This Controller has been specifically developed for the Electraflow heating system to
efficiently provide you with both hot water and central heating at times tailored to meet the
needs of your household.
Through the night, water in the storage cylinder will be heated by low cost off-peak electricity,
available for use the following day. Depending on your hot water requirements, there should
normally be sufficient to last the whole day. Further hot water can be quickly obtained by
using the hot water Boost feature. The Boost will re-heat the hot water for a fixed period.
The central heating is heated by an electric boiler. The Controller provides a 7-day
programmable timer to turn on the central heating, up to three times each day of the week.
For your convenience a heating Advance feature is also provided to allow easy extension of
the programme times.
The Controller has a backlit display and two LED indicators to show the system status during
normal operation. The display is also used to change the controller’s settings via an easily
accessible configuration menu.
During normal operation, the Boost key is used to enable hot water Boost and the Up key is
used to enable the central heating Advance feature. The Left key is used to set the CH
mode of operation and the Right key sets the HW mode.
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CH Off
1st Jan
Hot Water timer is
Central Heating timer
is active.
Hot Water Boost
will remain on for a
further ‘115’ mins.
Central Heating timer
has been Advanced.
For your convenience the Controller’s central heating timer has been pre-programmed with
commonly used heating time periods during a typical week-day and weekend.
The default time settings for the central heating timer are as follows:
For many people these times will be satisfactory. However if you wish to change the times,
follow the instructions given in the section CHANGING PROGRAMME TIMES.
The hot water 24hr timer will have been set during installation to follow the off-peak tariff
offered by your electricity provider. In the event that your electricity provider changes your
off-peak tariff, please contact your Heating Engineer.
During normal operation the first line of the Controller’s display shows the current time, whilst
the second line alternately shows the status of the hot water (HW) and central heating (CH)
followed by the current day and date:
The following table lists the hot water (HW) and central heating (CH) status messages:
Note the symbol when displayed means that the thermostats of the associated heater are
calling for heat.
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