MegaTech Tempest Gladiator, Tempest Gladiator Monster Truck, MTC 7805 Owner's Manual

Monster Truck
Stock Number MTC 7805
1/10 Scale Radio Controlled Ready to Run Monster Truck
Operating Instructions
and Owner’s Manual
Megatech International
8300 Tonnelle Ave.
Replacement Parts / Tech Support 201-662-2800 Fax Orders 201-221-8030
Break-In - The first 20-40 minutes that a model truck engine runs, during which the metal parts establish the correct clear­ances and “fit” with each other. Break-In actually means that the parts rub together (with lubrication from the fuel oil) and wear away slightly. This critical phase determines how well your engine will run for the rest of its service life.
Camber - The angle between the vertical axis of the left wheel and the vertical axis of the r ight wheel as seen from the front. If the top of the tires are a little father apart than the bottom of the tires, then the suspension has positive camber. If the bottom of the tires are a little farther apart then the top, the suspension has negative camber. Your Tempest Gladiator has the correct amount of positive camber is set at the factory.
Glow Plug - The small hex-shaped piece that screws into the top of the engine, with a littl e tip on the e nd. There is a very small wire coil inside this plug, which glows re d hot when you apply electric voltage. This glowing wire ignites the fuel/air vapor inside the engine to make power. Once the engine is running, the heat from burning fuel keeps the wire glowing.
Glow Plug Igniter - A small battery with an electrical connector t hat provides the electricity to heat the wire inside the gl o w p lug. A small re c har gea b le glo w igni t e r s uch as Megate ch’s M ega N i t e r is s a f e a nd c o nv enient, and can b e le ft o n t he truck during Break-In.
LED - Light Emitting Diode, a tiny “light bulb” . The LED’s on the transmitter glow when the batteries are fully charged.
Mixture - The amount of fuel vapor mixed w ith air that the engine burns. More fuel vapor in the air is a “ rich” mi xt ur e,
less fuel vapor in the air is a “lean” mixture. The mixture is controlled by the High Speed Needle Valve at full throttle, and the Low Speed Needle Valve at low-medium throttle.
Nee dle Valve - A thin needle-tipped screw in the carburetor that allows the liquid fuel to flow. Screwing the needle valve closed allows less fuel into the carburetor, creating a “lean” mixture. Unscrewing the needle valve open allows more fuel and creates a “rich” mi xt ure .
Nitro - Nitro-Methane, an additive to racing fuel that increases the explos ive power of the fuel when burned. Nitro is used
in high perfor mance model engines, as w ell as in full-size dragsters and “Funny Cars”. 25% Nitro fuel (rec ommended) has 25% Nitro-Methane added to the fuel.
Receiver - The electronic device that picks up the radio signal from the transmitter and sends commands to the servos.
Ride Height - Also known as “Spring Pressure”, the amount of compression put on the suspension springs, which affects
how high the truck sits above the ground at rest. This affects how “hard” or “soft” the truck rides over bumpy roads.
Servos - Electric devices that turn the receiver’s commands into physical force to steer the wheels or move the carburetor.
Slide Car buretor - A carburetor that ope ns and closes by sliding a bar rel-shaped insert with an air opening back and fort h
in the main carburetor body.
Synthetic Lubricant - High-temperature, high- per formance ma n-made lubrication oil that provides far greater engi ne protection than natural oils. Only fuel using synthe tic oil, such as Megatech’s High Velocity 25% Nitro racing fuel, is rec­ommended for your Tempest Gladiator.
Toe-In - The angle between the horizontal axis of the front left wheel and t he horizontal axis of the front right wheel when viewed from above. If the front of the tires are a little closer together than the rear of the tires, the suspension has Toe-In. If the rear of the tires are a little closer together than the front of the tires, the suspension has Toe-Out. Toe-In provides stabil- ity, allow ing the truck to go straight by itself. Toe-Out creates a very unstable condi tion, where the truck would swerve out of contr ol easily, just like driving a car in r everse. Your Te mpest gladiator has the corr ect Toe-In is set at the factor y, how­ever the Toe-In setting is fully adjustable for advanced drivers.
Transmitter - The transmitter takes your steering and throttle/brake commands from the steering wheel and throttle trigger, turns them into electronic signals, and sends these signals through the air to the receiver.
Tempest Gladiator 2
Engi ne – The Tempest Gladiator is equipped with the Megatech M-16 high-output engine, producing over one horsepower, featuring a race-tuned alumi num e xhaus t syste m. The engine and exhaust bot h become very hot d uring and after operation, and can ca use serious bur ns and other injuries. Do not ever touch the engine or exhaust sys tem whi le the y are operating or w hi le t hey ar e ho t a ft e r o p e ra t i o n. The engi ne pr o d uc e s p o isono us Car b on Monoxid e gas when r u n ning. D o not ru n the en­gine indoors or in any closed space, or anywhere without good ventilation.
Fuel – The Tempest Gladiator uses Nitro model car/truck fuel. Always follow the precautions and safety warnings on the fuel container. Always keep this fuel out of reach from a nimals, chi ldren and away from any source of fla me or electric current. Do not smoke, cook, or allow open flame within 25 feet of model engine fuel.
Model engine fuel is almost invisible when it burns.
Always keep a fire extinguisher nearby when using model engine fuel. This fuel is dangerous, poisonous, and highly flamma­ble. Use a fuel dispenser with a lo ng fueling probe to fill the fuel tank. Do not pour fuel into the tank directly from a gallon can and/or use loose funnels or any method which can spill raw fuel.
Radio – Always use new heavy duty Alkaline batteries in the Tempest Gladiator’s radio transmitter and receiver battery holder. Weak or low quality batteries can cause a loss of control, resulting in injury to others and damage to your truck. The Tempest Gladiator can be affected by radio interference from other radio controlled vehicles or from other sources. Radio interference can cause momentary loss of control, and you must always operate the vehicle so that unexpected momentary loss of control will not cause a crash or injury.
Congratulations on purchasing yo ur Te mpest Gladiator, the Big Block Nitro Monster Truck from Megatech. Megatech has put precision engineering, cutting-edge design features, and years of racing e xperience into your Tempest Gladiator to give you the best truck that ever hit the dirt. An enormous amount of resear ch and testing has gone into this product, so please follow all the instruc­tions, warnings, and operating procedures in this manual, and your tr uck will give yo u years of hi gh p er for manc e contest-winni ng fun. Regardless of whether you are a novice, intermediate, or experienced R/C 4-Wheeler, please read through the entire owner’s ma nual before you attempt any setup or operation of your Tempest Gladi ator truc k. Failure to follow the instructions and warnings will ca use signi fic ant d ama ge to yo ur tr uck, w hic h will voi d the w ar ranty a nd r el eas e Mega tec h fro m any a nd all re­sponsibility to repair or replace the product. Should you
have any questions about the safe and enjoyable use of this product, call Megatech at 201-662-2800 during b usi­ness hours.
The Tempest Gladiator is a contest quality, advanced hobbyist class r emote controlled vehicle. It is not a “toy­class” vehicle. This is a high-performance vehicle with the capability to exceed 45 MPH and cause serious injury and damage. The Te mpest Gladiator i s designed for op­eration by or under the supervision of a responsible adult.
Do not ever operate this vehicle -
in a manner that causes or risks injury to people or
animals, or
in a manner that causes or risks damage to private
or public property, or
in a manner could cause a mo tor vehicle accident.
Do not operate this vehicle on public or private roads or highways, or in large crowds of people.
Do not operate this vehicle during times or in locations where the engine’s noise is objectionable to others.
If you are sens itive to engine noise, wear hearing protec­tion.
Megatech shall not be liable for any loss or damages due to operator negligence, misconduct, intentional or accidental mis use of this product or any related products and accessories.
Tempest Gladiator 3
Your Tempest Gladiator
Your new Tempest Gladiator features the high-
output M-16 Big Block Nitro race engine, capa­ble of producing over one horsepower!
Polished aluminum high-performance tuned ex-
haust that lets the engine put out all that power without conventional muffler power losses.
Race-tested sl ide carburetor features fully adjust-
able high end, mid-range, and idle settings.
Fully automatic 2-speed, adjustabl e transmission
with Delrin gears and 4WD shaft drive
Heavy Duty anodized aluminum chassis/radio
plate with sealed receiver and battery box
Adjustable oil filled coil-over shocks with pow-
der coated springs
All ball bearings Fully adjustable front and rear sway bars Fully adjustable suspension with turnbuckles to
set camber, ride height, steering and toe-in
Pistol grip 2 channel radio system
Best of all, the Tempest Gladiator comes fully factory assembled and set up, with all components installed, tires installed and glued, a nd the engine installed and adjusted for break-in. The body is fully painted with decals in place… You’ re almost Ready to Rumble when you open the box! (After engine break-in)
Tempest Gladiator Specifications
Length: 15.375” (390mm) Width: 12.75” (325mm) Height: 9” (227mm) Weight: 55 oz. (1540g) Drive: Full 4 Wheel Drive Transmission: 2 speed automatic Engine: .16 cu. in. M-16 Nitro Radio: Pistol Grip 2 Channel
Required Equipment
For the bes t performance a nd maximum enjoyment, your Tempest Gladiator will require several additional items for proper operation and adj us tme nt. We highly recommend purchasing Megatech’s Gas Car/Truck completer kit, MTC 7500, which contains many of these items. The items should be available through your local hobby shop. The list of items you will need are:
+ 12 new heavy duty AA size Alkaline batteries for
transmitter and receiver
+ Fuel for model car/truck engines (MTC 502 rec-
+ Rechargeable glow plug igniter (MTC1160) + Spare glow plug + 4-Way wrench (MTC 1200) + Small/medium Phillips & flat head screwdrivers + Small adjustable open end wrench or wrench set + Allen wrench set
Megat ech’s G as Car /Truck Complet er Kit , # MTC 750 0, c ontai ns m any it em s yo u wil l need to operate your Tempest Gladiator, including fuel, glow plug igniter & charger, radio batteries, multi-wrench, and spare glow plu g.
Your Mega tech Tempes t Gl a di a tor i s e qui pp e d w i th a top quality 2 channel pistol grip radio control unit. The com­ponents are co mpletely i nstalled and set up at the factor y. Please see the transmitter photo for the location of the controls, trim knobs and other features. The radio control unit operates on either the 27 or 75 mhz band. Your radio includes:
Transmi tter (takes your steering and throttle con­trol inputs, turns them into radio signals, then sends the radio signals through the air to the truck)
Receiver (takes the transmitter’s radio signals, decodes them, and sends the proper electronic commands to the truck’s servos)
Servos (which turn the Receiver’s electronic commands into physical force that steer the wheels or operate the slide carburetor)
On-Off Switch for Transmitter and Receiver
Battery Holders for Transmitter and Receiver
Tempest Gladiator 4
The Tempest Gladiator comes fro m the factory fully as­sembled and almost ready to run. There is only a very small amount of setup and adj ustment needed, however pro p e rly s e t tin g up the t r uck is critical t o ma xi mi z i n g t he performance and enjoyment you get from your truck.
Setup Step 1- Battery Installation Alw a ys turn t he tr a ns mi tte r on fi r st, a nd t ur n t he tr ans mit­ter off last. Do not leave the truck electric power switch on without the transmitter power switch on. Without the transmitter power on, the truck will be affected by stray radio signals and can be damaged, or cause injury and damage if the engine is running.
Install a set of new AA Alkaline batteries in the Transmit­ter. Open the battery access panel on the bottom of the transmitter, and install 8 AA batteries in position as shown by the markings inside the battery compartment. Take extra care to insure the batteries are pointing in the right direction. Replace the battery access panel, and turn on the transmitter power switch on the rear edge o f the transmit­ter. The LED power indicator lights should glow brightly, showing full batter y power. If the “full” LED light is not glowing, remove the battery access panel and re-install the batteries in their correct positions until the “full” LED light is glowing.
Remove the 4 body cl ips holding the Tempest Gladiator body in place on the chassis, and re move the body. Care­fully open the retaining clips on the side and rear of the black receiver/battery compartme nt on the truck chassis. Move the co mpartment cover and the radio receiver aside,
Transmitter Controls
and remove the battery holder. Unfold the batter y connec­tor wire out of the way, and install, four new AA Alkaline batteries in the battery holder, ma king s ure to i nstall them in the correct direction as shown by the markings in the battery slots. With the switch in the off position, plug the red battery connector into the red receptacle attached to the on-off switch. Tur n on the transmitter power switch, then the truck electric power switch, and listen for the servos to move slightly. Move the steering control wheel and the throttle trigger on the transmitter, making sure that the steering control operates the front wheels, and that the throttle trigger operates the slide carburetor. When the trigger is pulled toward the pistol grip (full throttle), the throttle servo should pull the carburetor throttle slide away from the engine. If the servos do not respond, remove the batteries and re-install them in their correct position.
Tur n off the truck switch first, then the transmitter switch. Carefull y put the battery holder back in the compartme nt, followed by the receiver , and tuck in any loose w ires. Re­place the receiver/battery compartment cover, making sure the snaps on the side and rear are engaged properly.
Setup Step 2 – Spring Setting The Te mpes t Gla dia tor i s s hippe d wi th the truc k se cure ly tied to the box w ith plastic straps. To prevent the springs from becoming “set” in this position during shipping, the Ride Height / Spring Pressure adjustment rings are shipped in the fully relaxed position. Be fo re t he ne xt ste p i n se tti n g up yo ur tr uc k, yo u mus t a dj ust the s pr in g pr e s­sure on the suspension to the factory recommended set­ting. Turn the rings until 8 screw threads are visible above the ring on the rear shock struts, and 6 threads are visible above the ring on the front s hock struts. See the photos regarding Ride Height adj ustment for the location of the spring pressure adjustment rings. The factory set-
Receiver Box, Receiver, Battery
Holder, Receiver Box Cover
Tempest Gladiator 5
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