Maytag MGR5510ADH, MGR5510ADL, MGR5510ADW Owner's Manual

hq6_ SSIo_D
Gas Range
Self-Cleaning Oven
............. 16
................... 17-18
i ...............JR!
1-800-688o2002 CANADA (05-97-00)
Readall instructions beforeusingthis appliance.
Thank You forpurchasingourcooking
appliance.To helpyouobtainthe maximum in cooking WARNING: If the information in this satisfaction,we offerthesesuggestions: manual is not followed exactly, a fire or
explosion may result causing property
IE_ Readthis manual beforeusingtheappliance, damage,personalinjury or death.
Reviewall safety andcaution instructions. - Do not store or use gasoline or other
ReviewtheTroubleshootingCharton pages30and 31if servicebecomesnecessary, vicinity of this or any other appliance.
0E_Includethe modelandserial numbersofyour - WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS:
Proofofpurchasesuchas salesreceipt willbeneededforwarrantyservice.
Youcancontactusat" notuseany phone in your building.
flammable vapors and liquids in the
Donot try to lightany appliance. = Do nottouch any electricalswitch; do
= Immediately call your gas supplier
from a neighbor's phone. Follow the gassupplier's instructions.
If you cannot reachyour gas supplier, callthe fire department.
In ourcontinuingeffortto improvethe qualityand - Installation and service must be performanceofour cookingappliances,it may be performed byaqualifiedinstaller,service necessaryto makechangesto theappliancewithout agency orthe gas supplier.
WARNING appliancefromabnormalusageorbyexcessiveloading
ALLRANGESCANTIPAND properlyinstalledanti-tipdevice.
CAUSEINJURIESTO PERSONS. If the rangeismovedfromthewall,be suretheanti-tip
PACKEDWITH RANGE. legsisproperlyengagedinthebracketslot.
ofthe oven door,theappliancemust besecuredby a
deviceisengagedwhenthe rangeis replaced.Look
FOLLOW ALL INSTALLATION Theanti-tipdevicesecurestherearlevelinglegto the
INSTRUCTIONS. floorwhenproperlyengaged.Also,besuretherangeis
INSTALLANTI-TIPDEVICES underneathrangetoverifythatoneofthe rearleveling
Thefollowinginstructionsarebasedonsafety Turn offapplianceand ventilatinghood to avoidspreading
considerationsandmust bestrictlyfollowedto eliminate theflame. Extinguishflamethen turnon hood to remove
the potentialrisksoffire, electricshock,or personalinjury, smoke and odor.
Haveyour applianceinstalledand properlygroundedby a Usedry chemicalorfoam-typeextinguisheror baking qualifiedinstalleraccordingto the installationinstructions, soda to smotherfire orflame. Never usewater on a Havethe installershow you thelocationofthe gas shutoff greasefire.
valveand howto shutit offin anemergency. Alwaysdisconnectpowerto appliancebeforeservicing, oven door.
Toensureproper operationand avoidpossibleinjury or Iffire isin apan onthe surfaceburner,coverpan. Never damageto unitdo not attempt to adjust,repair,service, or attemptto pick upor movea flamingpan.
replaceany part ofyour applianceunlessit isspecifically recommendedin thisbook.All otherservicingshouldbe
referredto a qualifiedinstalleror servicer.
Besure all packingmaterialsareremovedfrom the Childrenmustbetaught thatthe \ appliancebefore operatingit. applianceand.utensilsin it can be
Keepareaaroundappliance clearandfree from place,out of reach of small children. combustiblematerials,gasoline,and otherflammable Childrenshould betaught thatan
vaporsand materials, applianceis nota toy. Children
Ifapplianceis installednear a window,properprecautions controlsorother partsof the unit.
should betakento preventcurtainsfrom blowingover
burners. CAUTION:NEVERstoreitems of
NEVERleave anyitems onthe cooktop.The hot airfrom an applianceoron the backguardof /
the vent mayigniteflammableitemsand mayincrease a range.Childrenclimbingon the /
pressurein closed containerswhich may causethem to applianceor onthe appliancedoor burst, to reachitems couldbe seriouslyinjured.
Iffire is in the oven or broilerpan,smother by closing
NEVERleavechildrenaloneor unsupervisednear the appliancewhenit isinuse or isstill hot. NEVERallow
Childrento sit or standon anypart of the appliance.
hot. Lethot utensilscool in a safe
shouldnot beallowedto playwith _=.
interestto childrenin cabinetsabove
Manyplasticsare vulnerableto heat.Keepplasticsaway
frompartsofthe appliancethat may becomewarmorhot.
Donot leave plastic items onthe cooktopasthey may
meltor softenif lefttoo closetothe vent or a lighted NEVERuse applianceas _ I__.,,_J,'/_;_--_ surface burner, a space heaterto heator .___O_4, _:
warma roomto prevent __._,_'._'/__ J
Manyaerosol-typespraycansare EXPLOSIVEwhen potentialhazardto the '_-_'_-_' exposedto heatand may be highlyflammable.Avoid their useranddamageto the
useor storagenearan appliance, appliance. Also,do not
usethe cooktopor oven Toeliminatethe hazardof reachingoverhot surface as a storagearea for food burners,cabinet storageshouldnotbe provided directly orcookingutensils.
abovea unit.If such storage isprovided,it should be limitedto items whichare usedinfrequentlyandwhich are £)onot obstructtheflow of combustionand ventilationair safelystoredinan areasubjectedto heatfrom an by blockingthe ovenvent or air intakes.Restrictionof air appliance.Temperaturesmay be unsafefor some items, flow to the burnerpreventsproperperformanceand suchasvolatileliquids, cleanersor aerosolsprays, increasescarbonmonoxideemissionto unsafe levels.
Avoidtouchingovenventarea whileovenisonand for NEVERheat an unopenedcontaineronthesurface
severalminutesafterovenisturnedoff.Somepartsofthe burneror inthe oven.Pressurebuild-upmay cause ventandsurroundingareabecomehotenoughto cause containerto burstresultinginseriouspersonalinjuryor
burns.Afterovenisturnedoff,donottouchtheovenvent damagetotheappliance. orsurroundingareasuntilthey have hadsufficienttimeto
cool. Usedry,sturdypotholders.Damppotholdersmaycause
appliancedoorordrawer,if J neverbeusedaspotholdersbecausetheycantrail equipped,as a stepstoolor acrosshotsurfaceburnersand igniteorgetcaughton seatasthismayresultin appliancepans. possibletippingofthe
appliance,damagetothe Alwaysletquantitiesofhotfatusedfordeepfatfrying appliance,andserious coolbeforeattemptingto moveorhandle.
injury.WARNING:NEVERuse l_ =_:_ .____r_ _\ burnsfrom steam. Dishtowelsorothersubstitutesshould
Do nottouch a hotoven lightbulbwith a dampClothas Clean hood frequentlyto preventgreasefrom
the bulb couldbreak. Shouldthe bulbbreak, disconnect accumulatingon hoodorfilter. Whenflaming foods under
powerto the appliancebeforeremovingbulb to avoid the hoodturnthe fan off as thefan mayspreadthe flame. electricalshock.
Alwaysplacea panona surfaceburnerbeforeturningit hanging-sleevedapparel
on.Besureyouknowwhichknobcontrolswhichsurface whilecooking.Clothingmay
burner.Makesurethecorrectburneristurnedonandthat igniteor catchutensil theburnerhasignited.Whencookingis completed,turn handles.
burneroffbeforeremovingpanto preventexposureto burnerflame.
Alwaysadjustsurfaceburnerflamesothatitdoesnot extendbeyondthebottomedgeofthe pan.An excessive usingdrysturdypotholders.Alwaysavoidreachinginto
flameishazardous,wastesenergyand maydamagethe the oventoaddorremovefood.Ifa rackmustbemoved
appliance,pan orcabinetsabovethe appliance, whilehot,usea drypotholder.Alwaysturntheovenoffat
cookingoperationunattended especiallywhen usinga high Usecarewhenopeningthe oven door.Let hot air or
heatsettingor whendeepfat steamescapebeforeremovingor replacingfood.
frying.Boiloverscause smokingandgreasyspUlovers PREPAREDFOODWARNING"Followfood
mayignite.Cleanup greasy manufacturer'sinstructions.If a plasticfrozenfood
spillsas soonaspossible.Do containerand/oritsCoverdistorts,warps,oris otherwise
notusehighheatfor extended damagedduringcooking,immediatelydiscardthefood cookingoperations, anditscontainer.Thefoodcouldbe contaminated.
Do not letcookinggrease orotherflammablematerials
accumulatein ornearthe appliance,hoodor ventfan.
NEVERweargarments I.'_,,_ __....._=_,-_
madeofflammablematerial orloosefittingor long
ovenis cool.Slideovenrackouttoaddor removefood,
Usepanswith flatbottomsand handlesthat are easily Turnoff allcontrolsand waitfor appliancepartsto cool
graspedandstay cool.Avoid using unstable,warped, beforetouchingor cleaningthem. Donot touchthe burner easilytipped orloosehandledpans.Also avoidusing gratesor surroundingareas untiltheyhave hadsufficient
pansespeciallysmallpans, with heavyhandles asthey time to cool.
couldbe unstableand easilytip. Pansthat are heavyto
movewhen filled withfood may alsobe hazardous. Cleanappliancewith caution.Usecare to avoidsteam Besure utensilis largeenoughto properlycontain food hotsurface.Somecleaners canproducenoxiousfumes if
andavoid boilovers.Pansize isparticularlyimportant in appliedto a hot surface. deepfat frying.Be sure panwill accommodatethevolume
offoodthat isto be addedas well asthe bubbleaction of
To minimizeburns, ignitionof flammablematerialsand gasket.The doorgasket isessentialfor a good seal. Care
spillagedueto unintentionalcontactwith theutensil,do should be taken notto rub, damage,or movethe gasket. notextendhandles j , Do notuse ovencleanersof anykindin or aroundany
burners.Alwaysturn pan handlestoward Beforeself-cleaningthe oven, remove broiler pan,oven
the side or backofthe " racks,and other utensils,andwipe offexcessive
appliance,notout into spilloversto preventexcessivesmoke orflare ups. overadjacentsurface ,_-_-._ ,_)/ _ partofthe self-cleanoven.
theroomwherethey CAUTION:Do not leavefood orcookingutensils, are easilyhitor theoven duringtheself-cleancycle.
reachedbysmall Itis normalfor the cooktopofthe rangeto becomehot children, during aself-clean cycle.Therefore,touching orliftingthe
Neverleta panboil dry asthis could damagethe utensil
and theappliance.
burnsif a wetsponge or clothis usedto wipe spillsona
Cleanonlypartslisted in this manual. Donot cleandoor
cooktopduringa cleancycleshould beavoided.
Followthe manufacturer'sdirectionswhen using oven cookingbags.
Only certaintypes of glass,glass/ceramic,ceramic,or Act of 1986(Proposition65) requiresthe Governorof glazed utensilsaresuitablefor cooktopor oven usage Californiato publisha listof substancesknownto the without breakingdue tothe suddenchange in State of Californiato causecanceror reproductiveharm, temperature, andrequires businessesto warn customersofpotential
Thisappliancehas beentested for safe performance
usingconventionalcookware.Do notuse anydevices or Usersof this applianceare herebywarnedthat the accessoriesthat are notspecificallyrecommendedin this burningofgas can resultinlow-level exposureto someof manual.Donot useeyelidcoversfor the surfaceunits, thelistedsubstances,includingbenzene,formaldehyde stovetop grills,or add-onoven convectionsystems.The andsoot, due primarilyto the incompletecombustionof
useof devicesoraccessoriesthat are not expressly naturalgasor liquid petroleum(LP)fuels. Properly recommendedin this manualcancreate serioussafety adjustedburnerswill minimizeincompletecombustion.
hazards,resultin performanceproblems,andreducethe Exposureto thesesubstancescan also be minimizedby life of the componentsofthe appliance, properlyventingthe burnersto the outdoors.
The CaliforniaSafe DrinkingWater andToxicEnforcement
exposuresto suchsubstances.
tocancelall andhold these operations padsto enter
exceptthe , time, oven
Pressthis pad I _ _ Pressor press
timeofdaywill _ to selectHI or reappearinthe LObroil.
display. L_ Lock , Time J TIMER.The i fOvenonllPreheat V _ '_tuH_ temperatureor
are pressed. or pad until correct
CANCELpads.A beepwillsoundwhen thesepads 2. Pressor press and hold l ClockI then
Nobeepwillsoundwhen the or padis pressed, timeof day appearsin
AllfunctionpadsexcepttheCANCEL _ padfeature an indicatorlight.
Whenthe BAKEor BROILpad is Displaywill flashwhen poweris suppliedto unit. pressed,the indicatorlightwill _ PressCLOCKpadto recalltimeof daywhenanother
ovenis setfor this operation.
turnonto letyouknowthat the l Bakej functionisdisplayed. Indicatorlightson SELF-CLEAN,TIMER, bakeor delayedcleanoperation.Cancelthe operation
CLOCK,COOKTIME andSTOPTiME padswill beforesettingtheclock.
flash whenthe pad ispressed.These indicatorlights will stop flashingbutwill remain litoncethe function Iftimer is in use,pressCLOCKpadonce to recallthe
starts, time of day ortwice to resetthe time of day.
If anindicatorlighton afunction pad is litand you set
a secondoperation:
- Eitherthe controlwill not acceptthe operationor
- The indicatorlightonthe first padwill "dim" slightly Ifyou preferthat the timeof day is notdisplayed: andthe indicator lightonthepad youjust pressed 1. Pressand holdboth _
willbe "fullon."Thisletsyouknowthatyouhave CLOCKandCANCEL
setthecontrolfortwooperations........ padsfor 3 seconds, and
Bn Whenclockdisplayis
_Wi If a powerfailure occurswhenthe clock hasbeen
Clocktime cannotbe changedif oven isset for timed
disabled,pressCLOCKpadtorecalltimeof dayfor4 seconds.Displaywillthenblank.
disabled,the displayremainsblank andwill notflash whenpower isrestored.
1.PressTIMERpad. _ TheControlL0ck-Outfeaturepreventsthe ovenfrom
or pad untilcorrect timeappearsin display, then Toactivate: _
2. Pressor pressandhold " I'_ l_71 beingturned on.
Thetimerfeaturedoes notoperatethe oven. seconds.
Thetimercanbe set from1 minute[0:01]upto9 hours 2. "OFF"willappearindisplay and50 minutes[9:50]. whenthisfeatureisactivated.Onlytheclockand
Thetimerwillstart automatically.TheTIMERindicatoron timerfunctionswilloperatewhenControlLock-Out
theTIMER padwill lightwheneverthe timer is in use.One featureis activated.
longbeep and "End"willbe brieflydisplayedto signal the Repeat step 1to deactivate. endof thetimeroperation,
Tocanceltimer: Pressand hold TIMERpadfor 3
seconds.Timeofday will reappearinthe display.
The 12Hour EnergySaverfeature automaticallyturnsoff Option 1: Fourbeepsthenone beepevery30 seconds theovenifitwasaccidentlyleftonfor 12hours.To forthenext 5 minutesoruntilCANCELpadis
deactivatethisfeaturesothe ovenwillNOT turn off pressed.(Defaultoption.) automaticallyattheendof 12hours: Option2: Fourbeeps.Therearenootherbeeps.
1.PressandholdCLOCKpad _ Option3: Fourbeepsthenonebeepeveryminutefor
I ,oerJ
t. Pressandholdboth
STOPTIME and and
CANCELpads for 3
Youhave a choiceof three"end ofcooking"reminder beepsfor theAutomaticOvenTimerfeature.
2. Press or paduntil8:88 l Clockl then Howto selectthe desiredoption:
appearsinthedisplay. Currenttimeofdaywill 1, Pressandholdboth _
for3 seconds. _ l_7] thenext 12 hoursor untilCANCELpad is pressed.
reappearinthe displayafter COOKTIME andCLOCK 4seconds, padsfor 3 seconds, and
Repeatsteps1and2to reactivatethe12 HourEnergy A singlebeepwillsound. Saverfeature.12:00willappearindisplayto indicatethe Displaywillshowcurrent
EnergySaverfeatureisrestored, option.
2. Press or•pad to IL-_I
selectthe optionnumber youwish. Thecurrenttime of daywill reappearin the displayafter 4seconds.
Yourrangeis equippedwith pilotlessignition.Besureall To preventdamageto the cooktopor pan,neveroperate surfacecontrolsare setinthe OFFpositionpriorto surface burnerwithout a pan inplace,neverallow a pan supplyinggasto the appliance, to boildry and never operatea surfaceburneron HIGH
for extendedperiodsof time.
IMPORTANT:Whentheapplianceisfirst installed,the Tolightsurfaceburner: surfaceburnersmaybe difficulttolightduetoairinthe 1. Placea panonthe burnergrate.
gasline.Thismay also occur if the appliancehas been disconnectedfromthe main gassupplyor if it has not NOTE:The burnerflame may liftoffthe burner head
beenusedfor several daysor weeks, and a "roaring"sound maybe heardif a pan is not Toremovethe air inthegas line,hold a lightedmatch 2. Push inandturn knobto the LITE position.
nextto the burnerhead andturnthe knobon/When
the burnerlights,eitheradjust the knobto the desired flamesize or turnthe burneroff.
Pilotlessignition usesa sparkfrom the ignitorto lightthe burner.There are two ignitors for conventionalsurface burners.Eachsealedburner hasitsown ignitor.Oncethe
burnerlights,turn the knobto the desiredsetting.The clickingsoundwill notstop untilthe knobisturnedfrom
the LITEposition.
placedonthe gratebeforelightingthe burner.
WhEn burne_,is_*d On;;alli_it_S WillsPa_
3. Afterthe burnerlights,turnthe knobtothe desired flamesize. Theignitorswillcontinuetosparkuntilthe
Ignitor knobisturnedfromthe LITEposition.
NOTE:The surfaceburnerwill not lightifthe ignitoris and a stronggas odor isdetected,wait 5 minutesfor damaged,broken, soiled orwet.Also, the burnerwill not the gas odorto disappear beforerelightingburner.
lightifthesmall port beneaththeignitor isblocked. See page23for cleaninginstructions.
A _liCk!_g_d wii!be heardand the_rner Wililght;
CAUTION:If theflameshouldgo outduringa cooking operation,turntheburneroff.If gashasaccumulated
To light surfaceburnerduringa powerfailure:
1. Besureall controlsare inthe OFFposition.
2. Holda lightedmatchto thedesiredsurfaceburner head.
3. PushinandturnknobtotheLITEposition.The burner willthen light.
4.Adjust theflame to thedesiredflame size.
CAUTION:When lightingthesurface burner,besure
allofthe controlsare in the OFF position.Strikethe matchfirstand hold it in positionbeforeturning the
knobto the LITEposition.
Usea HIGHflamesettingto quicklybringliquidsto a boil A properlyadjustedburnerwithcleanportswilllightwithin orto begina cookingoperation.Then reduceto a lower a few seconds, settingto continuecooking,Neverleave food
unattendedwhen usinga HIGHflame setting, On naturalgas,theflame willbe bluewitha deeperblue
____ normaland adjustmentisnotnecessary.
" A yellowflame indicatesan improperm{xtureofair/gas.
core;thereshouldbe notraceof yellowintheflame.
ifa yellowflame occurs.
This wastesfuel,so have a servicemanadjustthe mixture
OnLP gas,some yellow tipping is acceptable.Thisis
An intermediateflamesize is usedto continuea cooking You may heara "popping"soundonsometypesof gas
operation.Foodwill not cook any fasterwhena higher
flame setting is used thanneededto maintaina gentle operatingsoundoftheburner.
UseLOtosimmerorkeepfoodsatservingtemperatures. Adjusttheflamesizesoit
, utensil.Thisis for personal
_ the edge of thecooking
Somecookingmay take placeon the LOsettingif the cookingutensil iscovered.If fooddoes boilon the LO NOTE: If a knobis turnedvery quicklyfromthe HIto the setting,it is possibleto reducethe heat by rotatingthe LOsetting,the flame maygo out, particularlyif the burner knobtowardthe OFFposition, iscold. Ifthis-occurs,turn the knobto the OFF position.
whenthesurface burneris turned off.This is a normal
safetyand to prevent
possibledamageto the appliance,pan,or cabinets
abovethe appliance.This alsoimprovescooking efficiency.
Waitseveralseconds,then lighttheburner again.
Besureto adjustthe knobsothereisan adequatesupply of gasto maintaina stableflame on theburner,Checkto
besure burneris litand the flame is stable.
Underno circumstancesarethesurface burner The porcelainon theburner isdurable butover time and
assembliesto be taken apart for cleaning.Thesurface with use maygraduallylose its shine. burnerassemblycan be removedto cleanthe burnerbox
area. Thesealedsurface burnersare securedtothe cooktop Thetwo surfaceburnerassembliesare securedin place andareNOTdesignedto be removedbythe consumer.
duringtransportationwith screws.Oncethe rangeis installed,thesescrews maybe removedto allow quick Select modelsfeature one or two specialSUPERHIGH
and easyremovalofthe burnerassemblies. SPEEDsealedburnerslocatedat the right-frontand
left-rear.Usethese burnersto quicklybringwaterto a boil plate, locatedonthe lower rangefront framebehindthe
broilerdoor or lower panel,to determineifyour appliance
featuresthese burners.
Cleanburner capaftereach useespeciallyif a spillover
an unevenflame.Whencleaningthe sealedsurface burner,use careto preventdamageto the ignitor.If a
and whenusing largerpans.See informationonrating
__!_ occurs.A soiledburner mayresultin improperignitionor
To remove: Allowthe burnerassemblyto cool. Liftup _ __ Lip
cooktop.Grasp theburner assemblyand rotateitslightly f _, J Ports towardthe leftto releasethetwotabs onthe assembly.
Then lifttheassembly andpulltoward the backof the (_/k._ Ignitor cooktopuntilthe air shutterendson the assemblyrelease
fromthe valves. _ "_PPort direct Toreplace: Insertthe air shutterends on theburner ly below ignitor
assemblyoverthevalves and lowertheassemblyinto place. Besureto Securethetwo tabs onthe burner
assemblyintothe two slots on theburner supportbracket Thesurface burnerwill not lightif the ignitoris damaged, whichis mountedtothe burnerboxbottom. (NOTE:Ifthe broken,soiledor wet. The burnerwill also notlight if the
tabsare not properlyinsertedintothe slots,theassembly ports,especiallythe smallportlocated directlybelow the
mayrockandthe burners maynot lightproperly.) ignitor,are blocked.
i_ cleaningclothshould catchthe ignitor,it couldbe_. damagedorbroken.
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