Q: Where should I place MyCareLink Monitor?
A: It depends on what type of device you have.
If you have a wireless device, in which information is sent automatically usually
while you sleep, the monitor should be within 3 meters (10 feet) of where you sleep,
preferably on a nightstand or table. If you have a Reveal LINQ™ device, the monitor
should be within 2 meters (6.5 feet) of where you sleep. You should also consult
your heart device patient manual, as this distance may vary for specific devices.
If you have a non-wireless device, place the monitor where you can sit comfortably
and see the front of the monitor.
For ALL devices:
Place the monitor in a location that receives an adequate cellular signal.
Place the monitor within reach of a power outlet, and keep it plugged in at all times.
It’s recommended that you plug the monitor into a surge protector, in case there’s
ever a power outage in your area. If there is a power outage, just remember to reset
the surge protector.
Do not place the monitor anywhere it could get wet.
Q: Does the monitor need to be plugged in prior to first use?
A: The battery may need to be charged before sending information the first time. If
you receive error code 3248, the reader battery needs to be recharged prior to use.
Q: How soon is cellular service available for my monitor?
A: Your MyCareLink Monitor is cellular-enabled right out of the box.
Q: How long does it typically take MyCareLink Monitor to connect to a
cellular network?
A: On average, it takes 5 minutes or less to connect to a cellular network the very
first time you’re in a new location. After that, it should take less time for future
connections at the same location.
The Medtronic MyCareLink Patient Monitors and the Medtronic CareLink Network are indicated for use in the transfer
of patient data from Medtronic implantable cardiac devices. These products are not a substitute for appropriate medical
attention in the event of an emergency. Data availability and alert notif ications are subject to Internet connectivity and access,
and service availability. The MyCareLink Patient Monitors must be on and in range of the device. Alert notifications
are not intended to be used as the sole basis for making decisions about patient medical care.
Q: Why is there a green light at the side of my
monitor? Does it stay on or go to “sleep”?
A: The green light at the side of your monitor stays on
the entire time to show that power is being supplied
to the monitor.
Q: On the Monitor Base, what are the 2 pointer buttons on
the top and the bottom of the “accept” (gray) button?
A: The 2 pointer buttons are currently nonfunctional; however,
they may be activated in the future.
Q: What is the purpose of the USB
ports on the side of my monitor?
A: These ports are typically covered, and are
only used for analog telephone adaptors in
the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico,
if cellular service is not available. This analog
telephone adaptor is NOT packaged with
the monitor. Call CareLink™ Patient Services
at 1-800-929-4043 if you want more
information about this accessory.
Q: Why are there lights and a button on the reader?
A: The button mimics the Start button on the monitor base.
If you press it while doing a transmission, nothing will
happen. The amber light indicates the reader needs
charging, and the blue light indicates the reader and
monitor are connected via Bluetooth
indicates the reader is transmitting information to the
monitor base (for certain devices only).
*. The green light