Measurement DIAdem User Manual

Quick Start and User’s Guide
An abbreviated manual for rapid familiarization with the free More detailed information is available in the DIAdem User’s Manual that is distributed with Licensed-Versions of DIAdem.
the PC Workshop
the smart approach to instrumentation
IOtech, Inc.
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Cleveland, OH 44146-1833
Phone: (440) 439-4091
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the PC Workshop
DIA GfS Systemtechnik GmbH & Co.KG maintains the copyright to the material presented in this user’s guide, unless otherwise noted or implied.
® is owned and registered by GfS Systemtechnik GmbH & Co.KG.
Released per EO# 2073R4 December 2000
DIAdem® is owned and registered by GfS Systemtechnik GmbH & Co. KG.
Preface …… 2
Quick Start …… 3
Installing Launching Using Where to go from here …… 10
“Examples” Help Files …… 11
The Overall Design …… 13
Options …… 19
The Data Area …… 23 Copying, Pasting, and Deleting Data Channels …… 25 Saving and Opening Data Sets …… 26
Viewing Data as Graphs …… 27
Using the Cursor Position to Measure a Graph …… 28
How to Copy or Delete a Graph …… 32 Using Zoom, Scrolling, & Screen Partition …… 33
dem …… 3
dem from an Acquisition Program …… 4
dem with ChartView …… 6
dem-VIEW Help Files …… 10
- the PC Workshop …… 13
Context Menus and Tool Tips …… 15 The DIAdem Devices …… 15 The Module Bar …… 15 Functions …… 16 The Working Area …… 16 Dialog Boxes …… 16 Default Settings for Functions …… 17 Commands …… 17 Menus …… 18
dem Help …… 18
Tool tips …… 18 Dialog Box Help …… 18 Help Menu …… 18 Active Help: Demos and Examples …… 19
Desktop Settings …… 19 The Device-Specific Settings …… 20 Directory Structure …… 20 Saving and Loading Settings …… 21
DATA: Loading and Saving Data …… 23
VIEW: Viewing, Measuring & Editing Data …… 27
Graph Definitions: Entering & Deleting Graphs in an Axis System …… 27 Using the Graphics Cursor in DIAdem View …… 28
Graph Legend: Displaying the Axis-Oriented Display …… 30 Global Coordinate Display: Displaying Cursor Coordinates in Overview Format …… 31 Axis-local Scaling: Various Graphs in one Axis System for Clarity …… 31
Zoom: Enlarging Graph Segments ……33 Scrolling Through Graph Segments…… 34 Screen Partition: Re-arranging Axis Systems…… 35
DIAdem® is owned and registered by GfS Systemtechnik GmbH & Co.KG. GfS Systemtechnik GmbH & Co.KG maintains the copyright to the material presented in this chapter, unless otherwise noted or implied.


Devices and Interfaces of DIA
- the PC Workshop
DIAdem®, the PC workshop provides solutions for your technical tasks. It is made up of seven components called devices.
DIAdem® DATA manages data sets. Data can be processed individually, in blocks or in channels. Data is displayed for overview in data channels; the corresponding data properties are displayed in sorted table format.
With DIAdem® VIEW you can view data or “look at it under the magnifying glass.” The Working area is divided into several axis systems to facilitate viewing. Curve sections can be deleted and recalculated.
DIAdem® CALC lets you evaluate data mathematically. Each mathematical operation can be performed with custom parameters or configured with permanent default settings. Individual calculations are documented in the background in the form of a script.
With DIAdem® GRAPH you can document data in presentation format. Represent your information using graphs, bars, or tables. You c an also embed in ba ckground graphics.
DIAdem® Interfaces
With DIAdem® DAC (Data Acquisition and Control) you can process data online. Measurement and control tasks are described graphically and are divided into four separate layers: the data layer, the Packet Processing layer, the control layer and the system layer.
With DIAdem® VISUAL your terminal becomes a real-time display instrument. The wide range of indicator and input instruments and the capability of linking in images and image sequences allow you to simulate any number of measurement instruments and situations (real world instrumentation).
DIAdem® AUTO allows you to automate procedures as Autosequences. Procedures can be recorded interactively and then run off any number of times, with results that can be accessed by all the DIAdem
devices. DIAdem® user dialogs enable you to intervene interactively while the
Autosequence is runni ng.
DIAdem® has various interfaces for linking external applications: data is exchanged with other Windows applications via DDE and OLE and with databases via ODBC/SQL. External hardware drivers (OPC server) can be accessed via OPC. Via the TCP/IP interface, (measured) data can be exchanged online between DIAdem
-PCs within a network. The DLL interface GPI in DIAdem
can be used to integrate measurement hardware, data file drivers, commands and variables.
Quick Start Guide
dem Quick Start
Reference Note:
DIAdems including examples and user tips pertaining to all of the DIAdem software features and options.
Help Menu
, represented by a question mark (?) in the tool bar contains a great deal of helpful information,
Installing DIA
Minimum System Requirements
IBM compatible computer 80386, with coprocessor
Minimum 66 MHz
At least 8 MB RAM (16 MB RAM or more recommended)
At least 20 MB of available disk space
Microsoft Windows (version 3.1, Windows95/98, or WindowsNT)
Minimum monitor resolution: 800 x 600 pixels
Installation Steps
1. Install Software.
(a) Insert the install CD-ROM and wait for
your PC to auto-access the CD.
(b) When the Data Acquisition Software – Master Setup
screen appears, check:
“DIAdem Post Acquisition Data Analysis Program
(c) Click
2. Choose a DIAdem Installation Type.
You will be prompted to choose a DIAdem installation type.
More than likely you installed DIAdem during the installation of the primary Data Acquisition Software for your device. If you already installed DIAdem, please ignore the following steps.
Start Install.
Select one of these two options unless you purchased a licensed version of DIAdem
DIAdem Shell + View for IOtech Customers
This version is provided free to users of IOtech hardware.
DIAdem 30 Day Trial –
Select this installation type if you did not purchase a licensed version of DIAdem,
Installs a free version with DIAdem Shell and DIAdem View.
but would like to try out DIAdems expanded features.
Select one of the above options unless you purchased a DIAdem licensed version.
Do not confuse the
Standard Licensed version (below) with the DIAdem Shell + View for IOtech Customers version,
these are completely different installs.
have a license disk and password
To install any of the following three “Licensed” versions you must
. The DIAdem program will inform you when to insert a License Disk,
password, and user name.
DIAdem Licensed Version
DIAdem Licensed Version
view or help files installed.
DIAdem Licensed Version
licensed version.
Installs program, quick view, and documentation files for a DIAdem
Allows you to specify the installed software components for licensed
Installs only the program files for Licensed DIAdem. There are no quick
If you purchased a licensed version of DIAdem, a license disk and password were included in your order. The DIAdem install program will inform you when to insert the License Disk and when to enter your license password and user name.
3. Click <Next
> (after making your sel ection from step 2).
Quick Start Guide 3
Select Options and Click <Finish>.
Just before the setup is complete, you will see the following two option check boxes.
Display the latest information now
This box is checked by default. Leaving the boxed checked brings up the rea dme file contents listed below. We recommend that you leave this box checked.
Start the program now
Launches the
dem program for immediate use.
After selecting one, both, or neither option, click <Finish> to complete the setup.
Readme File Contents
Readme file contents are subject to change. File categories are typically as follows:
Getting Started Updates to the Current Version Additional Information Conditions for Use
Launching DIA
1. Include the DIA
2. Acquire Data to Disk and Convert File
from an Acquisition Program
The steps in this section do not apply to ChartView
The following steps can be used with data acquisition programs that contain a file converter capable of converting r aw binary data to the DIA following section, Using DIAdem with ChartView.
Reference Note:
The following steps apply to DaqView, Personal DaqView, LogView, and WaveView. The steps are discussed in general terms since the data acquisition programs differ in regard to toolbars, pull­down menus, and other aspects of GUI layout. Refer to your specific applications documentation as needed.
File Format as a Data Conversion Preference
Verify DIA accomplished through your application’s Conversion Preferences.
Refer to your applications user documentation as needed.
Note: DIA
is selected as a file format. This is
is initially selected by default.
data format. ChartView Users should skip to the
Selecting DIAdem as a File Format
When acquiring data to disk, your applications file converter automatically converts the Raw Binary data to the DIA
Target Format (verified in the
previous step).
During the conversion, a Converting Fil e box shows: an animated completion bar, format of the source and target files, and file paths of the source and target. The box is usually on screen for only a moment; however, we can obtain the information from your application’s Data Destination region, as mentioned in the following tip.
Quick Start Guide
File Conversion in Progress
After the data conversion completes, check the Data Destination area of your application. Certain applications, such as DaqView, make use of a Data Destination tab. Other applications (such as WaveView), show data destination after a Direct to Disk” [or equivalent] button is pressed. Consult your application’s user documentation as needed.
It is a good idea to write down the complete file path for the newly created DIAdem data. This allows you to access the file later from DIAdem’s Load Data box, as discussed on page 8.
Checking Data Destination
In this example, the DIAdem target file is located at
3. View Data
From your data acquisition programs main window, click the View Data button. This launches the DIAdem program. DIAdems main window will appear with waveforms from the most recently acquired file.
c:\program files\daqx\applications\diadem\daqv.r32
DIAdem’s Main Window, Showing Graphs for Three Channels
We recommend that you review sections 1, 2, and 3 of this document, as well as DIAdem’s help files. The section entitled, Where to go from here…. on page 10 includes instruction on accessing the help files and identifies the various help topics.
Quick Start Guide 5
Using DIAdem with ChartView
This method must be used for data acquisition programs that have no integrated converter capable of converting r aw binary data to the DIAdem data format.
ChartView has no direct support for DIAdem. In this case a stand-alone file converter is used to convert binary data to the DIAdem format.
Note: The Data Conversion Utility (file converter)
is installed automatically when you install ChartView from CD-ROM release version 1.9 or greater.
The following steps show how to convert a bina ry file from a data acquisition program to DIAdem format, then load the converted file into DIAdem.
A simplified view of the procedure is at right. (A) Use ChartView to acquire and save data in
binary [raw binary] format.
(B) Use the Data Conversion Utility to convert the
raw binary format into the DIAdem format.
(C) Load the converted file into DIAdem.
ChartView, Data Conversion Utility, and DIAdem
on a Desktop Concurrently
During a session in which several acquisitions are to be followed by viewing each file in DIAdem, it is recommended that: the data acquisition application, the file converter, and DIAdem remain on the desktop concurrently.
(A) Acquire and Save Data in Binary Format
Open ChartView. Consult the ChartScan Users Manual as needed.
Select Binary Data Format. This is done in ChartView’s Data Destination section (see figure).
Acquire and Save Data. In the example at the right we are saving a binary data file named
to folder
(B) Convert Binary Data to DIAdem Format
Open the Data Conversion Utility. Use a shortcut i con, or navigate from your desktop’s Start Menu as follows and double-click on the Data Conversion Utility item:
Start ⇒ Programs ⇒ ChartView ⇒Applications ⇒ Data Conversion Utility
Select Binary Format
Shortcut to the Data Conversion Utility
The conversion utility appears similar to that shown in the following figure.
Quick Start Guide
Data Conversion Utility (appearance shown is for ChartView)
Select "ChartView Binary" as the Data Type.
The first time you run the data converter, a dialog box prompts you to select a data type. The data type designation is based on the program that was used to collect the data, e.g., ChartView.
If the prompting dialog box does not appear, use the Select Source Data Type Tool to select ChartView Binary (as shown in the figure at the right).
If this is the first time you are using the data converter you can skip to step 4 since the DIAdem format is initially selected by default.
Select the DIAdem File Format.
This can be done as follows by dropping down the data conver t er's File menu and clicking "Preferences." This opens a dialog box displaying a list of formats into which your data can be converted.
If there is not a check mark next to the DIAdem item, click on it once to check it.
Note: You can select additional file formats for
other application uses; but for our Quick Start
Selecting the DIAdem File Format
purposes we only need to select the DIAdem format.
Selecting a Data Type
Click the Convert Button [on the data converter's tool bar]. A dialog box will appear that is similar to the Open File dialog used by many programs (see following figure). Note that this directory differs for each of the View programs.
If this is the first time that you are converting files of this type, you will have to navigate to the directory containing your data. For example, to get to
Converting a ChartView Binary File to a DIAdem Format File
Note that this is the path that was identified earlier in our example applications Data
Destination for the binary file (on page 4).
(as shown if the following figur e), we navigated as follows:
Quick Start Guide 7
Select the Files as you want to Convert.
In the example we only have one file available (
Enter the Target Directory Path.
In the Target Directory textbox, type the path of the directory that you want to use as the parent directory of the converted data. Note that you can press the Browse button to navigate to the target directory instead of typing it.
In the example above we used:
The converted data files will be placed in a sub-directory named "DIAdem". Thus the complete path for our saved data is:
Press the Convert Button (in the Select Files to Convert box).
This action starts the file conversion and displays a progress meter.
After the DIAdem format file has been created, we can load our acquired data into DIAdem as discussed in the following section.
(C) Load the Converted File into DIAdem
(these steps are not exclusive to ChartView and can be applied to other acquisition programs)
If you do not already have DIAdem open, launch the program from a desktop shortcut (if applicable), or by navigating from the PC desktop as follows:
Start ⇒ Programs ⇒ DIAdem ⇒ DIAdem
1. Click the DIAdem-DATA: Data Management button.
2. Click Load Data. A Load Data box appears.
3. Using the Load Data window, locate your DIAdem target file and highlight its name. In the example we have highl i ghted daqv.DAT.
Note: We reached this target file by navigating as shown in
steps A through E (below). We used the Target Directory path we created earlier
The complete path for our saved data was
Note: DIAdem data files always have a "DAT" file
extension. The file name itself will match the name of the raw binary file you converted.
If you need help finding a target directory path, see the related tip on page 3; or consult your application’s users manual, if needed.
Loading Converted ChartView Data into DIAdem
Quick Start Guide
Navigating via DIAdems Load Data Box to Locate the Target File
4. Click Open.
5. Click the DIAdem-VIEW: Data Viewing button.
6. Right-click in the empty graph region of a chart. A specific location is not required.
7. Click on the Graph Definition item listed at top of the pop-up box. A Graph Definition box appears, as shown in the following figure.
8. Click New Entry. A New Graph Definition box appears.
Selecting New Entry
Selecting Three Channels for Viewing
9. Select three channels. Do this by holding down your keyboard’s CTRL key, then selecting three channels with the mouse. In our example we have selected Channels 0, 1, and 2 (CH00, CH01, CH02).
10. Click OK. A Graph Definition box appears with information regarding the three graphs. For each graph (1, 2, and 3) the X-axis and Y-axis are identified and a graph color is indicated as shown in the following figure.
In the Graph Definitions example to the right, we see that the X-axis represents time and the Y-axis represents channel values.
11. Click OK.
The three graphs can now be viewed as indicated in the following two figures.
Graph Definition for 3 Channels
Viewing Three Graphs of Channel Values over Time
Quick Start Guide 9

Where to go from here …

At this point you should have just completed viewing data in DIAdem. What’s next? We recommend that you experiment with the program to get a better feel for its many features and capabilities. You
should review the available documentation, including the DIAdem Help files. Several help topics are identified in the remaining figures.
Reference Notes:
(1) Refer to the sections 1, 2, and 3 of this document for more detailed information regarding DIAdem.
(2) DIAdem’s Help Menu, represented by a question mark (?) in the tool bar contains a great deal of helpful information, including examples and user tips.
DIAdem-VIEW Help Files
Selecting DIAdem-VIEW from the Help pull-down menu provides quick access to the following help topics. You can also use your keyboar d’s F1 key for immediate access to the topics identified below.
Viewing Three Graphs and Basic Graph Information
Accessing DIAdems Help Files
10 DIA
Quick Start Guide
+ 26 hidden pages