Maytag MER6871AAW, MER6871AAQ, MER6871AAC, MER6871AAB, MER6870ACW Owner’s Manual

MA'YIAL_ _lVlll_li'"' LL,-,.., ,, ,L,_.,, ,..,,,,..,
MER6870, MER6770, MER655
'__:TY ............... Pages 1-2
Installer:Pleaseleavethis manualwith thisappliance.
Consumer: Pleaseread and keep this manualfor futurereference.Keepsates receiptand/orcancelledcheckasproofof purchase.
Dateof Purchase
__ACE COOKIHG....... Pages 3"4
'*_"_ENCOOKING........ Pages 5-1C
_ffOR,E YOU C_LL ........ Page I
TY............ Page 1_
Inourcontinuingeffor_toimprove the qualityand performanceof our cookingproducts,it maybe necessaryto makechangesto theappliancewithoutrevisingthis guide.
If youhavequestions,call:
....... Page C
1-888-4MAYTAG(1-888-462-9824) 1-800-688-2080( U.S.TTYfor hearingor speechimpaired) (Mon.-Fri.,8 am-8pmEasternTime) Internet:
Forserviceinformation,seepage 15.
Form No. A/03/O0 Part No. 8113P257-60 ,,?,.,,,_,,_,r,_'_-';_ h t t p : / / w w w. m a y t a g. c o m 74005366 Litho U.S.
Readandfollow all instructionsbeforeus-
ing thisappliancetopreventthepotentialrisk offire, electric shock,personalinjury or dam-
age to the appliance as a result of improper
usage of the appliance. Use appliance only
for its intendedpurpose as describedin this guide.
To ensure proper andsafe operation: Ap- pliance must be properly installed and
grounded by a qualifiedtechnician.
To reduce risk of tipping of the appli! ancefrom abnormal usageor byexces- siveloadingof the ovendoor,the appli- ance must be secure by a properly in- stalledanti-tip device.
Tocheck if device is properly installed, look underneath rangewith a flashlight to make sure oneof the rear levelinglegs is properly engaged in the bracket slot.The anti-tip de- vice secures the rear levetinglegto thefloor
whenproperlyengaged.Youshouldcheckthis anytimethe range hasbeen moved.
! :
Turnoffapplianceandventilatinghoodtoavoid spreading the flame. Extinguish flame then
turn onhood to removesmokeand odor.
>Cooktop: Smother fire or flame in a pan
with a lid or cookiesheet. NEVER pick up or movea flamingpan.
>Oven: Smotherfire orflame by closingthe
Do notuse waterongrease fires. Usebaking soda,adry chemicalorfoam-typeextinguisher
to smotherfire or flame.
or drawer, if equipped, as a step stool or seat as this may result!n possible tipping ofthe appliance,damageto theappliance, and serious injuries,
ifapplianceis installedneara window,pre- cautions should be taken to prevent cur- tainsfrom blowingoversurface elements.
NEVER use appliancetowarm or heatthe room. Failure to follow thisinstruction can
lead to possibleburns, injury,fire, or dam- age to the appliance.
NEVER wear loose-fittingor hanging gar- mentswhile usingthe appliance.Clothing could catch utensil handles or ignite and cause burns if garment comes in contact with hot heating elements.
To ensureproper operation and to avoid damageto the applianceor possibleinjury, donotadjust,service,repairorreplaceany part of the appliance unless specifically
recommendedinthis guide.Referaffother servicingto a qualified technician.
NEVERstoreorusegasolineorothercom- bustibleorflammablematerialsintheoven,
near surface units or in the vicinity of this applianceas fumes couldcreateafirehaz- ard or an explosion.
Topreventgreasefires, donot let cooking grease or other flammable materials ac- cumulatein or nearthe appliance.
Use only dry potholders. Moist or damp potholders onhotsurfaces mayresult ina
steam burn. Do not let potholders touch hot heating elements.Do not use atowel
or other bulky cloth which could easily touch hot heating elementsand ignite.
Always turn off all controls when cooking is completed.
NEVER heat unopened containerson the surfaceunitor intheoven. Pressurebuild-
up in the container may cause container to burst resulting in burns, injury ordam- age to the appliance.
NEVER use aluminumfoil to line drip bowls or cover oven racks or ovenbot-
tom. This could result in risk of electric shock, fire, or damage to the appliance.
Usefoil only as directedin thisguide.
Aerosol-typecans areEXPLOSIVEwhen exposedto heat andmay behighlyflam- mable.Donotuseor storenearappliance,
NEVER leave surface units unattendec especially when using high heat.An un
attended boilover could cause smokinc.. and a greasy spillovercan cause a fire.
This appliance is equippedwith differen size surface elements. Select pans witt"
flat bottoms large enough to cove element. Fitting pan sizeto element wi! improve cooking efficiency.
If pan is smallerthan element, a portior of the elementwill be exposed to direc contact and could ignite clothing o potholder.
Onlycertaintypesofglass,glass/ceramic ceramic, earthenware, or other glazec utensils are suitablefor cooktopor over service without breakingdue to the sud
den change in temperature.Follow uter sil manufacturer'sinstructions when us
ingglass. This appliance has been tested for saf
performance using conventional coot ware. Do not use any devices or acce_
sories that are not specifically recorr mendedin thismanual.Donotuse eyeli
covers, stove top grills or add-on ove convection systems. Theuse of device
oraccessoriesthat arenot expresslyre( ommendedinthis manualcan createsE
rious safety hazards, result in perfo mance problems, and reduce the life
the componentsofthis appliance. Turnpan handletowardcenterofcookto.
not outinto theroom or overanother su face element. This reduces the risk,
burns, ignition offlammable materials,, spillage if pan is accidentty bumped,
reachedbysmall children.
Topreventdamagetoremovableheating elements,donotimmerse,soakorclean
inadishwasherorself-cleanoven.Adam- agedelementcouldshortresultingina
fireor shockhazard.
Make sure drip bowlsare inplace as ab- senceofthesebowlsduringcookingcould damagewiring.
Do not use ovencleaners. Nocommercial
oven cleaneror oven linerprotective coat-
ingof anykindshouldbe usedin oraround
any part ofthe oven. Before self-cleaning the oven, remove
broiler pan, oven racks and other utensils topreventexcessivesmoking,discoloration of the oven racks or possible damage to
items could damage the appliance or be burned or seriously injured.
Children must be taught that the appliance and utensils in or on it can be hot. Let hot
utensilscool in a safe place,out of reachof smallchildren.Childrenshouldbetaughtthat an appliance isnotatoy.Childrenshould not beallowedto playwithcontrols orother parts
ofthe unit.
NEVER cook on broken cooktop. If
cooktopshouldbreak, cleaningsolutions and spilloversmay penetratethe broken cooktopandcreatea riskofelectricshock. Contactaqualifiedtechnicianimmediately.
Cleancooktopwith caution.Someclean- erscan producenoxiousfumes ifapplied
toa hotsurface,If awet sponge,cloth, or papertowelis usedona hotcookingarea,
be careful to avoidsteam burn.
Use extreme caution when moving the greasepanordisposing of hotgrease.AI- low grease to coot before attemptingto movepan.
Usecarewhenopening door(s).Let hot air orsteamescapebeforeremovingorreplac- ing food.
For proper oven operation and perfor- mance,do notblock orobstructoven vent duct.When oven is in use,the area near
the ventmayfeelhot or warmtothe touch. Always place oven racksin desired loca-
tions while oven is cool. If rack must be
moved while oven is hot, do not let
potholdercontact hotelement inoven.
Cleanonly parts listedinthis guide.Do not cleandoor gasket.Thegasket is essential
for a good seal. Do not rub, damage, or
movethe gasket.
Wipe up excessive spitlovers, especially greasy spills, beforethe cleancycle to pre- vent smoking,flare-ups orflaming.
It is normal for the cooktop to become hot
duringa cleancycle.Therefore,avoidtouch-
ingthe cooktop,door,window orovenvent
during a cleancycle.
NEVER touch surface or oven heating elements, areas nearelements, or inte- rior surfaces of oven,
Heating elements maybe hoteventhough they are dark in color.Areas nearsurface
elements and interior surfacesof an oven may become hot enough to cause burns.
During and after use, do not touch or let clothing or other flammablematerials con- tactheatingelements,areasnearelements,
or interiorsurfaces of oven until they have had sufficient timeto cool.
Other potentially hot surfaces include: Cooktop, areas facing the cooktop, oven vent, andsurfaces nearthe vent opening, ovendoor(s), areasaroundthedoor(s)and ovenwindow(s).
NEVER leave children alone or unsuper-
vised in area where appliance is in use or
isstill hot. NEVERallowchildrentosit orstandon any
part of the appliance as they could be in-
jured or burned.
CAUTION:NEVER store items of interest
to children incabinets abovean appliance
oron backguardof arange.Childrenclimb- ing on appliance, door or drawerto reach
Clean range hood and filters frequently to preventgreaseor otherflammable materials from accumulating on hood or filter and to avoidgrease fires.
Turnthe fan on whenflambeing foods(such as CherriesJubilee) underthe hood.
TheCaliforniaSafeDrinkingWaterand Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65)
requires the Governor of California to pub- lish a list of substances known to the State
of Californiato causecancer orreproductive
harm, and requiresbusinessesto warn cus-
tomers of potential exposuresto such sub- stances.
Users of this appliance are hereby warned that when the oven is engaged inthe self- clean cycle, there may be some low level exposure to some of the listed substances, including carbon monoxide. Exposure to these substancescanbe minimizedbyprop-
erly ventingthe ovento the outdoorsduring theself-cleancyclebyopeningawindowand/ or door in the room where theappliance is
BIRDS: Never keep petbirds in the kitchen or in roomswherethefumesfrom thekitchen
could reach.Birdshavea verysensitive res- piratory system. Fumes releasedduring an
oven self-cleaningcycle may be harmful or fatal to birds. Fumes released due to over-
heatedcooking oil,fat, margarineand over- heated non-stickcookware may be equally
Use to turn on the surface elements. An infinite choice of heat settings is available
fromLOWtoHIGH.Theknobscan beseton or betweenany ofthe settings.
1. Place panon surfaceelement.
2, Pushinand turntheknob ineither direc-
tionto the desiredheat setting. > The backguard is markedto
identifywhich elementthe
knobcontrols. Forexample, O O indicatesright front O element.
Thereisan indicatorlight by eachpair of control knobs. When one orboth of the
surface control knobs is turned on, the light will turn on. The light will turn off
when the surface element(s) is turned off.
4. Aftercooking,turnknobto OFF.Remove pan.
Always place a pan on the surface
unitbeforeyouturn iton.Toprevent
damagetorange,neveroperatesur- face unitwithout a panin place.
> NEVERusethecooktopasastorage
area for food orcookware,
Be sure you know which knob con- trols which surface unit. Make sure
you turned on the correct surface
Begin cookingon a higherheat set- tingthen reduceto a lowersettingto completetheoperation. Neveruse a high heat settingfor extended cook- ing.
NEVERallow a panto boildry. This coulddamagethe panand the appli-
NEVER touch cooktop until it has cooled. Expect some parts of the cooktop, especiallyaround the sur-
face units, to become warm or hot during cooking. Use potholders to
protect hands.
After Cooking
Clean up messy spills as soon as possible.
Other Tips
Ifcabinetstorage isprovideddirectly abovecookingsurface,limititto items that are infrequently used and can besafelystoredinanareasubjected
to heat, Temperatures may be unsafe for
itemssuch asvolatile liquids,clean- ersor aerosol sprays.
NEVER leave any items,especially plastic items, on the cooktop. The hotairfrom theventmayigniteflam- mableitems, meltor soften plastics, or increasepressure inclosed con- tainers causing themto burst.
NEVER allow aluminum foil, meat probes or any other metal object,
other than a pan on a surface ele- ment,to contactheating elements.
Thecooking surfaceis equippedwitha dual
elementlocatedinthe rightfrontposition. To operate,pushinonthecontrolknobandturn to the left to control the large element, or push in and turn to the right to controlthe
small element.
The size, type of cookware and cooking
operationwill affect the heat setting. For informationoncookware andother factors
affecting heat settings, refer to "Cooking Made Simple" booklet.
HIGH: Usetobring liquidto aboil. Alwaysreduce
settingto a lowerheatwhenliquidsbeginto boil or foodsbegin to cook.
MED.HIGH: Use to brown meat, heat oi! for deep fat
frying or sauteing. Maintain fast boil for
largeamounts of liquids.
Usetomaintain slowboilforlargeamounts of liquidsand for mostfrying operations.
Usetocontinue cookingcoveredfoods or
LOW: Useto keepfoods warm andmelt choco-
late andbutter.
GLASS-CERAMIC SURFACE I On Canadianmodels,thesurfacewill notoperate during aself-cleancycle.
II Cooktopmayemitlightsmokeandodorthe firstfewtimes thecooktopisused. This
II When a control is turned on, a red glow can be seen through the glass-ceramic
surface. The element willcycle on and off to maintainthe preset heat setting.
II Glass-ceramiccooktops retainheatfor a period oftime after the unitis turned off.
Whenthe HOTSURFACElightturns off(seebelow),the cookingarea willbe cool enoughto touch.
II NOTE: Donot attemptto lift the cooktop.
Thecooking areasonyour rangeare iden- tified bypermanent patternson the glass-
ceramic surface. For most efficient cook- ing,fit the pan sizetothe element size.
Pans should not extend more than t/2to l-inch beyond the cooking area.
Formoreinformation oncookware,referto "Cooking MadeSimple" booklet.
hasaHOTSUR- _..
FACE indicator light. A lightwill be illuminatedwhenthe matching cookingarea is hot. Itwill remainon, even after the controlisturnedoff, untilthe area has cooled. Theyare locatedat the front center of thecooktop.
Neverusecooktop as awork surface or
cutting board. Nevercook food directly on the surface.
Never use foil-type disposablecontain- ers orplace a trivetor wok ringbetween the surfaceand pan. Theseitems can mark or etch the top.
> Donotslidealuminumpans acrossa hot
surface.Thepans mayleavemarkswhich needtoberemovedpromptly.(SeeClean- ing, page12.)
Make sure the surfaceand the panbot- tom are clean before turning on to pre-
vent scratches. To preventscratching ordamageto the
glass-ceramic top, do not leave sugar, salt orfatsonthe cookingarea.Wipe the cooktop surface with a clean cloth or paper towel before using.
Neverusea soileddishclothorspongeto clean the cooktop surface. A film will
remainwhich may cause stains on the
cookingsurface afterthearea isheated.
To lift: Whencool,
frontedge. Gently
lift up untilthetwo support rods snapinto place.
To lower: Holdthe cooktop front edge and
carefully push backon each support rod to release. Then lowerthetop intoplace.
Whenan element ison, it will cycleon and off to maintainthe heatsetting.
Coil elementsare self-cleaning. Do not
To remove: When
immerse inwater. ____..
cool, raise element.
Carefullypull out and awayfrom receptacle.
TO replace: Insert ele- \_ER_,,ALS
ment terminals into receptacle. Guide the elementinto place.Press downon the outer edgeofelementuntilitsitslevelon dripbowl.
The drip bowls undereach surfaceelement catch boilovers and must always be used. Absence of drip bowls during cooking may damage wiring.
To preventthe risk of electric shock or fire,
neverline dripbowls with aluminum foil. Drip bowls will discolor or craze over time.
Thiswilt not affectcooking performance.
> Beforefirstuse,cleanthe cooktop.(See
Cleaning, page 12.) Donotuseglasspans.Theymayscratch
the surface.
Donotallowplastic,sugarorfoods with highsugar contentto melt onto the hot
cooktop. Should this happen, clean
immediately.(See Cleaning,page 12.)
>-Never let a pan boil dry as this will
damagethe surfaceand pan.
COIL ELEMENT SURFACE II On Canadianmodels,thetwo frontele-
mentswill not operateduringself-clean. ! Cleancooktop aftereach use. II Wipeacid orsugarSpillsassoonasthe
cooktophascooledasthese spillsmay
discolor or etch the porcelain. To protect drip bowlfinish:
II To lessen discoloration and crazing,
avoid usinghigh heatfor longperiods.
I Do not use oversized cookware. Pans
should not extendmorethan I-2 inches beyondthe element.
II When homecanningor cookingwith big
pots, use the Canning Element (Model CE1). Contact your Maytag dealer for
details or call 1-800-688-8408to order.
I Cfeanfrequently. (See page!2.)
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