MCDI DECRYPTA Operating Manual

MCDI Inc. Internet: 86 Claude-Champagne Avenue, Montreal, QC, Canada H3X 2L1 Telephone: +514-481-1067 Fax: +514-481-1487
Page 1
Operating guide for Alarm Receiver
Alarm Receiver DECRYPTA...................................................................................................................................................................................2
Physical characteristics of DECRYPTA.................................................................................................................................................................2
Buffer memory......................................................................................................................................................................................................2
Printer port.............................................................................................................................................................................................................2
Phone jack.............................................................................................................................................................................................................2
Power connector...................................................................................................................................................................................................2
Buzzer Alert/Warning...........................................................................................................................................................................................2
CMOS Lithium battery..........................................................................................................................................................................................2
Software tool COMIRQ.............................................................................................................................................................................................2
Installing DECRYPTA receiver................................................................................................................................................................................3
Configuring DECRYPTA receiver...........................................................................................................................................................................3
Physical characteristics of DECRYPTA.................................................................................................................................................................3
Setting up DECRYPTA - Firmware Version 5.1.5+...............................................................................................................................................4
Transmission rate.....................................................................................................................................................................................................6
Formats and characters transmitted......................................................................................................................................................................1 2
Listen-in, Two way voice....................................................................................................................................................................................12
Transmission to computer and printer in DECRYPTA Native mode.............................................................................................................12
Transmission to computer and printer in ADEMCO 685 / Surgard emulation mode....................................................................................1 4
Messages from DECRYPTA to DECRYPTA printer port:..............................................................................................................................14
Warranty..................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 4
Legal compliance and Warning..............................................................................................................................................................................14
United States Regulation FCC Warning.......................................................................................................................................................1 4
EC Declaration of Conformity............................................................................................................................................................................16
EN41003 Warning Application Note 48, Issue 5...............................................................................................................................................16
Technical data sheet for DECRYPTA....................................................................................................................................................................18
MCDI Inc. Internet: 86 Claude-Champagne Avenue, Montreal, QC, Canada H2V 2X1 Telephone: +514-481-1067 Fax: +514-481-1487
Page 2
Operating guide for Alarm Receiver
Alarm Receiver DECRYPTA
The twin line alarm receiver card DECRYPTA for PC and PC compatible computers is a MCDI product. It carries a five year limited warranty.
Physical cha racteristics of DECRYPTA
Receiver has all out dimensions:
15” (L) x 5.5” (W) x 2”(H) 38 cm (L) x 14 cm (W) x 5 cm (H)
Housing: Rugged aluminum chassis.
Buffer memory
Printer port
Phone jack
Power connector
Baked black enamel finish or nickel plating finish
Buffer holds up to 800 events in Native mode, 1000 in Ademco emulation Mode. Buffer is used when computer is absent. Unit keeps printing during fail time if power is connected and maintained. When computer comes back on, buffer empties to
the computer. If more than 800 even ts (1000 Ademco mode) are received in the buffer during fail time, DECRYPTA writes over the oldest event. Written records may be available on printer connected to parallel printer port.
Connector port for IBM compatible parallel printer type DB25. One printer can be used for all DECRYPTA linked by cables MRDC2 or MRDC3, instead of one printer per DECRYPTA unit. Events are also displayed on last DECRYPTA for all units.
Double Phone connector type RJ11 on Rev 4 and Rev 5 . Connect Green and Red only on each connector
A twelve (12) volt power input connector is located at the back of DECRYPTA. A 3 foot wire is supplied. Connect red wire to positive side and black wire to negative side of power source
On board buzzer is available for alert warning when Computer is absent. Enable if setup parameter Check printer is set to Yes. Is activated (start buzzing) by event to be printed on DECRYPTA printer port. Stop buzzing by pressing twice (2) ON-LINE printer key. Refer to printer connected to DECRYPTA parallel printer port. Will resume buzzing if printer is left off-line.
CMOS Lithium battery
Receiver memory function support depends on CMOS battery. CMOS battery is located on receiver position BT1. Renata Model CR2430 or equivalent. Minimum life expectancy 7 years to 10 years. Shelf life: 4 months.
Software tool COMIRQ
COMIRQ is a DOS software program shipped with all receivers. It is used to check signals sent to PC by DECRYPTA. This tool is very useful to find free IRQ.
To check installation and find free IRQ, run COMIRQ followed by COM,IRQ parameters. Example: COMIRQ 3,5 (Check if IRQ 5 is free for a DECRYPTA installed on COM3) When COMIRQ is displayed, send a signal to DECRYPTA where same setup parameters have been given . Signal is displayed only
if COM and IRQ are free. If no signal is displayed, change IRQ in COMIRQ and in DECRYPTA setup. Try again until signal is displayed indicating a free IRQ.
Press Space bar to display one signal a t a time. Press A to empty receiver buffer and enable ACK.
MCDI Inc. Internet: 86 Claude-Champagne Avenue, Montreal, QC, Canada H2V 2X1 Telephone: +514-481-1067 Fax: +514-481-1487
Page 3
Operating guide for Alarm Receiver
Installing DECRYPTA receiver
Power the DECRYPTA from any 12 volt source. Connect DECRYPTA to a computer serial port using the supplied null modem cable. It is recommended to connect a printer to the DECRYPTA parallel port. This printer insures a full hard copy backup of all signals
received by DECRYPTA. If a printer is not connected, make sure supplied jumper is connected to printer port.
Configuring DECRYPTA receive r
DECRYPTA is configured using Setup software INITPLUS or internal configuration menus. Configuration in French, German, Spanish and Portuguese is handled only by internal configuration menus.
DECRYPTA can be configured two ways:
1. Using DECRYPTA display and Menus. See P 8 to 11 of this document
2. Using INTIPLUS setup program. Connect DECRYPTA to PC. See Section above on How to install DECRYTYPA
Physical characteristics of DECRYPTA
Green LED Lights when DECRYPTA is on.
LINE 1 +2
Red LED Lights when a transmission occurs Blinks when signal is absent
Yellow LED Lights when a transmission occurs Blinks when computer is absent
Yellow LED Lights when printing occurs
Power input 12 V DC 6W
SERIAL (DB25 male connector)
Data transfer to computer in Surgard emulation Serial port: 1200 Baud, 8 bit, 1 stop bit Pin 2 = transmit Pin 3= receive Pin 7 = ground Cable type=null modem
PRINTER (DB25 female connector)
Printer parallel port
For optional chaining of DECRYPTA units.
Displays incoming signals on last DECRYPTA in row
LINE 1, LINE 2 Incoming phone lines
MCDI Inc. Internet: 86 Claude-Champagne Avenue, Montreal, QC, Canada H2V 2X1 Telephone: +514-481-1067 Fax: +514-481-1487
Page 4
Operating guide for Alarm Receiver DECRYPTA
Setting up DECRYPTA Firmware -- Version 5.1.5+
Firmware version 5.1.5+ and setup program INITPLUS added features: . New setup display allows easier selection of software interface emulation formats:
Ademco 685 mode ––– Surgard mode ––– Native mode . Receiver handshake heading pattern is now selectable
Setup program INITPLUS (v1.9) displays selection pattern seen below:
Addresses DECRYPTA PARAMETERS ––– MCDI INC. ––– +(514) 481-1067
Cold Reset: Ctl R
03F8 Address 03F8 02F8 03E8 IRQ (Not applicable ot DECRYPTA) 5 Wait After Off Hook No 02E8 Receiver number 1
2 Rings(Not in use; set to 1 ring) No
0338 Line 1 Number 1 Caller ID To PC No 0318 Line 2 Number 2 Caller Id To Printer No 0308 Heartbeat No Caller ID ALL No
02A8 Sescoa SS instead of 4x2 SUM No Date / Time
0298 3x2 Instead 4x1 No Send Year No 0288 Clear Zero No ACK Delay 1 0268 Compress Extended No SA-TLR/DECRYPTA
0258 Listen-In (Empty or 1..F) SurGard Mode No 0248 Printer / Buzzer No 0238 0228 Start handshake with 1 1= 1400hz / VFSK 0218 2= SIA / CFSK
3= DUAL 1400hz / 2300hz 4= 2300hz 5= Stratel 6 Telim 7= Robofon
<CR> Edit <ESC> Exit ––– <F1> Restore default ––– <F2> Read Config File
Setup program display description and commands
Address section
Address part of display shows address fields for all DECRYPTA and TLR+/SA-TLR+ receivers installed with PC. Move cursor to desired DECRYPTA using UP/DN arrows. Press <Enter> to move to Parameter section on right part of display. Parameters displayed on the right are actual operating parameters. Press F1 to restore Factory defined parameters. Press F2 to restore saved parameters. Press <ESC> to Exit setup program INITPLUS. Before accepting Exit command, INITPLUS request authorization to save new parameters. When exiting from INITPLUS time on ALL DECRYPTA/TLR+/SA-TLR+ will be reset to PC time.
MCDI Inc. Internet: 86 Claude-Champagne Avenue, Montreal, QC, Canada H2V 2X1 Telephone: +514-481-1067 Fax: +514-481-1487
Page 5
Operating guide for Alarm Receiver DECRYPTA
Parameter section to the right of Address section
DECRYPTA address selected when entering this section is shown in heading above columns of parameters. Move cursor to desired parameter using UP/DN arrow. Key in each new parameter . After all changes have been entered press <ESC> to go back to Address Section. ONLY in Address Section can changes be saved and sent to receiver.
Parameter definition
Emulation mode easy setting information: MCDI Mode Default setting
Ademco 685 Mode Default setting + Date / Time = NO Surgard Mode Surgard = YES
OPTIONS: Address Memory address for DECRYPTA port as configured by connexion to com port.
IRQ 3, 4, 5(default), 9, 10, 11, 12, 15 DECRYPTA requires no IRQ setting. Receiver Number sent to computer and printer 0 to F (default = 1) Line 1 Number sent to computer and printer 0 to F (default = 1) Line 2 Number sent to computer and printer 0 to F (default = 2) Heartbeat Yes = enable No = disable (default)
DECRYPTA sends Heartbeat signals to computer every 30 seconds only in Native mode and Surgard mode.
Sescoa SS Yes = enable No = disable (default)
Conflict with Pulse 4X2 Checksum format
3x2 Instead 4x1 Yes = enable No = disable (default)
Conflict with 4X1 in Compressed Expanded DO NOT select with Compressed Expanded = YES
Clear Zero Yes = Zero removed in 3x1 and 4x1 No = zero present (default)
Tells DECRYPTA receiver not
incoming 3 x 1 and 4 x 1.
to insert a zero in front of the account number and in front of the alarm code, for
Example: 3 x 1 Extended compressed in 3 x 2 standard 123 4 444 5 After compression: 123 45
Example: 3 x 1 Standard 3 x 1 123 1
Example: 4 x 1 Standard 4 x 1 1234 1
Example: 3 x 1 and 4 x 1 without
the CLEAR ZERO option:
0123 01 for 3 x 1 1234 01 for 4 x 1
Compressed/ Yes = Compress ed ext en ded 3x 1 or 4x1 (No = default) Extended
Example: 3 x 1 Extended compressed in 4 x 2 standard 123 4 444 5 After compression: 0123 45
Example: 4 x 1 Extended compressed in 4 x 2 standard 1234 5 5555 6 After compression: 1234 56
Listen-In Empty or 1 .. F
MCDI Inc. Internet: 86 Claude-Champagne Avenue, Montreal, QC, Canada H2V 2X1 Telephone: +514-481-1067 Fax: +514-481-1487
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