About Your Maytag ............................................................................................... 1
For Future Reference .......................................................................................... 1
Consumer Publications ........................................................................................ 1
Installation .............................................................................................................. 2
General Features .................................................................................................. 3
Operating the Refrigerator ................................................................................. 4
• Temperature Controls .................................................................................. 4
• Energy Saver Switch .................................................................................... 4
• Warm Cabinet Surfaces ............................................................................... 4
Adjusting the Refrigerator and Freezer Interiors ......................................... 5
• Refrigerator Interior .................................................................................... 5
Sure-Lock Shelves ................................................................................... 5
Meat/Cheese Drawer Shelf .................................................................... 5
• Freezer Interior ............................................................................................ 5
Freezer Shelf ........................................................................................... .5
Special Storage Areas ........................................................................................... 6 7
• Crispers ......................................................................................................... 6
• Meat/Cheese Drawer ................................................................................... 6
• Gallon Door Storage .................................................................................... 6
• Covered Dairy Compartment ...................................................................... 7
• Egg Cradle .................................................................................................... 7
Energy Saving Tips ............................................................................................... 7
Food Storage Tips ................................................................................................. 8-11
• Fresh Food Storage ...................................................................................... 8
• Frozen Food Storage .................................................................................... 8-9
• Food Storage Chart ...................................................................................... 10-11
Ice Service .............................................................................................................. 12
• Twist Ice Cube Trays .................................................................................... 12
• Automatic Ice Maker ................................................................................... 12
Care and Cleaning ................................................................................................ 13-14
• Refrigerator Exterior and Interior ............................................................... 13
• Cleaning Under the Refrigerator ................................................................ 13
• Cleaning the Condenser .............................................................................. 13
• Cleaning the Defrost Pan ............................................................................. 13
• Replacing the Interior Lights ...................................................................... 13
• Cleaning Chart ............................................................................................. 14
Non-Use Periods .................................................................................................... 15
• Vacations ....................................................................................................... 15
• Moving .......................................................................................................... 15
Important Personal Safety Instructions ........................................................... 15
To Avoid Unnecessary Service Calls .................................................................. 16
Warranty ................................................................................................................. 17
Congratulatioos on your choice of a Maytag For fnture reference we suggest you retain this
refrigerator! Asyou use your new refrigerator we manual after recording the model number, serial
know yon will appreciate the many, f_atures that number (six numbers and two letters) and
provide excellent performance, ease of cleaning, revision number of this refrigerator in the spaces
convenience and dcpendahilit}a provided below.
It is important to nndersta_M how your new This information c;m be found on the data
refrigerator operates beE_re you use it. On the sticker located at the top _?ont interior of the
following pages yon will find a wealth of refrigerator compartment. (See example below)
information regarding all aspects of your
refrigerator. By fbllowing the instructions
eareiully, you will be abe to fhlly enjoy and _rAG _;g
properly maintain your Ma)4ag refrigerator. NE_ON,a _dJJ_,,_
Should yon have an},questions about nsing your ................ o_)/
Maytag refrigerator co, tact us. Be sure to
provide the model and serial number of your
refrigeraton Model Number
NEWTON, IOWA 50`2208
(5]5) 791-8911
(Mon.-Fri., 8am-5 pm Central Time) RevisionNumber
NOTE: For serv-iee and warranty informatiuo
see pages 16-17.
For more informatiou about appliances, order the following items from Ma}4ag at the prices indicated.
Se_d }.'ourname, address, booldet title, form number and payment to: Maytag Consumer Education, One
Dependability Sqnare, Newton, IA 50`208. Allow 4-6 weeks for delive W.
Applim_ce Buying Guides ......................................................................................................... 50C EACH
Washer -- ,211YG
D_-er -- 212YG
Disbwasher -- '213YG
Electric Range -- ,214YG
Gas Range -- 215YG
Refi-igecator -- ,276YG
Ener_w Savings Tips -- 39`2YG ................................................................................................ 50¢
Remove and discard cantilever shelf packing
clips located just above each shelf where it hooks
onto the frame. To remove plastic clips, wiggle TURNCLOCKWISETO
the clips sideways and ptlll straight out. LOWERCABINETCORNER
Locating Your Refrigerator
1. Allow a free flow of air thro,lgh tile front base
2, Yonr model should not be inse_dled where the COUNTER-
room temperature will go below 5,5degrees CLOCKWISETO
F., because it will not run frequently enough CORNER
to maintain proper telnperature in the freezer. --"
3. For ease of'instaIiation, you should leave a 3. It is not necessary to lock the refrigerator in
space of about 1/2 inch between the place. However, if that is desirable, turn one
refrigerator and adjacent walls or cabinets. If or both of the locking feet clockwise. They are
the refrigerator is placed with tlle hinge side located near the front wheels.
against a wall, you may want to leave If the floor is not level and it is neeessau to
additional space so the door can be opened raise the rear of the cabinet, we suggest
wider, rolling the rear wheels onto a piece of
plywood or other shim material.
Important Leveling
Information 4. To replace, center the clips in the cut-out
Your ret}igerator is equipped with front and back into place.
rollers so it can be moved away from the \vail for
cleaning. The front rollers are acljustable and Connecting the Appliance
should he positioned so the refrigerator sits
areas and push in until the base grille snaps
firmly on the floor and is level. WARNING: This appliance is designed to
operate on a nominal 115 volt, 15 amp, 60 cycle
To adjust the front rollers: line. There should be a separate, grounded
1. Remove the base grille by grasping the ends, cireuit serving this appliance only: Do not use an
lift and pull out. extension cord.
This appliance is equipped with a three-pronged
grounding plug for your protection against
possible electrical shock hazards. It must be
plugged into a grounding receptacle. Where a
E _ standard two-prong wall receptacle is
_ _ encountered, it is the personal responsibility and
obligation of the customer to have it replaced
with a properly grounded three-prong wall
2. To level the refrigerator, nse a screwdriver receptacle. Do not under any circumstances, cut
and turn roller adjusting screws clockwise to or remove the third (ground) prong f?om the
lower the cabinet or eounterclockwise to raise
the cabinet, power cord. Do not use an adapter plug,
Adjustable Freezer
Ilklllllllllll Shelves
Ice Cube
Ice -- DJ
Door Storage
Crisper Keepers
Adjustable Base Grille
Front Rollers
Features may vary according to model.
Temperature Controls
Location of the Controls
Your new refrigerator has hvo controls: one for the refrigerator compartment and one for the freezer
compartment. Both controls are up-fi'ont, located at the top front of tlle refiigerator compartment. To
adjust the controls, grasp the underside of the control and turn.
Initial Setting of the Controls Refrigerator too warm--Tnrn the
Refrigerator Control: This control has refrigerator control to the next higher
settings from 1 (warmest) to 9 (coldest). Initially nnlnber. For example, turn the control from
set this control to 5. The refrigerator may run 5 to 6.
for several hours when you first start it. This is Refrigerator too cold_Tnrn the
nonmd, refl'igerator control to the next lower
Freezer Control: This control has settings
from A (warmest) to I (t'oldest). Initially" set
nnlnber. For exanlpIe, turn the control from
this control to E. The Energy Saver Switch
recommended for short term use only. moisture from forming on the outside of the
I NOTE: The coldest freezer setting(1) is ] This s,,dtch operates aheater that helpskeep
Let the refrigerator run at least 8 to 12 To Use:
hours before adding food. A day or so after
adding food, you may decide one or both 1. Move the sx_dtchto the "Reduces Moisture"
compartments should be colder or warmer, If so, position only when moisture forms on the
adjust the control(s) as instrncted below, outside of the refrigerator. The red indicator
Adjusting the Temperature position.
Except when starting the refrigerator, do not
change either control more than one position when the humidity is low to save on
number or letter at a time. Allow 24 hours for the ener_' needed to operate the refrigerator.
the temperature to stabilize before resetting.
Changing either control will have some effect on Warm Cabinet Surfaces
the temperature of the other compartment. Some portions of the cabinet may be warm to
Freezer too warm--Turn the freezer refrigerator which helps prevent moisture from
control to the succeeding letter. For condensing on the cabinet. This condition will be
example, turn the control from E to F.
Freezer too cold Turn the freezer control refligeratoL during hot weather and after
to the preceding letter. For example, turn excessive or lengthy door openings.
the control from E to D.
light is on when the sMteh is in this
2. Move the switch to the "Saves Energy"
the touch. This is a normal fimction of the
more noticeable when you first start your
Refrigerator Interior Freezer Interior
Sure-Lock Shelves Freezer Shelf
The refiigerator shelves are adjustable, allowing The freezer shelf can be adjusted to either of
yon to arrange the shelving to fityour t_amil_ two positions to accommodate the food load.
fhod storage needs. Never attempt to adjust a To remove the shelf:
shelf that is loaded with food. 1. Lift up on the shelf and push to the rigbt.
To remove the refrigerator shelf: 2. Tilt the left side of the shelf up and remove.
1. (;rasp the shelf at the front with one hand and To replaee the shelf:
push up under tile shelf back with the other 1. Tilt the shelf and insert the right md ends into
band. the upper portion of the oblong holes in the
'2. IJft the shelf straight out. 2. Lower the left side oftbe shelf and insert into
To replace the refrigerator shelf: to slide from side to side, On fixed door bins,
1. Keeping the shelf'horizontal, guide the three
snpport tabs into the slots in the shelf
supports at the rear of the cabinet.
freezer wall.
the oblong holes on the left side, Make sure
the shelf is secure be_bre loading.
Some refi'igerator door bins have"keepers" to
secure bottles and containers. The keepers will
help prevent items from tipping or failing when
the door is open and shut.
On adjustable door [)ins, lift the keeper sligbtly
siinply slide the keeper from side to side.
2. Lower tbe sbelf until the tabs lock into pos
ition. Make sure the shelf is securely locked
into position before loading it with food.
Meat/Cheese Drawer Shelf
The shelf that hohts the Meat/Cheese drawer
can be placed in one of three positions. When
adjusting this she]f, remove the Meat/Cheese
drawer and look at the back wall of the drawer
frame. It is necessary for the air inlet tube at
the back of the refrigerator to line up at the
top, middle or bottom of the air slots in the
back of the Meat/Cheese drawer frame for
the temperature control to work properly.
Set the temperature control to the coldest
position when positioning the Meat/Cheese
drawer. Once the shelf has been adjnsted,
replace the drawer and set the control to the
desired setting (see page 6).
If not positioned eorreetl3; items on the
shelf below the drawer may" freeze.