Bar Graph Meters …… 32
Analog Meters ……33
Digital Meters …… 34
The asterisk indicates that the mode applies
only to WBK17 applications.
users to acquire data for immediate viewing or for storage to the PC's hard disk. No previous programming
knowledge is required.
is a graphical Windows-based program for use in WaveBook applications. The program allows
you can:
Set up all analog or digital input parameters.
Acquire and save data to disk.
View the acquisition in real-time.
Send data to other Windows applications, such as spreadsheets and databases.
Launch an independent post-data acquisition application, such as DIA
to view file data recorded by
. Refer to the applicable document module
dem, PostView, or
for detailed information.
WaveView, pg. 1
WaveView Configuration Main Window
WaveView Configuration Main Window, Button Identification
3Scope WindowOpens the Scope W i ndow to display data acquisition waveforms in real -time.27
4Direct to Disk
5Vi ew File Dat aStarts an independent, post-data acquis i tion viewing program.7
6Bar Graph
7Anal og MetersUsed to display one or more channel s in analog meter format.33
8Digital MetersUsed to display one or more channel s in digital meter form at.34
9WBK16 Sensor
10WBK16 Shunt
11Enable [Disable]
The Module Configuration column displays the current inventory of WaveBooks
and relevant WBK opt ions. Note that the W aveV i ew Configuration main window
provides a means of setting certain parameters for W BK options, e.g.., LPF
Type and LPF cutoff for WBK12 and WBK13, and excit at i on source amplitude
and offset for W B K 14. When applicable, the WBK options will be listed in the
Module Type column.
Opens the Acquisition Configuration display window to allow selection of the
number of scans, s can rate, and the triggering method to be us ed f or starting
the scan.
Provides a means of writing acqui red data to disk files.7
Used to display one or more channel s in bar graph format.32
Use of this button temporarily disables WaveV i ew and opens a s ensor
calibration spreadsheet so that each channel on a WBK16 can be calibrated to
the specifications of the sensor in use.
: This selection is available only if WaveView detec ts a WBK16 module.
With shunt mode enabled WBK16 channels are set to their shunt position f or al l
acquisition operations i f they were most recently calibrated using the shunt
This is an Enable/Disable toggle button. Use of this button to “enable” causes
all channels that are “On” to display an actual reading of the input signal in the
channel reading column. The readings column is updated about twice per
second. A status i ndicator “READINGS” appears above the spreadsheet when
the column is enabled. S i nce this is a toggle button, pressing it while the
readings column is enabled will disable it.
WaveView, pg. 2
WaveView Configuration Main Window, Button Identification
12Make All
13Make All
14Fill DownWhen multiple cells within a column are selected, this command t ak es the top-
15Auto Zero Active
16Clear All Zero
17Hide Inactive
Channel Rows
18Show All RowsMakes all channel rows visible. Can be used to restore the full spreadsheet
20Show All
21Copy Visible
Cells to
Makes all channels acti ve. When this button is pressed, the word “On” appears
in the On/Off column for every channel.
Makes all channels inact i ve. When this button is pressed, the word “Off”
appears in the On/Off column for every channel. If your channel scan includes
only a few channels, it may be easier to make all of the channels inactive, then
turn on the few desired channels.
most selected cell and copies its contents to the selected cells below.
This button zeros out a DC offs et signal on all channels that are “On” and have
Auto Zero set to “Yes.” Note that Auto Zero does not apply t o WBK17.
This button clears the zero of f set that was set with the Auto Zero Act i ve Channel
button. Note that Auto Zero does not apply to WBK17.
Hides all inactive channels, thus only the active (On) channels are di splayed.
A status indicat or “HI DDEN ROWS” appears above the spreadsheet when one
or more channels are hidden.
When a channel is hi dden, i ts configuration settings cannot be changed.
Block operations and other “All” acti ons, like the Make All Channels Active
menu item, have no eff ect on hidden channels.
after a Hide Inactive Channels action has been performed.
Opens a Customize Colum n Layout window that allows you to select the
columns that you want to have displayed. This feature allows you to hide
columns that do not appl y to your application. For example, WBK17 users may
want remove the Auto Zero, Source Level, Bridge Type, and Invert columns.
When this pus h-push button is depressed, all spreadsheet columns are shown
and the button remains indented. Pushing the button again shows the
spreadsheet with the customized column layout, as set up using button 19.
Places a tab-delimi ted text version of the spreadsheet into Micros oft’s Notepad
application. The inform ation can be imported into various spreads heet
programs, such as Mic rosoft Excel.
Software Startup & Sample Acquisition
The program installation CD-ROM contains both a 16-bit and a 32-bit version of WaveView. The figures in
this document module reflect the 32-bit version, only. Note that the 16-bit version has fewer toolbar
buttons and exhibits minor screen differences.
Startup WaveView
Start WaveView by double-clicking on its icon. WaveView holds user-configured parameters that can be
saved to disk. The default configuration filename is
the working directory for this configuration file. One of the following situations will occur:
If the default configuration file is f ound, all the required setup information is extracted from it, and
the application’s main window opens.
If the default configuration file is not found, WaveView attempts to connect with WaveBook using
the following default parameters: Printer Port LPT1, Interrupt Level 7, and 4-bit Standard Protocol. If
this fails, the program tries LPT2 and Interrupt Level 5.
If connection is established, WaveView’s main window opens.
Note: If connection to the device can not be
established, a WaveView StartUp box
appears with the following options:
Retry, Select Device, Load File, and Exit.
. When WaveView starts up, it searches
WaveView StartUp Box
WaveView, pg. 3
Reference Note:
Refer to the WaveBook User Manual’sTroubleshooting chapter for advice regarding connection
If no user-configuration file is found , or if no communication established, a dialog box prompts you
to choose an actual WaveBook from the device inventory, or to select a simulated device.
Select Device Box
Simulated WaveBook. If the hardware is not available, or if yo u j ust want to practice using the software,
select Simulated Device. The Simulated Device allows you to run vario us software functions with no
hardware concerns.
The Simulated mode is also available from WaveView’s pull-down menu. To select the simulated mode:
1. Choose Select Device from the System pull-down menu.
2. Select Simulated Device from the Available Devices list.
WaveBook Attached. If the WaveBook hardware is connected and switched on, select the applicable
WaveBook device. Then click on the Properties button to view the Device Properties screen (see following
Devices Properties (example)
After you have selected the device parameters, click Close.
WaveView attempts to find the WaveBook at the specified port. One of the following situations will occur:
The hardware is found, the WaveView main window opens.
The hardware is not found, a dialog box informs you and provides another chance to select
WaveView, pg. 4
WaveView interrogates the hardware after it starts up to see what options and expansion modules are
actually connect ed to the WaveBook. The number of channels (shown on the co nfiguration menu)
represents the number of channels actually connected to WaveBook.
Configure Channels
Once WaveView determines the options and expansion modules, the individual channels can be configured,
as described in the text that follows.
If WaveView cannot identify the hardware, and you have verified that the selected hardware
parameters are correct, exit WaveView and then use the “Test Hardware” feature of the
Daq* Configuration control panel. A discussion of System Testing is included in the
System Setup and Power Options chapters of WaveBook Manuals 481-0901 and 489-0901.
Configuring Channels from Wa veView’ s Main Window (Partial View)
On/Off - To acquire data with WaveView, channels must be properly connected to signal sources, and
must be enabled (On). Channels can be enabled as follows:
(1) Click in a channel’s On/Off cell, then select "On" from the drop-down menu (that appears
above the range column), or
(2) Double-click in a channel’s On/Off cell to toggle to “On.” Note that the on/off status will
change with each double-click, or
(3) Click on the toolbar’s “On” button (Make All Channels Active) to turn all channels on. Note
that the “Off” button (Make All Channels Inactive) turns all channels off.
Label - Channels have default labels, such as CH05. You can change the label by clicking on the cell,
then typing in the new label. Labels must be unique, i.e., each channel must have its own label.
Attempts to use duplicate labels, or use no label will result in a warning message.
Readings - Not user configurable. This column displays values of enabled channels.
Units - Select a channel’s units in one of two ways.
(1) Click in a channel’s Units cell, then select the desired units from the p ull-down menu.
(2) Double-click in a channel’s Units cell to cycle through the units. Note that when the mX+b
dialog box appears you need to click “OK” to continue cycling.
Note: You can enter user-defined units from the mX+b dialog box, and you can use the mX+b
equation to adjust a channel’s scale and offset. Refer to Units on page 14 for more information
and an example of themX + b equation being used.
Range - Select a channel’s range in one of two ways.
(1) Click in a channel’s Range cell, then select the desired range from the drop-down menu.
(2) Continue to double-click in the applicable channel’s Range cell to cycle through the available
ranges. Stop double-clicking when the desired range is indicated.
WaveView, pg. 5
Configure Acquisition
The following text describes how to configure an acquisition.
After completing channel configuratio n, select the Acquisition Configuration option from the View menu or
the tool bar. The following figure represents the Acquisition Configuration dialog box. The parameters
shown are a result of the values entered below.
After entering the values, click the Close button to set the acquisition parameters.
Collect and View Data
The following text describes how to collect data for a sample acquisition, and how to view a graphic
representation of the data.
To read and view a graphic representation of WaveBook data, select the Scope option from the View menu
or use the toolbar button. This accesses the WaveView Scope window. Complete the acquisition setup as
Number of Charts. First, the Scope window should be configured to display 4 charts since 4 channels
were previously selected for the acquisition. Select the Number of Charts option from the Charts menu
item. When the flyout appears showing a selection of up to 8 channels for display, click on 4.
Arm and Trigger. The system is now set to start collecting data. At this point, you ma y acquire one
acquisition or continuous acquisitions. For this sample acquisition, click the Arm button, then click the
Trigger button.
Data Acquisition. The system has now collected 1000 pre-trigger scans and 5000 post-trigger scans.
WaveView, pg. 6
If desired, you may modify the current Scope window display as follows:
View additional channels (up to 8) simultaneously by changing the entry in the Number of Charts
Change the channels viewed. Use the channel select list box at the right of the waveforms to display
waveforms of other active channels.
To scale the waveforms, click on the Scale All Charts button. All 4 waveforms should then be visible.
Examine the waveforms at any point along the timeline by using the horizontal scroll-bar.
Vary the number of scans displayed by using the Zoom In or Zoom Out buttons.
WaveView Scope Window
1Save7Stop Rearming
2Print Window8Zoom In
3Arm9Zoom Out
4Trigger10Scale All Charts
5Stop Acquiring11Toggle Cross Hairs
6Auto-Rearm12Toggle Grids
Store Data
[and View File Data],
Data to be viewed with the post acquisition data viewer must be in the appropriate
binary format. From WaveView, you can select the format by navigating as follows:
WaveView Main Window
File ⇒ Data Conversion Preferences and check the
appropriate box.
Save collected data to disk by clicking on the Save button (" floppy disk" or left-most button) of the
WaveView Scope window, and then giving the file a name. Note that you can analyze the saved data with a
post-acquisition data-viewer program, such as PostView, DIAdem, or eZ-View.
To open an installed post-acquisition data viewer application, return to the WaveView Configuration main
window then click on the View File Data toolbar button (button 9 in the following figure).
Reference Note:
For detailed information regarding post acquisition data analysis programs, refer to the
applicable document module(s), e.g., DIAdem, PostView, or eZ-View.
WaveView, pg. 7
WaveView, A Detailed Reference
When WaveView starts it interrogates the system hardware to see what options and expansion modules are
actually connected to the WaveBook. Unless you are using WaveView’s simulated mode, the channels
displayed on the WaveView.cfg window correspond to actual connected channels.
WaveView functions are initiated through toolbar buttons and pull-down menu selections. The toolbar
buttons were identified on page 2. An explanation of menu functions, in order of the menu structure, begins
in the "Pull-down Menu Commands" section, below.
Toolbar Buttons
Reference Note:
Pull-Down Menu Commands
The following menu descriptions apply to corresponding toolbar buttons (as depicted in the WaveView
Configuration Main Window, and in the related table (as seen on page 2). Note that some menu items have
no corresponding toolbar button.
Save As
Convert Data Files
Data Conversion
Open WBK16
Calibration File
(WBK16 Only)
Toolbar buttons are identified and explained in the figure of the
Configuration Main Window
Sets all parameters t o their default startup settings.
Loads a saved configuration.
Saves the existing configurati on for later recall.
Prompts for a file name and saves the current configurat i on to that file name.
Runs the File Converter, which converts any acquired data file to any of the supported data
Opens a dialog box, which lets you set the dat a f i l e conversion options that WaveView will
apply automatically whenever you acquire dat a.
Loads a WBK16 s ensor calibration table. This command loads saved WB K 16 calibration
This selection is not avai l able unless WaveView detects the presence of a WBK 16.
Provides software version number and provi des access to a list of devi ce properties.
Closes WaveV i ew.
Before WaveView exits, i t saves the current configuration i n a file named
WAVEVIEW.CFG. The next time you run WaveView, this file is loaded automatically.
, and in the related table. Both can be seen on page 2.
WaveView, pg. 8
Make All Channels
Make All Channels
Fill Down
Hide Rows of Inactive
Show All Rows
Customize Column
Reset Column Layout
Show All Columns
Copy Visible Cells to
This command plac es an “On” in the “On/Off” field of all channels.
This command plac es an “Off” in the “On/Off” field of all channels. If your channel scan
includes only a few channels, it may be easier to make all of the channels inactive, then
turn on only those few channels that you want.
When multi pl e cells within a column are selected, this command takes the top-most
selected cell and copies its contents to the selected cells below.
Temporarily removes all inactive channels from the channel configuration spreadsheet. If
there are inactive (“Off”) channels, this results in a small er spreadsheet showing just the
currently active channels. A status indicator “HIDDEN ROWS” appears above the
spreadsheet when one or more channels are hidden.
When a channel is hi dden, i ts configuration settings cannot be changed. Block
operations and other “All” actions, li ke the Make All Channels Active menu item, have
no effect on hidden channels.
Makes all channel rows visible. Can be used to restore the full spreadsheet af ter a Hide
Inactive Channels action.
Opens a Customize Colum n Layout window that allows you to select the columns that you
want to have displayed. This feature all ows you t o hide columns that do not apply to your
application. For example, WBK17 users may want remove the Auto Zero, Source Level,
Bridge Type, and Invert colum ns.
This resets the custom column layout sett i ngs to the default values. All adjustments to
column widths will be lost and hidden columns will return to the spreadsheet. Once the
column layout is res et, there is no automatic recovery of the customized layout. Compare
this command with “Show All Columns.”
Displays all columns, including the
This button and the Custom i ze Col umn Layout button can be used to switch bac k-andforth between the full view of the spreadsheet (al l columns) and the custom i zed l ayout.
Places a tab-delimi ted text version of the spreadsheet into Micros oft’s Notepad application.
The information can be imported into various spreadsheet programs, such as Microsoft
Module Type
column, which is typically not displayed.
Enable Spreadsheet
Reading Column
Auto Zero Active
Clear All Offsets
An Example of Visible Cells Copied to Notepad
This causes all channels that are “On” to display an actual reading of the input signal in the
channel reading column. This column is updated with new readings about twice per
second. A status i ndicator “READINGS” appears above the spreadsheet when the
reading column is enabled.
This zeros out a DC offset signal on all channels that are “On” and have Auto Zero set to
“Yes.” Note that Auto Zero does not apply to WBK17.
This clears the zero offs et that was set via the Auto Zero Active Channel.
Note that Auto Zero does not apply t o WBK17.
WaveView, pg. 9
Module Configuration
Displays the current invent ory of expansion modules that are in the WaveBook system. I n
addition, the window provides a means of s et ting certain expansion module parameters,
i.e., LPF Type and LPF cutoff for WBK12 and W B K 13 options and excitation source
amplitude and offset for WBK14. The following figure provides two examples.
Two Examples of the Module Configuration Display Window
The window can be accessed from the View pull-down menu or by using the
associated toolbar button (1).
Scope Window
Direct to Disk
View File Data
Bar Graph Meters
Analog Meters
Digital Meters
Opens the display window to allow selection of t he number/speed of the scan and the
triggering method to start the scan.
Opens the display window to allow real-time viewing of t he acquired data.
Opens the display window to allow the writing of acquisit i on data to disk files.
Starts the independent application to view file data.
Used to display one or more channel s in bar graph format.
Used to display one or more channel s in analog meter format.
Used to display one or more channel s in digital meter form at.
Select Device
: The following System sel ections apply only to WB K16 and are only available if a WBK16 module is detected.
Refer to the WBK16 document module [in the 489-0902 WBK options manual] for additional information.
WBK16 Sensor
WBK16 Shunt Mode
WBK16 LPF Corner
Brings up a dialog box that lets you sel ect a WaveBook device. I t also provides access to
the Simulated Device, which is listed as an option.
Brings up the WaveV i ew System Options dialog box. From there, you c an enabl e or di sable
WaveView options. The opt i ons dialog box has three tabs:
This command runs the s ensor calibration program. Selecting this option will tem porarily
disable WaveView and open a sensor calibration spreadsheet so that each channel on a
WBK16 can be c al i brat ed to the specifications of the sensor in use.
This command plac es WaveView in a shunt mode. When in this mode, all enabl ed WBK16
channels are set to their s hunt position for all acquisiti on operations, providing that the
channels were last calibrated us i ng t he shunt method.
During shunt mode operation, s preadsheet updating, scope window operations, analog
meter operations, and direc t-to-disk operations result in dat a that represents the raw
value of the shunt resist or.
Note that the shunt mode can be used to verify that the acquired shunt val ue agrees with
the expected shunt value.
This command brings up a di al og box to sel ect new cutoff frequencies for the LPF on a
WBK16. The WBK16 has a Low Pass Filter with two selectable cutoff frequencies.
Although the frequencies are f actory configured at 10 Hz and 1 kHz, changing the res i stor
packs inside the WBK16 can modify them. After the cutoff frequencies are altered, the
values that WaveView displays can then be modified to match the LPF frequencies using
this command.
The three tab selections are discussed, following this table.
Performance, Memory
WaveView, pg. 10
System …
“Performance” Tab
Acquisition Data Packing
(WaveBook/512 and /512H Only)
transfer it to WaveView in 16-bit words. Data can be
compressed so four 12-bi t samples are packed into three
16-bit words. This reduces transf er time and data storage
requirements. Use packed data if buffer overrun errors
occur. Disadvantages include extra processing time for
unpacking data and some loss in resolution (less than ½
The Data Packing option does not appl y t o t he
WaveBook/516, /512A, /516A, or to WavePorts,
and is disabled for these devices.
Factory Calibration Table
factory generated calibration constants of each system
component to achieve cal i bration of the system. This i s
useful if the system calibration changes often.
User Calibration Table
perform a calibration of the complete signal path from input
to A/D stage. The cal c onstants are stored in the Calibration
Table on the WaveBook main board. Recalibration is
required when any part of the signal path changes. Thi s
method is useful when the conf i guration remains stable and
you want slightly better accurac y.
devices acquire 12-bit data and
, the WaveCal program lets you
the software uses the
System Options
Performance Ta b Selected
In regard to WavePort devi ces, leave the Calibration Radio Button selected to Factory Calibration Table.
For WBK17, leave t he Cal i bration Radio Button selected to Factory Calibration Table.
Acquisition Buffer Size
Allows you to set a new buffer size for dat a acquisition. The dialog displays the maximum size of the acquisition
buffer. The buffer is never sized l arger than needed by the acquisition. For a one-channel, 1000 scan acquisition
the buffer will be 2000 bytes,
devices should only be calibrated at the factory, or by a factory-authorized service representative.
modules should only be calibrated at the factory, or by a fact ory-aut hori zed service representative.
the size shown in the dialog.
“Memory Module” Tab
: The WaveView System Memory Module Option settings
are only pertinent if a WBK30 Memory module option
card is installed in your WaveBook.
Pre-Trigger Mode
bandwidth of your instrument regardles s of the computer's
data transfer speed. Note that when Pre-Trigger i s in
effect, certain conditions apply: (1) The entire acquisit i on
must fit in the WBK30's internal memory, (2) The scan
count will not update during acquisition, and (3) The PreTrigger Mode selection only applies if pre-trigger is used.
Overflow Protection
data in the instrument when an acquisition ends early due to
an error or manual disarm.
This option should not be used if you: (1) Never want to
save data from an incomplete acquisition, or (2) You want
the option to work like it does without a WBK30 installed.
: This allows you to use the full
: This preserves and transfers all
System Options
Memory Module Tab Selected
WaveView, pg. 11
“WBK17” Tab
The “WBK17” tab provides a means of setting the Readings column to run at the post-trigger scan rate.
This system option applies only to WBK17 modules and impacts the Readings Column of WaveView’s
main window.
Setting the Readings column to run at the post-trigger scan rate does not directly affect the
rate at which the Readings column is updated; However, implementing this feature may
affect the overall performance of WaveView while the Readings column is enabled.
Input Channel Configuration
LPF Mode and LPF Cutoff
Apply to: WBK12, WBK13,
WBK14, WBK16, and WB K 17
Reference Note:
The above figure does not include WBK17-exclusive columns. See page 17 in regard to additional
columns that are dedicated specifically to the WBK17 module.
WaveView’s configuration spreadsheet provides is used to configure channels and display channel readings.
The top few rows are used for the high-speed digital input and other non-analog channels. The remaining
rows (up to 72) are used for analog input channels. The number of rows varies depending on system
System Options, WBK17 Tab Selected
ource Level
pplies to: W BK14 and WBK16
PF Cutoff
pplies to: W BK14,
BK16, and WBK 17
Columns of the Channel Configuration Spreadsheet
Bridge Type and Invert
Apply to: WBK16 only
WaveView, pg. 12
The various columns contain the configuration information for each channel. Some columns allow blocks of
cells to be altered simultaneously, while others allow one cell to be changed at a time. Some columns may
be static and cannot be altered. Clicking a column header will select the entire column if applicable.
A discussion of each column follows.
- The channel number column labeled CH is static and cannot be altered. This column identifies the
analog (or digital) input channel to be configured in that row. This number includes all channel numbers
from the WaveBook and any attached expansion chassis (WBK10/10H, WBK14, WBK15, WBK16, and
WBK17). The channels are numbered as follows:
CHDescriptionDefault Label
CtrLoExternal Clock Period (Lo); Appli es to WaveBook/516, / 512A, /516ACtrLo
CtrHiExternal Clock Period (Hi); Appl i es to WaveBook/516, /512A, /516ACtrHi
DigWaveBook Digital ChannelDig
0-1 to 0-8WaveBook Analog ChannelsCH01 to CH08
1-1 to 1-8First Expansion ChannelsCH09 to CH16
2-1 to 2-8Second Expansion ChannelsCH17 to CH24
Module Type –
“Customize Column Layout Window” that is activated by toolbar button (17), or by clicking the “Show All
Columns” button (18). The column identifies the types of modules and their installed option cards, if
applicable. The column’s information is automatically derived from the WaveBook system’s actual
will toggle the channel status, i.e., On to Off and visa versa. The Make All Channels Active and
Make All Channels Inactive menu items under the Edit menu can be used to simultaneously enable or
disable all channels.
WBK17 Note -
each combination of the analog, counter low word, and counter high word values that can be acquired for
each WBK17 channel. The selected 16-bit values will be written to acquisition files and be available for
display in the Scope window.
“Volts and CtrLo (VL)”, “Volts and CtrHi (VH)”, “CtrLo and CtrHi (LH)”, and “Volts and CtrLo and
CltrHi (VLH)”. Long strings will fit in the selection list, but the On/Off column itself would use an
abbreviation, as follows: “Off”, “On;V”, “On:L” , “On:H” , “On:VL” , “On:VH” , “On:LH” , “On:VLH.”
Label -
that is similar to its channel number, but this can be changed to any combination of 8 characters. Click on
the desired cell, and type in the desired label name.
WBK17 Note -
between the values: Volts, Co unter Low, and Counter High, a “-V”, “-L” or “-H” is appended to the label.
This column allows you to enable and disable channels. Do uble-clicking a cell in this column
The complete contents of the “On/Off” list are: “Off”, “Volts (V)”, “CtrLo (L)”, “CtrHi (H)”,
This column contains a descriptive name for the input channel. By default, it contains a label
This column is hidden by default, but can be displayed by selecting it in the
The On/Off column will contain a list of 8 different On/Off combinations, i.e., one for
Only one of the selected values will be shown in WaveView’s Readings
There will only be one user-defined la bel for all three 16-bit values. To distinguish
Readings -
WBK17 Note -
If the On/Off column selection indicates multiple 16-bit values, WaveView will make an automatic
selection of which value to display in the Readings column. This automatic selection will be according to
the following rule: the CtrLo value is preferred over the Volts value, and the CtrHi value is preferred over
the CtrLo value.
Unlike the Readings Column, acquisition data will include all selected WBK17 16-bit data channels.
For example, if “Volts and CtrLo and CtrHi” were selected as the “On/Off” value for all 8 channels of a
WBK17, the acquisition data file would contain data from twenty-four 16-bit channels.
Not user configurable. This column displays values for all enabled channels.
The Readings column will show, at most, one 16-bit value associated with the channel.
WaveView, pg. 13
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