Data Sheet
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise
Protect your desktop and fi le servers from malicious threats
Keeping networks free from a wide range of threats—viruses, worms, rootkits, and Trojans— is more challenging than ever. Whether you are a global enterprise or a small or medium-sized business that has a full-time security staff, McAfee
VirusScan® Enterprise ensures that your endpoint servers, desktops, and laptops remain malware free.
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise proactively stops and removes threats, extends coverage for new security risks, and reduces the cost of managing outbreak responses. And even without an update, it stops zero-day threats and mitigates the window of v ulnerability—the time bet ween when a vulnerability is discovered and when fi xes are deployed. Plus, with VirusScan Enterprise, you have the fl exibility to detect and block malware based on your business needs: on access, on demand, or on a schedule.
Unbeatable Malware Detection and Cleaning
VirusScan Enterprise uses the award-winning McAfee scanning engine to detect and clean malware, and to protect your fi les from viruses, worms, rootk its, Trojans, and other threats. McAfee delivers comprehensive fi nd-and-fi x solutions for today’s threats and uses behavioral analysis to protect against new unknown threats.
critical servers and data are kept intact and available for business. For added protection, we lock down VirusScan Enterprise fi les and services so that malicious threats and attacks don’t disable them.
Potentially Unwanted Programs
Potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) include adware, spyware, and keyloggers. You need to protect against PUPs to maintain tight security and to protect sensitive company assets. You can easily integrate McAfee AntiSpy ware Enterprise as a plug-in to VirusScan Enterprise to address today’s complex virus and spy ware threats. When you do, you leverage the proactive technolog y of VirusScan Enterprise to provide superior PUP protection.
Manage Your Security
Centralized management and enforcement is the key to effective and effi cient protection. VirusScan Enterprise easily integrates with McAfee’s system security management console, McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator® (ePO™). ePO provides centralized deployment, policy confi guration and enforcement, and detailed reporting of VirusScan Enterprise, as well as many other McAfee security products.
Easily Manage Quarantined Files
Protect your systems with VirusScan Enterprise’s advanced behavioral techniques. With port blocking, fi le-name blocking, folder/directory lockdown, share lockdown, and infection trace and block, you can stop many new and unknown malware fi les cold.
Proactive Protection from Attacks
VirusScan Enterprise is the industry’s fi rst anti-malware software that offers intrusion prevention with application­specifi c buffer-overfl ow technology. Now you can protect your users proactively against buffer-overfl ow exploits that target vulnerabilities in Microsoft® applications. And enjoy a more robust and advanced level of endpoint system security by integrating your anti-malware technology wit h intrusion prevention. With VirusScan Enterprise, your
Confi gure policies to manage quarantined items easily with the Quarantine Policy Manager. Before an on-access or on-demand scan cleans or deletes a fi le, it creates a backup copy of the original fi le and registry value in the quarantine directory. This improves your remediation capabilities in case a fi le is accidentally marked as malicious and is quarantined.
Enhanced Email Scanning
VirusScan Enterprise includes the ability to scan Lotus Notes email on client systems. It scans all Lotus Notes client email (HTML text and attachments) that comes to the desktop. Only a single confi g uration panel is needed, regardless of the email client in use. A nd, if you have a mixed environment, VirusScan Enterprise supports users who are using both Outlook and Lotus Notes.
Data Sheet
Automatic Updates
Virus security products are only as good as their most recent updates. With VirusScan Enterprise, automatic daily updates ensure that your desktops and fi le servers are always up-to-date with the latest McAfee DAT fi les and engines.
Protected by McAfee Avert Labs
McAfee Avert® Labs combines world-class malicious code and anti-virus research with intrusion prevention and vulnerability research expertise. Avert Labs protects you with cures that are developed through the combined efforts of Avert researchers and Avert AutoImmune technology, which applies advanced heuristics, generic detection, and ActiveDAT technology to generate cures for previously undiscovered viruses.
McAfee Solution Services
Along w ith our McAfee SecurityAlliance™ partners, we offer a wide variety of services to help you assess, plan, deploy, tune, and manage your security.
Technical Support
Make sure that ever ything runs smoothly during and after installation with fl exible programs from McAfee Technical Support. Our highly skilled and certifi ed security specialists have a wealth of knowledge and resources to meet your security needs.
System Requirements
Note: The follow ing are general system requirements and may vary depending on the nature of your environment.
Workstation requirements
Microsoft Windows® platforms:
k Windows NT 4
k Windows 2000
k Windows XP (32-bit and 64-bit)
k Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit)
Server requirements
Microsoft Windows platforms:
k Windows NT 4 Server
k Windows NT 4 Terminal Server
k Windows 2000 Server
k Windows 2000 Advanced Server
k Windows 2000 DataCenter Server
k Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition (32-bit and 64-bit)
k Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition (32-bit and 64-bit)
k Windows Server 2003, Web Edition (32-bit and 64-bit)
k Note: 64-bit support is only supported on VirusScan
Enterprise 8.5i
Learn More
Visit, or call us at 888.847.8766, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. McAfee VirusScan Enterprise is part of the McAfee family of business security products and ser vices. McAfee provides a comprehensive portfolio of dynamic risk management and mitigation solutions that secure your business.
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