McCall 1-1024UF, 1-1045UF, 1-1020N, 1-1020P, 1-1045P Quick Reference Manual

Quick ReferenceGuide
America's Quality Choice
in Refrigeration
Reach-in Coolers &Freezers •Prep Tables
Merchandisers • Pizza Tables
Narrow Body Reach-in Wide Body Reach-in Pass-thru Refrigerators
Base MountDual-temp
Parts and Labor Warranty
McCall warrantsto theoriginal Purchaser-User its productas perthe following schedule:
All Parts: One yearfrom originalinstallation.
Labor: One year fromoriginal installation.
Compressor: Five years fromoriginal installation.
The obligationof McCallunder this warrantyis limitedto McCall repairing orreplacing, freeof costto Purchaser-User,any part orparts, that inthe judgementof McCall showevidence ofdefect, andprovided that uponMcCall authorization,said part orparts tobe returnedto McCall, transportationprepaid, forinspection andjudgement. This warranty coversonly McCallmanufactured self-contained cabinets.
This warrantyis issuedonly to theoriginal Purchaser-User, isnot transferable, appliesonly toa unit installed withinthe UnitedStates of America, itsterritories andCanada andis in lieuof allother warranties expressed orimplied. McCall neitherassumes nor authorizesany other person toassume forMcCall any liabilitynot hereinstated.
McCall shallnot beliable for anydamage ordelays occurring intransit, for anydefault ordelays in performancecaused byany contingency beyond itscontract includingwars, governmentrestrictions or restraints, strikes, shortor reducedsupply ofra w materials,fire, floodor otheracts of God,nor fordamage or loss ofany products,property, lossof income or profitdue tomalfunctioning of soldunit.
Bakery CabinetsHeated Holding Cabinets
Refrigerators & Freezers only
available inone sectionmodel. Three qualitylevels offered.
Models Section 1-1020N (F) 1 2-2020N (F) 1 4-4020N (F) 1
Freezers areordered with (F) modelnumbers.
Refrigerators & Freezers only available inone sectionmodel. Three qualitylevels offered.
Models Section 1-1024 (F) 1 2-2024 (F) 1 4-4024 (F) 1
Freezers areordered with (F) modelnumbers.
Available inone andtwo sections andas narrow body model.Three quality levels offered.
Models Section 1020-H 1 1045-H 2 1020N-H 1 Narrow
Available inone, two, and threesections with retarder andproofer options. 1000Series quality levelonly.
Models H5-5001 H5-5002 H5-5003 P5-5001 P5-5002 P5-5003
Availablein one,two andthree section. Threequality levels offered.Also availablein a Dual-temppass thru 2 &3 section.
Models Section DT1-102001 1 DT1-1045 2 DT1-1070 3
Twosided access for maximum flexibility. Available inone, two, and threesections and threequality levels.
Models Section 1-1020P 1 1-1045P 2 1-1070P 3
(Glassdoor model shown)
Refrigerators and Freezers
available inone ortwo sections andthree quality levels.
Models Section 1-1014 (F) 1 1-1018 (F) 1 1-1036 (F) 2
Freezers areordered with (F) modelnumbers.
Refrigerators & Freezers
available inone, two,and three sections,three quality levels. 65"or 72"cart capacity.
Models Section L1-1001 (FE) 1 L1-1002 (FE) 2 L1-1003 3
Freezers areordered with (FE) modelnumbers.
DR-3 Drop-in/R-10E Undercounter Super Prep Table.
One throughsix full-sizepan capacity models.All metal welded constructionwith cold walltechnology.
Models ofPans
DR-1 1 DR-2 2 DR-3 3 DR-4 4 DR-5 5 DR-6 6
45" and48" widemodels with frozenstorage andtwo temperature condimentpans. Available in1000 Series quality levelonly.
Models FST-45-2EN FST-48-3EN
Only availablein one section model.Three quality levelsoffered.
Models Section 1-1010 1 2-2010 1 4-4010 1
-10°F Reach-in Freezers
Available inone, and two sectionsand three quality levels.
Models Section 1-1024UF 1 1-1045UF 2
Only 24"Wide!
33.5" Wide!
ISO Certification
McCall hasacquired certificationto the ISO9001 Quality SystemsStandard. ISO,the International Organization forStandardization maintainsa series of fiveinternational standardsthat provide guidancein the developmentand implementationof an effectivequality management system.ISO certificationbenefits restaurant operators worldwide byassuring themof consistent qualityin allof McCall’s product lines.
Salad Bar Drop-inDrop-in RefrigerationSmoothie TablesCounter Top Reach-in
2322C ©2007 McCall 9/07
81West Holly Street
Parsons,TN 38363,USA
Ph: 888-732-2446 •Fax: 731-847-9012
Visitus onlineat
High quality, innovative solutionsthat fulfillall your “cold-side”needs.
The ManitowocFoodservice Group is comprisedof
three divisionsand eight brand names. The threedivisions are Manitowoc Beverage, Manitowoc Ice, and ManitowocRefrigeration.
Within theBeverage Division are brandnames
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and withinthe Refrigeration Division
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ISO9001:2000 QualitySystem Certified
Look forthe EnergyMizer™mark andyou’ll know you’regetting themost from every energy dollarspent onfoodservice equipment.
1 Section Refrigerators
Models Series 1-1020 1000 2-2020 2000 4-4020 4000
1 Section Freezers
Models Series 1-1020F 1000 2-2020F 2000 4-4020F 4000
PRESERVATION Reach-in Refrigeratorsand Freezers
Display Cases and Revolving Merchandiser
2 Section Refrigerators
Models Series 1-1045 1000 2-2045 2000 4-4045 4000
2 Section Freezers
Models Series 1-1045F 1000 2-2045F 2000 4-4045F 4000
3 Section Refrigerators
Models Series 1-1070 1000 2-2070 2000 4-4070 4000
3 Section Freezers
Models Series 1-1070F 1000 2-2070F 2000 4-4070F 4000
1000, 2000, and 4000Series
1000 Series
Exclusive 1000Series Features
• Stainlesssteel cabinetinterior and exteriorfront, sides,and doors.
2000 Series
Exclusive 2000Series Features
• Stainlesssteel cabinetexterior front,sides, and doors.
• Heavygauge aluminumcabinet interior withstainless steelfloors.
4000 Series
Exclusive 4000Series Features
• Heavygauge anodizedaluminum cabinet exteriorsides.
• Stainlesssteel cabinetfronts and doorsexcept foraluminum ends that wraparound front.
• Heavygauge aluminumcabinet interior withstainless steelfloors.
Standard Features
Windrunner® cools moreevenly andefficiently (see Windrunner®side bar).
ExpansionValve Refrigerationsystem providesfast, efficientresponse to loadchanges, coolingfood quickly.
HotGas Evaporatoruses heatby-product to eliminatecondensation saving youmoney.
StainlessSteel HeavyDuty ShelfSupports. Adjustableevery inch to maximizeyour storagepossibilities.
CleanSurfaces freeof fastenersand light switches.
HeavyDuty Chrome-platedCamlift Hingesare warrantedfor LIFE, and havebuilt inlight switch.Adjustable door stopallows doorswing of 120ºor 180º.
Rigidand DurableAll MetalDoor.
Available inone, two,and three sections.
7000 Series Refrigerator
Models Section 7-7020T 1 7-7045T 2 7-7070T 3
7000 Series Freezers
Models Section
7-7020FT 1 7-7045FT 2 7-7070FT 3
7000 Series Features
Cabinet Exterior: heavy gaugeanodized aluminum.Stainless steel door
and hatchcover.
Cabinet Interior: mill finishaluminum. Standard Features:
• 27",45", and59" wide models with10", 12", or 17",full-width removable/reversible synthetic cuttingboard respectively.
• One,two, andthree section can accomidatefrom one to four-12"x 20"inserts.
• Panscan beup to 6" deep.
• Drawersavailable ontwo and threesection models.
• 27",45", and59" widemodels.
• Availablein oneor two section refrigerator orfreezer models.
• One,two, andthree section refrigerator orfreezer models.
• Availablewith aluminumor stainless steelinterior.
• Remoterefrigeration system option onsome models.
Low Boy and Compact Low Boy Models
Self-contained andremote refrigeration systemmodels available withstainless steeltop with “V”edge orsub-top, flat galvanized.
Glass Door Reach-in Refrigerator Only.
Available inone, two,and threesections with twopane glassdoor and threequality levels.
Models Section 1-1020GD 1 1-1045GD 2 1-1070GD 3
Display Merchandiser
• 48"Wide
• Stainlesssteel exteriorand interior with whitebaked enamelinterior air duct.
• Convenient36" countertopheight.
MGM Revolving Merchandisers
MGM-25-2 (two door) MGM-25-3 (three door)
• Showoff yourbest products withthis rugged, solid oakmerchandiser
• Anattractive showcaseand compelling focal point forproducts rangingfrom desserts to wine.
• Placethe completelyself-contained and mobile MGM anywhereon yourfloor and watchthe impulse purchasesfollow!
Refrigerated Cabinets
UniformTemperatures. There isan averagevariance of lessthan 2ºF throughout thecabinet.
ReducedPulldown Time.Food remainsfresher longer andwaste isreduced while meetingHealth Department requirements.
ReducedCompressor RunningTime. Sincethe cooling process ismore efficient,the motorruns less oftenfor shorter periods,saving electricalcosts andextending the life ofthe equipment.
DecreasedOutside AirIntrusion. Uniformityof airflow and temperatureworks toprevent low pressurespots where outsideair canenter more easilywhen thedoor is opened.
McCall Quality Statement
At McCallRefrigeration, westrive tomake the bestand mostaffordable Reach-in Cabinetsavailable inthe industry.Examine our fullline of Reach-ins andyou'll findpremium quality andunsurpassed value everywhere youlook. Featuringstainless steeland aluminum construction, our unitsare builtto last.Doors and heavy-dutyhardware canwithstand years ofuse. Plus,all McCallproducts go throughan unprecedented100% run testto ensureproduct quality.
Prep Tables Pizza Tables Undercounter Work Tables
Work Tables
Chef Stands
McCall Partner with Energy Star
McCall Refrigeration hasbeen anEnergy StarPartner sincethe introduction of theCommercial Refrigeration EnergyStar Program. Energy Staris abroad partnershipdesigned topromote buildings,products andhomes that use lessenergy while providing betterperformance thanconventional designs.Manufacturers inthe Energy StarProgram must meetcertain identified criteriaand energy efficiencyspecifications. McCallhas joinedwith EnergyStar to helpprotect the environment aswell assave moneyon consumerutility bills.McCall has qualifiedover 130 models,includingtwo sectionrefrigerators, onesection refrigerators,-10°F freezers, three section freezers,and twosection freezers.
Contact your local sales representative for an explanation of
model numbers and additional quality features, or visit us online at:
Windrunner® Technology No warm spots! No dead spots! —
Pizza Prep Table
NSF Standard 7 Compliant. UL approvedand meetsor exceeds FDAand
HACCP programstandards forsanitation and safetyuse byoperators.
MaximumPan Flexibilityand Capacity. Use upto (18)6" deep 1/6pans to savemotion, timeand money.No fixturesor mullions toblock flexibility. Youset them howyou wantthem.
SeparatedStorage Compartments.This designeliminates cross contamination issues.Food cannotfall fromthe pans intothe storagearea below.Windrunner
® manages andcools airwithin the storageunit with
carefully directedair streams.
ColdWall Rail.Windrunner
® technology usesa refrigerated,wrap around,
insulated railthat keepsproducts cool andfresh. Internalair movementhas been redirectedwithin theupper unit toprevent deadspots no matterhow you arrangeyour pans.A managedair flow givesyou thetemperature you want andreduced energycosts.
• Topmounted compressor andevaporator coil.
• Windrunner
® gradient airdisplacement process.
• Thermostatictemperature control.
• Hotgas condensateevaporator.
• Automaticdefrost.
• Cordand plugattached.
• Masterpower switch.
• R-13ARefrigerant.
• Automaticinterior light.
• DialThermometer.
• Adjustabledoorstops.