Installation and Maintenance Data
W ater to Water Source Heat Pumps 3 to 35 Tons
R-22 and R-407C Refrigerant / 60Hz
GRW - Extended Range Heating and Cooling models
GHW - Extended Range Heating only models
GCW - Extended Range Cooling only models
IM 816
Group: WSHP
Part Number: 667691801
Date: December 2004
©2004 McQuay International IM 816 (12-04)

Table of Contents
Nomenclature ........................................................................ 2
Safety Information ................................................................. 3
Specifications ........................................................................ 4
Pre Installation and Code Requirements.............................. 4
Wiring Diagrams ............................................................... 5-7
60 Hz - 1 Phase, Sizes 036-072 .................................... 5
50/60Hz - 3 Phase, Sizes 036-072................................ 6
60 Hz - 3 Phase, Sizes 120-420 .................................... 7
Installation ............................................................................. 8
Application ..........................................................................8-9
Dimensional Data ......................................................... 10-12
GRW, GHW, GCW, Size 036-072, 60Hz .................... 10
GRW, GHW, GCW, Size 120-180, 60Hz .................... 11
GRW, GHW, GCW, Size 240-420, 60Hz .................... 12
NOTE: For illustration purposes only . Not all options available with all models.
Please consult your local McQuay Representative for specific availability .
Product Category
Product Identifier
GRW = Extended Range
Heating and Cooling Models
GHW = Extended Range
Heating Only Models
GCW = Extended Range
Cooling Only Models
Design Series
1 = 1st Design
2 = 2nd Design
3 = 3rd Design
4 = 4th Design
Nominal Capacity
036 = 36,000 Btuh Nominal Cooling
048 = 48,000 Btuh Nominal Cooling
060 = 60,000 Btuh Nominal Cooling
072 = 72,000 Btuh Nominal Cooling
120 = 120,000 Btuh Nominal Cooling
150 = 150,000 Btuh Nominal Cooling
180 = 180,000 Btuh Nominal Cooling
240 = 240,000 Btuh Nominal Cooling
300 = 300,000 Btuh Nominal Cooling
360 = 360,000 Btuh Nominal Cooling
420 = 420,000 Btuh Nominal Cooling
Water Piping Location
F = Front
T = Top
L = Left Hand Side
R = Right Hand Side
E = Electromechanical
T = Temperature
Control System
E = 208-230/60/1
F = 208-230/60/3
K = 460/60/3
L = 575/60/3
N = 380/50/3
Control Box Location
F = Front
L = Left Side Control Box
R = Right Side Control Box
Start Up................................................................................ 13
Maintenance Procedures .................................................... 13
Circuit Diagrams...........................................................14-16
GHW Circuit Diagram .................................................. 14
GRW Circuit Diagram .................................................. 15
GCW Circuit Diagram .................................................. 16
Replacement Parts List ....................................................... 17
Performance Tables ............................................................ 18
General Service Guide ........................................................ 19
Check, Test & Start Form.................................................... 20
Unit Function Information .................................................... 20
Cabinet Electrical
YYY = None
PVM =Phase Monitor
Monitors Voltage
and Phase Loss
R = R-22
C = R-407C
Y = None
D = Lead Compressor
Heat Recovery
Water Heater
Source Water to Refrigerant
Heat Exchanger Construction
C = Copper Inner Tube -
Steel Outer T ube
S = Cupro-Nickel Inner Tube -
Steel Outer T ube
Y = None
Construction Type
A = Standard
S = Severe Indoor Atmosphere
C = Corrosive Indoor Atmosphere
YY = None
FS = Adjustable for Geothermal and
Boiler/T ower Application
Status Lights
YY = None
SL = Three Lights-Compressor-1,
Compressor-2, Compressor fault
The information in this manual supersedes and replaces previous manuals with regard to McQuay products. Illustrations cover the general appearance of McQuay
products at the time of publication and McQuay reserves the right to make changes in design and construction at anytime without notice.
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Safety Information
Safe Operation Rules
Installation and maintenance are to be performed only by
qualified personnel who are familiar with and in compliance
with state, local and national codes and regulations, and experienced with this type of equipment.
Please take a few minutes to read the instructions before you
install the heat pump. This will help you obtain the full value
from this unit. It will also help you avoid needless costs that
result from incorrect installation and are not covered in the warranty.
Follow these instructions carefully. Failure to do so could
cause a malfunction of the heat pump, resulting in injury, death
and/or property damage.
Tubing and compressor contain high pressure refrigerant and
they must not be exposed to high temperature or be punctured.
To prevent electrical shock, disconnect electric power to
system at main fuse or circuit breaker box until installation
is complete.
Danger Label
White lettering on a black background except the word
DANGER which is white with a red background.
Electric Shock Hazard.
Turn Off All Power
Before Servicing.
Warning Label
White lettering on a black background except the word
WARNING which is white with an orange background.
Fire Hazard.
Sharp edges and coil surfaces are injury hazards. Avoid
contact with them.
The signal words DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION
are used to identify levels of hazard seriousness. The signal word
DANGER is only used on product labels to signify an immediate hazard. The signal words WARNING and CAUTION will
be used on product labels and throughout this manual and other
manuals that may apply to the product.
Immediate hazards which WILL result in severe personal
injury or death.
Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD result in severe
personal injury or death.
Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD result in minor
personal injury or product or property damage.
Use copper wire only .
Failure to observe
could result in property
damage, bodily injury
or death
Caution Label
White lettering on a black background except the word
CAUTION which is white with a yellow background.
Cuts and Abrasion
Wear gloves and handle
with care.
Failure to observe could
result in bodily injury .
This unit contains chlorodifluoromethane (HCFC-22), a
substance that harms public health and environment by
destroying ozone in the upper atmosphere. DO NOT
VENT HCFC-22 to the atmosphere. The U.S. Clean Air
Act requires the recovery of any residual refrigerant.
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Voltage Model Size 036 048 060 072 120 150 180 240 300 360 420
Ampacity (1) 20.2 23.3 30.4 37.7 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Max. Fuse Size (2) 35 40 50 60 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Ampacity (1) 12.9 14.8 17.9 25.9 30 42 42 51 68 96 119
Max. Fuse Size (2) 20 25 30 45 40 60 60 70 90 125 150
Ampacity (1) N/A N/A N/A N/A 15 21 21 25 36 40 54
Max. Fuse Size (2) N/A N/A N/A N/A 20 25 25 35 50 50 70
Ampacity (1) 6.5 7.4 9 12.5 15 21 21 25 36 40 54
Max. Fuse Size (2) 15 15 15 20 20 25 25 35 50 50 70
Ampacity (1) 5.4 6 7.2 9.4 12 16 17 19 28 31 48
Max. Fuse Size (2) 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 25 35 40 60
N/A = Not Applicable
RLA 16.1 18.6 24.3 30.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
LRA 88 104 131 144 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
RLA 10.3 11.8 14.3 20.7 12.9 18.6 18.6 22.5 30.2 42.4 52.6
LRA 77 88 91 128 91 128 156 164 225 245 425
RLA N/A N/A N/A N/A 6.5 9 9 10.9 15.6 17.7 23.8
LRA N/A N/A N/A N/A 48 65.5 75 100 114 125 187
RLA 5.2 5.9 7.2 10 6.5 9 9 10.9 15.6 17.7 23.8
LRA 39 44 46 63 46 63 75 100 114 125 187
RLA 4.3 4.8 5.7 7. 4 5.2 6.7 7.4 8.4 12.2 13.6 21.1
LRA 31 34 37 49 37 49 54 78 80 100 148
As a result of continuing product improvement, all specifications and ratings are subject to change without notice.
After removing the unit from the carton, immediately remove
the panels and inspect for any damage that might have occurred
during shipment. Report concealed damage immediately to the
transportation company and request inspection.
The electric power source must be the same voltage and phase
as shown on the serial plate. Line and low voltage wiring must
be done in accordance with local codes or the national electric
This unit contains chlorodifluoromethane (HCFC-22), a
substance that harms public health and environment by
destroying ozone in the upper atmosphere. DO NOT
VENT HCFC-22 to the atmosphere. The U.S. Clean Air
Act requires the recovery of any residual refrigerant.
Make a survey of the final location for the unit before setting
it in place. The unit should be centrally located with respect to
the distribution system. Install the unit within a heated area.
Exposure to inclement weather conditions may cause freeze
damage that is not covered by the warranty.
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