Remove and discard the canti]e;er shelf packing clips If the floor is not level and it is neecssaD7 to raise the
located just above each shelf" where it books onto the rear of the cabinet, we suggest rolling the rear wheels
frame. To remove the plastic clips, _iggle the clips onto apiece ofply_Tood or other sbim material.
sideways and pull straight out. 4. To replace, center the clips in the cut-out areas and
Locating Your Refrigerator push in mltil the base grille snaps into place.
1. Allow a free flow of air through the front base grille. Connecting the Appliance
2. Yonr model should not be installed where the room
temperature will go below 55 degrees F., because it WARNING: This appliance is designed to operate
will not run freqnently enough to maintain proper on a nominal 115 volt, 15 amp, 60 cycle line. There
temperatnre in the freezer, should be a separate, grounded circuit serving this
3. For ease of installation, you should leave a space of appliance only. Do not use an extension cord.
about 1/2 inch between the refrigerator and adjacent This appliance is equipped with a three-pronged
walls or cabinets. If the refrigerator is placed ruth the grounding plug for your protection against possible
hinge side against a wall, you mav want to leave electrical shock hazards. It must be plugged into a
additional space so the door can be opened x_4der, grounding reccptacIe. Where a standard two prongwall
(Refer to the installation instructions for more receptacle is encountered, it is the personal
detail.) responsibility arid obligation of"the customer to haxe it
Important Leveling Information replaced with a properly grounded three-prnng wall
Your refrigerator is equipped with front and back rollers receptacle. Do not under anv circmnstances, cut or
remove the third (ground) pro;lg f?om the power cord.
sn it can be moved away from the wall fbr cleaning. The
front rollers are adjustable and should be positioned so Do not use an adapter plug.
the refrigerator sits firmly on the floor and is level.
To adjust the front rollers: _,_
1. Remove the base grille by grasping file ends, lift and _
,ull out. o
Energy Saving Tips
_ _ l. Locate the refrigerator away f)'ona be'at prodndng
2. To level the refrigeratm; nse a screwdriver and tnrn appliances such as the range or dishwasher, heat
roller adjusting screws cloc!_vise to raise the cabinet vents and direct sunlight.
or counterclockavise to lower the cabinet. 2. Level the refrigerator and do not block ventilation
i around the f?ont grille.
3. Kccp the freezer fidl to near capaci)' so less cold air
will escape during door openings. When less than
two-thirds full, place milk cartons half full of water in
the freezer.
4. Let hot dishes cool slightl;_ before putting into the
refrigerator or freezer.
5. Cover liquids.
6. Clean the refrigerator condenser coils once a year;
more often if yon have pets (see page 12).
3. It is not necessary- to lock the refrigerator in place. 7. Wipe moisture from the outside of containers before
However, if that is desirable, tuna one or both of the placing them into the refi'igerator.
locking feet clocl_4se. They are located near the 8. A_oid opening the doors too often.
front wheels.