McQUAY SEASONCON air cooled condensing units are
for outdoor installation, basically designed for use
with direct expansion coils, air handling units, or
water chillers. The SEASONCON air cooled
ing units are factory assembled on a single base,
wired, evacuated, performance tested, given a holding
refrigerant charge, and shipped ready for installation.
Each unit consists of accessible hermetic
CUB-027s 1
GENERAL Commerical equipment of this type is in-
tended for installation by qualified refrigeration mechanics only. As a condition of the warranty the check,
test, and startup procedure must be performed by such
personnel and properly reported on the form provided.
Failure to do so voids the warranty. Arrangement for
service should be made prior to installation, as it is
not included in the warranty or the catalog price. See
warranty terms on Page 3.
INSPECTION When the equipment is received, all
items should be carefully checked against the bill of
lading to be sure all crates and cartons have been
received. All units should be carefully inspected for
damage when received. Visible or concealed damage
should be reported immediately to the carrier and a
filed fordamage. The electrical nameplate should
be checked to be sure it agrees with the power supply
ing units are designed for outdoor application. The
evaporator and accessories connected to the unit are
ordinarily installed indoors.
The cabinet is made of heavy reinforced aluminum
panels to give a fairly light but durable unit.
The condensing unit should be located so that all
four sides of the unit have free area for inlet air flow.
The unit should not be located closer than one fan
diameter from a wall or other obstructions. The units
have an
in from the underside of the unit.
ished with suitable holes in the legs and channels for
use by the riggers. See Figure 1, Page 5.
man has free access to the compressor compartment
and to the access panel and the condenser fans and
motors. If the location of the
tion may be transmitted objectionably to the building+
vibration isolators should be used.
The unit must be mounted level. The unit is furn-
The unit location should be such that the service
condenser air discharge, with air taken
line of air cooled condens-
is such that
or(s) (single, dual, or tandem), air cooled condenser
with propeller fans & motors and a completely wired
control panel in a heavy aluminum cabinet. The control panel includes a power terminal block, circuit
breaker protection for all motor phases, starting
ready for operations.
SERVICEABILITY The compressor compartment is
accessible from the top and two sides by simply removing panels. Under no condition should any access
panel be blocked or locked in place by mounting parts
on them or running piping through them.
area has generously sized access doors for checking
the fan motors, belts, and drive. On direct drive units
access is through the fan orifice.
enclosure having a
the first section of the line proper.
that vibration from the unit is not transmitted from the
equipment to the bui
or flexible connectors in the lines will be required.
All refrigeration lines must be checked and secured to
prevent wear or vibration at all operating conditions.
and safety and overload controls, wired and
Air Cooled Condensing Unit
Series Designation
Nominal Capacity (Tons)
Single Compressor
Dual Compressors
Tandem Compressor
On the belt driven fan units, the condenser fan motor
The control panel is protected by a weather proof
REFRIGERANT PIPING The refrigerant piping should
be installed according to standard practice and should
follow latest
the motor-compressors are resilient mounted, it is
necessary that a vibration eliminator be installed between the suction connection on the compressor and
There must be sufficient flexibility in the piping so
at the unit are not stressed. Loops, hairpins,
A filter-drier must be installed in the liquid line to
pick up acids, dirt and moisture that may be left in
the system. A moisture indicating sight glass, located
in the liquid line, must also be installed. A suction
line filter is also recommended to prevent grit or dirt
from getting to the compressor.
The unit is furnished with a liquid line shut off
valve located ot the subcooler outlet.
It is urged that dry nitrogen be run through the connecting refrigerant lines during the brazing operation
to prevent oxidation of
joints are not acceptab e.
CONTROL PANEL All operational and refrigerant
safety controls are located in the control panel. Also
note following section on fuses and circuit breakers.
and hinged door.
guide recommendations. In that
and so that the brazed
interior. Soft soldered