Medtronic MICS User Manual

Telemetry C Tech Brief - BC_Scenarios
Appendix_Tel_BC DRAFT
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This section describes the operation of the Telemetry B/C systems as they coexist together in a product.
In the Telemetry B/C usage model implant supports both telemetry systems (Telemetry B and Telemetry C). The Telemetry B is the prim ary system used for initiating communication before switching over to Telemetry C.
A Programmer selects the telemetry system to use for bi-directional communication with the implant. Once the telemetry system is selected for communication then programmer transmits an open session request in the selected telemetry system.
The activation mechanism is as fo llows:
Both telemetry systems ar e acti vated when a magnet prese nce is detect ed. Tel emetry B star t to beacon, while Telemetry C listens to establish bidirectional communication. The programmer does the Auto-id in Telemetry B, based on the uplink re sponse. It selects the telemetry system for bidirectional communication and transmits an open session downlink in the selected telemetry system. Upon receipt of a valid open session downlink, the implant disables the “other” telemetry s ystem (C in this example), and bi directional co mmunication sessi on is estab­lished.
Note: An implant with dual telemetry system will have a new sub-model id.
Telemetry B/C Operations
modified 07/01/02 2:22 pm
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Telemetry C Tech Brief - BC_Scenarios
Appendix_Tel_BC DRAFT


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A presence of magnet or a re ceipt of a val id devi ce ID down link ac tivat es both te le metry sy stems. The Telemetry B system to beacon and Telemetry C system to listen. The two user models for establishing a session with Telemetry B/C are as follows:
1) Desktop Application:
The user can invoke an Auto-id from the desktop application software on the programmer. When an Auto-Id button is pressed - t riggering the programmer to begin it s search for t he implant - as part of this search prog rammer tr ansmit s devi ce id req uests . The devi ce id uplin k respo nse contai ns th e
implant’s unique sub-model i d, based on the upl ink res ponse and if the 2090 progr ammer supp orts Telemetry C the device applica ti on so ft wa re will sel ec t ei ther the Telemetry B or C applicatio n to open a communication session with a selected implant.
2) Application software is selected prior to opening a session:
If the application software which supports Telemetry C is already selected then user must swipe a magnet over the implant to activate the implant’s listen mode. The programmer will search for T elemetry C implant(s ) with a specific mo del. A button press on the programmer will iss ue a device id request if one or more implant device(s) are found a user action will be required to select the appropriate implant after which an open request downlink request will be transmitted to establish the bi-directional communication session.
modified 07/01/02 2:22 pm
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