Medtronic CareLink Express Mobile User Manual

CareLink Express
The Me dtronic Ca reLink E xpress mob ile app, th e Patient Connector, and the Medtronic CareLink indi cated for use i n the trans fer of patie nt data fro m Medtroni c implantable cardiac devices. These products are not a subst itute for ap propriat e medical a ttentio n in the event of a n emergency. Data availability and alert notifications are subject to Internet connectivity and access, and service availability. The ap p must be on an d in range of t he device. A lert notif icati ons are not inte nded to be us ed as the sol e basis for making decisions about patient medical care.
netwo rk are
The CareLink Express mobile systems consists of:
Patient Connector
A handheld telemetry wand called the patient connector.
Mobile Application
A Medtronic mobile application downloadable from the App Store associated with the tablet of choice.
A tablet of the user’s choice (either Android™ or Apple®).
Carrying Case
A carrying case that will house both the patient connector and the tablet.
All pat ient and c linical d ata displ ayed are f ictiti ous and for demonstration purposes only.
Step 1: Ensure that tablet is connected to the facility’s
Wi-Fi network
You may need to obtain a password from the facility’s IT department to access the Wi-Fi network in order to connect your Android or Apple tablet.
Step 2: Launch the application
Launch the application by touching/tapping the CareLink Express Mobile app.
Step 3: Patient Connector
Power on the Patient Connector. When prompted
by the application, press and release the POWER ON button.
Power on button
All pat ient and c linical d ata displ ayed are f ictiti ous and for demonstration purposes only.
Step 4: Interrogate the Device
The app will prompt you to place the Patient Connector over the Medtronic device.
The Telemetry indicator light on the Patient Connector will turn
GREEN when a connection is
§ No light = Telemetry not in progress
§ Solid light = Telemetry in progress
Step 5: Send Data
A tone will sound and the app will prompt user to put down Patient Connector when the interrogation has f inished.
Interrogation times vary between 30 seconds and 3 minutes.
The app will now transmit the collected data from the device to the CareLink
The Transmission Complete screen confirms that the transmission has been successfully received by the CareLink network.
Tel em et r y indicator light
A telep hone call is m ade by the reviewe r to the clinic ian in the CareLink Express healthcare setti ng (where the pa tient’s device w as interrogat ed) to
discus s the technic al nding s.
The animated send ba rs will repeat throughout the pro cess.
The pro gress bar will continue to fill throughout the process .
Date and T ime when completed transmission was sent to CareLink.
Transmission was successfu l.
DONE w ill take user to Ho me screen.
All pat ient and c linical d ata displ ayed are f ictiti ous and for demonstration purposes only.
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