Measurement Medallion Rotate User Manual

Medallion Rotate User’s Manual
the smart approach to instrumentation
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Medallion Rotate User’s Manual
p/n 1086-0926, rev 2.3
© 2001 by IOtech, Inc August 2001 Printed in the United States of America

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VSI Rotate®, VSI Rotate Plus®, and VSI DSPLibs®, are owned and registered by Vold Solutions Incorporated. Vold Solutions Incorporated maintains the copyright to the material presented in this user’s guide, unless otherwise noted or implied.
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IOtech has maintained ISO 9001 certification since 1996. Prior to shipment, we thoroughly test our products and review our documentation to assure the highest quality in all aspects. In a spirit of continuous improvement, IOtech welcomes your suggestions.
October 2000 Medallion Rotate Manual


INTRODUCTION TO MEDALLION ROTATE ..................................7
OVERVIEW OF MEDALLION ROTATE ............................................................8
OVERVIEW OF THIS USERS GUIDE ............................................................9
RGANIZATION ...................................................................................9
DOCUMENT CONVENTIONS ....................................................................9
TERMS USED IN THIS GUIDE .................................................................9
CUSTOMER SUPPORT ...........................................................................9
BEARING, GEARBOX, AND SIDEBAND CURSORS ......................................10
ORDER NORMALIZING ........................................................................10
MILLSTRUM ANALYSIS ........................................................................10
RPM FROM WATERFALL ANALYSIS ......................................................11
MEDALLION ROTATE GUIDED TOUR ....................................12
USING MEDALLION ROTATE.....................................................................13
STARTING THE SOFTWARE ..................................................................13
THE MEDALLION ROTATE USER INTERFACE .............................................13
SETTING YOUR PREFERENCES ............................................................14
DISPLAYING DATA AND PROCESSING A SIGNAL...........................................17
EXPORTING A CHANNEL AND FILE MANAGEMENT ........................................19
MEDALLION ROTATE APPLICATIONS ....................................21
NOTES ON COLLECTING DATA ..................................................................21
SAMPLE RATE ...................................................................................21
ALIASING .........................................................................................22
PROCESSING A TACHOMETER SIGNAL .......................................................22
APPLICATIONS ..................................................................................23
INPUT SIGNAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................23
EXAMPLE .........................................................................................24
THEORY ..........................................................................................24
WATERFALL ANALYSIS ...........................................................................25
APPLICATIONS ..................................................................................26
INPUT SIGNAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................26
EXAMPLE .........................................................................................27
THEORY ..........................................................................................28
RPM FROM WATERFALL .......................................................................29
APPLICATIONS ..................................................................................29
INPUT .............................................................................................29
Medallion Rotate Manual October 2000
EXAMPLE .........................................................................................29
THEORY ..........................................................................................30
COMPUTED ORDER TRACKING ................................................................31
APPLICATIONS ..................................................................................31
INPUT SIGNAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................31
EXAMPLE .........................................................................................32
THEORY ..........................................................................................32
TORSIONAL ANALYSIS ...........................................................................33
APPLICATIONS ..................................................................................33
INPUT SIGNAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................33
EXAMPLE .........................................................................................34
THEORY ..........................................................................................36
ORDER NORMALIZATION .........................................................................37
APPLICATIONS ..................................................................................37
INPUT SIGNAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................37
EXAMPLE .........................................................................................38
THEORY ..........................................................................................38
MILLSTRUM ANALYSIS ...........................................................................39
APPLICATIONS ..................................................................................39
INPUT SIGNAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................39
EXAMPLE .........................................................................................40
THEORY ..........................................................................................40
EXPORTING CALCULATED ORDERS DATA TO ME’SCOPE ...............................41
APPLICATIONS ..................................................................................41
INPUT SIGNAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................42
EXAMPLE .........................................................................................42
MEDALLION ROTATE PLOTTING FEATURES ...........................43
GENERAL PLOT FEATURES .....................................................................44
RIGHT-CLICK MENU ..........................................................................44
SELECTING THE ACTIVE TRACE ............................................................44
SELECTING THE ACTIVE CURSOR .........................................................44
MOVING A CURSOR ...........................................................................44
SAVING THE PLOT APPEARANCE AS THE DEFAULT ....................................45
TIME WAVEFORM PLOT ..........................................................................45
RPM (MACHINE SPEED) PLOTS .............................................................46
WATERFALL PLOT .................................................................................46
CONTOUR PLOT ...................................................................................47
ORDER TRACKING PLOT ........................................................................47
Index ..............................................................................................49
October 2000 Medallion Rotate Manual
This chapter introduces you to Medallion Rotate™. It describes Medallion Rotate in broad terms, including how it can assist you in diagnosing machine problems. It also describes the differences between Medallion Rotate and Medallion Rotate Plus™. Medallion Rotate Plus is an enhanced version of the product, including powerful features that increase your capability to diagnose problems.
Medallion Rotate Manual October 2000


Medallion Rotate is a powerful software package for analyzing noise and vibration in mechanical equipment. It includes a set of analytical functions that process machine speed (tachometer) and time waveform (data) signals from almost any type of sensor.
Medallion Rotate is designed for Engineers and advanced machinery analysts who diagnose vibration, acoustic, and other problems. Medallion Rotate takes raw time waveform data as the input, and lets you analyze the data in many different ways to support the clearest diagnosis. However, you must understand the machinery and be able to identify the frequencies originating from the different components.
One of the many advantages is that you can collect hours of time waveform data, then pick out only the few minutes of interest. Medallion Rotate is fast, and provides the following analysis functions.
Tachometer analysis processes a machine speed signal (pulsed or DC voltage) to create the instantaneous machine speed curve in RPM.
Waterfall analysis computes and displays multiple spectra over time in a traditional 3-dimensional Waterfall plot or Color Contour plot.
RPM from Waterfall analysis allows you to compute an instantaneous speed curve from a time waveform (data) when you do not have or cannot use a tachometer on a machine.This allows you to accurately determine the machine speed in many cases without a tachometer.
Computed Order Tracking shows you the magnitude and phase change for multiple orders over time in a Bode plot.
Order normalization order normalizes the data when performing a Waterfall analysis.
Torsional vibration analysis creates an accurate kinematic description of torsional vibrations from a single tachometer or other machine speed signal.
Millstrum analysis in Medallion Rotate Plus simplifies the process of identifying families of harmonics and sidebands.
Advanced plotting features such as sophisticated cursors simplify identifying the spectral peaks in Waterfall and Contour plots.
Medallion Rotate can import time waveform data from many sources, including Teac, Sony, HP-SDF, Zonic Medallion, Vibe-Tech, ASCII, WAV, MATLAB, Dactron, SDRC-UFF, MEGADAC, Nicolet Prism, Nicolet NRF, STAC Rex, and SoMat Ease.
If you have the ME’Scope™ program from Vibrant Technology, you can export computed order tracking data to ME’scope for operating deflection shape analysis.
October 2000 Medallion Rotate Manual


This User’s Guide contains the following chapters.
Chapter 1 “Introduction to Medallion Rotate”, introduces the Medallion Rotate program. It provides an overview of this User’s Guide, and also describes the additional analysis features available in Medallion Rotate Plus.
Chapter 2 “Medallion Rotate Guided Tour”, describes the Medallion Rotate program. It guides you through the user interface. It then explains how to operate the software by leading you through a tour of the basic features.
Chapter 3 “Medallion Rotate Applications”, describes the powerful analysis tools available in Medallion Rotate and Medallion Rotate Plus. It begins with some general notes on collecting data. Then each section includes a description of the analysis tool, some possible applications, conditions for the input data, and a brief explanation of the theory behind the analysis tool.
Chapter 4 “Medallion Rotate Plotting Features”, describes the various plotting tools available in Medallion Rotate and Medallion Rotate Plus. It covers both the plotting features and the different types of plots.


This User’s Guide uses the following conventions.
Menu names, commands, and controls in dialog boxes are in boldface type.
Keys on the computer keyboard are in boldface type.
Caution: Cautions warn you about actions that could delete data.
Hint: Hints point out additional useful information, such as alternative
ways to do certain tasks.


Medallion Rotate and Rotate are used interchangeably throughout this
User’s Guide and in the online help. In general, they refer to both Medallion Rotate and Medallion Rotate Plus. Some features are available only in Medallion Rotate Plus—see “Features Available Only in Medallion Rotate Plus.”
Time waveform is used for any time domain data that you can process in Medallion Rotate. This includes, but is not limited to, signals from tachometers, accelerometers, non-contact eddy current probes, encoders, and microphones.
Order normalization is used in describing the process of resampling a time waveform using a constant angular rotational interval, as opposed to conventional sampling using a constant time interval. Medallion Rotate Plus uses resampling to order normalize the data.
Medallion Rotate Manual October 2000


The following features are available only in Medallion Rotate Plus, and not in the standard Medallion Rotate. You can upgrade your copy of Medallion Rotate to Medallion Rotate Plus to get these additional features. Contact Zonic Corporation for more information.


Medallion Rotate Plus includes three new cursors. For more information on plotting features, refer to Chapter 4, “Medallion Rotate Plotting Features”.
The Rolling Element Bearing cursor displays up to 6 cursors to help you identify peaks caused by individual components of a bearing.
The Gearbox cursor displays up to 8 cursors based on the number of input and output gear teeth to help you identify peaks caused by gears.
The Planetary Gearbox cursor displays up to 11 cursors based on the number of gear teeth to help you identify peaks caused by planetary gears.
The Sideband cursor displays a user-defined number of sideband cursors to help you identify sideband frequencies around a primary frequency.


Medallion Rotate Plus can resample a time waveform to order normalize the data when performing a Waterfall analysis. Order normalization cancels the effect of frequency smearing across spectral bins when the shaft speed is changing rapidly (high slew rate). It ensures that order-related peaks are aligned with the orders when plotted against the orders.


Millstrum analysis in Medallion Rotate Plus simplifies the process of identifying families of harmonics and sidebands. Millstrum analysis does this by removing non-repetitive events and presenting the results in an easily­understood format. It is similar to using the cepstrum, but goes further in simplifying the results so that you do not have to perform any additional calculations.
October 2000 Medallion Rotate Manual


The RPM from Waterfall analysis in Medallion Rotate Plus allows you to determine the machine speed from a Waterfall analysis. Even though you do not have a tachometer signal, you can create the smoothed machine speed curve that describes the instantaneous speed of the machine over time.
Medallion Rotate Manual October 2000
This chapter provides a brief overview of the Medallion Rotate program. It then leads you through a short tutorial to introduce you to the basic functions of Medallion Rotate. After you have completed this chapter, you will be able to perform the steps to import and begin to analyze data in Medallion Rotate.
This tutorial uses the demonstration data that is automatically installed with Medallion Rotate.
October 2000 Medallion Rotate Manual



To start Medallion Rotate, click Start, point to Programs, then to
Medallion Rotate, then click Medallion Rotate.
The Medallion Rotate program window appears.
To stop Medallion Rotate, simply choose Exit from the File menu.


Medallion Rotate follows the standard Windows¨ user interface standards, and consists of the usual windows, menus, and toolbars. A picture of the Medallion Rotate window appears below.
Title bar
Menu bar
Status bar
The title bar displays the program name.
The menu bar appears directly below the title bar. It contains the menus
of commands for the program.
The toolbar appears directly below the menu bar. It contains the tool buttons that are shortcuts to the most often used functions of the program. A short ToolTip describing the button function appears when you move the mouse pointer over a button. You can click and drag a toolbar to any position within the program window, and “dock” it to any side of the window. You can also show or hide any toolbar with the commands on the View menu.
The status bar shows a brief description of the current command or button under the mouse pointer.
Many parts of the program have right-click menus. For example, you can right-click on a plot window to display a menu of functions for that plot.
Medallion Rotate Manual October 2000
The Channel List window shows the channels (tachometer and data) that you have imported into, or created in, Medallion Rotate. To display the Channel List window, right-click anywhere in the Medallion Rotate program window (except on the menu bar).
The online help describes each command, dialog box, and plot. To display the online help, do one of the following:
Highlight a command on a menu and press F1. This displays an
explanation of the command.
Open a dialog box and press F1. This displays an explanation of the
controls in the dialog box.
Make a plot window active by clicking on the plot and press F1.
This displays a description of the functions available for that plot.


The preferences settings control the default Medallion Rotate appearance
and functions. These include the following defaults.
Frequency units in plots
Waterfall plot type (waterfall or contour)
Default time increment and sampling frequency
Automatic plot display after analysis
Creation of a Torsional analysis file when processing a tachometer
The directory for the files created by the Medallion Rotate analysis functions
To set your preferences, follow these steps.
1. Start Medallion Rotate. See “Starting the Software.”
2. From the Edit menu choose Preferences.
3. In the Preferences dialog box, select or enter the desired defaults. Press F1 for a description of the options.
4. Choose OK when finished.
October 2000 Medallion Rotate Manual


The first section of the Tutorial leads you through starting Medallion
Rotate, as well as opening a data file and displaying data channels in the file.


1. To start Medallion Rotate, click Start, point to Programs, then to Medallion Rotate, then click Medallion Rotate. The Medallion Rotate
program window appears.


Medallion Rotate displays the Channel List window when it starts. Initially the Channel List shows the 2 channels of data from the demonstration data file.
Hint: Don’t worry if the Channels
List window is empty, or contains different files than the ones shown in the picture. Adding files to the Channel List window is described below.
2. You can hide the Channel List window by clicking anywhere on the Medallion Rotate window or by pressing Esc.
3. You can restore the Channel List window by doing one of the following:
Right-click on the Medallion Rotate window.
Press Ctrl+L.
Click the Channel List
button .
From the Channels menu
choose Channel List Window.


Removing “channels from the Channel List window does not delete any
data, and you can add the channels back in at any time.
4. Select the 2 channels in the Channel List by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking the two channels. You can also hold down the Shift key and select a range of channels.
5. Press Del.
Hint: You can also right-click a
channel and choose Remove. Note that this removes all selected channels, not just the one you right-clicked.
Medallion Rotate Manual October 2000


Adding a data “file displays all the channels of data from that file. Medallion Rotate can display the channels from a number of different file formats.
6. Right-click on the Channel List and choose Add File.
7. Select the correct Files of type. If you don’t know the file type, select All Files (*.*). For this example, select Medallion File (*.mrd).
8. Select the Demo_Data.MRD file and choose Open. The data channels from the data file appear in the Channel List (Channel 1, Channel 2).
Hint: You can also do one of the following to add a file:
Click the Add File button
From the Channels menu choose Add File.
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