Medtronic lifepak 500 Operating Instructions Manual

Automated External Defibrillator
Operating Instructions
Federal (USA) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
This automated external defibrillator (AED) is to be used by authorized personnel only.
Device Tracking
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires defibrillator manufacturers and distributors to track the location of their defibrillators. The address to which this particular device was shipped is now listed as the current tracking location. If the device is located somewhere other than the shipping address or the device has been sold, donated, lost, stolen, exported, or destroyed, or if the AED was not obtained directly from Medtronic, please either call the device tracking coordinator at 1.800.426.4448 or use one of the postage-paid address change cards located in the back of this manual to update this vital tracking information.
Responsibility for Information
It is the responsibility of our customers to ensure that the appropriate person(s) within their organization have access to this information, including general safety information provided in Section 1.
Revision History
These operating instructions describe LIFEPAK 500 devices with the monophasic defibrillation waveform (software version 5.5 or later) or the biphasic defibrillation waveform (software version 3.8 or later). Older devices may not have all the features described in this manual.
Medtronic Emergency Response Systems
11811 Willows Road Northeast Redmond, WA 98052-2003 USA Telephone: 425.867.4000 Toll Free (USA only): 800.442.1142 Fax: 425.867.4121 Internet:
LIFEPAK and FA ST-PATCH are registered trademarks of Medtron ic Emergency Response Syst ems, Inc. CODE SUMMAR Y, QUIK-COMBO, QUIK-VIEW, Data Transfer, REDI-PAK, Shock Advisory System, CODE-STAT, and PARTSLINE are trademarks of Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc. Medtronic is a registered trademark of Medtronic, Inc. Zoom is a registered trademark and Hayes and ACCURA are trademarks of Zoom Technologies. U.S. Robotics and Sportster are registered trademarks of U.S. Robotics. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. EPSON and EPSON ESC/P are registered trademarks of Seiko Epson Corporation. Specifications are subject to change without notice. ©1996–2005 Medtro nic Emergency Response Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publication Date 12/2005 MIN 3005338-010 / CAT. 26500-001009
ii LIFEPAK 500 Au tomated External Defibr illator Operating Ins tructions
Medtronic E urope S.A.
Medtronic Emergency Response Systems Rte. du Molliau 31 Case postale 84 1131 Tolochenaz Switzerland Telephone: 41.21.802.7000 Fax: 41.21.802.7900
About Defibrillation ....................................................................................................................................................x
Operator Considerations .........................................................................................................................................x
Indications for Use ....................................................................................................................................................xi
LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator .............................................................................................xi
Features of the LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator ............................................................xi
Text Conventions ....................................................................................................................................................xiii
1 Safety Information
General Warnings and Cautions ........................................................................................................................1-2
Symbols ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1-3
2 Getting Ready
Unpacking and Initial Inspection ....................................................................................................................... 2-2
Controls, Indicators, and Connectors............................................................................................................. 2-2
About Batteries....................................................................................................................................................... 2-5
Setting the Clock.................................................................................................................................................... 2-6
Defining Setup Options........................................................................................................................................ 2-7
Factory Default Settings....................................................................................................................................2-12
LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator Operating Instructions iii
©1996–2005 Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc.
Transferring Setup to Another LIFEPAK 500 AED...................................................................................2-13
Connecting Electrodes to the AED ................................................................................................................2-14
3Using the LIFEPAK500AED
Warnings and Cautions......................................................................................................................................... 3-2
Preparing the AED for Operation .................................................................................................................... 3-2
AED Operation .........................................................................................................................................................3-3
AED Prompts.............................................................................................................................................................3-5
Patient Care Transfer to a Different Device..............................................................................................3-10
Troubleshooting During Patient Care............................................................................................................3-10
4 Data Management
Overview of Data Storage and Retrieval...................................................................................................... 4-2
Sending Data to a Computer by Modem....................................................................................................... 4-5
Sending Data to a Computer by Direct Connection.................................................................................4-8
Sending Data to a Printer.................................................................................................................................... 4-9
5 Maintenance
Maintenance and Testing Scheduling............................................................................................................. 5-2
Inspection.................................................................................................................................................................. 5-2
Cleaning...................................................................................................................................................................... 5-4
Testing........................................................................................................................................................................ 5-4
Battery Maintenance .............................................................................................................................................5-7
Electrode Storage ................................................................................................................................................. 5-13
Service and Repair ................................................................................................................................................5-13
Supplies, Accessories, and Training Tools...................................................................................................5-14
Clinical Summary: Defibrillation of Ventricular Fibrillation and Ventricular Tachycardia...........5-21
6 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting During Patient Care............................................................................................................. 6-2
Appendix A: Shock Advisory System
Appendix B: LIFEPAK 500 Operator’s Checklist
Appendix C: FAST-PATCH Defibrillation Cable Instructions for Use
Appendix D: QUIK-COMBO Defibrillation Cable Instructions for Use
Appendix E: Declarations of Conformity / Electromagnetic Compatibility Guidance
iv LIFE PAK 500 Automated External Defib rillator Operating In structions
Figure 2-1 LIFEPAK 500 AED controls, indicators, and connectors .................................................................2-2
Figure 2-2 Accessories for the LIFEPAK 500 AED ...................................................................................................2-4
Figure 2-3 Battery installation..........................................................................................................................................2-5
Figure 2-4 Setup transfer connections ...................................................................................................................... 2-13
Figure 2-5 Connecting the QUIK-COMBO electrodes .........................................................................................2-14
Figure 3-1 Anterior-lateral position ...............................................................................................................................3-3
Figure 3-2 Anterior-posterior placement ...................................................................................................................3-4
Figure 4-1 Data stored by the LIFEPAK 500 AED .....................................................................................................4-2
Figure 4-2 Comparison of data stored for the Current Patient and Previous Patient ..............................4-3
Figure 4-3 Data stored when the AED stores a new patient record................................................................4-3
Figure 4-4 Equipment connections for data transfer by modem ......................................................................4-6
Figure 4-5 Equipment connections for data transfer by direct connection to a computer....................4-8
Figure 4-6 Connecting the AED to a printer.............................................................................................................4-10
Figure 4-7 Example of Event Log Report and Event Log Summary................................................................4-12
Figure 4-8 Example of CODE SUMMARY Report ................................................................................................... 4-13
Figure 4-9 Example of CODE SUMMARY Report (cont.) ....................................................................................4-14
Figure 4-10 Example of CODE SUMMARY Report (cont.) ....................................................................................4-15
Figure 4-11 Test Log Report Example ..........................................................................................................................4-16
Figure 5-1 Test load connection .....................................................................................................................................5-6
Figure 5-2 Active life, no patient use ............................................................................................................................5-9
Figure 5-3 Active life, one patient use per year........................................................................................................5-9
Figure 5-4 Active life, patient use every two months ............................................................................................5-9
LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator Operating Instructions v
©1996–2005 Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc.
Figure 5-5 SLA battery capacity while installed in an AED for 3 months at 20°C (68°F)
without recharging ........................................................................................................................................ 5-11
Figure C-1 FAST-PATCH defibrillation cable for the LIFEPAK 500 AED..........................................................C-1
Figure C-2 Attaching lanyard............................................................................................................................................C-1
Figure C-3 Inserting defibrillation cable into AED.....................................................................................................C-1
Figure C-4 Connecting to FAST-PATCH defibrillation/ECG electrodes......................................................... C-1
Figure C-5 Disconnecting from electrodes ................................................................................................................ C-2
Figure D-1 QUIK-COMBO defibrillation cable for the LIFEPAK 500 AED .......................................................D-1
Figure D-2 Attaching lanyard............................................................................................................................................D-1
Figure D-3 Inserting defibrillation cable into AED .....................................................................................................D-1
Figure D-4 Connecting QUIK-COMBO electrodes..................................................................................................D-2
vi LIFE PAK 500 Au tomated External Defibr illator Operating Ins tructions
Table 2-1 Controls, Indicators, and Connectors .........................................................................................................2-2
Table 2-2 Accessories for the LIFEPAK 500 AED.......................................................................................................2-4
Table 2-3 Modem Phone Number Dial String Characters.......................................................................................2-7
Table 2-4 Modem Selection Numbers............................................................................................................................2-8
Table 2-5 Setup Options and Factory Default Settings........................................................................................2-12
Table 4-1 LIFEPAK 500 AED Data and Retrieval.........................................................................................................4-4
Table 4-2 Required Resources for Sending Data to a Computer by Modem ..................................................4-5
Table 4-3 Required Resources for Sending Data to a Computer by Direct Connection............................4-8
Table 4-4 Required Resources for Printing Data ........................................................................................................4-9
Table 5-1 LIFEPAK 500 AED Inspection .........................................................................................................................5-2
Table 5-2 Recommended Cleaning Methods...............................................................................................................5-4
Table 5-3 Supplies, Accessories, and Training Tools .............................................................................................. 5-14
Table 5-4 LIFEPAK 500 AED Specifications
Table 5-5 LIFEPAK 500 AED Battery Charger Specifications.............................................................................5-20
.............................................................................................................. 5-15
Table 6-1 Troubleshooting During Patient Care .........................................................................................................6-2
Table 6-2 Troubleshooting During Modem Data Transfer..................................................................................... 6-3
Table 6-3 Troubleshooting During Printing...................................................................................................................6-4
Table 6-4 Troubleshooting During Setup Transfer....................................................................................................6-5
Table 6-5 LIFEPAK 500 AED Screen Messages...........................................................................................................6-6
Table 6-6 LIFEPAK 500 AED Voice Prompts ................................................................................................................6-8
Table 6-7 LIFEPAK 500 AED Event Types.....................................................................................................................6-9
Table A-1 LIFEPAK 500 AED SAS Performance Table for Adult ECGs..............................................................A-1
Table A-2 LIFEPAK 500 AED SAS Performance Table for Pediatric ECGs ......................................................A-2
LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator Operating Instructions vii
©1996–2005 Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc.
Table E-1 Guidance and Manufacturer’s Declaration - Electromagnetic Emissions ....................................E-3
Table E-2 Guidance and Manufacturer’s Declaration - Electromagnetic Immunity.....................................E-4
Table E-3 Guidance and Manufacturer’s Declaration - Electromagnetic Immunity.....................................E-5
Table E-4 Recommended Separation Distances........................................................................................................E-6
viii LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator Operating Instr uctions
About Defibrillation page x Operator Considerations x Indications for Use xi LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator xi Features of the
LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator Text Conventions xiii
LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator Operating Instructions ix
©1996–2005 Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc.
Defibrillation is a recognized means of terminating certain potentially fatal arrhythmias. A direct current defibrillator applies a brief, high-energy pulse of electricity to the heart muscle. The LIFEPAK Automated External Defibrillator (AED) delivers this energy through disposable defibrillation electrodes applied to the patient's chest.
Defibrillation is only one aspect of the medical care required to resuscitate a patient with a shockable ECG rhythm. Depending on the situation, other supportive measures may include:
• Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
• Administration of supplemental oxygen
• Drug therapy It is recognized that successful resuscitation is related to the length of time between the onset of a heart
rhythm that does not circulate blood (ventricular fibrillation, pulseless ventricular tachycardia) and defibrillation. The American Heart Association has identified the following as critical links in the chain of survival from cardiac arrest:
• Early access
• Early CPR by first responders or bystanders
•Early defibrillation
• Early advanced life support The physiological state of the patient may affect the likelihood of successful defibrillation. Thus, failure to
resuscitate a patient is not a reliable indicator of defibrillator performance. Often, patients will exhibit a muscular response (such as jumping or twitching) during energy transfer. The absence of such a response is not a reliable indicator of actual energy delivery or device performance.
The LIFEPAK 500 AED is a semi-automatic defibrillator that uses a patented Shock Advisory System™. This software algorithm analyzes the patient's electrocardiographic (ECG) rhythm and indicates whether or not it detects a shockable rhythm. The LIFEPAK 500 AED requires operator interaction to defibrillate the patient.
The LIFEPAK 500 AED is intended for use by personnel who are authorized by a physician/medical director and have, at a minimum, the following skills and training:
•CPR training
• AED training equivalent to that recommended by the American Heart Association
• Training in the use of the LIFEPAK 500 AED The LIFEPAK 500 AED is intended for use in the hospital and out-of-hospital environments. It has been
tested to RTCA/DO-160C, "Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment" (refer to Specifications, page 5-15).
x LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator Operating Instr uctions
The LIFEPAK 500 AED is to be used only on patients in cardiopulmonary arrest. The patient must be unconscious, not breathing normally, and showing no signs of circulation (for example, no pulse, and/or no coughing, no movement) before the device is used to analyze the patient's ECG rhythm. With Infant/Child Reduced Energy Defibrillation Electrodes, the specially configured biphasic LIFEPAK 500 AED may be used on children who are less than eight years old or who weigh less than 25 kg (55 lb).
LIFEPAK 500 AED, Monophasic
Yellow exterior with monophasic waveform.
LIFEPAK 500 AED, Biphasic
Yellow exterior with biphasic waveform.
LIFEPAK 500 AED, Public Safety
Dark Gray exterior with biphasic waveform.
The optional and configurable features of the LIFEPAK 500 AED are designed to meet a variety of protocol needs. Authorized operators of this AED should always use the AED in accordance with local protocols.
Defibrillation Waveform
The LIFEPAK 500 AED is available with one of two defibrillation waveforms: monophasic or biphasic. For a description of each defibrillation waveform, refer to page 5-16 and page 5-20. The LIFEPAK 500 AED control and display functions are the same for either defibrillation waveform.
Defibrillation Electrodes
The LIFEPAK 500 AED uses disposable QUIK-COMBO™ pacing/defibrillation/ECG electrodes, with or without the REDI-PAK™ preconnect system, and FAST-PATCH The use of these electrodes allows rapid transfer of care to other devices that also use the same type of Medtronic electrodes.
Infant/Child Reduced Energy Defibrillation Electrodes can be used only with a biphasic LIFEPAK 500 AED that has been modified specifically to accept these electrodes. (Refer to Item 4, Cable Connector on page 2-3.) Infant/Child Reduced Energy Defibrillation Electrodes are not transferable to manual defibrillator/monitors and are not compatible with the QUIK-COMBO Therapy Cable (refer to Appendix D).
disposable defibrillation/ECG electrodes.
LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator Operating Instructions xi
©1996–2005 Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc.
Automated Operation
The operator controls AED operation with two or three top-panel buttons (ON/OFF, ANALYZE [optional],
SHOCK). For LIFEPAK 500 AEDs that do not have an ANALYZE button, the AED operates in AUTO
The AED guides the operator through operating procedures with a combination of:
• Voice prompts
•Flashing LEDs
• Screen messages The screen messages appear on a two-line liquid crystal display (LCD). Other LCD information includes:
•Real-time clock
• Cumulative shock counter
• Status and service messages
•CPR countdown timer
mode (refer to page 2-9).
Continuous Monitoring
The LIFEPAK 500 AED operates in two modes: ECG analysis and Continuous Patient Surveillance System (CPSS). During analysis, the AED indicates if it detects a shockable or nonshockable rhythm. The CPSS, which is active when the AED is not performing an analysis, automatically monitors for a potentially shockable rhythm.
Motion Detection
The LIFEPAK 500 AED includes a patented system that detects motion. When motion that could distort the ECG rhythm occurs, the ECG data is automatically excluded from analysis by the motion detection system.
Data Management
The LIFEPAK 500 AED digitally records patient data, including ECG rhythm and delivered shocks. A digital audio recording of scene activity is available as an option. Recorded data may be transferred by direct connection to a printer or computer or by a modem to a remote computer. Three optional, Microsoft Windows program transfers, stores, and prints AED reports. The QUIK-VIEW™ 500 data review program includes all of the Data Transfer 500 functions and the capability to review ECG and audio data on a computer. The CODE-STAT™ Suite data management system provides comprehensive and varied data storage, review, and reporting capabilities for quality assessment and system performance analysis.
-compatible data management software programs are available. The Data Transfer™ 500
Battery Options
A rechargeable sealed lead-acid battery or one of two nonrechargeable lithium batteries (sulfur dioxide or manganese dioxide) provide power to the AED. The rechargeable battery requires periodic recharging by an external battery charger.
Automatic Self-Test
The AED performs an automatic self-test every 24 hours and every time you turn on the AED. This feature tests the most important circuitry in the device to give the user a high degree of confidence that the AED is ready for use.
xii LIFEPAK 500 Automated External D efibrillator Operati ng Instruc tions
Readiness Display
Most LIFEPAK 500 AEDs with the biphasic waveform include a readiness display on the device’s handle that can be seen at all times. test detects that service is required or if the device detects that the battery needs immediate replacement, the
OK indicator disappears and a service and/or battery indicator appear(s).
OK displays if the automatic self-test is completed successfully. If the self-
Customized Setup
Operation may be customized for a LIFEPAK 500 AED with a readiness display by accessing a setup mode. Definable operating features include the modem phone number, the time interval allowed for CPR, and other features. Refer to the LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator Setup Instructions (MIN 3012275) for more information about customized setup options.
Once you have customized the setup, the setup to other LIFEPAK 500 AEDs.
TRANSFER SETUP feature enables you to quickly transfer the
Optional Accessories
Optional soft and hard carrying cases help to protect the AED and provide a pouch to store electrodes. Use the Medtronic LIFEPAK 500 AED Trainer to train operators to use the LIFEPAK 500 AED.
Throughout this manual, special text characters are used to indicate labels, LCD messages, and voice prompts:
Operating control labels:
LCD messages:
Voice prompts:
LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator Operating Instructions xiii
©1996–2005 Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc.
This section provides important information to help you operate the LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Familiarize yourself with all of these terms, warnings, and symbols.
Terms page 1-2 General Warnings and Cautions 1-2 Symbols 1-3
1 Safety Information
LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator Operating Instructions 1-1
©1996–2005 Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc.
Safety Information
The following terms are used either in this manual or on the LIFEPAK 500 AED:
Danger: Immediate hazards that will result in serious personal injury or death.
Warning: Hazards or unsafe practices that could result in serious personal injury or death.
Caution: Hazards or unsafe practices that could result in minor personal injury, product damage, or
property damage.
The following section provides general warning and caution statements. Other specific warnings and cautions are provided as needed in other sections of this manual.
Shock hazard.
The defibrillator delivers up to 360 joules of electrical energy. Unless properly used as described in these Operating Instructions, this electrical energy may cause serious injury or death. Do not attempt to operate this device unless thoroughly familiar with these Operating Instructions, and the function of all controls, indicators, connections, and accessories.
Shock hazard.
Do not disassemble the defibrillator. It contains no operator serviceable components and dangerous high voltages may be present. Contact authorized service personnel for repair.
Shock or fire hazard.
Do not immerse any portion of this device in water or other fluids. Avoid spilling any fluids on device or accessories. Do not clean with ketones or other flammable agents. Do not autoclave or sterilize this device or accessories unless otherwise specified.
Possible fire or explosion.
Do not use this device in the presence of flammable gases or anesthetics. Use care when operating this device close to oxygen sources (such as bag-valve-mask devices or ventilator tubing). Turn off gas source or move source away from patient during defibrillation.
Possible electrical interference with device performance.
Equipment operating in close proximity may emit strong electromagnetic or radio frequency interference (RFI) which could affect the performance of this device. RFI may result in improper device operation, distorted ECG, failure to detect a shockable rhythm, or cessation of pacing. Avoid operating the device near cauterizers, diathermy equipment, cellular phones, or other portable and mobile RF communications equipment. Maintain equipment separation of at least 1.2 m (4 ft) and do not rapidly key EMS radios on and off. Contact a technical support representative if assistance is required.
Possible electrical interference.
Using cables, electrodes, or accessories not specified for use with this device may result in increased emissions or decreased resistance to electromagnetic interference which could affect the performance of this device or of equipment in close proximity. Use only parts and accessories specified in these operating instructions.
1-2 LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator Operating Instructions
Safety Information
Possible electrical interference.
This defibrillator may cause electromagnetic interference (EMI) especially during charge and energy transfers. EMI may affect the performance of equipment operating in close proximity. Verify the effects of defibrillator discharge on other equipment prior to using defibrillator in an emergency situation, if possible.
Possible device shutdown.
Always have access to a spare, fully-charged, properly maintained battery. Replace the battery when the device displays a low battery warning.
Possible improper device performance.
Using other manufacturers’ cables, electrodes, or batteries may cause the device to perform improperly and invalidates the safety agency certification. Use only the accessories specified in these Operating Instructions.
Safety risk and possible equipment damage.
Monitors, defibrillators, and their accessories (including electrodes and cables) contain ferromagnetic materials. As with all ferromagnetic equipment, these products must not be used in the presence of the high magnetic field created by a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) device. The high magnetic field created by an MRI device will attract the equipment with a force sufficient to cause death or serious personal injury to persons between the equipment and the MRI device. This magnetic attraction may also damage the equipment. Skin burns will also occur due to heating of electrically conductive materials, such as patient leads and pulse oximeter sensors. Consult the MRI manufacturer for more information.
1 Safety Information
Shock hazard.
Do not insert a hand, foot, or any object other than a battery into the battery well of this device.
Possible equipment damage.
This device may be damaged by mechanical or physical abuse such as immersion in water or dropping the device. If the device has been abused, remove it from use and contact a qualified service technician.
The symbols below may be found in this manual or on various configurations of the LIFEPAK 500 AED and accessories:
Defibrillation protected, type BF patient connection
Attention, consult accompanying documents
Warning, high voltage
LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator Operating Instructions 1-3
©1996–2005 Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc.
Safety Information
Indicator, steady display indicates battery is low, replace battery; flashing (key panel only) indicates replace battery immediately
Indicator, steady display indicates device requires service; flashing (key panel only) indicates service is required immediately
Indicator, appears on the readiness display indicating the self-test completed successfully
Buttons for setting the clock, transferring data, and setting options
Type BF patient connection
Rechargeable battery: recycle battery
Do not dispose of this product in the unsorted municipal waste stream. Dispose of this product according to local regulations. See for instructions on disposing of this product.
Battery Charger: green LED indicates power is on
Battery Charger: battery is charging; amber LED indicates fast charge, green LED indicates trickle charge
Indoor use only
Safety Class II equipment (reinforced insulation)
Data Cable: to printer
Data Cable: to PC
Data Cable: to modem
1-4 LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator Operating Instructions
Setup transfer cable
Lot number (batch code)
Use By date shown: yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm
Single use only
Safety Information
Mark of conformity according to the European Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC
Canadian Standards Association certification for Canada and the United States
Cable Connector
Biphasic defibrillation shock
The Infant/Child Reduced Energy Defibrillation Electrodes are not compatible with QUIK-COMBO defibrillation and therapy cables. To use Infant/Child electrodes, connect Infant/Child electrodes directly to the AED.
For USA audiences only
Reorder number (same as CAT.)
Manufacturer’s item number
Catalog number used for placing orders
1 Safety Information
LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator Operating Instructions 1-5
©1996–2005 Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc.
This section provides a basic orientation to the LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and describes how to prepare the AED for use.
Unpacking and Initial Inspection page 2-2 Controls, Indicators, and Connectors 2-2 About Batteries 2-5 Setting the Clock 2-6 Defining Setup Options 2-7 Factory Default Settings 2-12 Transferring Setup to Another LIFEPAK 500 AED 2-13 Connecting Electrodes to the AED 2-14
2Getting Ready
LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator Operating Instructions 2-1
©1996–2005 Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc.
Getting Ready
Remove the LIFEPAK 500 AED from the shipping container. Examine the AED and accessories for any sign of damage during shipping. Make sure that all the required supplies and accessories, including electrodes and batteries, are present. Save the shipping container and foam inserts for use in reshipping the AED.
Figure 2-1 and Table 2-1 provide an overview of the LIFEPAK 500 AED controls, indicators, and connectors. Figure 2-2 and Table 2-2 provide an overview of the accessories.
Figure 2-1 LIFEPAK 500 AED controls, indicators, and connectors
Table 2-1 Controls, Indicators, and Connectors
ON/OFF button turns the power on or off. The LED is lit
Green whenever the AED is on.
2 Yellow
ANALYZE button initiates analysis of the patient's ECG
rhythm when pressed. The LED is lit while the AED analyzes the rhythm. The LED flashes to prompt the operator to press
Note: Does not apply to LIFEPAK 500 AEDs that do not have an
ANALYZE button. In this case, the ANALYZE button is replaced
by a blank
2-2 LIFEPAK 500 Automated Exter nal Defibrillator Operating Instructions
MENU button, and analysis occurs automatically.
Getting Ready
4 Cable Connector
5 Connector Cover
6 Microphone
7 Readiness Display
Orange the operator to press
SHOCK button delivers energy. The LED flashes to prompt
SHOCK when the AED is fully charged.
Allows connection to the following:
• QUIK-COMBO electrodes (REDI-PAK or LLW)
• Cables for connection to a printer, computer, modem, another LIFEPAK 500 AED, or FAST-PATCH electrodes
• Test load for testing
•Patient Simulator
If the cable connector has a pink-colored center, Infant/Child Reduced Energy Defibrillation Electrodes can be used with the AED by connecting the electrodes directly to the cable connector receptacle.
Protects cable connector.
Allows input for audio recording.
OK when the automatic self-test is completed successfully.
If the self-test detects that service is required or if the device detects that the battery needs immediate replacement, the
indicator disappears and a service and/or battery indicator appear(s).
8 Speaker
9 Battery Compartment
Provides audio voice prompts and tones.
Accommodates a single removable battery pak that provides power for the AED.
10 Liquid Crystal Display
Provides operating messages on two 20-character lines.
11 Right arrow
Used to set the clock, transfer data, and set options.
Up arrow
Used to set the clock, transfer data, and set options.
13 Low battery
14 Service
Accent marks are not included in operating messages for international languages.
Steady display indicates the AED battery is low; flashing, on keypanel only, indicates replace battery immediately.
Steady display indicates the AED requires service by authorized service personnel; flashing indicates service is required immediately.
2Getting Ready
LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator Operating Instructions 2-3
©1996–2005 Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc.
Getting Ready
Figure 2-2 Accessories for the LIFEPAK 500 AED
Table 2-2 Accessories for the LIFEPAK 500 AED
15 LIFEPAK 500
Provides power for the LIFEPAK 500 AED. nonrechargeable lithium battery pak
16 LIFEPAK 500
rechargeable SLA
Provides power for the LIFEPAK 500 AED. The SLA (Sealed Lead-Acid)
battery pak is recharged by the battery charger listed in 18. battery pak
Allow delivery of therapy to the patient. Connect to the cable
connector on the AED or to the QUIK-COMBO defibrillation cable (see
Appendix D).
18 Battery Charger Provides power to recharge the rechargeable SLA battery pak.
19 Test Load Provides an external test load for the AED. Connects to the cable
connector on the AED.
20 Data cable One of three available cables shown. Allows transfer of data from AED
to PC, modem, or printer. Plugs into the cable connector on the AED.
Cables are 3-wire cables.
21 Setup Transfer
Allows transfer of customized device setup from one
LIFEPAK 500 AED to another.
22 Carrying cases Hard and soft carrying cases available. Cases help protect the AED and
provide storage for electrodes.
2-4 LIFEPAK 500 Automated Ex ternal Defibrillator Operating Instructions
Getting Ready
Use either of the following battery types to power the LIFEPAK 500 AED:
• LIFEPAK 500 rechargeable sealed lead-acid (SLA) battery pak
• LIFEPAK 500 nonrechargeable lithium sulfur dioxide (LiSO
• LIFEPAK 500 nonrechargeable lithium manganese dioxide (LiMnO
) battery pak
) battery pak
To save battery life if the LIFEPAK 500 AED is accidentally turned on or left on, the AED has a battery conservation feature. If the AED is not connected to a patient and no buttons are pressed for 15 minutes, the AED will automatically turn off.
With a battery installed, the LIFEPAK 500 AED automatically performs daily auto tests when the AED is not in use. These auto tests, along with normal battery self-discharge, consume battery energy.
For information about maintaining or recharging the batteries, refer to page 5-7.
Battery Installation
Inability to provide therapy.
The LIFEPAK 500 nonrechargeable lithium manganese dioxide battery pak does not fit in all LIFEPAK 500 AEDs. Use only with AEDs marked -003 inside the battery well.
To install a battery:
1 Insert the connector end of the battery into the battery compartment as shown in Figure 2-3.
2 Slide the battery all the way in until it latches securely.
Latch release
2Getting Ready
Figure 2-3 Battery installation
LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator Operating Instructions 2-5
©1996–2005 Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc.
Getting Ready
Battery Removal
To remove the battery:
1 Turn off the AED.
2 Lift the latch release on the battery and slide it out.
Note: When a battery is removed from the AED, battery and service indicators appear on the readiness display. After replacing the battery, turn on the device to reset the readiness display.
Low Battery Detection
Whenever the LIFEPAK 500 AED is turned on after it has been off for at least 60 seconds, it takes about 10 seconds to complete a self-test and to indicate a low or replace battery condition.
The AED monitors the battery power level and indicates when the battery should be replaced:
Indicator illuminates on the device key panel and appears on the readiness display and
LOW BATTERY message displays on the LCD; battery is low.
Indicator flashes on and off on the device key panel, the displays, and a voice prompt sounds; battery is low and should be replaced immediately.
Note: The readiness display battery indicator does not flash.
When the battery power is too low, the AED will automatically turn off. The service and battery indicators appear on the readiness display.
AUDIO ALERT option is set to ON and the AED detects a low or replace battery condition during an
If the automatic self-test while it is not in use, audible beeps and the
AUDIO ALERT will repeat every 20 minutes until the battery is replaced or battery power becomes too
The low to power the AED.
REPLACE BATTERY voice prompt sounds.
You may set the clock at any time except during the interval between patient care and data transfer to a computer or printer. Setting the clock during this interval will interfere with proper time synchronization.
To change the date and time:
1 Turn on the AED. (Be sure the AED has been off for at least 60 seconds and that nothing is connected
to the AED.)
2 Press and hold the
time setting:
S or X button for approximately three seconds until the AED displays the date and
24MAY04 12:36:09
A value blinking on and off indicates that the value can be changed. The day, month, year, hour, and minutes values can be increased. The seconds value can be reset to zero.
2-6 LIFEPAK 5 00 Automated External Defibrillator Operating Instruction s
Getting Ready
3 To set the hour:
• Press the
• Press the
S button to increase the value. X button to advance to the next field.
4 To set the minutes:
• Press the
• Press the
S button to increase the value. X button to advance to the next field.
5 To reset the seconds value to zero:
• Press the
S button once.
Note: If the seconds value is less than 30 when reset, the minutes value stays the same. If the seconds value is greater than 30 seconds when reset, the minutes value increases by one.
• Press the
X button to advance to the next field.
6 Repeat Step 3 as needed to set the day, month, and year.
7 After the date and time are set, press
ON/OFF to turn off the AED.
The following paragraphs describe the setup options that define some of the operating features for the LIFEPAK 500 AED. The user should become thoroughly familiar with the operating features particular to their LIFEPAK 500 AED.
Device ID
The DEVICE ID option assigns a unique identifier that is printed at the top of each report. Up to 20 characters with any combination of displayable characters can be used. The factory default setting is an automatically generated sequence number.
Modem Phone Number
The MODEM PHONE NUMBER option is the character string that the AED dials when it transfers data by modem. The dial string may include up to 20 characters as described in Table 2-3. The factory default dial string is T9W1886279698. This is the dial string required to download data from the LIFEPAK 500 AED to LIFELINK MD under the LIFENET MD medical control plan. The characters T9W are required if 9 must be dialed first to access an outside line from the telephone being used. However, if the telephone being used has direct access (long distance dialing begins with 1), change T9W to blanks.
Table 2-3 Modem Phone Number Dial String Characters
Character Description
P Selects pulse dialing (only allowed as first character)
T Selects tone dialing (only allowed as first character)
, Inserts 2-second pause in dialing string
$ Waits for “bong” (calling card) tone
W Waits for second dial tone
Alphanumeric characters A, B, C, D and 0 through 9 (no special function)
* # ( ) Other characters (no special function)
+ Terminates dial string
2Getting Ready
LIFEPAK 500 Automated External Defibrillator Operating Instructions 2-7
©1996–2005 Medtronic Emergency Response Systems, Inc.
Getting Ready
Modem Selection
The MODEM SELECTION option determines the initialization string for the modems listed in Table 2-4. Select the number that matches your modem. If you select 0, you must define the modem initialization string in the next option
Table 2-4 Modem Selection Numbers
Number Modem Type
No modem selected
1 Hayes™ ACCURA 288 External Fax Modem
Hayes ACCURA 336 External Fax Modem
2U. S. Robotics
U. S. Robotics Sportster 33.6 Modem
3 Motorola Lifestyle 28.8 Data/Fax Modem
4 SupraExpress 33.6 Fax Modem
Hayes ACCURA 144 External Fax Modem Hayes ACCURA 56K External Fax Modem Hayes ACCURA 336 External Fax Modem with Voice Hayes ACCURA 336 External Fax Modem with Simultaneous Voice and Data Hayes ACCURA 56K Speakerphone Modem
5U. S. Robotics Courier V.Everything
U. S. Robotics 56K Fax Modem (Sportster)
You must specify the modem initialization string in the MODEM INIT STRING option.
(MODEM INIT STRING). The factory default is 5.
Sportster® 28.8 Modem
Note: The selection of commercially available modems changes rapidly. For more information or assistance regarding compatible modems, contact Medtronic Technical Support. In the USA call
1.800.442.1142. Outside the USA, contact your local Medtronic representative.
Modem Initialization String
The MODEM INIT STRING option defines the modem initialization string for a Hayes compatible modem (TIA/EIA-602). Up to 75 characters with any combination of displayable characters can be used. The factory default string is blank.
Note: The AED does not display
Energy Sequence
The ENERGY SEQUENCE option defines the three possible energy levels used by the LIFEPAK 500 AED.
For the LIFEPAK 500 AED with the monophasic defibrillation waveform, energy level 1 is fixed at 200 joules, energy level 2 has a choice of 200 joules or 300 joules, and energy level 3 is fixed at 360 joules. The factory default setting for the second energy level is 300 joules.
2-8 LIFEPAK 5 00 Automated External Defibrillator Op erating Instruction s
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