Model: RSW2700, RSW2400, RSW2200
InstalLation ................................................. 1 Congratulations on your choice of"a Maytag refrigera-
General Features ...................................... 2 tor! We know you will appreciate the maW f_atures that
Operating the Controls ........................... 3 provide excellent performance, ease of cleaning, conve-
Adjusting the Interior .............................. .3-5 nience and dependabili_: By following the instructions
Special Storage Areas .............................. 5-6 carefhll_: you will be able to felly enjoy and properly
Food Storage Tips .................................... 6-8 maintain your refrigeratoJ:
Ice and Water Service ............................. 9-10 Should you have any, questions abot_t using your
Non-Use Periods ....................................... 10 Maytag refrigerator contact es. Be sere to provide the
Care and Cleaning ................................... 11-12 model and serial numbers of yonr refrigerator.
To Avoid Unnecessary Service Calls ..... 13 MAYTAG CONSUMER EDUCATION
79is lJ
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (Mon.-Fri, 8 am 5 pm Central Time)
1. To prevent possibility of hazard due to electrical Internet: http://www.maytag.eom
shock, never ping the refrigerator into a receptacle NOTE: For service information seepage'!:3: twhich has not been grounded adequately and in . ,
accordance with the !oca] and national electrical ]
codes. See the grounding instructions on page 1. IMPORTANT: Keep your sales slip_or cancelled _
2. Unphlg the ref?igerator before cleaning the con- chase date is needed.
denser or replacing a light bulb.
3. in case of power failure, minilnize door openings. If
the power _b,ilere is of a long duration, protect the FOR FUTURE REFERENCE
fbod by placing blocks of"&T ice on top of the pack
ages or check with a local frozen foods locker plant For filture reference we suggest you retain this rnanu-
aboet tempera U storage. Frozen foods which have al after recording the model number, serial nnmber (six
thawed completely should not be refrozen, numbers and two letters) and revision number of thLs
4. Any electrical service cord that becomes fraved or
damaged should be immediately repaired or This informatinn can he found on the data sticker locat-
replaced. Never enplug your appliance by pulling on ed at the top front interior of the refiigerator compart-
the power cord. ment. (See example below.)
5. Your refrigerator should not be operated in the pres- uArraG .......
enee of ex osive fumes. NEWTON_A _,_,.._ ,,,,,
6. Remove the doors from _y out-of-use refrigerator to usa s02os _,0,_o-_=_,_,_,,0_o. _
prevent child entrapment and suffocation. Model Number Serial Number RevisionNumber
7. Chiktren should not climb, hang or stand on the
sheh'es of"this refrigerator,
pl ........
check for warranty service. Proof of original pur-
refrigerator in the spaces provided helow.
NOTE: In our. eo_!nuing effort to ,;the
t:lemo_e and discard the cantilever shelf packing clips if the t]oor is not level and it is neeessary to raise the
located just above eaeh shelf where it books onto the rear of thc cabinet, we suggest, rollin(r the rear wheels
fi'ame. To remove the plastic clips, wiggle the clips onto apiece ofpI)weod or other shim materiah
sideways and pull straight ont.
Locating Your Refrigerator pnsh in until the hase grille snaps into place.
1. Allow a free l]uw of'air through the front base grille. Connecting the Appliance
9. "llmr model should not be installed where the room
tel'llperature will go below 55° E, because it will not WARNING,: This app]ianee is designed to operate
run frequent b, enough to maintain proper on a normal I15 volt, 15 amp, 60 c)cle line. There
temperature in the freezer, should be a separate, grounded circuit serving this
:3.For ease of installation, ,v°u should leave a space of" appliance only. Do not use an extension cord•
about 1/2 inch between the refi-igcrator and adjacent This appliance is equipped with a three-pronged
walls or cahinets. If"the refrigerator is placed _@h the
hinge side against a wall, you may want to leave electrical shock hazards. It nmst he plugged into a
additional space so the door can be opened wider, grounding receptacle. Where a standard two-prong wail
(Refer to the installation instructions for more
detail.) receptacle is encountered, it is the personal
Important Leveling Information replaced with a properly grounded three-prong wall
Your refrigerator is equipped x_4thfront and back rollers receptacle. Do not under an_ circumstances, cut or
so it can be moved myra' front the wall fur cleaning. The
front rollers are a@tstahle and shonld he positioned so Do no_ rise an adapter plug.
the refrigerator sits firmh' on the flonr and is level.
To adjust the front rollers: /_
l. Hemnve the hase grille by grasping the ends, Iif}and
)ul] out. ®
4. To replace, center the clips in the cut-out areas and
gronnding plug for yoJtr protection against pnssihle
responsihilit) and obligation of the cnstomer to have it
remove the third (grotmd) prong t)comthe power cord.
: [ Energy Saving lips
1. Locate the refrigerator away from heat producing
2. To ]exel the ret_'igerator, use a screwdriver and turn appliances sueh as the range or dishwasher, heat
roller adjusting screws elocka_dseto lower the cahinet vents and direct sunlight.
or countereloeka_dse to raise the cabinet. 2. Level the refrigerator and do not Nock xentilation
around the front grille.
3. Keep the freezer full to near capacity so less cold air
will escape during door openings. When less than
two-thirds full, place milk cartons half fhll of water in
the freezer.
4. Let hot dishes cool slightly before putting into the
LOWER CABINET CORNER. 5. Cover liqnids.
CLOCKWISE TO RAISE 6. Wipc moisture fron-t the ontsidc of containcrs he}ore
CAmNETCORNER. placing them into the refrigerator.
3. It is not necessary tn lock the refrigerator in place. 7. Avoid opening the doors too often.
However, if that is desirable, turn one or both of the
locking tSet elockavise. The) are located near the
front wheels.
refrigerator or freezer.
Ice Bin Ice Access Door ,r Lights Temperature
Freezer Sure-Lock
Temperature Shelves
Shelf Meat/Cheese
Adj Bottle
Freezer Retainer
Baskets Keeper
-- d t
Freezer Basket
Base Grille
Front Rollers
Door Bins
Features vary according to model.
Your new rcfrigcrator has two controls: one for the refrigerator compartment and one t_r the freezer compartment.
These controls are located at the top, rear of the refrigerator compartment.
Initial Setting of Controls ADJUSTING THE
Freezer Control: This cuntrol has settings fi'om A
(warmest) to G (coldest) Initially set this control to D. I NTE RI O R
NOTE: Tile coldest freezer setting (G) is recom-
mended for short term use only. The refrigerator shelves are adjustable, allowing you to
Refrigerator Control; This control has settings from needs. Never attempt to adjust a shelf that is
1 (warmest) to I1 (coldest). Initially set this control luaded with food.
to 6. The refrigerator luay run for several hours when
you first start it. This is normal. To remove the refrigerator shelf:
Let the refrigerator run at least 8 to 12 hours 1. Grasp the shelf at the front with one hand and pnsh
before adding food. A day or so after adding tbod, up under the shelf back with the other hand.
Sure-Loci( Shelves
arrange the shelxing to fit your famil>'s tbod storage
you may decide one or both compartments should be 9. Lili the shelf straight ont.
colder or warmer. If so, adjnst the control(s) as instruct-
ed below. __
Adjusting the Temperature Controls ; ;
Except when starting the refrigerator, do not change
either control more than one number or letter at
a time. Allow 24 hours for the temperatnre to stabilize
before resetting. Chang ne, ether co atrol _ fll have some
• o. •
effect on the temperature of the other compartment.
Freezer too warm--Tnrn tim freezer control to the
succeeding letter. For example, turn the control from
D to E. To replace the refrigerator shelf:
Freezer too cold--Turn the freezer control to the
preceding letter. For example, tnrn the control from 1. Keeping tile shelf horizontal, guide the three support
D to C. tabs into the slots in the shelf supports at the rear of
the cabinet.
Refrigerator too warul Turn the refrigerator con-
trol to the next higher number. For example, tunl the '2. Lower the shelf until the tabs lock into position.
control fi'om 6 to 7. Make sure the shelf is securely locked into position
Refrigerator too cold--Turn the refrigerator con- before loading it with fixed.
trol to the next lower number. For example turn the
control fi'om 6 to 5. Easy-Glide Shelves
Grasp tile: front edge of the shelf and pull fonvard. Push
Warm Cabinet Surfaces i,_shelf to return to the original position•
Some portions of the cabinet may be warm to the
touch. This is a normal function of the refrigerator
which helps prevent moisture fi'om condensing on the
cabinet. This condition will be inure noticeable when
you first start your refi'igerator, during hot weather and
after excessive or lengthy door ot)enings.
Meat/Cheese Drawer Shelf To replace thedoorbins:
The shelf that holds the Meat/Cheese drawer can be Line up the top of tile bin with tile slides and snap the
placed in one of three positions. It is necessary for bin back in place.
the air inlet tube at the back of the refrigerator to I
line up at the top, middle or bottom of the air slots NOTE: In models with slide-off bins, the daiiT
in the back of the Meat/Cheese drawer frame for compartment bin is removable. Due to its shape, it
the temperature control to work properly. Set the fits only in the top position.
temperature control to the coldest position when
positioning tile Meat/Cheese drawer. Once the shelf Hi-Lo Pick-Off Door Bin (22 and
has heen ad uste& rq)lace the drawer and set the 24 cubic feet models)
control to tim desired setting (see page 5). If not
positioned correctly, items on the shelf below the
drawer may freeze, like inilk and soda containers, in the binarea below.
This is a pick-off bin designed to accommodate short
items in the ndsed section of tile bin and taller items
Gallon Door Bins
The refrigerator door bins are adjustable and can be
easily renmved. They are a complete bin, so items may I
be carried in the bin without falling out.
Pick-Off Door Bins 122 and 24
cubic feet models)
To remove the door bins:
Lift the bin straight up. Tip out tile bottom of"tile bin
and pull out the bin.
Easy-3_lt Freezer Door Baskets
Two easy tilt freezer door baskets proxide convenient
\\ storage for items that tend to shift or slide (such as
\ hagged vegetables) when the door is opened and closed.
To replace the door bins:
Insert the top hooks first. Then push in and down.
NOTE: In models with pick-off bins, the bottom
bin is fixed and not removable or adjustable.
Slide-Off Door Bins 127 cubic
feet models) Keepers and Tall Bottle Retainer
To remove the door bins: Some refrigerator door hins have "keepers" to secure
Using two hands, grasp the bin at the fi'ont and pull bottles and containers. The keepers help prevent items
toward you. Lift the keeper slightly to slide from side to side.
/ The tall bottle retainer is specially designed to prevent
fiom tipping or falling when the door is opened and shut
tall bottles from tipping tbrward (select models).
Freezer Shelf Crispers
The freezer shelf can be removed to aceormnodate The Vari Crisper allows the amount of moisture in the
large size packages and tbr eleaning, crisper to be controlled Gr storing either fruits or veg-
To remove tile shelf: etables, g
1. Lift up on the shelf and push to the right.
2. Tilt the left side of the shelf up and remove. __
To replace the shelf:
1. Tilt the shelf and insert the right rod ends into the
upper portion of the oblong holes in the freezer walh
Setting the Vari Crisper Control
Move tile slide control to "FRUITS" for a low moisture
env-ironment and to "VEGETABLES" for high mois-
I TO remove the Crisper Drawers: _"
1. Pull out to the stop position,
,q (let
_? 2. Tilt up the drawer front and pull out.
2. Lower the left side of the shelf and insert into the g. Lift the drawer fi'ont and push in.
oblong holes in the left side of the freezer wall. Make
sure the shelf is secure before loading. To remove the Crisper Shelf:
To replace the Crisper Drawers:
1. Align the drawer rollers in tracks.
Freezer Baskets 1. B.emove the crisper drawers.
Your refrigerator has three freezer baskets--one shal- 2. Remove the glass insert. Beach in from the under-
low Easy Glide, one Pizza and one deep Easy Glide. side and tilt up. Carefully remove the insert.
Each glides out fur more convenient access to the 3. Lift the front of the crisper shelt'and pull ont. It may
frozen fbod. Allbaskets can be removed fbr cleaning. In be necessa_ to remove the lower refrigerator
addition, the shallow Easy (glide and Pizza baskets can shelves so the crisper shelf can be tilted for remoxa].
be adjusted up or down to accommodate various sized
packages. To replace the Crisper Shelf:
To remove the baskets: Reverse the procedure for removing the crisper shelf.
1. Pull the basket toward you until it stops. Lift the
front of the basket and pull until it stops again.
2. Lit} the basket up and over the front tabs.
To replaee the baskets:
Reverse the above procedure,
To adjust the shallow Easy Glide and Pizza bas-
1. Remove the basket as directed previously.
2. Place one of the bottom two hea, T wires in the track
a_d replace the basket.