Embracing Challenge
Gas Sample Probe Series SP®
Version with internal process lter SP10, SP10-H
Special Features
Sampling of dusty process gases
Fast response time
Easy mounting and maintenance
Electrically heated with integrated ther-
mostat unit
Various materials and lengths for exten-
sion tubes and lters
Many optional congurations are avail-
The M&C gas sample probe, Version SP10,
are to be installed for continuous sampling of
high dust loaded gases, large flow sampling,
as well as for general gas sampling. Due to
its compact design, it requires only limited
space. It is to be mounted in a weather-proof
The M&C gas sample probe Version SP10
consists of a heat resistant tube adapter with
a 1» thread, on which is screwed the Stainless
Steel sintered filter element type V10. This
filter element type V10-/0.. has a large surface
area of 325 cm2 or on request the filter element type V10-1/2.. with 960 cm2, on request
with internal volume displacer for fast response time, which projects into the sampling
space, standard with 270 mm lengths. Longer
probe lengths of up to 2 metres are possible
by means of a threaded extension tube.
To protect the filter element against possible abrasion, a shape protection plate (V
- form) is available. For sample temperatures
up to 900 °C filters and extension tubes out of
Hastelloy-C are available.
In the heated model, SP10-H, an electrical
heating element is fitted in the area of the
probe flange, so no Dew point loss can occur.
The temperature is controlled by a capillary
sensor thermostat unit. When mounting in
the open, a weather protection shield type
130 should be fitted.will be done incl. the
filter area and the insitu probe tube or the
Technical specications and illustrations are without
obligation, subject to modications. 03.97/06.06
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH • Rehhecke 79 • 40885 Ratingen • Germany
info@mc-techgroup.com • www.mc-techgroup.com • Fon +49 2102 935-0 • Fax +49 2102 935-111

Technical Data
Probe series SP
Part Number 01 S 1000 01 S 2000
Dust load max.10 g/m3* optional >10g/m
Sample pressure 0.4 to 6 bar abs*
Ambient temperature -20 °C to +60 °C**
Insitu probe length 270 mm*, optional with extension tube up to 2000 mm
Sample temperature V10 max. 600 °C*, optional HC max. 900 °C
Mounting flange DN65 PN6, Form B, SS 316Ti
Sample gas outlet connection 1/8"-NPT internal, for tube connectors max. ø10 mm
Filter element without volume displacer V10, filter porosity 2 µm, SS 316 -ø46 mm x 225 mm
Material of sample contacting parts SS 316, SS 316Ti, Novapress *
Ready for operation after 1 hr
Heater temperature adjustable +100 to +200 °C * optional -PT100 with PT100-sensor, without thermostat
Power supply 230V 50Hz / 240V 60 Hz, 315W optional 115V 60Hz 300W
Electrical connection terminals max 4 mm2, 1x PG13,5 cable gland
Degree of protection / Electrical equipment standard
Weight 4 kg
* Standard
** In case of higher ambient temperatures use option PT100 (Part No. 20S9025) or thermocouple Fe-CuNi respectively Ni-CrNi (Part No. 20S9027 resp. 20S9028) instead of the thermo-
state controller. Then, an additional electronic temperature controller (see data sheet 2-5.1) is necessary.
Available options: type Part No.
SS316 Filter without volume displacer ø 46 x 225 mm, max. 600 °C, up to 10 g/m3 dust content -V10 standard
SS316 Filter with volume displacer ø 46 x 225 mm, max. 600 °C, up to 10 g/m3 dust content -V10-0 on request
Hastelloy Filter without volume displacer ø 46 x 225 mm, max. 900 °C, up to 10 g/m3 dust content -V10/HC 01S9500
Hastelloy Filter with volume displacer ø 46 x 225 mm, max. 900 °C, up to 10 g/m3 dust content -V10-0/HC 01S9520
SS316 Filter without volume displacer ø 60 x 550 mm, max. 600 °C, above 10 g/m3 dust content -V10-2 01S9405
SS316 Filter with volume displacer ø 60 x 550 mm, max. 600 °C, above 10 g/m3 dust content -V10-1 01S9400
Hastelloy Filter without volume displacer ø 60 x 550 mm, max. 900 °C, above 10 g/m3 dust content -V10-2/HC on request
Hastelloy Filter with volume displacer ø 60 x 550 mm, max. 900 °C, above 10 g/m3 dust content -V10-1/HC on request
SS316Ti extension tube without volume displacer, 500 mm -Vo 01S9000
Additional 500mm SS316Ti extension tube without volume displacer, for an overall length up to 2 m
SS316Ti extension tube with volume displacer, 500 mm -Vm 01S9010
Additional 500mm SS316Ti extension tube with volume displacer, for an overall length up to 2 m
Hastelloy extension tube without volume displacer, 500 mm -VoHC 01S9510
Additional 500mm Hastelloy extension tube without volume displacer, or an overall length up to 1,5 m
Hastelloy extension tube with volume displacer additional 500 mm -VmHC 01S9525
Additional 500mm Hastelloy extension tube with volume displacer, for an overall length up to 1,5 m
Personal and weather protection shield out of stainless steel for probe SP10 with standard flange DN65 -130 01S9200
Stainless Steel 316Ti - shape protection plate, for filter V10 and V10-0 -AB-SS 01S9100
Stainless Steel 316Ti - shape protection plate, for filter V10-1 and V10-2
Mounting flange in alternative formats: DN... PN... or ANSI... lbs.... -So on request
Power 115V 60Hz -115V 02S9035
Low temperature alarm, 100-180 °C adjustable -TA - on request
Over temperature protection with reset key, setting a 220 °C -TA + on request
>5 bar g operating pressure version -P on request
non heated basis version SP 10 heated basis version SP 10-H
IP54, EN 60529 / EN 61010, EN 60519-1
-Vo+ 01S9005
-Vm+ 01S9015
-VmHC+ 01S9530
-AB1-SS 01S9105
∆P at flow of: 100 200 500 1000 2000 Nl/hr
∆P pressure loss with new filter element
<3 <5 <20 <30 <40 mbar
ø 46 x 225 mm - V10, V10-0, V10/HC, V10-0/HC
∆P pressure loss with new filter element
<1 <1 <2 <10 <20 mbar
ø60 x 550 mm - V10-1, V10-2, V10-1/HC, V10-2/HC
Order example:
M&C sample probe SP 10-H with stainless steel large surface filter incl. internal volume displacer and extension tube incl. internal volume displacer, overall
length 1metre, with over temperature protection and low temperature alarm and weather protection shield.
SP 10-H (Part No.01S2000); V10-1 (Part No.01S9400); extension tube Vm 500 mm (Part No.01S9010) for a total probe length of 1m; TA +; TA -; weather protection
shield130 (Part No.01S9200).
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH • Rehhecke 79 • 40885 Ratingen • Germany
info@mc-techgroup.com • www.mc-techgroup.com • Fon +49 2102 935-0 • Fax +49 2102 935-111
Technical specications and illustrations are without
obligation, subject to modications. 03.97/06.06