Operating Guidelines for the Medrad Stellant D Injector
Purpose: In order to minimize extravasations and maintain imaging quality the
following guidelines and instructions shall be used.
1. Use a 20 gauge or larger IV catheter over needle (a 22 gauge may be used
with slower flow rates).
2. The preferred location for venipuncture is the medially located antecubital
3. Have at least ½ inch of the catheter positioned in a good vein with rapid
4. Use a 60-96 inch coiled low pressure tube securely attached to the
catheter. The coiled tubing reduces motion effect during table
5. Instruct the patient to communicate immediately any pain or change in
feeling during the injection.
6. If possible, instruct the patient to put his or her arm vertically above the
shoulder with the palm of the hand on the ace of the gantry during
injection. This allows for uninterrupted passage of injected contrast
through the axillary and subclavian veins at the thoracic outlet.
7. A small volume test injection of contrast or saline may be utilized to
confirm venous assess. A trained professional should remain by the
patient during the initial stages of the injection palpating the venous access
site to ensure proper placement of the I.V. catheter. If focal pain, swelling
or signs of extravasation are noted, the injection should be stopped
8. Central lines and hep-locks should only be used in accordance with
hospital policy guidelines.
9. Adhere to all instructions, warnings, and cautions listed for the specific
products being used.
Injector Operation
1.INJECTION PHASES: First phase can be Test Inject, Contrast, or
Saline. Test Inject parameters are programmable in the SETUP
SCREEN. Six phases are available for programming. If more phases are required, press the triangle below the first phase, and Select Contrast A,
Flush B, Hold, or Pause.
LSUHSC Shreveport
Radiology Department
Proc 13.17
2. Flow Rate – 0.1 to 10 ml/sec, Volume – 1 to 20 ml, Pressure Limit – 50
to 325 PSI- Press SET to program.
3. DELAY- programmable to 1 to 99 seconds. Press SET to program.
Emits 5 beeps when delay is complete: Scan Delay, Inject Delay, No
4. Programmed Volume and Total Duration is displayed on the screen.
5. Syringe icons indicate volume remaining in the syringes. A=Contrast
- green, B+Saline-blue.
6. Press PROTOCOL LOCK on screen.
7. PROTOCOL LOCK must be ON to ARM from the injector head.
1. Place the injector head in an upright position with the pistons fully
2. Syringes are sterile and for single use only. Patient injury can result
from leaks or ruptures during an injection. Use only MEDRAD
disposable products, or use catheters and connectors with pressure
ratings that are compatible with this system. Inspect syringe packaging
for expiration date and package integrity. Install syringes by inserting
quickly and firmly in one motion. Installing the syringe slowly can result
in an error message. Piston will automatically advance to the front of the
1. Using sterile technique, attach the sterile loading device and load the
syringes by pressing AUTOLOAD and FILL A and/or FILL B within 10
seconds. The syringe will load the volume programmed at the Main Screen.
2. Increase or decrease the volume by pressing the +/- key.
3. Manually load the syringe by pressing MOVE PISTON to activate the
forward and reverse load strips.
4. Expel any air from the syringes using the manual knobs or load strips.
5. Attach LPT with PRIME TUBE attached to the patient end of the tubing.
6. Select PRIME to fill the LPT with contrast or saline – configurable in the
SETUP SCREEN or use manual knobs or load strips.
7. Patient injury can result from high contrast temperature. Do not use the
syringe heat maintainer if the fault indicator light is on.
8. It is recommended that contrast be stored in a heater at 35° C before
loading it in a syringe. Once contrast is loaded, snap the heat maintainer
over the syringe to maintain contrast temperature.
9. Inspect the syringe, tubing, and FluiDots, confirming that all air is
expelled, remove PRIME TUBE, turn injector head down, and connect
LPT to patient ensuring an air-free connection.
LSUHSC Shreveport
Radiology Department
Proc 13.17
10. FluitDots: View looking through the syringe jacket at a light source.
Empty syringe – dots appear as narrow elipses
Full syringe – dots appear larger and almost round.
11. Air embolism can cause death or serious injury to the patient.
Patient injury could result from high flow-rate venous injections.
Patient injury could result from inadvertent aspiration.
Extravasation can cause injury to the patient. Acknowledge that air
inspection has occurred by pressing CHECK FOR AIR. If CHECK FOR
AIR is not pressed at the injector head, the system will request
confirmation that all air was expelled as part of the arming procedure.
1. Press ARM on the injector head or the Main Screen.
2. Ensure there is sufficient volume to complete the protocol, insufficient
volume is indicated with a message at the Display Console or flashing
indication at the injector head.
3. Press ARM twice at the injector head to proceed with the remaining
4. Armed Indication Lights – Contrast =green, Saline=blue, will flash when
the injector is armed or on hold and will be solid when injecting.
5. Initiate the injection at the patient side.
6. Injection View – configurable at the Set-Up screen. Volume Remaining
decrements and Delivered Volume increments.
7. Phase – as the phase is activated, it is highlighted, elapsed time and
8. Phase is in status window.
9. Pressure Graph – displays the syringe pressure developed during an
10. ABORT: Press any button on the head or display except
START/HOLD. Pressing START/HOLD during an injection will hold
an injection up to 20 minutes.
11. Injection Complete – summary of parameters selected and delivered are
shown. Elapsed time will continue until
OK is pressed.
12. Syringe Removal – twist syringe counterclockwise with tubing connected
and discard following local guidelines. The piston will automatically
1. STORE- enter desired parameters, press STORE. Title the protocol
using keypad, press ENTER. 32 protocols can be stored in memory.
2. RECALL – press RECALL, press protocol title, press OK.