Wearer Info
Includes wearer’s name, Gender, Address, SOS Mobile Watch contact number.
IMEI sim ID no., wearer’s photo, SOS emergency and Family Contact Speed
Dial contacts.
To add Wearer’s photo – touch black camera and either take photo
with mobile phone camera or upload photo.
To add Wearer Info details, tap section and fill in details by typing on
keypad screen.
STEP 1: To add Emergency Contacts
(3 pre-set contacts), tap on white pen and
then add Contact name and contact number
for three contacts
NOTE: You can add a minimum of one and
maximum of 3 emergency contacts
STEP 1: To add Carers/Speed Dial Contacts
(3 pre-set contacts), tap on white pen and
then add Contact name and contact number
for three contacts
NOTE: You can add a minimum of one and
maximum of 3 emergency contacts
STEP 2: When Emergency Contact names
and numbers have been entered press the
green tick symbol to confirm contacts.
NOTE: Watch will need to be synchronised
with app to ensure emergency preset
contacts have been set.
STEP 2: When Carer Contact names and
numbers have been entered press the green
tick symbol to confirm contacts.
NOTE: Watch will need to be synchronised
with app to ensure emergency pre-set
contacts have been set.
Wearer Info – SOS Emergency Contacts
Wearer Info – Set Up Carers
(Family Speed Dial contacts)