* ActiveHelp, Bomb Shelter, Building a World of Trust, CipherLink, Clean-Up, Cloaking, CNX,
Compass 7, CyberCop, CyberMedia, Data Security Letter, Discover, Distributed Sn iffer System, Dr
Solomon’s, Enterprise Secure Cast, First Aid, ForceField, Gauntlet, GMT, GroupShield, HelpDesk,
Hunter, ISDN Tel/Scope, LM 1, LA NGuru, Leadin g Help Desk Technolo gy, Magic Solu tions, Magi cSpy,
MagicTree, Magic University, MagicWin, MagicWord, McAfee, McAfee Associates, MoneyMagic, More
Power To You, Multimedia Cloaking, NetCrypto, NetOctopus, NetRoom, NetSca n, Net Shield, NetShiel d,
NetStalker, Net Tools, Network Associates, Network General, Network Uptime!, NetXRay, Nuts & Bolts,
PC Medic, PCNotary, PGP, PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), PocketScope, Pop-Up, PowerTelnet, Pretty
Good Privacy, PrimeSupport, RecoverKey, RecoverKey-International, ReportMagic, RingFence, Router
PM, Safe & Sound, SalesMagic, SecureCast, Service Level Manager, ServiceMagic, Site Meter, Sniffer,
SniffMaster, SniffNet, Stalker, Statistical Information Retrieval (SIR), SupportMagic, Switch PM,
TeleSniffer, TIS, TMach, TMeg, Tota l Network Security, Total Network Vis ibility, Total Service Desk,
Total Virus Defense, T-POD, Trusted Ma ch, Trusted Ma il, Uninstall er, Virex, Vi rex-PC, Virus Fo rum,
ViruScan, VirusScan, VShi eld, WebScan , Web Shield, W ebS niffer , WebSt alker W ebW all , and ZAC 2000
are registered trademarks of Network Associates and/or its affiliates in the US and/or other countries. All
other registered and unregistered trademarks in this document are the sole property of their respective
1. License Grant. Subject to the payment of the applicable license fees, and subject to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement, McAfee hereby grants to you a non-exclusive, non-transferable right
to use one copy of the specified version of the Software and the accompanying documentation (the
"Documentation"). You may install one copy of the Software on one computer, workstation,
personal digital assistant, pager, "smart phone" or other electronic device for which the Software
was designed (each, a "Client Device"). If the Software is licensed as a suite or bundle with more
than one specified Software product, this license applies to all such specified Software products,
subject to any restrictions or usage terms specified on the applicable price list or product packaging
that apply to any of such Software products individually.
VirusScan software combines the anti-virus industry’s most capable scan
engine with top-notch interface enhancements that give you complete access
to that engine’s power. The VirusScan graphical user interface unifies its
specialized program components, but without sacrificing the flexibility you
need to fit the software into your computing environment. The scan engine,
meanwhile, combines the best features of technologies that McAfee and
McAfee VirusScan researchers developed independently for more than a
What comes with VirusSca n softwa re?
VirusScan software consists of several components that combine one or more
related programs, each of which play a part in defending your computer
against viruses and other malicious software. The components are:
• The VirusScan Central. This is your main entry point in using all of the
available components of McAfee VirusScan. This home screen (see Figure
1-2) provides relevant information such as the last time a virus scan was
performed on your computer; what VShield settings are enabled or
disabled and available DAT information and when it was created.
Getting Started Guide5
About VirusScan Software
Figure 1-1. McAfee VirusScan Central screen
Through this user-friendly interface, you can access the main functions of
McAfee VirusScan. Click the appropriate buttons as displayed to start
performing a particular task within McAfee VirusScan (e.g., Scan, Schedule,
Quarantine, etc).
You can also click the Update button to start searching and downloading any
available updates to McAfee VirusScan installed on your computer. Make sure
that you are connected to the Internet prior to using this feature. For more
information and step-by-step instructions, click the Help icon on the upper
right-hand corner of the window. To view available options in customizing
how you want McAfee VirusScan components to work on your PC, click the
Options button.
• The VirusScan Console. This component allows you to create, configure
and run VirusScan tasks at times you specif y. A “task” can include
anything from running a scan operation on a set of disks at a specific time
or interval, to running an update o r upgrade operation. You can al so enable
or disable the VShield scanner from the Console window. The Console
comes with a preset list of tasks that ensures a minimal level of protection
for your system—you can, for example, immediately scan and clean your
C: drive or all disks on your computer. See “Creating and Configuring
Scheduled Tasks” on page 191 of the VirusScan User’s Guide for details.
6McAfee VirusScan
About VirusScan Software
• The VShield scanner. This component gives you continuous anti-virus
protection from viruses that arrive on floppy disks, from your network, or
from various sources on the Internet. The VShield scanner starts when you
start your computer, and stays in memory until you shut down. A flexible
set of property pages lets you tell the scanner which parts of your sys tem
to examine, what to look for, which parts to leave alone, and how to
respond to any infected files it finds. In addition, the scanner can alert you
when it finds a virus, and can summarize each of its actions.
The VShield scanner comes with three other specialized modules that
guard against hostile Java applets and ActiveX controls, that scan e-mail
messages and attachments that you receive from the Internet via Lotus
cc:Mail, Microsoft Mail or other mail clients that comply with Microsoft’s
Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) standard, and that
block access to dangerous Internet sites. Secure password protection for
your configuration options prevents others from making unauthorized
changes. The same convenient dialog bo x controls configuration options
for all VShield modules. See “Using the VShield Scanner” on page 85 of the
VirusScan Us er’s Guide for details.
• Safe & Sound. This component allows you to create backup sets in
protected volume files, which is the safest and preferred type of backup. A
protected volume file is a sectioned-off area of the drive, sometimes called a
logical drive.
NOTE: Sa fe & Sound is on ly a vailabl e for Wi ndow s 95, 98 and
Windows ME. For more information, access the PDF formatted
file of the User’s Guide (i.e., vscan51_userguide.pdf) included
in the McAfee VirusScan CD-ROM and read Chapter 10
“About Safe & Sound”.
• Quarantine. This component allows you to move infected files to a
quarantine folder. This moves infected files from areas where they can be
accessed and enables you to clean or delete them at your convenience.
NOTE: For more information, access the PDF formatted file of
the User’s Guide (i.e., vscan51_userguide.pdf) included in the
McAfee VirusScan CD-ROM and read Chapter 11 “About
Getting Started Guide7
About VirusScan Software
• The E-Mail Scan extension. This component allows you to scan your
Microsoft Exchange or Outlook mailbox, or public folders to which you
have access, directly on the server. This invaluable “x-ray” peek into your
mailbox means that VirusScan software can find potential infections before
they make their way to your desktop, which can stop a Melissa-like virus
in its tracks. See “Scanning Microsoft Exchange and Outlook mail” on page
253 of the VirusScan User’s Guide for details.
• A cc:Mail scanner. This component includes technology optimized for
scanning Lotus cc:Mail mailboxes that do not use the MAPI standard.
Install and use this component if your workgroup or network uses cc:Mail
v7.x or earlier. See “Choosing Detection options” on page 116 of the
VirusScan User’s Guide for details.
• The Alert Manager Client configuration uti lity. Th is com pon ent le ts yo u
choose a destination for Alert Manager “events” that VirusScan software
generates when it detects a virus or takes other noteworthy actions. You
can also specify a destination directory for older-style Centralized Alerting
messages, or supplement either method with Desktop Management
Interface (DMI) alerts sent via your DMI client software. See “Using the
Alert Manager Client Configuration utility” on page 281 of the VirusScan
User’s Guide for details.
• The ScreenScan utility. This optional component scans your computer as
your screen saver runs during idle periods. See “Using the ScreenScan
utility” on page 269 of the VirusScan User’s Guid e for details.
• The SendVirus utility. This component gives you an easy and painless
• The Emergency Disk creation utility. This essential utility helps you to
• Command-line scanners. This component consists of a set of full-featured
8McAfee VirusScan
way to submit files that you believe are infected directly to McAfee
anti-virus researchers. A simple wizard guides you as you choose files to
submit, include contact details and, if you prefer, strip out any personal or
confidential data from document files. See “Using the SendVirus utility to
submit a file sample” on page 76 of the VirusScan User’s Gu ide for details.
create a floppy disk that you can use to boot your computer int o a
virus-free environment, then scan essential system areas to remove any
viruses that could load at startup. See “Using the Emergency Disk Creation
utility” on page 49 of the VirusScan User’s Guide for details.
scanners you can use to run targeted scan operations from the MS-DOS
Prompt or Comma nd Prompt wi ndows, or fr om prot ected MS-DOS m ode.
The set includes:
About VirusScan Software
–SCAN.EXE, a scanner for 32-bit environments only. This is the
primary command-line interface. When you run this file, it first
checks its environment to see whether it can run by itself. If your
computer is running in 16-bit or protected mode, it will transfer
control to one of the other scanners.
–SCANPM.EXE, a scanner for 16- and 32-bit environments. This
scanner provides you with a full set of scanning options for 16- and
32-bit protected-mode DOS environments. It also includes support
for extended memory and flexible memory allocations. SCAN.EXE
will transfer control to this scanner when its specialized capabilities
can enable your scan operation to run more efficiently.
–SCAN86.EXE, a scanner for 16-bit environments only. This scanner
includes a limited set of capabilities geared to 16-bit environments.
SCAN.EXE will transfer control to this scanner if your computer is
running in 16-bit mode, but without special memory configurations.
–BOOTSCAN.EXE, a smaller, specialized scanner for use primarily
with the Emergency Disk utility. This scanner ordinarily runs from
a floppy disk you create to provide you with a virus-free boot
All of the command-line scanners allow you to initiate targeted scan
operations from an MS-DOS Prompt or Command Prompt window, or
from protected MS-DOS mode. Ordinarily, you'll use the VirusScan
application's graphical user interface (GUI) to perform most scanning
operations, but if you have trouble starting Windows or if the VirusScan
GUI components will not run in your environment, yo u can use the
command-line scanners as a backup.
–This Getting Started Guide, which in troduces the product, provides
installation instructions, outlines how to respond if you suspect
your computer has a virus, and provides a brief product overview.
The printed Getting Started Guide comes with the VirusScan software
copies distributed on CD-ROM discs.
–A complete user’s guide saved on the VirusScan software CD-ROM
or installed on your hard disk in Adobe Acrobat .PDF format. The
VirusScan Us er’s G uide describes in detail how to use VirusScan and
includes other information useful as background or as advanced
configuration options. Acrobat .PDF files are flexible online
documents that contain hyperlinks, outlines and other aids for easy
navigation and information retrieval.
Getting Started Guide9
About VirusScan Software
–An administrator’s guide saved on the VirusScan software
CD-ROM or installed on your hard disk in Adobe Acrobat .PDF
format. The VirusScan Administrator’s Guide describes in detail how
to manage and configure VirusScan software.
–An online help file. This file gives you quick access to a full range of
topics that describe VirusScan software. You can open this file either
by choosing Help Topics from the Help menu in the VirusScan
main window, or by c licking any of the He lp buttons displayed in
VirusScan dialog boxes.
The help file also includes extensive context-sensitive—or “What's
This”—help. To see these help topics, right-click buttons, lists, icons,
some text boxes, and other elements that you see within dialog
boxes. You can also click the ? symbol at the top-right corner in most
dialog boxes, then click the element you want to see described to
display the relevant topic. The dialog boxes with Help buttons open
the help file to the specific topic that describes the entire dialog box.
–A README.TXT file. This file contains last-minute additions or
changes to the documentation, lists any known behavior or other
issues with the product release, and often describes new product
features incorporated into incremental product updates. You’ll find
the README.TXT file at the root level of your VirusScan software
CD-ROM or in the VirusScan software program folder—you can
open and print it from Windows Notepad, or from nearly any
word-processing software.
What’s new in this release?
This VirusScan release introduces a number of innovative new features to the
product’s core functionality, to its range of coverage, and to the details of its
application architecture. The section “How does VirusScan software work?”
on page 25 of the VirusSc an User’s Guide, discusses many of these f eatures. The
single most significant change between previous VirusScan versions and this
release, however, is the integration of two separate VirusScan versions
optimized to run on separate Windows platforms in to a single product that
runs on both. This single product also takes full advantage of each platform’s
The next sections discuss other changes that this VirusScan release introduces.
10McAfee VirusScan
About VirusScan Software
Installation and distribution features
McAfee anti-virus products, including VirusScan software, now use the
Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) , which comes with all Windows 2000
Professional systems. This Setup utility offers a wealth of custom installation
and configuration features that make VirusScan software rollout across large
organizations much easier and more intuitive. To learn more about how to run
custom Setup operations with MSI, see Chapter 2, “Installing VirusScan
Software” in the VirusScan Administrator’s Guide.
Interface enhancements
This release moves the VirusScan interface for all supported platforms solidly
into the territory VirusScan anti-virus software for Windows 95, Wind ow s 98
and Windows ME pioneered with its v4.0.1 release. This adds extensive
VShield scanner configuration options for the Windows NT Workstation v4.0
and Windows 2000 Professional platforms, while reducing the complexity of
some previous configuration options. Alert Manager server configuration, f or
example, moves entirely over to the NetShield product line—VirusScan
software now acts strictly as a configurable client application.
This release also adds a new VirusScan control panel, which functions as a
central point from which you can enable and disable all VirusScan
components. This control panel also lets you set a ceiling for the number of
items you can scan in or exclude from a single operation, and can set the
VShield scanner and VirusScan control panel to run at startup. Other changes
• New VShield system tray icon states tell you more about which VShield
modules are active. These states are:
– All VShield modules are active
– The System Scan module is active, but one or more of the other
VShield modules is inactive
– The System Scan module is inactive, but one or more of th e other
VShield modules is active
– All VShield modules are inactive
• New interface settings for task configuration allow you to tell the
VirusScan application how you want it to appear as your scheduled task
runs and what you want it to do when it finishes. You can also set a
password to protect individual task settings from changes, or to protect an
entire task configuration at once.
Getting Started Guide11
About VirusScan Software
• An updated randomization feature for sch eduled ta sks allows you to set a
time for the task to run, then set a randomization “window.” The
VirusScan Console then picks a random time within the window to
actually start the task.
• System Scan module action options now include a new Prompt Type
configuration option for Windows 95 and Windows 98 systems. This
option lets you determine how the Prompt for user action alert appears.
Changes in product functionality
• A new Alert Manager Client configuration utility allows you to choose an
Alert Manager server installed on your network as an alert message
destination, or to select a network share as a destination for Centralized
Alerting messages. You can also supplement either of these alert methods
with Desktop Management Interface alert messages.
• The Alert Manager server supports Intel Pentium III processor serial
numbers to identify individual machines for virus notification. For more
information about Intel processor serial numbers, consult the Intel FAQ at
New update options for your VirusScan software
Even with the majority of the virus definitions it requires now incorporated
directly into its engine in generic routines, VirusScan software still requires
regular .DAT file updates to keep pace with the 200 to 300 new viruses that
appear each month. To meet this need, McAfee has incorporated updating
technology in VirusScan softwa re from its earliest incarnations. With this
release, that technology takes a quantum leap forward with incremental . DAT
file updating.
The Network Associates SecureCast service provides a convenient method
you can use to receive the latest virus definition (.DAT) file updates
automatically, as they become available, without your having to download
12McAfee VirusScan
NOTE: To update the McAfee VirusScan software installed on your
computer, click the update button in the McAfee VirusScan main
window. Make sure that your PC is connected to the internet prior to
performing this task.
2 Installing VirusScan
Before you begin
McAfee distributes VirusScan software in two ways: 1) as an archived file that
you can download from the McAfee website; and 2) on CD-ROM. Although
the method you use to transfer VirusScan files from an archive you download
differs from the method you use to transfer files from a CD-ROM you place in
your CD-ROM drive, the installation steps you follow after that are the same
for both distribution types. Review the system requirements shown below to
verify that VirusScan software will run on your s ystem, then move to
“Preparing to install VirusScan software” on page 14.
System requirements
VirusScan software will install and run on any IBM PC or PC-compatible
computer equipped with:
• A processor equivalent to at least an Intel Pentium- class or compatible
processor. McAfee recommends an Intel Pentium processor or Celeron
processor running at a minimum of 166 MHz.
• A CD-ROM drive. If you downloaded your copy of VirusScan software,
this is an optional item.
• At least 16MB of free hard disk space.
• At least 16MB of free random-access memory (RAM). McAfee recommends
at least 20MB.
• Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windo ws NT
Workstation v4.0 with Service Pack 4 or later, or Windows 2000
Professional. McAfee recommends that you also have Microsoft Internet
Explorer v4.0.1 or later installed, particularly if your system runs any
Windows 95 version.
Other recommendations
To take full advantage of VirusScan software’s automatic update features, you
should have an Internet connection, either thr ough your local-area network, or
via a high-speed modem and an Internet service provider.
Getting Started Guide13
Installing VirusScan Software
Preparing to install VirusScan software
After inserting the McAfee VirusScan on your CD-ROM drive , you should see
a VirusScan welcome image appear automatically. To install VirusScan
software immediately, click Install VirusScan, then skip to Step 4 on page 16
to continue with Setup. If the welcome image does not appear, or if you are
installing VirusScan software from files you downloaded, start with Step 2 on
page 15.
Ë IMPORTANT: Because Setup installs some VirusScan files as services on
Windows NT Workstation v4.0 and Windows 2000 Professional systems,
you must log in to your system with Administrator rights to install this
product. To run Setup on Windows 95 or Windows 98, you do not need
to log in with any particular profile or rights.
Installation options
The “Installation steps”section describes how to install VirusScan software
with its most common options on a single computer or workstation. You can
choose to do a Typical setup—which instal ls commonly used VirusScan
components but leaves out some VShield modules and the ScreenScan
utility—or you can choose to do a Custom setup, whi c h gives you the option
to install all VirusScan components.
Installation steps
McAfee recommends that you first quit all other applications you have
running on your system before you start Setup. Doing so reduces the
possibility that software conflicts wil l interfere with your installation.
To install VirusScan sof tware, follo w these step s:
1. If your computer runs Windows NT Workstation v4.0 or Windows 2000
Professional, log on to your sys tem as Administrator. You must have
administrative rights to install VirusScan software on your sys tem.
14McAfee VirusScan
Installing VirusScan Software
2. Choose Run from the Start menu in the Windows taskbar.
The Run dialog box will appear (Figure 2-1).
Figure 2-1. Run dialog box
3. Type <X>:\SETUP.EXE in the text box provided, then click OK.
Here, <X> represents the drive letter for your CD-ROM drive or the path
to the folder that contains your extracted VirusScan files. To search for
the correct files on your hard disk or CD-ROM, click Browse.
Before it continues with the installation, Setup first checks to see whether
your computer already has version 1.1 of the Microsoft Windows
Installer (MSI) utility running as part of your system software.
If your computer runs Windows 2000 Professional, this MSI version
already exists on your system. If your computer runs an earlier Windows
release, you might still have this MSI version on your system if you
previously installed other software that uses MSI. In e ither of these cases,
Setup will display its first wizard panel immedia tely. Skip to Step 4 to
If Setup does not find MSI v1.1 on your computer, it installs files it needs
to continue the installation, then prompts you to restart your computer.
Click Restart System. For a list of circumsta nces in which Setup or
system upgrades require you to reboot your system, see “Determining
when you must restart your computer” on page 44 of the VirusScan
User’s Guide.
When your computer restarts, Setup will continue from where it left off.
The Setup welcome panel will appear.
Getting Started Guide15
Installing VirusScan Software
4. This first panel tells you where to locate the README.TXT file, which
describes product features, lists any known issues, and includes the latest
available product information for this VirusScan version. When you
have read the text, click Next> to continue.
Figure 2-2. Setup welcome panel
5. The next wizard panel displays the VirusScan software end-user license
16McAfee VirusScan
agreement. Read this agreement carefully—if you install VirusScan
software, you agree to abide by the terms of the license.
If you do not agree to the license terms, select I do not agree to the terms of the License Agreement, then click Cancel. Setup will quit
immediately. Otherwise, click I agree to the terms of the License Agreement, then click Next> to continue.
Setup next checks to see whether previous VirusScan versions or
incompatible software exists on your computer. If you have no other
anti-virus software or any previous VirusScan versions on your system,
it will display either the Security Type or the Setup Type panel. Skip to
Step 8 on page 18.
If Setup discovers an earlier VirusScan version on your system, it will tell
you that it must remove that earlier version. If your computer runs
Windows 95 or Windows 98, Setup also gives you the option to preserve
the VShield configuration settings you chose for the earlier version. This
option is displayed via the Previous Version Detected panel.
Installing VirusScan Software
If your computer runs Windows NT Workstation v4.0 or Windows 2000
Professional, Setup will remove the previous VirusScan version, but will
not preserve any previous VShield scanner settings.
6. Select Preserve On Access Settings, if the option is available, th en click
Next> to continue.
If Setup finds incompatible software, it will display the Incompatible
software panel wizard panel that gives you the option to remove the
conflicting software.
If you have no incompatible software on your system and your computer
runs Windows 95 or Windows 9 8, skip to Step 9 on page 19 to continue
with the installation. If you have no incompatible software and your
system runs Windows NT Workstation v4.0 or Windows 2000
Professional, skip to Step 8 on page 18 to continue. Otherwise, continue
with Step 7.
Figure 2-3. Incompatible software panel
7. Select the checkbox shown, then click Next>. Setup will start the
uninstallation utility that the conflicting software normally us es, and
allow it to remove the software. The uninstallation utility might tell you
that you need to restart your computer to completely remove the other
software. You do not need to do so to continue with your VirusScan
installation—so long as the other software is not active, Setup can
continue without conflicts.
Getting Started Guide17
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