MEDRAD Mexicana S. deMediwest Norway AS
R.L. de C.V.
Leibnitz, 204Aslakveien 14 A
Col. Anzures Del. Migu el H id algoNO-075
CP. 11 59 0 Mexico City3
Mexico D. F. 160 18Oslo, Norway
Telephon e: +52 (5 55 ) 250- 65 75Teleph on e: +47 (0) 22 -0 6 57 10
FAX: +52 (555) 250- 9 762FAX: +47 (0) 22-06 57 15
Mediwest Scandinavia ABMEDRAD UK Ltd.
Lona Knapes gata 5, pla n 225 Lancaster Way Business Park
S-421 32 Västra FrölundaWitchford, Ely
Telephon e: +46 (0 ) 3 1-74 8 2 88 0CB6 3NW
FAX: +46 (0) 31-74 82 9 9 9Teleph on e: +44 (0 ) 13 53 -6 450 24
FAX: +44 (0) 1353-645037
Page xii
Regulatory Symbols
Safety Symbols
European Community Mark
ETL Mark
FCC (US Federal Commu nicat io ns Commi ssi on)
ATTENTI ON ! Re fer to O p erati on Manu al for
Shock Hazard
Type CF Equipment, defib proof
Indicates no pr o te ctio n ag ai ns t i ngres s of wate r
(remote display)
Identifies th e d egree of prot ec ti on agai nst fl uid a s
drip-pro of (main monitor)
Identifies th e d egree of prot ec ti on agai nst fl uid a s
drip-proof (power supply)
Equipotential Terminal
Protective Earth
Indicates the MR magnet and power
Indicates distance between MR magnet and monitor
Indicates the presence of a battery
Recycle batte r ies following ho spit al prot oc ols an d
local environme nt al re gu la tion s.
Do not incinera te! Keep away from fire or other
sources of extreme heat.
Page xiii
Dispose of batt er i es prop er l y in acc orda nc e wit h
hospital and local regulations.
Risk of electrical shock! Do not remove cover.
Refer servicing to qualified personnel.
System Symbols
Port Symbols
Alternating Current (AC)
Direct Current (DC)
Wireless Device
Signal Inpu t
Signal Outpu t
Digital Output
Air Intake
Scavenging Port
Communication Port
Video Out
Page xiv
Miscellaneous Symbols
Technical Supp ort Phone Nu mbe r
Manufacturing Contac t
Serial Number
Part Reference Number
Place this side against the skin (Blood Pressure Cuff)
Placement of the cuff over the brachial artery.
Single use device o nly. Do not reuse.
Page xv
Definitions for Warning, Caution, and Note symbols:
NOTE: Indicates that important information follows, a tip that can help
you recover from an error, or point you to related details in the
• Read this manual entirely before using the monitor.
• Inspect For Damage! User should inspect th e sy ste m for signs
of damage. Do not use the system if failure is evident or
• Possible burn hazard! Do not coil cables inside the MR scanner.
• Possible explosion hazard! Do not use the monitor in the
presence of flammable anesthetics. The equipment is not
suitable for use in the presence of a flammable anesthetic
mixture with air or with oxygen or Nitrous Ox ide.
Designates a p oss ible da nger ou s situ at i on.
Non-observance may lead to death or the most
severe injuries.
Designates a p oss ible da nger ou s situ at i on.
Non-obser vanc e may lead to min or in ju r ie s or
damage to the pr odu ct.
• Possible ex plosion hazard! Do not use the monitor in the
presence of gas mixtures which m ay be flammable.
• Cables, tubing, and lead wires may present a risk of
entanglement or strangulation! Ve ri fy safe and proper
positioning of these items at all times.
• Unapproved modifications to the monitor may cause unexpected
results and present a hazard to the patien t.
• Risk of electrical shock! Do not remove cover . Ref er servicing to
qualified personnel.
• All cords must have hospital grade plugs and be plugged into
hospital grade outlets. (The electrical installation of the relevant
room must comply with NFPA 70: Nati onal Electric Code or
NFPA 99: Standard for Health Care Facilities. Outside the
United States, the relevant room must comply with all electrical
installation regulations mandated by the local and regional
bodies of government).
• Do not bring tools cont ainin g ferrous material in to the m agnet
room. Risk of serious inju ry and/or damage to equipment ca n
Page xvi
• Do not route gating cables near or within the s canning volume.
• Apply brakes to preven t movement.
• Do not re-use accessories labeled as single use. Risk of patient
contamination may occur.
• Improper disposal of batteries may result in explosion, leakage,
or personal injury. Do not open batteries. Do not dispose of
batteries in a fire. Follow all local regulations concerning the
disposal of spent Lead-acid and Lithium-Ion batteries or contact
MEDRAD for assistance.
• Connect only MEDRAD approved three-lead or five-lead ECG
cables from the patient to the ECG module. Do not connect any
other signal source to the ECG module.
• There is no defibrillator sync hronizati on ou tput on the Veris
monitor. Make no connections between the Veris and a
• Leakage currents may increase if other equipment is
interconnected to the patient. The incr ease d lea kage cur rents
may present a hazard to the patient.
• PACEMAKER PATIENTS: This device does not inclu de
pacemaker spike rejection capability. Heart rate readouts
derived from the ECG patient connections ar e li kely to display
erroneous high or erratic rates when a pacemaker is in use.
Keep pacemaker patients under close surveillance. For
pacemaker patients it may be advisable to select the SpO
function as the primary heart rate sourc e.
• High Frequency (HF) surgical equipment may affect ECG
operation. The system is not designed to operate in the
presence of ESU interference. The patient may be burned.
Patient burns can also result from defective HF surgical
equipment neutral electrode connectio n.
• The heart rate calcul ated by the monitor may be affected by
cardiac arrhythmia.
• Do not take the remote display or the ECG module battery
charger into the MR scanner room. These contain ferromagnetic
material and can be strongly attracted to the magnet caus ing a
safety hazard.
• Do not use with an open MRI. Use of the moni tor in an open
MRI may result in erratic or unavailable monitoring.
• Do not stand or sit on monitor ac ces sor ie s tray. Possible injur y
can result from falling.
Page xvii
• Do not lift the monitoring system by the tray. Possible injury can
• U.S. Federal l aw restri cts this device to sal e by or on the or der
result from heavy weight.
of a physician.
• Use only accessories des igna ted for use with this m onitor. Use
of accessories not designated for use with the Veris monitor can
cause inaccurate measurements and/or a sa fety hazard for the
• Equipment accuracy may be affected at extreme temperatures.
• Do not store equipment at extreme temperature. Temperatures
exceeding specified storage temperatures could damage the
• Avoid routing the DC cable through the magnet room do or.
Possible damage can occur to the DC cable and/or the scanner
room door.
• Do not press on the keys with sharp or hard objects. This c ould
damage the keys. Use only your fingertips to press on the keys.
• Changes or modifications not expressly approved by MEDRAD,
Inc., may void the user's authority to operate the equipment and
may also void the warranty.
• Do not use the monitor in the path of a Li near Ac cel erator or
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanner beam. This could
result in inaccurate physiologic parameters or waveforms.
• Transporting the m onitor in a mob ile sc anner trailer can l ead to
damage from shock, vibration, or extreme temperatures.
• Do not allow the conductive parts of the pati ent el ectr odes to
contact other conductive parts, includin g ground (ea rth).
• Do not tip the monitor. Possible injury can res ult from falling.
• Do not stand on power supply enclosure. Injury fr om tr ipp ing o r
falling can occur.
• Do not stand on the base. Possible injury can result from falling.
• Do not pinch cables between the table and the bore. This can
damage the cables.
• Do not roll the monitor over or step on cables. This can damage
the cables.
Page xviii
• Do not bend fiber optic cables too tightly. Follow cable
manufacturers specifications for bend allowance.
• If a probe falls on the floor or into liquid, clea n the probe
following proper cleaning methods. If the probe is not properly
cleaned, inaccurate physiologic parameters or waveforms may
• Do not place more than 40 pounds (18 kg) on the tray.
Leakage Current
Voltage Fluctuations
Equipotential Ground
The monitor complies with leakage current limits required by medical
safety standards for patient-connected devices. The Veris monitor
conforms to EN 60601-1 standards. A haz ard c aused by the
summation of leakage currents is poss ible, when several pieces of
equipment are interconnected.
When operated in the line voltage range specified in this manual any
minor fluctuations will have a negligible effect. Very low line voltage
will cause the monitor to revert to battery power. Very high li ne
voltage may cause damage to the charger circuits. The monitor is
designed with circuitry that will turn the unit off before spurious
readings can be caused by a low batter y condition.
Health care providers and patients are subj ect to dange rous,
uncontrollable compensating currents for electrical equi pment.
These currents are due to the potential differences between
connected equipment and touchable conducting parts as found in
medical rooms.
The safety solution to the problem is accomplished wi th c onsistent
equipotential bonding. Medical equi pment i s fitted with con necti ng
leads made up with angled sockets to the equipotential bondi ng
network in medical rooms.
Connection Lead
Earth Ground
Page xix
Software Error Related
Hazard Mediation
Potential Interference
MEDRAD, Inc., has quality control practices and procedures in place
to review potential hazards as they relate to software. The monitor
utilizes a four-digit year for all date, time, and leap year calculations.
This device has been tested to 60601-1-2 specifie d levels for
emissions of and immunity to electrical interference. External
disturbances which exceed these levels, such as motor driven tools,
may cause operational issues with this device. Other devices which
are sensitive to a lower level of emissions than those allowed by
IEC 60601-1-2 2nd Edition may experience operational issues when
used in proximity to this device.
Always position the Veris Base, Base Plus, and Cardiac monitors at
or outside the 2000 Gauss line. Always position the Veris Anesthesia
monitor at or outside of the 500 Gauss lin e. This m onitor is designed
specifically for MR compatibility and is 1.5 and 3T c ompa tible. It will
not cause interference with MRI image quality, nor will its
performance be affected by the magnet field.
The "T" wave may become excessively large or inverted with the
patient in the magnetic field. T his effect is due to hem odyn amic flow
induced voltage and may interfere with QRS detection. Tr y other
leads and/or electrode placements for best results.
Use of Anesthetics
The monitor conforms with IEC 1000-4-4, and IEC 100 0-4-5 for
conducted transients, and will operate with negligible adverse effects.
The monitor will operate with negligible adverse effects in these
environments. However, the monitor should not be placed directly in
the radiated beam, which could damage the internal electronics of the
There is a negligible adverse effect to the monitor from infrared
energy and defibrillation.
Do not use this device in conjunction with flammable anesthetics
such as cyclopropane and ether. The monitor can sample from pur e
oxygen environments, but the monitor itself should never be placed
inside an oxygen rich environment, such as a n oxygen tent or gas
containment apparatus. Proper anesthetic gas waste recovery should
be used.
All patient-contact or user-contact m ater ials in this moni tor and i t's
accessories have passed ISO 10993-5, -10, & -11 bioc ompati bil ity
tests or have been in use in clinical environments in l arge num bers
over an extended period of time predating these standards.
Page xx
Probes Fall in Fluids
FCC and Industry Canada
Audible Pulse Tone
Whenever probes fall and land in fluids, clean the probes according to
the cleaning instructions in “Cl eanin g and Disi nfecting” on page A-1.
This device complies with Part 15 of the F CC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference received, including
intereference that may cause undesired operation.
• Changes or modifications no t expressly approved by the par ty
responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to
operate the equipment.
The term “IC” before the certification/registration number only
signifies that the Industr y Canad a tec hnical s pec ific ations were m et.
IC: 5338A-CSI8600
The amplitude of the audible pulse tone remains constant regardless
of changes in patient parameter measureme nts.
Disposal Accessory Disposal
Latex Content
Discard disposable medical waste according to your instituti on's
policies and procedures to prevent biological contaminati on. Se e
“Disposal” on page A-7.
This MEDRAD product (patient monitor s and ap proved accessori es)
are free from latex in any location that may result in patient co ntact.
Page xxi
Intended Use
The VerisTM 8600 patient monitor is design ed for use in the MRI
environment. It interprets and displays physiologic data as waveforms
and numeric information which, depending on the configuration of the
system, may include ECG, NIBP, SpO
temperature, O
and alerts may be set for each parameter. Monitored parameter data
is stored as tabular trend information and may be pri nted or
The system is intended to moni tor physiological paramete rs of
patients within any health care environment, sp ecifi cal ly in the MR
environment. The user, responsible to interpret the monitored data
made available, will be a professional health care provider.
Physiological data, gas monitoring, sy stem alarms, and patient
analysis will be available to the care provider from the monitor.
The monitor shall be MR compatible based on the FDA guidelines for
equipment to be used in MR.
There are two distinct needs for patient monitors in MR:
• Vital signs monitoring, to monitor medically unstable patients or
patients under conscious sed ation, as r equi red by the JCAHO.
• And, provide image gating, to gate image ac quis ition to a
physiological parameter, such as the cardiac cycle.
, anesthetic gases, and IBP. User defined alarm limits
, CO2, respiration,
There is the additional requirement for the accurate functi on of th e
equipment in the MR environment. The monitor us ed in the scan
room shall not be affected by the radio frequency pulse or gradient
fields and shall not produce any RF interference on the image.
The monitor (including accessories) shall be capable of monitor ing a
full range of patients from neonate to adul t.
Page xxii
Clinical Use
Before you Begin
This manual provides separate sections for measured parameters.
These sections provide instr ucti ons for patient connections and
monitoring. The caregiver is expected to be fully familiar with patient
monitoring techniques and with the functi ons of this mo nitor before
using it with a patient.
This system is designed to onl y m onitor one patien t at a time p er
monitoring system.
Protect yourself and your patient. Read the precautions for each
measured parameter that appears in each meas ure d parameter
These instructions d esc r i be the use of the basi c sampl ing devices
and accessories that come with your monitor. An extended list of
approved accessories can be found in “Accessories” in Appendix D of
this manual.
The monitor should always be checked by the caregiver before use
for actual patient monitoring. Perform the following procedure before
using the monitor with each patient.
1. Make sure the monitor has been fully charged b efore use.
Check that the AC (Mains) power cord is plugged in for longterm monitoring situ ations.
2. Check the menus and default settings to confirm that the
monitor is setup correctly.
3. Examine the accessor ies for wear, damage or contamination.
Replace or disinfect the accessories as req uir ed.
4. Turn the de sired monitoring modules to ON in the PARAMS
softkey window.
5. Select the correct mode of operation (Adul t /Pediatric/Neonate)
by entering the patient size in the ADM/DIS softkey window.
• All accessories connected to the pa tient m onitor must compl y
with all applicable UL (Underwriters Laborator ie s) sta ndards
and IEC standards for such products.
• Substitution of recommended sensor and sampling accessories
may cause inaccurate measurements and degrade patient
safety, or may damage the monitor.
Page xxiii
1 — Panel Features
Front Panel
This section provides an overview of the
panels, switches, accessory connections, and communicati on
The front panels of the monitor an d the o ptiona l r emote d isp lay
feature a color flat-screen display. Located bel ow the screen i s the
primary c ontrol pa nel equipped with the power button, eight
dedicated function keys and a menu knob. Menu selections are
displayed on the screen and can be selected via the menu knob. The
keypad is push-button style, composed of a touch-sensitive
The water trap receptacle is also located on the front of the main
monitor (Anesthesia units only) .
Color Display
8600 monitor’s control
Water Trap
Monitors only)
Figure 1-1:
8600 Front Controls
1 —1
A green LED indicator is located above the power (ON/OFF) key. The
indicator is on if AC power is present.
AC Power
Menu Knob
Color Display
Water Trap and
Gas Sampling Connec tion
Water Trap
Menu Knob
Figure 1-2: Detail of Lower Front Panel
The menu knob can be turned le ft or r ight to make selections from
any of the menus that appear on the front display. The selected menu
option can then be activated by pressing in on the menu knob.
The display provides real-time waveform and numerical data of the
measured parameters. Additional menus and menu options whic h
may be selected and activated by the menu knob are also displayed
on this and the optional remote dis play screen.
The water trap connection is a feature on Anesthesia and Anesthesia
with Temperature models only. MEDRAD
analysis capability have a blank plate in this loc ation. The water trap
is easily accessed on the fron t of the monito r. The gas samp ling line
is connected to the water trap and it is used for CO
agent monitoring. The sample li ne fi tting is a stan dard female Luerlock connector when using the WaterChek
monitors without gas
, O2, N2O, and
2+ water trap accessory.
1 —2
1 —Panel Features
Left Side Panel (Mai n Monitor)
The left side of the main monitor has u p to ni ne c onnections for
patient monitoring. The electrocardiogram (ECG), pulse oximetry
), and the non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) connections are
standard on all
All potential
8600 models.
main monitor connections are desc ribed in the
picture below.
The optional remote display has no patient c onnections.
More information about accessory connections can be found in the
patient monitoring sections of this ma nual.
ECG Input/
Figure 1-3:
8600 Left Side
1 —3
Communication Port
(Main Monitor)
There are two fiber optic ports at the bottom of the monitor. One is an
input port and the other an output port. These ports, on both the main
monitor and the remote display, are for fiber optic com munication
between the main monitor and the remote dis play. See the
Installation Instructions for installing the fibe r o ptic com municatio ns.
See “Figure 1-8:: Remote Display Fiber Optic Connection s” on
page 1-7 for the location of the fiber optic ports on the remote display.
NOTE: These connections have pro tec tive co ve rs that nee d to be
removed before use.
Fiber Opti c
Input and
Figure 1-4: Main Monitor Fiber Optic Connections
1 —4
Main Monitor Base
1 —Panel Features
DC Connection
Exhaust Port
Air Intake
Chassis Ground
DC Connection
Exhaust Port
Air Intake Port
DC Connection & Exhaust Port
Figure 1-5: Main Monitor Base Connections
monitor has an interna l c hassis ground.
A DC power cable connection is located at the center of the base of
the patient monitor. Attach the cable from the power supply in this
• Ensure that the cable from the power source to the monitor base
is placed in an area free from traffic to prevent tripping and/or
damage to the cable.
The exhaust port is located o n the base of the Anes thesi a mon itor
assembly by the DC connection. The scavenging kit fits this nozzle.
Use the scavenging kit and a waste gas recovery system when
anesthetic agents are present in gas sample s.
An ambient air intake port (located next to the exhaust port on the
base of the Anesthesia monito r asse mbly) is used for making zero
gas concentration calibrations. Do not block or attach anything to the
air intake port.
1 —5
Remote Display
The remote display displays the patient data in another location .
Changes to the display can be made from the re mote displ ay and be
effected on the patient monitor.
Printer Release
Printer Feed
Figure 1-6: Remote Display Rear View
AC Power
1 —6
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