Models: RST2400 and RST2200
Installation ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Energy Saving Tips ............................................................................................................................ 1
General Features ............................................................................................................................... 2
Operating the Controls ..................................................................................................................... 3
Adjusting the Interior ....................................................................................................................... 3
Special Storage Areas ........................................................................................................................ 4
Food Storage Tips .............................................................................................................................. 5-7
Ice and Water Serviee ....................................................................................................................... 8-9
Care and Cleaning ............................................................................................................................. 10-11
Non-Use Periods ................................................................................................................................. 12
Important Personal Safety Instructions ........................................................................................ 12
Consumer Publications ..................................................................................................................... 12
To Avoid Unnecessal_ Service Calls .............................................................................................. 13
Warranty .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Congratulations on your choice of a May'tag For future reference we suggest you retain this manual
refrigerator! As you use your new refrigerator we know after recording the model number, serial number (six
you will appreciate the inany features that provide numbers and two letters) and revision number of this
excellent performance, ease of cleaning, cmwenience refrigerator in the spaces provided below.
and dependability. This information can be found on the data sticker
It is important to understand how your new refrigerator located at the top front interior of the refrigerator
operates befbre you use it. By follow'ing the instructions compartment. (See example below.)
carefully, you will be aisle to fully enjoy and properly
maintain your Ma_ag refrigerator. MAYTAG _0_,ILtlQ°
Should yon have any questions about using your usa s0208 _%2'_"_,...................
May"tag refrigerator, contact us. Be sure to provide the
mode/and serial immber of your refrigerator, blodelNumber
NEV_rI'ON, IOWA 50208 SerialNumber
(515) 791-8911
(Mon. Fri., 8 am-5 pm Central Time)
pages 13 and 14.
I NOTE: For service and warranty ififormation, see
NEW'fON IA _ax_Mes s_,
purchase date is needed, make changes to the appearance without revising
I IMPORTANT: Keep your sales slip or cancelled I NOTE: In our continuing effort to improve the
check for warranty service. Proof of original I quality of our refrigerators, it may be necessary to
this manual.

1. Remove and discard shelf packing clips.
2. Do not install where the room temperature will go WAliNIN(7,: This appliance is designed to operate
below 55 degrees F. It will not run frequently enough on a nominal 115 volt, 15 amp, 60 cycle line. There
to maintain proper temperature in the freezer, should be a separate, grounded circuit serving this
3. Allow a free flow of"air through the front base grille.
4. For ease nf installation, leave a space of about 1/2 This appliance is equipped with a three-pronged
inch between the refrigerator and adjacent walls or grounding plug for your protection against possihle
cabinets. If placed with the hinge side against a wall, electrical shock hazards. It must he plugged into a
leave additional space so the door can be opened gr( nnd ng receptacle. Where a standard two-prongwall
w_der. (Refer to the installation instruetlans for receptacle is encountered, it is the personal
more detail.) responsibility and obligation of the customer to have it
,5. Level the refrigerator to ensure it sits firmly on the receptacle. Do not under any eireumstances, cut or
floor, remme the third (ground) prong from the power cord.
To level the refrigerator: Do not use an adapter plug.
1. Remo_e the base grille.
Connecting the Appliance
appliance only. Do not use an extension cord.
replaced with a properly grounded three-prong wall
2. Turn the leveling leg cloekavise to raise the cabinet or ENERGY SAVING TIPS
cmmtercloc_vise to lower the cabinet.
1. Locate the refrigerator away from heat sources such
as the range, dishwaslmr, heat _ents and direct sun-
2. Keep the freezer filll to near capacity so less cold air
TURNLEGCLOCKWISETO x_dllescape dnring door openings (see page 5).
TURN LEG COUNTER- 3. Let hot dishes cool sliglitly.
CABINET CORNER. 4. Co er liquids.
• V ' ,
5. Clean the refrigerator condenser coils once a },car,
more often if yon have pets (see page 10).
6. Wipe moisture from the outside of containers before
3. If the floor is not level and it is necessary to raise the placing them in the refrigerator.
back of the cabinet, roll the back wheels onto a piece 7. Avoid opening the doors too often.
of pl}avood or other shim material.
4. To replace the base grille, center the clips in the cut-
out areas and push in until it snaps into place.

Ice Maker Light Refrigerator
Door Bins
Deli Drawer
Tall Bottle
gm m
Freezer Storage
Drawer Front Rollers Base Grille
Features may vm),according to model.

Initial Setting of Controls Warm Cabinet Surfaces
Freezer Control: This control has settings from A Some portions of the cabinet may be warm to the
(warmest) to G (coldest). Initially set this eontrol to touch. This is a normal tkmction of the refrigerator
D. which helps prevent moisture from condensing on the
NOTE. The coldest freezer ,_ttmg ,(G) !s you first start your refrigerator, during hot weather and
recommended for short term use only ,
Refrigerator Control, This control has settings from ADJUSTING THE INTERIOR
1 (warmest) to 11 (coldest). Initially set this control to
6. The refrigerator may"rnn for several hours when yon Cantilever Shelves
first start it. This is normal. The refrigerator shelves are adjustable, all_wing you to
Let the refrigerator run at least 8 to 12 hours arrange the shelving to t_t your family_ food storage
before adding food• A day or so after adding food, you needs. Never attempt to adjust a shelf that is
may decide one or both compartments should be colder loaded with food.
or warme_: If so, adjust the control(s) as instrncted
". ' ° " [ cabinet. This condition _x411be more noticeable when
, , : : [ after excessive or lengthy door openings.
To remove the refrigerator shclfl
1. Grasp the shelf at the front with one hand and push
Adjusting the Temperature up under the shelf back with the other hand.
Controls 2. Lift the shelf straight out.
Except when starting the refrigerator, do not change
either control more than one number or letter at
a time. Allow '24 hours for the temperature to stabilize
before resetting. Changing either control will have
some eft_et on the temperature of the other
Freezer too warm--Torn the freezer control to
the succeeding letter. For example, tuna the control
from D to E.
Freezer too cold--Turn the freezer control to the To rcplaee the refrigerator shelf:
preceding letter. For example, turn the control from
D to C. I, Keep the shelf horizontal. Guide dm tabs into the
slots in the shelf support at the back of the cabinet.
Refrigerator too warm--Turn the refrigerator
control to the next higher number. For example, 2. Lower the shell"until the tabs lock into position. Be
torn the control from 6 to 7. sure the shelf is secure before loading it with fi)od.
Refrigerator too eold--Tnrn the refrigerator Freezer Shelves
control to the next lower number. For example, turn The freezer shelves can be removed or adjusted to
the control from 6 to 5. accommodate large size packages and fbr cleaning.

De|i Drawer Covered Dairy Compartment
This shallow drawer in the refrigerator compartment is Tile butter dish is located in the covered dairy
designed to store small packages such as dell meats and compartment. Use this area to store either butter or
cheeses. It is suspended on the back wall like the margarine or other daiJy products. To use, raise the cover.
cantilever shelves, thus it is adjustable and removable
according to storage needs.
Sealed Crisper
This deeper drawer is sealed to provide optimum
storage conditions for fruits amt vegetables.
Temperature Controlled Drawer
The l)ottom drawer in the refi%erator compartment is
designed tbr storing fresh meat products. To regnlate
the amount of cold air being channeled from the freezer
and _tround this drawer, move the temperature slide Egg Cradle
control located on the lett wall near the drawer front. The egg cradle can be placed on a refrigerator shelf or
Set the control on "COOL" for a temperature the same stored in a door bin. It holds a "dozen-plus" eggs.
as the surrounding air in the refrigerator. Set the control I
on COLD for shghtly cooler temperatures.
Wine Rack
Corked \;ines should be stored in a horizontal position
to keep the cork moist. Tiffs prevents air from getting
into the x_dne and spoiling it. The wine rack allows
proper storage without taking up valnable shelf space.
Gallon Pick-off Door Bins It may also be used for storing liter containers.
The refffgerator door bins are deep enough to hold Keepers and Tall Bottle Retainer
gallon containers. They are adjustable and removable. Some refrigerator door bins have "keepers" to secure
bottles and contmners. The keepers will help prevent
NOTE: The bottom bin is fixed and not removable items from tipping or falling when the door is opened
or adjustable, and shut. On adjustable door bins, lift the keeper
slightly to slide from side to side. On fixed door bins,
To remove the door bins: simply slide the keeper from side to side.
Lift the bin straight up. Tip out the bottom of the bin The tall bottle retainer (select models) is specially
and pnI1 out the bin. designed to prevent tall bottles from tipping torward.
To replace tbe door bins:
Insert the top honks first. Then push in and down.