Embracing Challenge
Air clean up supply series BA
Version BA-C
Special Features
High degree of purity:
Cn Hm < 0,1ppm,
H2O dew point < -100 °F
CO2 < 2ppm
Long service life
Minimum operating costs
Status self-monitoring
Compact, easy-to-use and easy-to-
service 19 inch plug-in or wall mounting
Safe handling and easy servicing
Dilution extractive technology requires a constant low dew point clean air supply that
removes the concentrations well below the
lower detection limits (LDL) of the analyzers
used. This translates to low ppb concentrations in some cases.
With ever decreasing concentrations of measured pollutants, an increased purity specification is required to maintain system repeatability since simply changing dilution ratios
can cause serious complications
The air clean up supply BA-C has been developed in order to achieve proper dilution air
for gas sample dilution probes (see data sheet
2-1.1.7), independent of gas cylinders.
The BA-C unit can also be used as a zero gas
generator when calibrating I.R.-analysers for
immission monitoring and for hydrocarbon
free burner air when measuring hydrocarbons
with a FID, FTIR and gas Chromatography also
need an ultra-pure reference as well as carrier
air supplies.
The M&C-air clean up supply version BA-C has
been designed as compact, easy-to-use and
easy-to-service 19 inch and wall mounting
With version BA-C compressed air is taken via
the rear-mounted air filter and is directed to
particle and condensate separation by means
of a high-performance filter (0.01 micron of
filter fineness) with an integrated, floating
condensate drainer.
There upon the compressed air is cleaned as
a result of low power catalytic oxidation by
means of a platinum/palladium catalyst of
hydrocarbon traces
(CnHm -> CO2 + 2H2O).
Drying the condensate-free compressed air
to <-100 °F dew point and removing NOx and
CO2 takes place in two mol sieve columns.
Technical specications and illustrations are without
obligation, subject to modications. 09.96/01.07
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH • Rehhecke 79 • 40885 Ratingen • Germany
info@mc-techgroup.com • www.mc-techgroup.com • Fon +49 2102 935-0 • Fax +49 2102 935-111
Functional diagram BA-C
1 Air inlet
2 Zero air outlet
3 Condensate outlet
FI1 Oxidizer
FI2 Mol sieve column
FI3 Mol sieve column
P1 Pressure gauge
S1 Pressure switch
Y1 Solenoid valve
Y2 Solenoid valve
Y3 Solenoid valve
Y4 Check/Needle valve
Y5 Check/Needle valve
YA1 Air filter with
condensate drainer
YA2 Sound absorber
Technical data
Air clean up supply series BA version BA-C
Part No. 60A3000A
Flow (lpm) max. 12
Instrument air inlet pressure (psig) 70 - 145
Ambient temperature +41 °F to +104 °F
Start up time approx. 5 min.
Air purity Total hydrocarbon content < 0,1 ppm Cn H
CO2 - concentration < 2 ppm
Dewpoint < -100 °F
Catalyst poisons Halogens, silicon, lead, materials containing phosphorous
Storage temperature -13 °F to +149 °F
Relative humidity <75 %, avoid condensation
Inlet gas connection compressed air in G1/4"i
Outlet gas connections G 1/4”i
Condensate connection G1/4” i
Power supply 115V 60Hz 150W
Status signal contact for pressure and temperature 1 contact - potential free, contact rating 24V, 1A
Case protection IP 20 EN60529
Wall mounting or 19”- housing dimensions (in) 6” x 19” x 10” (H x W x D)
Weight (lbs) approx. 46
Electrical equipment standard EN 61010
1) Exceeds 40 CFR 72.2, 40 CFR 75 Appendix H and the Acid Rain Program CEMS Field Audit Program Manual zero grade air material requirements.
2) Custom conguration and higher purity specication are available on request.
M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH • Rehhecke 79 • 40885 Ratingen • Germany
info@mc-techgroup.com • www.mc-techgroup.com • Fon +49 2102 935-0 • Fax +49 2102 935-111
Technical specications and illustrations are without
obligation, subject to modications. 09.96/01.07