M&C TechGroup FM 40 Datasheet

FM 40
Embracing Challenge
Flowmeter series FM®
Version FM 40 for front panel mounting
Special Features
High chemical resistance
Compact, at design
With ne adjustment needle valve
The compact, flat, corrosion resistant FM 40 flowmeter for front panel mounting is used for flow control of gas media in analysis devices and systems.
The M&C FM 40 flowmeter consists of a verti­cal, internally conical glass tube widening towards the top in which a float can move freely upwards and downwards and of the head and bottom piece with an integrated PVDF needle valve. A “front panel“ of a maxi­mum 4 mm thickness with two appropriate mounting bore holes serves as base body for attaching the head and the bottom part.
The sample gas flows upwards through the tube and thus lifts the float until a radial clear­ance occurs between the tube wall and the float so that forces effecting the body are in equilibrium. Thus every position of the float (depending on measuring range out of glass or Hastelloy C) corresponds to a certain flow which can be read on a calibrated scale.
The measuring tube is sealed within the head and bottompart with FPM o-rings, as is the fine adjustment needle valve.
All parts coming into contact with the gas medium are made of PVDF, FPM and glass. The flowmeter is fitted with a fine adjustment valve in the inlet for precise flow value setting. In addition, the optical monitoring unit FA1bi is supplied for automatic flow alarm monitor­ing. – See separate data sheets 9.4 / 9.5 –
Technical specications and illustrations are without obligation, subject to modications. 09.96/11.06
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH • Rehhecke 79 • 40885 Ratingen • Germany info@mc-techgroup.com • www.mc-techgroup.com • Fon +49 2102 935-0 • Fax +49 2102 935-111
Flowmeter FM 40
Dimensions in mm
Technical Data
Flowmeter FM 40
Measuring-range calibrated at 1 bar abs., 20 °C 7-70 l/hr air, Part No: 09F4000
15-150 l/hr air, Part No: 09F4005 25-250 l/hr air, Part No: 09F4010 50-500 l/hr air, Part No: 09F4015
Measuring range width 10:1
Accuracy class 6 %
Scale calibrated in l/hr
Scale length approx. 30 mm
Pressure max. 3 bar abs.
Temperature max. 60 °C
Connections Tube connectors DN 4/6 mm
Material used for parts in contact with medium PVDF, glass, Hastelloy C4, FPM
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH • Rehhecke 79 • 40885 Ratingen • Germany info@mc-techgroup.com • www.mc-techgroup.com • Fon +49 2102 935-0 • Fax +49 2102 935-111
Technical specications and illustrations are without obligation, subject to modications. 09.96/11.06