M&C TechGroup PMA 100 Operator's manual

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Microprocessor controlled oxygen analyser PMA
Version PMA100 (V1.52)
9-3.12-ME M&C Products Analysentechnik GmbH
Table of content
1. Electrical standards 3
2. Important safety informations 3
3. Warranty 3
4. Used terms and signal indication 4
5. Introduction 4
5.1 Analyser model ............................................................................................................................ 4
5.2 Patent references ..........................................................................................................................4
5.3 Serial number ...............................................................................................................................4
5.4 Power supply ...............................................................................................................................4
5.5 Mounting system .......................................................................................................................... 4
6. Application 5
7. Description 5
7.1 Measuring principle ......................................................................................................................5
7.2 Flow diagram ................................................................................................................................6
7.3 Dimensions and weight ................................................................................................................7
7.4 Front panel .................................................................................................................................... 7
7.5 Technical data............................................................................................................................... 8
8. Supply connections 9
8.1 Medium ........................................................................................................................................ 9
8.2 Electrical .......................................................................................................................................9
8.2.1 mA output ..................................................................................................................................10
8.2.2 In- and output contacts .............................................................................................................. 10
8.2.3 Connector for solenoid valves ...................................................................................................10
9. Receipt and storage 11
10. Installation 11
11. Starting up 11
12. Menu description 12
13. Calibration 27
13.1 Calibration ..................................................................................................................................27
13.2 Cross-sensitivity .......................................................................................................................... 27
14. Measuring 30
14.1 Automatically range switch ........................................................................................................30
14.2 Expanded measuring range........................................................................................................ 30
15. Function of in- and output contacts and alarms 31
16. Closing down 32
17. Maintenance and repair 33
18. Trouble shooting 34
19. Spare part list 35
20. Appendix 35
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PMA® is a registered trade mark.
5th edition: 02/2003
M&C Products Analysentechnik GmbH 9-3.12-ME
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1. Electrical standards
The electrical standard corresponds to the safety regula– tions concerning the low-voltage recommendation 73/23 EWG in version 93/68 EWG and the recommendation of electromagnetic compatibility 89/336 EWG in version 93/68 EWG.
We meet the following standards:
EN 61010 part 1 / EN 50081 part 1 / EN 50082 part 1 EN 55014 / EN 60555 part 2 & 3 / EN 60335 part 1
2. Important safety informations
Please note the following basic safety procedures when using this equipment:
• Work on electrical equipment is only to be carried out by trained specialists as per the regulations currently in force.
• Attention must be paid to the requirements of IEC 364 (DIN VDE 0100) when setting high-power electrical units with nominal voltages of up to 1000 V, together with the associated standards and stipulations.
• Check the details on the type plate to ensure that the equipment is connected up to the correct mains voltage.
• Protection against touching dangerously high electrical voltages. Before opening the equipment, it must be switched and hold no voltages. This also applies to any external control circuits that are connected.
• The equipment is only to be set within the permitted range of temperatures and pressures.
• Check that the location is weatherprotected. It should not be subject to either direct rain or moisture.
• The equipment may not be operated in an area at risk from explosion.
• Installation, maintenance, monitoring and any repairs may only be done by authorised personnel with respect to the relevant stipulations.
3. Warranty
If the equipment fails, please contact M&C directly or else go through your M&C authorised dealer. We offer a one year warranty as of the day of delivery as per our normal terms and conditions of sale, and assuming technically correct operation of the unit. Consumables are hereby excluded. The terms of the warranty cover repair at the factory at no cost or the replacement at no cost of the equipment free ex user location. Reshipments must be send in a sufficient and proper protective packaging.
9-3.12-ME M&C Products Analysentechnik GmbH
4. Used terms and signal indication
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These are persons with necessary qualification, who are familiar with installation, use and maintenance of the product.
The signals are used according to DIN 4844 and EU Recommendation 91/C53/06.
These are important informations about the product or parts of the instruction manual which require user’s attention.
5. Introduction
5.1 Analyser model
The Oxygen analyser type PMA100 is produced by M&C Products Analysentechnik in Ratingen, Germany.
5.2 Patent references
The M&C paramagnetic measuring cell is patented in Europe and the USA under the following patent numbers:
• Germany Pat.-Nr. 36 33 750
• France Pat.-Nr. 87 13 608
• United Kingdom Pat.-Nr. 21 96 127
• The Netherlands Pat.-Nr. 188 2449
• USA Pat.-Nr. 4,807,463
5.3 Serial number
The type plate with the serial number is located at the back panel of the analyser. Whenever you call M&C regarding questions or orders for spares please give us the serial number of your PMA.
5.4 Power supply
The power supply for the oxygen analyser PMA100 is 230V, 50Hz or 115V, 60Hz (‘a’ added to the Serial-No.). For detailed information please look at the type plate of your analyser. Variations of the power supply in a range of +10% to - 15% have no influence on the function of the analyser.
5.5 Mounting system
The analyser is build in a 19“ housing, for rack or table­mounting.
M&C Products Analysentechnik GmbH 9-3.12-ME
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6. Application
The transducer of the PMA100 works at a stable tempe­rature of +55°C. Therefore the analyser is suitable for con­tinuous measurements of oxygen concentrations in particle­free and dry sample gases. Safe operation, reliability and minimized maintenance are the characteristic of the PMA100. The operation of the instrument is based upon the principle of the magneto-dynamic cell which is the most accurate and reliable cell for determining the oxygen content in gas mixtures in a range of 0 to 100 Vol.-%. The patented M&C measuring cell has been improved in order to achieve stability, minimum drift of temperature and extremely fast response time. Due to this fast response time and the negligible cross-sensitivity from other gases the PMA100 is applicable in a wide range of processes, like:
• monitoring of flue gases,
• inerting installations,
• fermentation processes,
• process- and lab-measurements, etc.
7. Description
7.1 Measuring principle
The paramagnetic susceptibility of oxygen is significantly greater than that of other common gases, and for this reason the molecules of oxygen are attracted much more strongly by a magnetic field than the molecules of other gases. Most of the other gases are slightly diamagnetic, e.g. the molecules are then repelled by a magnetic field.
The principle of the magneto-dynamic cell is based upon Faraday’s method of determining the magnetic suscepti­bility of gas. The cell consists of two nitrogen-filled quarts spheres arranged in the form of a dumb bell. A single turn of platinum wire is placed around the dumb bell which is suspended in a symmetrical non-uniform magnetic field. When the surrounding gas contains oxygen, the dumb bell spheres are pushed out of the magnetic field by the change in the field which is caused by the relatively strong para­magnetic oxygen. The torque acting on the dumb bell will be proportional to the paramagnetism of the surrounding gas and consequently it can be used as a measure of the oxygen concentration.
Nitrogen=Diamagnetic Oxygen=Paramagnetic
Fig. 1: Magnetic susceptibility of gases
1 : Quarts sphere dumb bell 2 : Platinum wire 3 : Mirror 4 : Magnetic pole pieces
Fig. 2: The measuring cell in theory
The distortion of the dumb bell is sensed by a light-beam and projected on a mirror attached to the dumb bell where­of it is reflected to a pair of photo cells (Fig. 3). When both photo cells are illuminated equally the output will be zero. The output from the photo cells is connected to an amplifier, which in turn is fed to the feedback coil of the measuring cell. If the oxygen content of the gas sample changes,
9-3.12-ME M&C Products Analysentechnik GmbH
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1: Measuring cell 2: „LED“ light beam 3: Photo cell 4: Feed back amplifier 5: Output amplifier 6: Meter indication
Fig. 3: Principle of operation
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the corresponding output of the amplifier, which is a current and also proportional to the oxygen content, produces a magnetic field in the feedback coil opposing the forces and thereby causing the dumb bell to rotate. Since the feedback current from the amplifier is proportio­nal to the oxygen content of the gas sample, the output signals produced by the amplifier will be accurate and linear. The paramagnetic susceptibility of oxygen varies inversely as the square of the absolute temperature. There­fore, a temperature sensitive element in contact with the measuring cell assembly is included in the feedback current circuit in order to provide compensation for changes in analyser temperature.
7.2 Flow diagram
The flow can be adjusted in a range of 25 - 60Nl/h air at the flowmeter with needle valve 2 built on the front panel of the analyser. The flow sensor at the outlet of the measuring cell 3 de– tects the sample flow if it decreases under 25l/hr. We recommend a conditioning system upstream the analyser PMA100, e.g. consisting of a cooler and fine filter.
1: external filter 2: flowmeter with needle valve 3: patented M&C measuring cell PMA100 4: flow control
Fig. 4: Flow diagram of the analyser
We like to inform you about suitable M&C equipment.
M&C Products Analysentechnik GmbH 9-3.12-ME
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7.3 Dimensions and weight
The analyser is build in a 19” housing, also suitable for table mounting. Fig. 5 shows the dimensions of the PMA100. Please take additional 60mm fitting-depth into consideration when installing the analyser. The weight of the analyser is approx. 11 kg.
177 (4U)
20,9 V0l.% O 1010 mbar
7.4 Front panel
The following figure shows the front panel of the oxygen analyser PMA100. You can see the double-lined LCD display 1 , the alarm LED 2 , the flowmeter with needle valve 3 , status LEDs 4 and the six operating keys 5 . The sample flow can be adjusted at the needle valve in a range of 25-60Nl/hr. The control panel refers to NAMUR standard and is devided into:
Select key
Enter key
• Direction key
• Direction key
⇑⇑ ⇓⇓
Cal key
Measuring key
(for more functional description see chapter 12)
Fig. 5: Dimensions of the PMA100
20,9 V0l.% O
1010 mbar
Selec Enter ⇑⇓Cal Meas
PMA100 O2-analyser
Fig. 6: Front panel with display, operating keys
and flowmeter
9-3.12-ME M&C Products Analysentechnik GmbH
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7.5 Technical data
Part No. 03A3000(a): PMA100, power supply 230VAC, 50Hz, 115VAC, 60Hz
signal: 4-20mA; (a)=115V
Measuring ranges 4 linear measuring ranges free selectable, lowest span 1%,
basis parameterizing: 0-1; 0-10; 0-25; 0-100Vol.% O2 *; manual, automatic or remote range control and range indication is possible
Indication, suitable in German, English and French 2 line, 16-sign. LCD-display, resolution 0,01Vol.%O2, continuous
O2-indication and read off O2-transducer temperature, mA-signal, measur­ing range, time, date, error/alarm message, process pressure
Output signals selection: isolated 0-20, 2-20, 4-20*, 4-20.5mA for the selected range,
max. load 500Ω; interface RS232, AK communication protocol, bi-directional,
option: interface RS485 Relay outputs, free configurable 4 potential free relay contacts NO, contact rating max. 48VDC, 500mA, 15W Binary outputs 24VDC, max. 400mA, controlling of 3 external valves for calibration Binary inputs, free configurable potential free, 4 x 12 - 24VDC, max. 20mA or internal 24V Flow alarm caloric conductibility sensor in the outlet of the cell Status alarm for min. flow, transducer temp. < 50°C, processor error,
pressure sensor: LED-indication and potential free contact output,NO,
max. 48VDC, 500mA, 15W and mA output signal, f.e. 22mA Alarm contact for underflow or exeeding of the measuring range, termination of the
calibration, external alarm, concentration alarm: LED-indication and
potential free contact output, NO, max. 48VDC, 500mA, 15W Response time for 90%-FSD < 3sec at 60 NI/hr air Accuracy after calibration deviation ± 1% of 2-100% span, ±2% of 1% span Reproducibility deviation < 1% of span Influence of ambient temperature no influence up to 50°C Influence of barometric or process pressure the oxygen reading varies in direct proportion to the baromatric or process
pressure variation
option: integrated process pressure compensation for the range 0,6 to
1,6bar abs., part no.: 03A9300 Influence of sample gas flow variation in gas flow between 0 and 60 Nl/hr air will cause a difference in
reading of < 0,1Vol.%O
Sample gas
- inlet pressure 0,01 up to 0,5bar g (PMA100 requires positive pressure for adequate flow rate, no pump inside)
- outlet pressure outlet of analyser should discharge freely into atmosphere, or see option: pressure compensation
- flow rate 25 - 60 Nl/hr air
- temperature -10°C up to +50°C dry gas
O2-transducer temperature fixed at +55°C Ambient temperature -10°C up to +50°C Storage temperature -20°C up to +60°C, rel. humidity 0-90% RH Power supply internal power unit for 230VAC or 115VAC available, (a) +/-10%, 40-60 Hz, 35VA Electrical connections mains supply: 3-pol. chassis plug with 2m cable; signals: 4 x Sub-D plug Materials in contact with sample gas platinum, epoxy resin, glass, FPM, stainless steel 316, PTFE, PVDF Sample gas connection 1/8“ NPT internal thread*, option with tube connector DN 4/6 PVDF
available part no.: 05V1045
Protection / Electrical standard IP40 (EN60529) / EN61010 Housing/ 19“ rack mounting with front handles Front colour grey RAL 7032 Dimensions/ width: 84HP; hight: 4U; depth: 350mm + approx. 60mm installation space Weight approx. 11 kg
supply voltage
* standard/basis execution
M&C Products Analysentechnik GmbH 9-3.12-ME
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8. Supply connections
8.1 Medium
The oxygen analyser PMA100 is suitable for continuous measurements of oxygen concentrations in particle-free and dry sample gases. Therefore it is recommended to use a gas conditioning system upstream the analyser, e.g. equipped with a cooler and a particle filter.
We like to inform you about suitable M&C equipment.
The following diagram shows the connections on the back panel of the PMA100.
Sample in Sample out
Before opening the assembly cover disconnect the electrical supply!
X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
Power in
Patented measuring cell USA patent number 4807463
For connection of the sample gas in- and outlet use 1/8” NPT male fittings.
We like to inform you about our range of tube and pipe connectors.
8.2 Electrical
The analyser PMA100 is equipped with an internal power switch. The 2m cable with 3-pole plug at the end is part of the standard supply.
False supply voltage can damage the equipment. When connecting the equipment, please ensure that the supply voltage is identical with the information provided on the model type plate!
Fig. 7: Connections on the back panel of the
For the erection of power installations with rated voltages up to 1000V, the requirements of VDE 0100 and relevant standards and specifications must be observed! The main circuit must be equipped with a fuse correspon­ding to the nominal current (over current protection); for electrical details see technical data (chapter 7.5).
9-3.12-ME M&C Products Analysentechnik GmbH
mA +
mA +
mA +
mA +
mA -
Fig. 8: 15-pole Sub-D socket X3
Out 4 MC
Out 3 NO
Out 2 MC
Out 1 NO
Alarm MC
Status MC
Out +24V
IN 1,2,4; GND
IN 3 (+24V)
In 1 (+24V)
In 4 (+24V)
mA -
mA -
mA -
mA -
mA -
mA -
mA -
Out 4 NO
Out 3 MC
Out 2 NO
Out 1 MC
Status NO
Out 0V
Alarm NO
In 2 (+24V)
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8.2.1 mA output
The mA output is available on the back panel of the PMA100 (see fig.8) at the 15-pole Sub-D socket X3. The following figure shows the configuration of the terminal. For multichannel version the outputs are arranged as follows: 1 channel 1, 2 channel 2, 3 channel 3, 4 channel 4.
The menu-driven handling of the mA outputs is described in chapter 12.
8.2.2 In- and output contacts
Fig. 9 shows the configuration of the terminal X4. The following connections are available at the 25-pole Sub-D plug:
• four binary inputs, In1 to In4, with 12V - 24V, max. 20mA,
• four binary output contacts, Out1 to Out4, with 48V, max. 500mA,
• one alarm contact, Alarm MC and Alarm NO, with 48V, max. 500mA,
• one status contact output, Status MC and Status NO, with 48V, max. 500mA. and
• one supply power contact, Out +24V and Out 0V, with 24V, max. 100mA.
Fig. 9: 25-pole Sub-D plug X4
+0V Y1
+0V Y2
+0V Y3
Fig. 10: 25-pole Sub-D socket X5
The menu-driven handling of the in- and outputs is described in chapter 12.
8.2.3 Connector for solenoid valves
Fig. 10 shows the 25-pole Sub-D socket X5 with the supply power to control three external solenoid valves. At the moment three conections are available:
• pin 2 connection for the zero gas solenoid valve, 24V, max. 400mA,
• pin 3 connection for the span gas solenoid valve, 24V, max. 400mA, and
• pin 5 connection for the sample gas solenoid valve, 24V, max. 400mA.
The menu-driven handling of the in- and outputs is described in chapter 12.
M&C Products Analysentechnik GmbH 9-3.12-ME
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9. Receipt and storage
The PMA100 is completely pre-installed and normally de­livered in one packaging unit.
• Please take the analyser and possible special acces­sories carefully out of the packaging material immediate­ly after arrival, and compare the goods with the items listed on the delivery note;
• Check the goods for any damage caused during delivery and, if necessary, notify your transport insurance com­pany without delay of any damage discovered.
The oxygen analyser PMA100 must be stored in a whea­ther-protected frost-free area!
The PMA100 is built in a 19“ housing, which is also suitable for table mounting. Accurate and proper installation of the PMA100 analyser will not only minimize instrument breakdown, but it will also result in reliable operation of the analyser. The operator must be satisfied that the analyser installation and positioning is safe for extremes of conditions which could occur in the operating environment of the analyser. Choose installation sites which are reasonable free from vibration sources, and are not subjected to large tempera­ture fluctuations outside the analyser specifications. Without any precautions avoid any back pressure different from barometric pressure at the gas outlet of the analyser.
Note that the PMA100 analyser is only suitable for measuring of non-hazardous gas mixtures in non-hazar­dous areas!
11.Starting up
Before using the equipment for the first time, check that the safety measures specific to the installation and process are complied with.
Before connecting the analyser to the mains, compare the mains voltage with the information on the type plate of the analyser.
The working temperature of the analyser is 55°C. After starting, the analyser warms up. The current temperature is displayed. During the warm-up time the menu of the analyser is locked for use.
9-3.12-ME M&C Products Analysentechnik GmbH
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