1.3.1 Usage environments
The device is intended to be used in the following environments and conditions:
The device will be implanted in a properly equipped, staffed, and sterile surgical environment. Implant will take
place under standard surgical protocols and in the patient population for which the device is indicated.
Post-surgical patient and device follow-up care will take place in a properly equipped and staffed cardiology
clinic or office.
MRI procedures for patients with this device will take place in a properly equipped and staffed MR facility, and
in consideration of the conditions and requirements described in Section 1.6, “MRI conditions for use”,
page 5.
After having an implant, patients may resume their lives at home, at work, and in other environments with
consideration of the advice and restrictions documented in the Medical Procedure and EMI Warnings and
Precautions Manual for Health Care Professionals.
1.3.2 System components and accessories
Contents of sterile package – The package contains 1 implantable pulse generator (IPG) and 1 torque wrench.
Implantable device system – The Azure S SR MRI SureScan Model W3SR01 device and the pacing lead
constitute the implantable portions of the device system.
Lead – The lead system used with this device must provide sensing and pacing to the right ventricle (RV). Do not
use any lead with this device without first verifying lead and connector compatibility.
For information about selecting and implanting a SureScan lead for this device, refer to Section 3.2, “Selecting and
implanting the lead”, page 13.
Programmers and software – Medtronic programmers and software are used to program this device.
Programmers from other manufacturers are not compatible with Medtronic devices, but they do not damage
Medtronic devices.
Medtronic pacing system analyzer – A pacing system analyzer is used to measure the electrical characteristics
of the implanted lead to assess its effectiveness for pacing and sensing.
Medtronic patient monitor – Patients use the Medtronic patient monitor, if available, to gather information from
their implanted devices and communicate the information to their physicians through the Medtronic CareLink
Network. For information on using the patient monitor, refer to the patient monitor literature.
1.4 Indications and usage
The Azure S SR MRI SureScan system is indicated for use in patients who may benefit from rate responsive or
non-rate responsive pacing to restore physiologic heart rates, improve cardiac output, prevent symptoms, or
protect against arrhythmias related to cardiac impulse formation or conduction disorders.
1.5 Contraindications
The Medtronic Azure S SR MRI SureScan system is contraindicated for the following:
Concomitant implantation with another bradycardia device
Concomitant implantation with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD)
Rate responsive modes in patients who cannot tolerate pacing rates above the programmed lower rate
Asynchronous pacing where spontaneous rhythms may cause competitive pacing
Single chamber atrial pacing in patients with an AV conduction disturbance.
1.6 MRI conditions for use
A complete SureScan pacing system is required for use in the MR environment. A complete SureScan
pacing system includes a SureScan device with a Medtronic SureScan lead. Any other combination may
result in a hazard to the patient during an MRI scan.