M&C TechGroup SP180-H Datasheet

Embracing Challenge
Gas Sample Probe Series SP®
Electrically heated, compact version with weather protection cover and test gas connection as standard SP180-H
Special Features
Sampling of dust loaded process gases
Small volume, fast response time
Easy mounting and maintenance
Alarm contact for low temperature
With new isolation cover for outdoor
Test gas connection according to
EN14181 for test gas feeding via lter element available as standard
Insitu probe tube optional
The M&C gas sample probe version SP180-H is applicable for continuous gas sampling. The compact design requires only limited space. The gas sample probe is equipped with a new protective cover and thus also suitable for outdoor mounting.
The design of the M&C probe version SP180-H guarantees simple mounting, safe operation and problem-free maintenance.
Changing the external filter element needs no tools and no disassembling of the sample line. For the change of the filter element the complete filter assembly is removed out of the probe head. Easy checkup of the filter element and the gaskets, cleaning the filter area of the probe head respectively the insitu probe tube without dismounting the sample probe are only a few advantages of the M&C probe.
In the heated filter housing out of stainless steel the 2 micron ceramic filter element is located. More filter element materials are available as option. The compact design and the new all-round heat insulation and weather protection ensures an optimized heat distribution as well as safe operation without dew point lower deviation in the filter or flange area.
The heating of the gas sample probe to 180°C happens with special self-regulated heating elements within a range of 110V to 240V wit­hout switching.
No temperature controller respectively tem­perature limitation is necessary. The sepa-The sepa­rate thermo switch enables a low tempera­ture monitoring (<160 °C, NO). For electrical connection a junction box with terminals is mounted.
The gas sample probe SP180-H has a calibra­tion gas connection as standard according to EN14181 (regulation for calibration of emissi­on monitoring systems) that enables calibra­tion gas feeding via the filter element of the gas sample probe.
The stainless steel insitu probe tube SP210/ SS (option) is screwed into the DN65 PN6 mounting flange. The maximum operating temperature of the tube out of stainless steel is 600 °C.
For long and cold connection pieces or for dew point lower deviations in the process the heated probe tubes SP30-H or SP35-H are used (see 2.15).
For solution of specific sampling problems you can find more filter elements, probe tubes and pre-filters in our wide range of M&C probe accessories (see 2.14 and 2.17).
Technical specifications and illustrations are without obligation, subject to modifications. 07.13
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH • Rehhecke 79 • 40885 Ratingen • Germany info@mc-techgroup.com • www.mc-techgroup.com • Fon +49 2102 935-0 • Fax +49 2102 935-111
Technical Data
Series SP® Version SP180-H
Part No. 02S1800
Protective cover yes
Outdoor mounting yes Degree of protection IP54 EN60529
Sample temperature max. 600 °C*
Sample pressure 0,4 to 6 bar abs.
Ambient temperature -20 °C to +60 °C
Dust load max.1 g/m
Filter chamber volume 70 ml
Filter element type S-2K, filter porosity 2 µm, ceramic (others on request)
Probe heating +180 °C self-regulated
Ready for operation after 2 hours
Low temperature alarm contact, alarm point <160 °C, NO
Low temperature alarm contact, contact rating 250V-3A AC, 30V-3A DC
Connection sample outlet 1/4"-NPT inside with Swagelok tube connector ø6 x 1 mm (DN4/6)
Connection calibration gas Swagelok tube connector ø6 x 1 mm (DN4/6)
Power supply 110 up to 240V 50/60Hz
Power consumption start up: 400VA, usual: 100VA, (fuse 6A)
Electrical connection terminals max. 2,5 mm2, 1xM20, 1xM16 cable glands
Electrical equipment standard EN 61010, EN 60335-1
Mounting flange DN65 PN6, B stainless steel 316Ti
Material of sample contacting parts stainless steel 316 / 316Ti, FPM, ceramic
Dimensions 230x280x225 mm, w x h x d
Weight 7,5 kg
max. 500 Nl/hr
02 S 9200 Insitu probe tube out of stainless steel 316Ti type SP210/SS, connection G3/4“ o, ø 10/12, length
1 m*, incl. flange gasket.
* Standard, other versions on request.
∆P and T90 at flow of: 100 200 500 Nl/hr
∆P pressure loss with new filter element S-2K 4 7 15 mbar
T90 time with insitu probe tube SP210/SS 4,0 2,5 <1,0 sec.
Dimensions in mm
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH • Rehhecke 79 • 40885 Ratingen • Germany info@mc-techgroup.com • www.mc-techgroup.com • Fon +49 2102 935-0 • Fax +49 2102 935-111
Technical specifications and illustrations are without obligation, subject to modifications. 07.13