PAV2000 3-Speed Select, Super Capacity Washer
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Congratulations on your purchase " : ' _,_
of a Performa by Maytag clothes ,
washer! Your satisfaction is very important _
to US,
Read this manual for best results. It contains
instructions to acquaint you with proper operating
and maintenance procedures.
In addition you will find a Laundering Tips guide _
packed with your clothes washer. It contains infor-
mation on recommended laundering procedures, •
stain removal and special laundering situations. " ;"
Save time and money. If something should go
wrong, we suggest consulting the "Before You Call" Table of Contents
section in the back of this book• It is designed to
help you solve basic problems before consulting a
servicer. Safety Instructions ................. 1
Should you have any questions about using your Operating Tips .................... 2
Performa by Maytag clothes washer, write to us. Be
sure to provide the model and serial numbers• Controls at a Glance .............. 3-4
Maytag Consumer Information Special Featu res ................. 5-6
403 W. 4th St. N. Care and Cleaning ................. 6
Newton, Iowa 50208
(515) 791-8911 BeforeYou Call ............ Back Page
(Mon.-Fri., 8am-5pm Central Time)
Internet: http://www.maytag.com

Important Safety Instructions
WARNING: TO reduce the risk of fire, explosion, electric shock, or personal injury when using
your washer, follow basic safety precautions, including the following:
1. Read all instructions carefully before using the washer. 8. Flame resistant finishes improper laundering could
Retain all instructions for future reference, remove them. Follow garment manufacturer's instruc-
2. Properly install and locate in accordance with the tionscarefully.
Installation Instructions. 9. When moving, have the washer checked and properly
Must be properly grounded-See Installation Instructions. installed by a qualified technician.
Should anyone get an electric shock from the washer, dis-
connect electrical power. Do not operate until it has been
repaired by a qualified service technician. Do not add gasoline, dry-cleaning solvents, or other flam-
Install or store where it will not be exposed to tempera- mable or explosive substances to the wash water. These
tures below freezing or exposed to the weather, substances give off vapors that could ignite or explode.
Connect to a properly rated, protected and size d power Do not wash articles which have been previously cleaned,
supply circuit. See Electrical Requirements. washed, soaked, or spotted with gasoline, dry-cleaning
Connect to adequate plumbing and drain facilities, solvents, oil, waxes, chemical solvents, alcohol, turpen-
Have a qualified service technician install your washer, tine, or other flammable or explosive materials. These
3. To prevent injury to children: which still contain these flammable or explosive sub-
Do not allow children to play inside, on, or with the wash- stances give off vapors that could ignite or explode.
er. Observe these precautions when using cleaning fluids,
Close supervision of children is necessary when using the spot or stain removers, etc. These products should be
washer, labeled "nonflammable." Use according to manufactur-
When children are mature enough, instruct them in the ers directions in a well ventilated area or outdoors.
safe, correct use of the washer. Thoroughly rinse articles by hand before placing them
Keep all laundry aids out of the reach of children, prefer- for example - will damage components and the finish
ably in a locked cabinet. Use laundry aids only as direct- of the washer.
ed by the manufacturer observing all warnings on con-
tainer labels. Keep area around and underneath washer free from the
substances will be retained in articles, and articles
in the washer. Some of these products - rust removers
Destroy the carton and plastic bags after unpacking the accumulation of combustible materials, such as lint,
washer. Cartons covered with rugs, bedspreads, or plastic paper, rags, gasoline, and all other flammable vapors
sheet can create a chamber with inadequate ventilation, and liquids.
Remove the door to the washing compartment before the Hydrogen gas is explosive and under certain conditions,
washer is removed from service or discarded, hydrogen gas may be produced in a hot water system
4. Do not reach into the washer if the tub or agitator is mov- water system has not been used for such a period,
ing. The washer is equipped with a safety switch for your before using the washer, turn on all the hot water
protection. If action does not stop when the washer lid is faucets and let the water flow from each faucet for sev-
opened during the spin cycle, disconnect the electrical era] minutes. This will release any accumulated hydro-
power to the washer. Do not operate the washer until it gen gas. As this gas is flammable, do _ot smoke or use
has been repaired by a qualified technician, an open flame during this procedure.
5. Do not tamper with the operating controls. Recent studies have shown that if vegetable oil contami-
6. To prevent personal injury and damage to the washer, do nated materials are incompletely washed, a carry over
not repair or replace any part of the washer or attempt and buildup of the oil may contribute to a chemical
any servicing. Servicing should be referred to a qualified load to catch fire by itself. This would be more likely to
service technician, happen if the load were left in the dryer after tumbling
7. Do not wash fiberglass articles unless recommended by stopped or if items were folded and stacked while
manufacturer, warm.
that has not been used for two weeks or more. If the hot
reaction (spontaneous combustion) that could cause a

Operating Tips
For detailed information on sorting, pretreating stains; etc. see the enclosed Laundering Tips _m_let.
• Use either liquid or granular laundry detergent. For _. ",'_<
er BEFORE the load and be sure the wash water is
above 65 ° F.
• Use the correct amount of detergent for the load size,
soil level and water conditions. Use more detergent if
you have hard water and very soiled loads. °_oo_Oo o^ o
If you have soft water or a lightly soiled load, use less
detergent. (See manufacturer's instructions.)
• Wipe up any detergent spills on the washer.
• For best results, add the detergent to the washtub
before adding the load.
top row of holes for a maximum load.
• Do not wrap large items like sheets around the agita-
tor. / i
• Mix large and small items for best circulation. Wash
• Put dry, unfolded clothes loosely in the tub, up to the // __S-_-_ _
bulky items like blankets separatelv. /_o VO_o o_,'---J,_l //./ /I lx I "
• When laundering permanent press items or items of , _'-[ °_ II[l] k/_ / _ :
delicate construction, washable woolens or loosely _N4N_/" / " 7/
knit items, never use less than the MEDIUM water
level setting. This will minimize shrinkage, wrinkling
and pulling of seams.
Additional Tips
• The washer will pause briefly throughout each cycle. • If you open the lid during a spin cycle, the washer
These pauses are normal, will stop. When the lid is closed and the control dial
• This washer is designed so that it will not spin when pulled out, the washer will continue the cycle at the
the lid is open. It will, however, fill and agitate with point it was interrupted.
the lid open so water is available for pretreating
stains or diluting fabric softener.