Embracing Challenge
Gas Sample Probe Series SP®
Version SP2000-H320/S heated to 320°C
with separator vessel
Special Features
Special probe behind DENOX (SCR)
Heated to 320 °C
No salt formation in the heated lter
Condensate vessel in the gas outlet with
glass globe lling for extension of the
reaction surface
Optional heated condensate vessel
ntegrated peristaltic pump
Connection for test gas feeding
Easy maintenance and operation
M&C has developed a special sampling technique for continuous gas sampling of waste
gas in DENOX plants (SCR) where NH3 is
added to the flue gas in order to reduce the
NOx content. This new sampling technique
has also proved to be suitable for processes
with very high pollutant concentrations.
In these applications, a big problem
is the measurement of NOx, SO2 and
O2-concentrations. With temperatures of <
300 °C, ammonium salts are produced due to
the chemical reaction of NH3 and SO2/SO3 in
the flue gas.
This salification blocks up filters and sample
lines in a short time.
The special M&C gas sample probe SP2000H320/S represents a good solution for these
problems. In order to prevent a blocking
due to salification, the probe temperature is
adjusted above 300 °C.
The M&C gas sample probe SP2000-H320/S is
based on the standard sample probe.
The gas sample probe SP2000-H320/S is temperature controlled via an integrated capillary
sensor thermostat adjustable from 50 to 320
°C and including over temperature limiter and
low temperature alarm.
As an option, the gas sample probe is available with a FeCu-Ni thermoelement instead of
the thermostat controller. For this version, an
external temperature controller is necessary.
Due to the modular design the M&C gas sample probe SP2000-H320/S can be equipped
with the wide range of different sample tubes
and pre-filters respectively options.
At the sample gas outlet of the probe, the
gas passes a heated adapter to a non-heated condensate vessel of glass. It is filled
with glass balls to extend the surface for
the salification. The salt deposits and can
be washed out with the condensate.
A peristaltic pump SR25.1G removes the condensate with the solved ammonium salts.
The temperature of the vessel is higher than
the ambient temperature because of the hot
gas stream and the heated adapter. Therefore
a loss of measured components is negligible
because of warm condensate. In case of
DENOX application with a small content of
NH3 (normally only a few ppm) it is possible to
analyse SO2 and NOx without great losses (only
some ppm which normally can be neglected).
To determine the loss, it is possible to give
test gas via the probe to the analyser(s).
A measuring fault can be found and calibrated.
As an option the vessel can be heated as
well to suppress chemical reactions of the
measured component below a defined temperature.
To the sample outlet of the vessel a heated sample line 3/4-M for max. 200 °C
operating temperature can be connected.
Technical specications and illustrations are without
obligation, subject to modications. 03.97/06.06
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH • Rehhecke 79 • 40885 Ratingen • Germany
info@mc-techgroup.com • www.mc-techgroup.com • Fon +49 2102 935-0 • Fax +49 2102 935-111

Technical Data
20S908120S9065 ....
option: sample tube or pre-lter
Gas Sample Probe SP2000-H320/S
12 3
Tu<-30 C
To>+30 C
0-320 C
tube ø 6 mm
03B1000 bis 03B5050
heated sample line max. 200 C
Part No. 20S5000 (a) 20S5000 (a) + 20S9027
Temperature regulation Thermostat adjustable 50-320 °C,
with over temperature limiter
and low temperature alarm
as contact output alarm point ∆T30 °C,
contact rating 250V 3A~ 0,25A =
Probe heating max. 320 °C
Ambient temperature +5 °C to +60 °C** optionally with polyester protective housing -20 °C to +60 °C
Volume of filter chamber 120 ml
Sample pressure 0.4 to 2 bar abs.
Filter element ceramic, type S-2K 150*, filter porosity 2 µm
Condensate vessel glass (optional SS 316Ti, Hastelloy®), volume 0.4l (0,15l glass ball filling)
Adapter flange for condensate vessel Hastelloy
Peristaltic pump SR25.1G, 230/115V 50/60Hz
Ready for operation after 2h
Connections sample gas outlet / condensate outlet hose fitting DN4/6
Connection test gas inlet tube connection ø 6 mm with blind plug, option: ø 1/4" (a)
Power supply 230V 50Hz, 800W, option: 115V 60Hz (a)
Electrical connection terminals max 2.5mm2, 2x PG11 cable glands
Electrical equipment standard EN 61010, EN 60519-1
Degree of protection IP54, EN 60529
Mounting flange DN65 PN6, B, stainless steel 316 / 316Ti, option: 3"ANSI 150lbs RF (a)
Connection sample tube G3/4"i
Material of sample contacting parts stainless steel 316Ti, graphite, ceramic, Hastelloy, glass, FPM, PTFE, PVDF
Weight 17 kg
Part-No.: 20 S 9053 2-way ball valve for shut off to process side /VA320
Part-No.: 20 S 9330 3-way ball valve for shut off to process side /3VA320
Part-No.: 20 S 9044 test gas inlet via check valve 0.7 bar /R
Part-No.: 20 S 9065 and following test gas inlet via check valve 0.7 bar /R
Part-No.: 01 B 8350 electronic temperature controller in wall mounting housing
Part-No.: on request heating of the condensate vessel to max. 180 °C
Part-No.: 20 S 9410 protection case of polyester
* Standard
** In case of higher ambient temperatures use option PT100 (Part No. 20S9025) or thermocouple Fe-CuNi respectively Ni-CrNi (Part No. 20S9027 resp. 20S9028) instead of the thermostate
controller. Then, an additional electronic temperature controller (see data sheet 2-5.1) is necessary.
Part-No. ....(a) = Execution power 115V 60Hz, ange 3"150 lbs, test gas connection ø 1/4".
For further technical data please see data sheet SP2000.
with FeCu-Ni thermoelement,
(instead of thermostat)
option: external electronic temperature
controller necessary
e.g. Part No. 01B8350
Gas Sample Probe SP2000-H320/S
Dimensions in mm
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH • Rehhecke 79 • 40885 Ratingen • Germany
info@mc-techgroup.com • www.mc-techgroup.com • Fon +49 2102 935-0 • Fax +49 2102 935-111
Technical specications and illustrations are without
obligation, subject to modications. 03.97/06.06