countries laws vary, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.
Pince ampèremétrique DCM1500
Manuel de l’utilisateur
Informations de sécurité
Appliquez les instructions suivantes afin de garantir le fonctionnement et l’entretien de la pince en toute sécurité. Le non-respect des consignes peut causer de graves blessures ou la mort.
Q Évitez de travailler seul pour pouvoir vous faire aider. Q Pour plus de sécurité, débranchez les cordons de test de l’instrument
lorsque vous ne l’utilisez pas.
Q N’utilisez pas les cordons de test ni la pince ampèremétrique s’ils vous
semblent endommagés.
Q N’utilisez pas la pince ampèremétrique si elle ne fonctionne pas
correctement ou si elle est mouillée.
Q Utilisez toujours la pince ampèremétrique conformément aux instructions. À défaut, vous risqueriez d’altérer la protection intégrée à cette dernière.
Q Des précautions particulières doivent être prises lorsque vous travaillez dans environnement comportant des pièces alimentées par une tension dangereuse. Utilisez un équipement de protection individuelle (non fourni avec l’instrument).
Q Débranchez les cordons de test de l’instrument lorsque vous mesurez le courant.
Q Faites preuve de prudence lorsque la tension dépasse 30 V C.A. RMS ou 60 V C.C. Ces tensions présentent un risque d’électrocution.
Symboles figurant sur la pince et sur la fiche d’instructions
F Risque d’électrocution G Consultez la fiche d’instructions d Mesure en C.C. t Équipement protégé par une isolation double ou renforcée
g Terre a Mesure en C.A. c Conforme aux directives européennes
GAttention: La proximité d’un équipement qui génère des interférences
électromagnétiques lors du fonctionnement de la pince peut causer un affichage instable ou des erreurs importantes dans les mesures.
Marche/Arrêt Arrêt automatique
Désactivation de l’arrêt automatique: Appuyez sur des boutons
(sauf le bouton Hold (Maintien)), puis tournez le bouton rotatif pour activer la pince
V CA / V CC Résistance
A C.A. / A C.C.
Barrière tactile pour protège-main
G CAT IV 600 V - Par rapport à la terre pour la mâchoire
G Ne tenez pas la pince devant la barrière tactile.
Il est possible d’enregistrer une valeur stable à l’aide du mode relatif (REL), l’instrument se met à zéro à ce point, puis toute variation de cette valeur s’affiche comme mesure directe par rapport à la valeur stable.
2. Effectuez une mesure puis appuyez sur le bouton ZERO (Zéro). REL (mode relatif) : Une fois que vous avez appuyé sur le bouton ZERO (Zéro), la pince enregistre la valeur mesurée.
3. REL (clignotant) : La pince enregistre la valeur de décalage. La valeur présente s’affiche.
1. Normal : Appuyez sur le bouton ZERO (Zéro) et maintenez-le enfoncé plus de deux secondes pour revenir au fonctionnement normal et annuler la valeur de décalage.
Maintien des données
Maintien min./max.
2. MAX (Max.) : La pince enregistre la valeur maximale et minimale. La valeur maximale s’affiche.
3. MIN (Min.) : La pince enregistre la valeur maximale et minimale. La valeur minimale s’affiche.
4. MAX MIN (Max. Min.) (clignotant) : La pince enregistre la valeur maximale et minimale. La valeur présente s’affiche.
1. Normal : Appuyez sur le bouton MIN MAX (Min. Max.) et maintenez­ le enfoncé pour revenir au fonctionnement normal.
Remplacement de la batterie
Remplacez la batterie :
Maintien de crête
2. PMax : La pince enregistre la valeur maximale et la valeur minimale de crête. La valeur maximale de crête d’affiche.
3. PMin : La pince enregistre la valeur maximale et minimale de crête. La valeur minimale de crête s’affiche.
4. CAL : Appuyez sur le bouton PEAK (Crête) et maintenez-le enfoncé plus de 3 secondes pour étalonner l’instrument et obtenir des mesures précises.
1. Normal : Appuyez sur le bouton PEAK (Crête) et maintenez­ le enfoncé pour revenir au fonctionnement normal.
Le rétroéclairage automatique s’éteint après 60 secondes.
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