McQuay LAH002 Installation Manual

Installation and Maintenance Manual IM 782-7
Destiny™ Indoor Air Handler
Sizes 002 through 030
Group: Applied Air Part Number: IM 782 Date: March 2012
© 2012 McQuay International
General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Smoke Control and Management Systems. . . 3
Receiving and Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Storing the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Installation Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Attaching the Mixing Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Service Clearances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Rigging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Unit Leveling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Panels and Doors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Panel Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Installing Damper Actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Reversing the Coil Handing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Reversing the Belt Drive Package . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Hanging the Unit from a Ceiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Piping and Coils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Water Cooling Coils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Direct Expansion Coils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Steam Coils (provided as Specials only). . . . 13
Water Heating Coils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Drain Pan Traps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Internal Isolation Assembly Adjustment . . . . . . . 15
Before Operating the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Spring Mount Adjustments—Twin Fan Units 15
Electric Heat Section (Optional). . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Open Coil Duct Heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Single Point Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Quality Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Electric Heat kW Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Heater Amps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Electric Heat Safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Minimum Air Velocity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Electric Heat Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Field Power Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Supply Power Wiring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Electrical Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) - Optional . 21
Starters and Disconnect - Optional. . . . . . . . 21
Wiring Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Electric Heat Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Disconnect-Only Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
VFD Diagrams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Physical Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Component and Section Weights . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Fan Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Filter Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Coil Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Drain Pan Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Electric Heat Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Fan Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Dimensional Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Cabinet Dimensions—Horizontal. . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Cabinet Dimensions—Vertical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Mixing Box Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Electric Heat Dimensions—Left/Right Oriented. 44
Control Box Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Operation Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Startup Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Before Starting the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Operating Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Fan Vibration Levels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Service and Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Periodic Service and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . 48
Ball Bearing Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Fan Drive Adjustments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Fan Drive Belt Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Coil Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Component Removal and Replacement. . . . 53
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Warranty Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Warranty Return Material Procedure . . . . . . 54
Replacement Parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Destiny Equipment Warranty Registration Form 55
Quality Assurance Survey Report . . . . . . . . . . . 57


General Information

Improper installation or maintenance can cause equipment damage or personal injury. Installation and maintenance must be performed by qualified personnel familiar with applicable codes and regulations, and experienced with this type of equipment.
Une installation ou un entretien inadéquats peut endommager l’équipement ou entraîner des blessures personnelles. L’installation et l’entretien doivent être
exécutés par un personnel qualifié, familier avec les codes et règlements applicables et possédant de l’expérience avec ce type d’équipement.
Fan motor requires overload protection. Failure to provide motor overload protection can result in fire, property damage, electric shock, personal injury or death. Connect motor to an overload protective device rated in compliance with local electric codes.
Risques d’incendie. À défaut d’installer un sectionneur à fusible à action rapide de type J, cela peut entraîner des dommages à la propriété, des blessures ou la mort. Un sectionneur à fusible à action rapide de type J doit être installé avant le variateur de fréquence

Smoke Control and Management Systems

Sharp edges and coil surfaces can cause personal injury.
Avoid contact with them.
Les bords tranchants et les surfaces des bobines sont un
risque de blessure. Ne les touchez pas.
Destiny units are not designed to be weather resistant; DO NOT install outdoors.
Les Unités Destiny ne sont pas à l’épreuve des intempéries; NE PAS les installer à l’extérieur.
Improper grounding may result in severe injury or death.
Check grounding nut tightness before connecting power to the external junction box.
Une mise à la terre défaillante peut causer des blessures graves ou la mort. Vérifiez l’étanchéité des vis de mise à terre
avant d’alimenter la boite de jonction externe.
The system design and installation must follow accepted industry practice, such as described in the ASHRAE Handbook, the National Electric Code, and other applicable standards. The installation of this equipment must be in accordance with regulations of authorities having jurisdiction and all applicable codes. It is the responsibility of the installer
to determine and follow the applicable codes
Improper smoke or fume air handling can result in severe personal injury or death.
A registered professional engineer must design and approve the air conditioner and air handler application to make sure smoke and fume control meet local fire codes and NFPA requirements for the specific building application. Due to the wide variation in building design and ambient operating conditions into which our products can be applied, we do not represent or warrant that our products will be fit and sufficient for smoke and fume control and management purposes. The owner and building designer must consult a registered professional engineer to satisfy themselves in this regard.
Un traitement inadéquat de l’air contenant de la fumée peut entraîner des blessures personnelles ou même la mort. Un ingénieur professionnel doit faire la conception et approuver l’unité de traitement d’air et son application pour s’assurer que le contrôle de la fumée rencontre les codes d’incendies locaux et les normes NFPA pour l’application spécifique du bâtiment. Dû à la grande diversité de conceptions des édifices ainsi que des conditions d’opération ambiantes dans lesquelles nos produits peuvent être appliqués, nous n’avançons ni ne garan­tissons que nos produits seront adéquats et efficaces quant au contrôle de la fumée. Le propriétaire et le concepteur du bâtiment doivent consulter un ingénieur professionnel à cet égard
McQuay IM 782-7 3

Receiving and Handling

1 Carefully check items against the bills of lading to verify
all crates and cartons were received. Carefully inspect all units for damage when received. Report visible and concealed damage immediately to the carrier and a file a claim for damage.
2 Destiny air handler units are thoroughly inspected before
leaving the factory. Install units carefully to prevent damage.
3 Leave enough space around the unit for proper
maintenance, filter removal, lubricat ion, belt adjust ment, and removal of coils, if necessary (refer to Figure 2 for service clearances).
4 Use flexible connections on the inlet and outlet duct
connections of the unit.
5 For 002 - 010 sized ceiling hung units, spring isolation of
the cabinet is recommended.
6 All fans are dynamically balanced before leaving the
factory. Carefully inspect fans for rough handling that can cause misalignment or a damaged shaft.
7 Adequately pitch and trap drain line from drain pan

Storing the Unit

Store unit on a level surface. If air handling units are to be stored for any period of time, it is important to rotate the fan wheel (quarterly, as a minimum) to prevent permanent distortion of drive components. Keep the fan bearings lubricated. Grease may settle in the lower part of the bearing, which may lead to oxidation on the upper portion of the bearing surface.
Store units indoors in a clean, dry environment on a level surface. Moisture, debris, and minerals can cause permanent damage to the cabinet and components. Do not allow coverings to trap moisture on the galvanized surface.
4 McQuay IM 782-7

Installation Guidelines

Cleat locations
Cleat installation
Cleat locations (sizes 015 and above)

Attaching the Mixing Box

Mixing boxes ship with Destiny units as a field-installed option. Attach the mixing box to the intake end of the air handler using cleats included with the mixing box section. Install the cleats into the interior mounting frames, with the hardware included as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Mixing Box Installation
Installation Guidelines
McQuay IM 782-7 5
Installation Guidelines
To p v i e w
Width of
fan section
Width of
oil section
Vertical uni t
Electric power clearance
Horizontal unit
For Bottom Filter Access Only
Provide 30 Clearance for Filter Removal
" Vertical

Service Clearances

Leave adequate space around the unit for piping, coils, and drains. Always have access to at least one side of the unit for regular service and maintenance. See Figure 2 for servicing space requirements. Routine maintenance examples include filter replacement, drain pan inspection and cleaning, fan bearing lubrication, and belt adjustment. Provide sufficient space on the drive side of the fan and the connection side of the coil for shaft and coil removal, if necessary (refer to the “Coil Data” section in Catalog 580 for information about coil sizes). Both the fan drive and coil can be field modified to right or left hand to accommodate clearance restrictions. See
Reversing the Coil Handing‚ page 10 and Reversing the Belt Drive Package‚ page 12.
Figure 2: Servicing Space Requirements
For routine maintenance, remove panels on either side of the unit. See Panel Removal‚ page 8. Optional service doors are available for the fan and filter sections. Allow sufficient space for service door(s) to swing completely open, or to meet the clearance requirement of the section it accesses, whichever is greater. Service doors are not interchangeable with access panels on the opposite side of the unit. Determine clearances before specifying doors.
Have at least 54" of clearance in front of electrical power devices (starters, VFDs, disconnect switches, and combination devices). Electrical power devices that are mounted on the side of the unit typically are 6" deep (12" maximum (see Figure 2,
page 6).
6 McQuay IM 782-7
Installation Guidelines
Vertical unit
Horizontal unit


Rig units using straps or a sling. Fasten strapping under the skid that ships with the section. If a field-installed mixing box is attached, adjust to balance the unit properly.
To avoid damage to the unit cabinetry, use spreader bars. Position spreader bars to keep cables from rubbing the frame, connections, or panels. Before hoisting into position, test lift for stability and balance. Avoid twisting or uneven lifting of the unit.
Figure 3: Rigged Unit on Skids
Horizontal unit

Unit Leveling

Place the equipment on a flat and level surface (or verify that unit is level when hanging from the ceiling). Where the surface irregularities allow the equipment to distort, shim the base of the unit to a straight line. Distorted units can cause misfit or binding of the doors and panels and improper draining of drain pans.
Figure 4: Leveling the Unit
Vertical unit
McQuay IM 782-7 7
Installation Guidelines

Panels and Doors

Hazardous moving parts, high static pressure, and/or high voltage. Can cause severe injury or death.
Disconnect and lock ALL electric power off before entering or servicing unit. Unit may employ multiple power supplies and/or remote disconnects. Secure drive sheaves to prevent motors and fan from free wheeling. When leaving the unit, use screw or door handle locking mechanism provided to secure access panel closed and prevent unintentional entry.
Pieces mobiles dangereuses, haute pression statique et/ou de hautes tensions. Risques de blessures graves, voire mortelles.
Débranchez et verrouillez toutes les alimentation électriques avant de pénétrer ou d’intervenir sur cet appareil. Cet appareil peut étre alimenté par plusieurs sources etlou par l’intermédiaire de plusieurs disjoncteurs éloignés. Attachez les disques d’entrainement afin d’éviter que les moteurs et le ventilateur ne tournent librement. A Ia sortie de l’appareil, fermer le panneau d’accès avec Ia vis ou avec le mécanisme de verrouillage de Ia poignée de porte qui sont founis pour éviter toute entrée inopinée.

Panel Removal

Destiny air handlers have pocket pull handles in alternate sections that allow side panels to be easily removed and handled. To gain access through a side panel, remove the fasteners along the sides of the panel and lift the panel off using the pocket pull handle. If the panel you are accessing does not have a pocket pull handle, remove an adjoining panel with a pocket pull handle and push the panel out from inside the unit.
Figure 5: Panel Removal
Figure 6: Fan Section Doors


The factory-mounted actuator has been initially adjusted in the factory. Power and control wiring, as well as fine-tuning adjustment, is to be performed in the field.
The installing contractor is responsible for the mounting of all field-installed actuators. An actuator mounting plate is provided on the shaft side of the damper frame to accommodate many actuators. However, due to the number of options, size variations, and arrangements available, some actuators may require alternate field provided mounting hardware. Provide proper support for the actuator to avoid excessive stress in the cabinet, linkage, or damper shafts.
Fresh air and return air dampers can be linked together and driven from the same actuator if the dampers are the same size. If the dampers are different sizes, they must be driven by separate actuators and controlled appropriately.
A typical rotary electric actuator can handle up to 40 square feet of damper. For pneumatic actuators, allow 5 in.-lb. per
square foot of damper area.
Maximum damper rotation is 70°. Maximum shaft torque is 205 in.-lb. Greater rotation or torque can cause equipment damage.
La rotation maimale des volets est de 70°. Le couple (torque) maximum de l’arbre est de 205 in./lb. Une plus grande rotation
Fan Section Doors
1 Use a flat head screwdriver and rotate the screw 1/4 turn
(ou torque) peut endommager l’équipement.
as shown in Figure 6.
2 Rotate door handle 1/4 turn and open the door.
8 McQuay IM 782-7
Installation Guidelines
Figure 7: Factory Mounted Actuator
For good air flow control, adjust the linkage so that the damper blades do not open beyond 70°. Opening a damper blade beyond 70° will have little effect on unit performance.
Do not “over-close” the low-leak damper blades as the blades may lock up if the accompanying seal goes over the center of the adjoining blade. Instead, close the damper blades until the edge seal just lightly contacts the adjoining blade.

Installing Damper Actuator

1 Turn the damper shaft until the blades are fully closed. 2 Place the actuator’s universal clamp over the damper
shaft (Figure 8). Make sure that the controls on the actuator cover are accessible. Place the actuator in the desired mounting position.
Figure 9: Actuator Manual Override Button and Strap
4 Slide the anti-rotation strap (Figure 9) under the actuator
so it engages the actuator at the center of the actuator cut out (located on the back side). Bend the bracket as needed to support the back side of the actuator. Secure the strap/actuator to ductwork with self-tapping screws (#8 recommended).
5 Loosen the nuts on the universal clamp. Press the manual
override button and rotate the clamp to about 5° (Figure 10) from the closed position (1/16" to 1/8" between stop and clamp).
Figure 10: Actuator Universal Clamp Rotation
Figure 8: Actuator on Damper Shaft
Disengage the actuator gear train by pressing the manual
override button (Figure 9) and ro tate the clamp until centered.
Tighten the two nuts on the universal clamp with a
McQuay IM 782-7 9
Installation Guidelines

Reversing the Coil Handing

Destiny coils universal-hand and coil connections can be switched to the opposite side of the unit by rotating the coil(s) 180 degrees side to side and reworking the coil section panel on the opposite side of the air handler.
Note: Direct expansion (DX) coils require 180 degree rotation
on the top to bottom to locate distributor tubes at the leaving face of the coil.
Sharp edges and coil surfaces can cause personal injury.
Avoid contact with them.
Les bords tranchants et les surfaces des bobines sont un
risque de blessure. Ne les touchez pas.
To reverse the coil connections, follow the steps below, (also refer to Figure 11, page 11).
1 Remove exterior panels from both sides of the coil
section. Remove screws that secure the top of the leaving coil face to the upper track on the inside top of the unit.
2 Lift drain pan condensate connection above the unit
frame flange and slide drain pan, coil(s) and baffles out of unit.
3 Remove screws and remove coil blockoffs. 4 Remove screws holding coil to drain pan and remove
5 Rotate the coil 180° and reposition coil blockoffs to the
entering air side of the coil.
6 Drill holes if required and fasten the blockoffs to the
entering side of the coil.
7 If unit has both heating and cooling coils, position and
bolt heating coil and cooling coil casings together in same arrangement in the direction of airflow as unit was shipped from factory. Reheat coils must remain in reheat position; do not place in preheat position. Fasten the first coil in the air stream to the entering side of the drain pan using the same holes provided for the coil before it was rotated.
8 Mark locations and drill holes to align with holes in
upper track.
9 Slide the coil, blockoffs and drain pan assembly back
into unit the same way it was removed. Check the installation for an airtight fit. Re-install screws that secure the top of the leaving coil face to the upper track on the inside top of the unit.
Depending on whether the air handler was purchased from stock or if it was manufactured for the specific job, the panel on the opposite side may or may not have predrilled connection holes.
1 If connection holes need to be drilled, determine the
proper diameter in order to use the existing grommets.
2 Mark connection locations on panel and drill new holes
to accommodate connections and grommets.
3 Plug and seal unused connection holes on opposite side
panel with new solid grommet or other suitable material.
10 McQuay IM 782-7
Figure 11: Reversing the Coil Handing
Remove screws from the upper track that hold coil/drain pan in place
Position coil/drain pan assembly in unit and install screws in upper track.
Lift drain pan connection up and slide coil/drain pan assembly out.
Remove screws and remove coil blockoffs.
Drill holes in coil header plate flanges, position block offs and install screws to secure to coil.
Drill holes in coil bottom flange and install screws to secure to drain pan.
Remove screws holding coil to drain pan and remove coil.
Rotate coil 180° and reposition in drain pan.
Mark locations and drill holes to align with holes in upper track.
Rotate a DX (evaporator) coil 180° TOP to BOTTOM.
Distributors must be on the leaving air side of the coil.
If a heating coil is used, position heating coil in the same location as unit was shipped from factory. Reheat coils must remain in reheat positon; do not place in preheat postiion.
All coils except DX
Installation Guidelines
McQuay IM 782-7 11
Installation Guidelines
Belt adjustment bolts (2)
Upper motor mounting plate bolts (2)
Lower motor
plate bolts (2)
C-channels are required on all units. On unit sizes 007 and above, L-channels on both ends are also required.
Spring Isolators

Reversing the Belt Drive Package

A motor side or “hand” is determined by looking in the direction of air flow with the air contacting the back of the head. The drive package on the air handler can be changed to the other side of the blower. The motor base and motor are attached to back of the fan housing. They can be removed, rotated 180 degrees, and reattached. The fan sheave can be removed and reinstalled on the opposite end of the shaft (Figure 12). Review Fan Drive Adjustments‚ page 48 when reinstalling the belts.
To reverse the drive package:
1 Loosen the belt adjustment screws to relieve the drive
belt tension.
2 Remove the drive belt and the blower pulley. 3 Loosen the two upper bolts on the motor mounting plate
and slide the motor out from the blower housing mount.
4 Move the top motor mounting bolts to the bottom motor
mounting plate location and vice versa. Fasten securely.
5 Turn the motor 180° and slide it back into the blower
housing mount and tighten bolts.
Note: Change the motor wiring so the motor rotates in the
opposite direction.
1 Install the blower pulley and the belt to the other side of
the blower housing.
2 Adjust belt tension.

Hanging the Unit from a Ceiling

Before hanging, rig and completely assemble the unit.
Do not suspend the unit from the top. The unit top will not support the weight of the unit. Equipment damage and severe personal injury can result.
Ne pas suspendre l’unité par le toit. Le dessus de l’unité ne supportera pas le poids de l’unité. Ceci pourrait entraîner des dommages à l’unité ou des blessures personnelles graves.
The Destiny air handler has circular knockouts on the corner connections. Remove the knockouts and suspend the unit using threaded rods and hardware with required C-channels on both sides as shown in Figure 13. On unit sizes 007 and larger, L-channels are required on both ends in addition to C-channels. For 002 - 010 sized ceiling hung units, spring isolation of the cabinet is recommended. See Figure 13.
Figure 13: Ceiling Hung Installation, Horizontal Units Only
Figure 12: Reversing the Drive Package
12 McQuay IM 782-7
Installation Guidelines
Left Hand AIr Flow Coil
Right Hand AIr Flow Coil
Left Hand
Air Flow Coil
Left Hand
Air Flow Coil
Right Hand
Air Flow Coil
Right Hand
Air Flow Coil

Piping and Coils

Follow applicable piping design, sizing, and installation information presented in ASHRAE Handbooks in the design and installation of piping. Observe all local codes and industry standards. Do not apply undue stress at the connection to the coil headers. Support pipe work independently of the coils.
Note: Destiny cooling coils are supplied as universal-hand
coils. The coils feature four water piping connection stubs for hydronic coils and two suction line connections for DX coils. The connections to be used are clearly marked with labels. Keep other (unmarked) connections capped. Refer to Figure 14 and Figure 15, detailing the correct stubs that are to be connected to the system piping.

Water Cooling Coils

Water cooling coil guidelines are listed below. Also, refer to
Figure 14.
1 Water supply, water return, drain, and vent connections
extend through the end panel of the coil section. All connections are labeled on the end panel.
2 Water supply and water return connections are copper
sweat on units 002 through 010 and male NPT iron pipe on units 015 through 030.
3 When installing couplings, do not apply undue stress to
the connection extending through unit panel. Use a backup pipe wrench to avoid breaking the weld between coil connection and header.
4 Follow recommendations of the control manufacturer
regarding types, sizing, and installation of controls.
Figure 14: Water Cooling Coil Connections

Direct Expansion Coils

Direct expansion coil connection guidelines are listed below. Also, refer to Figure 15.
1 The coil distributor and suction connection extend
2 Check nozzle in distributor for proper tonnage. 3 The thermostat expansion valve must be an external
through the end panel of the coil section.
equalizer tube type. Connect the equalizer tube provided on the coil (3/16" for units 002 to 010, and 1/4" for units 015 to 030) to the connection on the expansion valve.
4 Use care when piping up the system, making sure all
joints are tight and all lines are dry and free of foreign material. For typical refrigerant piping, see the condensing unit product manual.
Figure 15: DX Coil Connections

Steam Coils (provided as Specials only)

Steam coil connection guidelines are listed below. Also, refer to Figure 16, page 14.
1 All steam coils are non-distributing (freeae) type. They
are not designed to be used in 100% OA applications.
2 Steam supply and steam return connections are typically
male NPT iron pipe and are labeled on the end panel of coil section. Connections extend through coil section end panel.
3 When installing couplings, do not apply undue stress to
the connection extending through unit panel. Use a backup pipe wrench to avoid breaking the weld between coil connection and header.
4 Support piping independently of coils and provide
adequate piping flexibility. Stresses resulting from expansion of closely coupled piping can cause serious damage.
5 Do not reduce pipe size at the coil return connection.
Carry return connection size through the dirt pocket, making the reduction at the branch leading to the trap.
6 Install vacuum breakers on all applications to prevent
retaining condensate in the coil. Connect the vacuum breaker between the coil inlet and the return main.
7 Do not drip supply mains through the coil.
McQuay IM 782-7 13
Installation Guidelines
One and Two Row Coil with Spayed Headers
8 Do not attempt to lift condensate when using modulating
or on/off control.
9 Size traps in accordance with manufacturers’
recommendations. Be certain the required pressure differential will always be available. Do not undersize.
10 Use float and thermostatic or bucket traps with low
pressure steam. On high pressure steam, use bucket traps. Use thermostatic traps only for air venting.
11 Use bucket traps only with on/off control. 12 Locate traps at least 12 inches below the coil return
13 Do not use modulating steam valves on high pressure
14 Size modulating valves properly. Do not undersize. 15 Destiny steam coils are not recommended for freezing
conditions or entering temperatures below 35°F (1.6°C).
Figure 16: Steam Coil Connections (Type SS)
4 Follow recommendations of the control manufacturer
regarding types, sizes, and installation of controls.
5 Hot water coils are not recommended for use with
entering air below 40°F.
6 If fresh air and return air are to be heated by a hot water
coil, take care in the design of the system to provide thorough mixing before air enters the coil.
Figure 17: Water Heating Coil Connections
Figure 18: Piping Arrangements
Steam main
Vacuum breaker 1/2" check valve

Water Heating Coils

Heating coil connection guidelines are listed below. Also, refer to Figure 17 and Figure 18.
1 Water supply and water return connections extend
through the end panel of the coil section. All connections are labeled on the end panel.
2 Water supply and water return connections are copper
sweat on units 002 through 010 and male NPT iron pipe on units 015 through 030.
3 When installing couplings, do not apply undue stress to
the connection extending through unit panel. Use a backup pipe wrench to avoid breaking the weld between coil connection and header.
12" min.
Return main
14 McQuay IM 782-7
Installation Guidelines
Pressure (P)
at the drain pan
Fan isolator position numbers
Dim "H"
Spring height adjustment screw

Drain Pan Traps

Destiny air handlers have a drain pan connection on both sides of the unit. Drain connections can be made on either side or both sides. Drain lines and traps should run full size from the drain pan connection. Drain pans should have traps to allow condensate from coils to drain freely. The trap depth and distance between the trap outlet and the drain pan outlet should be twice the static pressure in the drain pan section under normal operation for the trap to remain sealed. Refer to
Figure 19.
A secondary drain connection on the drain pan is standard on all Destiny units. Secondary drain connections are required in some applications as a visual means of identifying clogged primary drain lines.
Figure 19: Allow Adequate Distance Between Trap Outlet and Drain Outlet

Spring Mount Adjustments—Twin Fan Units

The spring isolators under the four corners of the fan and motor assembly have been factory adjusted while the fan was not running. Refer to Table 1. With the unit operating at normal cfm and static pressure, the isolators should all be at the same height opening. If adjustments are required, loosen the 5/16" capscrew on top of the isolator and turn the adjusting bolt to lower or raise the fan and motor base. Retighten the capscrew when adjustments are completed. See Figure 21 below.
When seismic snubbers and/or thrust restraints are provided, no additional adjustments are required.
Table 1: Spring Mount Adjustment—Twin Fan Units
Spring mount adjustment at rest, unit sizes 015 to 030
1 3.75 3.75 4.25 2 4.25 3.75 4.25 3 4.25 3.75 4.25 4 3.75 3.75 4.25
Top or bottom
horizontal H
Figure 21: Spring Mount Adjustments—Twin Fan Units
Note: The door panels on some applications have a close
clearance over the drain pipes. Extend the drain fitting with a coupling if necessary for door clearance.

Internal Isolation Assembly Adjustment

Units have internally isolated fan and motor assemblies that are secured with brackets for shipment.

Before Operating the Unit

Remove the shipping bracket and bolts and discard. The shipping brackets located on the opposite drive side of the unit (Figure 20) are difficult to access from the drive side of the unit. Either remove them before the unit is assemb led , or remove the panel on the opposite drive side to gain access.
Figure 20: Removing the Shipping Bracket, Sizes 002–010
McQuay IM 782-7 15
Installation Guidelines
C M XX - XX - XX
Removable Panel for Full Access
Knockouts: Four Diameters
2.38, 1.62, 1.88, 1.00
Electric Heat Matches Destiny Fan Discharge and Attaches Directly to Destiny Unit
Left Hand Electric Heat Shown (Right Hand Optional)

Electric Heat Section (Optional)

Optional factory installed electric heat section consists of open coil duct heater mounted to the unit at the supply fan discharge. Heat section includes heating coils and an electrical control box with single point field power connection for heater and supply air fan.
Factory provided field knockouts are located on the side of the electric heat control panel for field power and control wiring to pass through. A factory installed non-fused disconnect is located in the electric heat control panel to disconnect power to the supply air fan and heater components. All wiring must be in conformance with the national electric code and local restrictions.

Open Coil Duct Heater

Complete with overload and thermal protection
Includes fan interlock and air flow switch safety protection
High quality, alloy nichrome wire [80%Ni / 20%Cr]
High di-electric level ceramic insulators
Screw terminals
Figure 22: Heater Nomenclature

Single Point Power

Non-fused disconnect
Electric heat is factory wired including contactors and fu ses
per step and as required by UL. Refer to Electric Heat
Diagrams‚ page 22 for typical electric heat wiring diagrams
Fan motor is factory wired including contactor or starter and
fuses as applicable
Fused control transformer allows the heater and fan to be
sequenced by standard 24 volt thermostat
Indoor control panel with tool access hinged door houses all

Quality Control

Heaters are di-electrically tested for 1000V plus twice the
rated volts, or 2000V whichever is greater. The resistance of each heater is measured and recorded and must be within 5% of the rated value
Every heater is checked during the production process and
as a final assembly
Figure 23: Destiny Unit with Left Hand Electric Heat
16 McQuay IM 782-7

Electric Heat kW Options

Table 2: KW Options by Unit Size
Unit Size
002 003 004 005 007 010
KW Range
1.5 - 102.5 - 202.5 ­20

Heater Amps

Table 3: Heater Amps
Installation Guidelines
4 - 26 6 - 38 6 - 55
1 8.33 4.17 2.41 1.20 0.96
1.5 12.50 6.25 3.61 1.81 1.45 2 16.67 8.33 4.82 2.41 1.93
2.5 20.83 10.42 6.02 3.01 2.41 3 25.00 12.50 7.23 3.61 2.89
3.5 29.17 14.58 8.43 4.21 3.37 4 33.33 16.67 9.63 4.82 3.85
4.5 37.50 18.75 10.84 5.42 4.34 5 41.67 20.83 12.04 6.02 4.82
5.5 45.83 22.92 13.25 6.62 5.30 6 50.00 25.00 14.45 7.23 5.78
6.5 54.17 27.08 15.66 7.83 6.26 7 58.33 29.17 16.86 8.43 6.74
7.5 62.50 31.25 18.06 9.03 7.23 8 66.67 33.33 19.27 9.63 7.71
8.5 70.83 35.42 20.47 10.24 8.19 9 75.00 37.50 21.68 10.84 8.67
10 83.33 41.67 24 .08 12.04 9.63 11 91.67 45.83 26.49 13.25 10.60 12 100.00 50.00 28.90 14.45 11.56 13 108.33 54.17 31.31 15.66 12.52 14 116.67 58.33 33.72 16.86 13.49 15 125.00 62.50 36.13 18.06 14.45 16 133.33 66.67 38.54 19.27 15.41 17 141.67 70.83 40.94 20.47 16.38 18 150.00 75.00 43.35 21.68 17.34 19 158.33 79.17 45.76 22.88 18.30 20 N/A 83.33 48.17 24.08 19.27 22 N/A 91.67 52.99 26.49 21.19 24 N/A 100.00 57.80 28.90 23.12 26 N/A 108.33 62.62 31.31 25.05 28 N/A 116.67 67.44 33.72 26.97 30 N/A 125.00 72.25 36.13 28.90 32 N/A 133.33 77.07 38.54 30.83 34 N/A 141.67 81.89 40.94 32.76 36 N/A 150.00 86.71 43.35 34.68 38 N/A 158.33 91.52 45.76 36.61 40 N/A N/A 96.34 48.17 38.54 45 N/A N/A 108.38 54.19 43.35 50 N/A N/A 120.42 60.21 48.17 55 N/A N/A 132.47 66.23 52.99
120 V / 1Ø 240 V / 1Ø 240 V / 3Ø 480 V / 3Ø 600 V / 3Ø
Heater Amps
McQuay IM 782-7 17
Installation Guidelines

Electric Heat Safety

Overcurrent Protection
Overcurrent fuse protection is provided for each stage of electric heat (in lieu of one per 48 amperes).
Thermal (Over Te mperature) Pro tectio n
Primary - Automatic limit switches, one per step (120°F or 150°F as appropriate).
Backup - Manual reset thermal cutout (180°F).
Fan Interlock Method:
To prevent the heater from being energized unless the fan is on, the heater includes two interlock methods: an airflow switch, and the use of an auxiliary contact in the motor starter contactor (3ph) or a fan relay (1ph).
Airflow Switch:
The airflow switch provides the best means of protection against air failure caused by fan belt or other malfunction. Switches are of the differential pressure, diaphragm-operated type and require a minimum total pressure differential of .05" WC. The switch is factory wired in series with the manual reset cutout.
18 McQuay IM 782-7
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