Measurement ScanServer User Manual

Installing and Operating Protective Ears
Unit-to-Unit Attachment
For applications that are generally undisturbed, simply stacking the product enclosures causes a modest engagement where the bottom rubber feet of the top unit fit into the recesses of the lower unit. No additional assembly is required.
Unit-to-Unit Attachment
Temporarily stack the units to develop a configuration that best suits your application.
For all but the top-most unit, deploy the 4 Splice Tabs on each ear, following steps 1-4, in sequence, as shown in Figure 1.
Restack the units as shown in Figure 2.
For each ear: remove the spare #8-32 x 5/16 “screw from its screw-hold and relocate it as shown in Figure 3. Tighten the screw snug.
Figure 1
Attaching a Handle
One or more handles can be applied to a single unit or to a stack of units. The handle is affixed with two # ¼-20 x 7/8” screws (included with the handle). For stacked systems, the handle should be attached near the center of the stack to achieve reasonable balance.
Attaching Ears to an Enclosure
Should you need to add or replace a protective ear, use the chart on page 2 to identify the kit associated with your device; then follow the steps for type “A” or type “B” as applicable. Note that all newer data acquisition devices are shipped with protective ears already attached.
Attaching Protective Ears
Type A Ears (see chart on back)
Type B Ears (see chart on back)
Since Type B ears have no hook to grasp the front and back panel edge, simply place each ear on the side panel, line up the screw holes and apply two #8-32 x 3/8” machine screws.
For each of the 4 ears follow steps 1-4 in Figure 6.
* Pivot the tab upright if you will be attaching a unit, otherwise you
can pivot the tab to be flush with the protective ear.
Turn the unit upside down. For each ear, apply a rubber foot (included) into the recess, as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Usage Exceptions
DaqBook/260, LogBook/360, and DBK60
Protective ears can be used on shallow or deep enclosures. To stack shallow with deep enclosures, an additional ear needs to be installed on each side panel of the deeper unit (see Figure 8). Use 2 of the 4 ears in an ear kit for this purpose. The shaded ear in Figure 8 is used to splice to a shallower enclosure.
To attach a DBK41 to an 8½” deep enclosure, install a bracket (p/n 296-2016) as shown in Figure 9 and Figure 10.
Protective ears are not needed for the DBK90. To attach DBK90(s) to the top of an enclosure, remove all 4 Splice Tabs from the top­most unit, then install a bracket (part number 1109-0804 contains 2 brackets) on each side panel as shown in Figure 11.
Note that the shaded ear is also used if an optional handle is being attached to the assembly. See page 1 for handle attachment instructions.
Ear Kit Lookup Table
Ear Type >>
DaqBook/1xx DaqBook/200 & /216 DaqBook/260 1 DaqBook/2000A DaqBook/2000E & /2000X DaqBook/2001 & /2005 DaqBook/2020 DaqLab/2001 & /2005 DBK1 DBK10 DBK23 DBK24 DBK30 DBK34 DBK41 2 DBK42 DBK43 DBK50 DBK51 DBK52 DBK53 DBK55 DBK60 1 DBK65 DBK70 DBK84 DBK85 DBK90 3 DBK101 DBK203 LogBook/300 LogBook/360 1 StrainBook/616 WaveBook/512 WaveBook/512A & /516A WaveBook/516E WBK10 WBK10A WBK14 WBK15 WBK16 WBK17 WBK18 WBK40 WBK41 WBK25 ZonicBook-Medallion/4 & /8 ZonicBook-Medallion/16 ZonicBook/618
1. To stack units, a second ear kit is required.
2. To stack units, bracket (p/n 296-2016) is also required. 3 . Does not require ears. See part number 1109-0804 for
attaching DBK90 to ears.
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