Release Notes for McAfee Agent 4.0 Hotfix 505376
Thank you for using McAfee Agent 4.0. This document contains important information about this release. We strongly
recommend that you read the sections of the document appropriate to your operating system.
z About this release
z Purpose
z Resolved issues
z Installation Instructions
z Important Information
z Finding documentation for McAfee enterp rise products
z License attributions
About this release
Hotfix Release: August 26, 2009
Hotfix Package:
This release was developed for use with:
z Data Loss Prevention 2.1, 2.2 and 3.0
z Endpoint Encryption for Files and Folders 3.1.0
z Endpoint Encryption for PC 5.1.5
z ePolicy Orchestrator 3.6.1, 4.0, and 4.5
z McAfee Anti-Spam for GroupShield 7.0
z McAfee Encrypted USB 1.0
z McAfee VDisk for Windows 4.1.0
z Host Intrusion Prevention (Windows only) 7.0
z Network Access Control 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0
z Policy Auditor 5.0, 5.0.1, 5.1, and 5.2
z PortalShield 1.0 and 2.0
z Safeboot Encrypted USB 1.0
z Safeboot Endpoint Encryption for File and Folder (Content Encryption) 3.1.0
z Safeboot Endpoint Encryption for PC (Device Encryption) 5.1.5
z Safeboot VDisk for Windows 4.1.0
z SecurityShield 1.0
z SiteAdvisor Enterprise 1.5, 1.6, 2.0, and 3.0
z System Compliance Profiler 1.1 and 2.0
z VirusScan Enterprise 8.0i, 8.5i (Patch 7 and above), and 8.7i (with AntiSpyware Enterprise)
Make sure you have installed the correct version of the product(s) in this list before using this release.
This release is based on McAfee Agent 4.0 Patch 3 and includes all of the issues resolved in that release. This
hotfix extends McAfee Agent Patch 3 to address the issue described below under Resolved issues.
Resolved issues
Issues that are resolved in this release are listed below.
1. Issue: The Update process timed out after 55 minutes. This could cause DAT or Engine updates to fail in low
bandwidth environments. (Reference: 500215)

Resolution: The Update process timeout was increased to 6 hours.
Installation instructions
Note: Embedded credentials packages are not available for Hotfix releases.
Installing on Windows using ePolicy Orchestrator 3.6.x
You must have administrator rights to perform this task.
1. Download and extract the agent package, MA400HF505376WIN.zip.
2. Check in the agent package to the ePolicy Orchestrator repository.
3. Use one of these methods to install the agent on client systems:
{ Push an agent using the Send Agent Install option.
{ For third-party deployment methods, create an agent installation package, FRAMEPKG.EXE, using the
Agent Installation Package Creation wizard.
{ Create a deployment task.
Installing on Windows using ePolicy Orchestrator 4.0
You must have administrator rights on the Windows system to perform this task. The agent extension must be installed
on the ePolicy Orchestrator server before the McAfee Agent is installed on any clients.
1. Download the agent package, MA400HF505376WIN.zip, to the system containing the ePolicy Orchestrator
2. Check in the agent package to the ePolicy Orchestrator repository:
a. In ePolicy Orchestrator, click Software | Check In Package.
b. Browse to the location containing MA400HF505376WIN.zip, select it, and click Next.
c. Ensure that Current is selected in the Branch field.
d. Click Save.
3. Create a deployment task or push the agent to client systems. If using the push method, follow these steps:
a. In ePolicy Orchestrator, click Systems.
b. Select the target systems or groups.
c. Click Deploy Agent.
d. Select the version of the agent to be deployed.
e. Type valid credentials in the Domain, User name, and Password fields.
f. Click OK.
Installing on Windows using third-party deployment methods
This task requires the creation of an agent installation package, FramePkg.exe (see Step 3). Installation of the package
requires administrator rights.
1. Download the agent package, MA400HF505376WIN.zip, to the system containing the ePolicy Orchestrator
2. Using the ePolicy Orchestrator 4.0 console, check in the agent package to the Current (default) repository
3. Create an installation package:
a. In the ePolicy Orchestrator 4.0 console, click Systems.
b. At the bottom of the System Tree, click New Systems.
c. Select Create and download the agent installation package.
d. Deselect Use Credentials.
e. Click OK. The Download file dialog box opens.
f. Select FramePkg.exe and save it to the desktop.
Note: Record the location of the downloaded FRAMEPKG.EXE file for use with your third-party deployment
system. You can add parameters and switches as allowed by your deployment system. For a list of available
parameters, see Installing, upgrading and uninstalling using Windows command-line switches in the McAfee
Agent 4.0 Release Notes.