Maytag MD-31 User Manual

MD-31Maytag Clothes Dryer
Congratulations on your pur Maytag dryer! important to us.
Read this manual for best results. It contains instructions to acquaint you with proper operating instructions and maintenance.
Save time and money. If something should go
ong, we suggest consulting the “Befor
wr section. It is designed to help you solve basic prob­lems before consulting a service technician.
If you have questions, write us (include your model number and phone number) or call:
Maytag Appliances Sales Company Attn: CAIR P.O. Box 2370 Cleveland, TN 37320-2370 1-800-688-9900 USA 1-800-688-2002 CANADA 1-800-688-2080 USA impair (Mon.–Fri., 8am–8pm Eastern Time) Internet:
Your satisfaction is very
ed, or speech impair
chase of a
(for deaf, hearing
ou Call”
Table of Contents
Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Controls at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Operating Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Drying Rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Care and Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Replacing the Drum Light. . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Special Laundry Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Dryer Exhaust Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Before You Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Guide de L’ Utilisateur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Guía Del Usuario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Form No. Y81927 A Part No. 2206695 ©2006 Maytag Appliances Sales Co.
Important Safety Instructions
TToo rreedduuccee tthhee rriisskk ooff ffiirree,,eexxpplloossiioonn,,eelleeccttrriicc sshhoocckk,,oorr ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy wwhheenn uussiinngg yyoouur
ddrryyeerr ffoollllooww bbaassiicc ssaaffeettyy pprreeccaauuttiioonnss,,iinncclluuddiinngg tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg:
1. Read all instructions before using the appliance.
FFoorr yyoouurr ssaaffeettyy,, tthhee iinnffoorr-- mmaattiioonn iinn tthhiiss mmaannuuaall mmuusstt bbee ffoolllloowweedd ttoo mmiinniimmiizzee tthhee rriisskk ooff ffiirree oorr eexxpplloossiioonn oorr ttoo pprreevveenntt pprrooppeerrttyy ddaammaaggee,, ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy oorr ddeeaatthh..
DDoo nnoott ssttoorree oorr uussee ggaassoolliinnee oorr ootthheerr ffllaammmmaabbllee vvaappoorrss aanndd lliiqquuiiddss iinn tthhee vviicciinniittyy ooff tthhiiss oorr aannyy ootthheerr aapppplliiaannccee..
DDoo nnoott ttrryy ttoo lliigghhtt aannyy aapppplliiaannccee..
DDoo nnoott ttoouucchh aannyy eelleeccttrriiccaall sswwiittcchh..
DDoo nnoott uussee aannyy pphhoonnee iinn yyoouurr bbuuiillddiinngg..
CClleeaarr tthhee rroooomm,, bbuuiillddiinngg oorr aarreeaa ooff aallll ooccccuuppaannttss..
IImmmmeeddiiaatteellyy ccaallll yyoouurr ggaass ssuupppplliieerr ffrroomm aa nneeiigghhbboorrss pphhoonnee.. FFoollllooww tthhee ggaass ssuupppplliieerrss iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss..
IIff yyoouu ccaannnnoott rreeaacchh yyoouurr ggaass ssuupppplliieerr,, ccaallll tthhee ffiirree ddeeppaarrttmmeenntt..
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn aanndd sseerrvviiccee mmuusstt bbee ppeerr-- ffoorrmmeedd bbyy aa qquuaalliiffiieedd iinnssttaalllleerr,, sseerrvviiccee aaggeennccyy oorr tthhee ggaass ssuupppplliieerr..
BBeeccaauussee ggaass mmaayy eessccaappe ffrroomm yyoouurr ssyysstteemm wwhhiicchh mmaayy nnoott bbee ddeetteecctteedd bby ssmmeellll aalloonnee,,rreessuullttiinngg iinn aa ppootteennttiiaallllyy eexxttrreemmeelly ddaannggeerroouuss ssiittuuaattiioonn,,iitt iiss rreeccoommmmeennddeedd bbyy ggaas ssuupppplliieerrss tthhaatt yyoouu ppuurrcchhaassee aanndd iinnssttaallll aa UULL­aapppprroovveedd ggaass ddeetteeccttoorr((ss)) iinn yyoouurr hhoommee..YYoouur llooccaall ggaass ssuupppplliieerr ccaann aassssiisstt yyoouu iinn oobbttaaiinniinngg a ggaass ddeetteeccttoorr..PPlleeaassee iinnssttaallll,,mmaaiinnttaaiinn aanndd uusse tthhee ggaass ddeetteeccttoorr iinn aaccccoorrddaannccee wwiitthh tthhee ggaas ddeetteeccttoorr mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerr’’ss iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss.
2. To avoid the possibility of fire or explosion: a. Do not dry items that have been previously cleaned
in, washed in, soaked in, or spotted with gasoline, dry-cleaning solvents, other flammable or explosive substances as they give off vapors that could ignite or explode. Any material on which you have used a cleaning solvent, or which is saturated with flamma­ble liquids or solids, should not be placed in the dryer, until all traces of these flammable liquids or solids and their fumes have been removed. There are many highly flammable items used in homes, such as: ace­tone, denatured alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, some liq­uid household cleaners, some spot removers, turpen­tine, waxes and wax removers.
b. Items containing foam rubber (may be labeled latex
foam) or similarly textured rubber-like materials must not be dried on a heat setting. Foam rubber materials when heated, can under certain circumstances pro­duce fire by spontaneous combustion.
3. Do not allow children to play on or in the appliance. Close supervision is necessary when the appliance is used near children.
4. Before the appliance is removed from service or discard­ed, remove the door to the drying compartment.
5. Do not reach into the appliance if the drum is moving.
6. Do not install or store this appliance where it will be exposed to the weather.
7. Do not tamper with controls.
8. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance or attempt any servicing unless specifically recommended in published user-repair instructions that you under­stand and have the skills to carry out.
Do not use fabric softeners or products to eliminate stat­ic unless recommended for dryer use by the manufactur­er of the fabric softener or pr
10. Clean the lint screen before or after each load. Keep the area around the exhaust opening and sur-
rounding areas free from lint accumulation, dust and dirt.
12. The interior of the dryer and exhaust duct should be cleaned periodically by qualified service personnel.
13. This appliance must be properly grounded. Never plug the appliance cord into a receptacle which is not ground­ed adequately and in accordance with local and national codes. See installation instructions for grounding this appliance.
14. Do not sit on top of the clothes dryer.
Do not place into your dryer items that have been
spotted or soaked with vegetable oil or cooking oil. Even after being washed, these items may con­tain significant amounts of these oils. The remain­ing oil can ignite spontaneously. The potential for spontaneous ignition increases when the items containing vegetable oil or cooking oil are exposed to heat. Heat sources, such as your clothes dryer, can warm these items, allowing an oxidation reac­tion in the oil to occur. Oxidation creates heat. If this heat cannot escape, the items can become hot enough to catch fire. Piling, stacking or storing these kinds of items may prevent heat from escap­ing and can create a fire hazard.
Important Safety Notice & Warning
The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65) requires the Governor of California to publish a list of substances known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm, and requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposures to such substances.
Users of this appliance are hereby warned that the burning of gas can result in low–level exposure to some of the listed substances, including benzene, formalde­hyde, and soot, due primarily to the incomplete com­bustion of natural gas or liquid petroleum (LP) fuels. Exhaust ducts should be kept free of obstructions and properly exhausted dryers will minimize exposure.
All washed and unwashed fabrics that contain veg-
etable oil or cooking oil can be dangerous. Washing these items in hot water with extra deter­gent will reduce, but will not eliminate, the haz­ard. Always use the “cool down” cycle for these items to reduce the items’ temperatur remove these items fr interrupt the drying cycle until the items have run through the “cool down” cycle. Never pile or stack these items when they are hot.
om the clothes dryer hot or
e. Never
What you need to know about safety instructions
Warning and Important Safety Instructions appearing in this manual are not meant to cover all possible con­ditions and situations that may occur caution, and care must be exercised when installing, maintaining or operating appliance.
. Common sense,
pprroodduucctt iimmpprroovveemmeennttss,,MMaayyttaagg rreesseerrvvees tthhee rriigghhtt ttoo cchhaannggee ssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss wwiitthhoouut nnoottiiccee..FFoorr ccoommpplleettee ddeettaaiillss,,sseeee tthhe IInnssttaallllaattiioonn IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss ppaacckkeedd wwiitthh yyoouur pprroodduucctt bbeeffoorree sseelleeccttiinngg ccaabbiinneettrryy,,mmaakk­iinngg ccuuttoouuttss oorr bbeeggiinnnniinngg iinnssttaallllaattiioonn.
BBeeccaauussee ooff ccoonnttiinnuuiinng
Recognize safety symbols, words, labels
WARNING – Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD result in severe personal injury or death.
Always contact your dealer, distributor, service agent, or manufacturer about problems or conditions you do not understand.
CAUTION – Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD result in minor personal injury.
Controls at a Glance
Step 1 Select Temperature
To select the correct temperature, turn the temperature control to one of four choices; Regular, Medium, Delicate or Air Fluff.
Air Fluff
For sturdy cottons or those labeled “Tumble Dry.”
For permanent press, synthetics, lightweight cottons or items labeled “Tumble Dry Medium."
For heat sensitive items labeled “Tumble Dry Low” or “T
Tumbles without heat. Used for sensitive loads or items needing freshening.
Step 2 Select Signal
End of Cycle Signal
Shortly before the cycle is complete, an audible signal will sound. During the cool down portion of the Permanent Press cycle, the audible signal will sound intermittently.
umble Dry Warm.”
Step 3 Select Cycle
To select a cycle, push in and rotate the control dial to the desired setting. When using an Auto Dry cycle, the control dial should be set on “Normal Dry” for most loads.
Loads of larger or bulkier size may require the “More Dry” setting to completely dry the load. The “Less Dry” setting is best suited for lightweight fabrics or for leaving some moisture in the clothing at the end of the cycle.
Permanent Press Auto Dry
The Permanent Press Auto Dry cycle is designed to dry wrinkle free cottons, synthetic fabrics, double knits and permanent press fabrics automatically. It minimizes wrinkling by providing an unheated cool-down period at the end of the cycle.
Control features vary by model.
Regular Auto Dry
The Regular Auto Dry cycle is designed to dry loads such as towels, underwear, t-shirts, jeans, etc.
Time Dry/Air Fluff
This cycle can be used to regu­late the drying time. Use with Air Fluff, Delicate, Medium or Regular temperature settings. For timed drying, turn the con­trol dial until the pointer points to the proper time setting in the Time Dry/Air Fluff cycle.
Special Options
Damp Dry is located on the Time Dry/Air Fluff section of the dial. It is designed to partially dry items and can be used with any temperatur will pr 5 minutes of cool-down tumbling.
ovide 20 minutes of tumbling time, followed by
e selection.
Damp Dry
tteemmppeerraattuurree sseettttiinngg wwiillll rreeqquuiirree aa lloonnggeerr ddrryyiinngg ttiimmee..
Wrinkle Release will release wrinkles from items that are clean and dry but only slightly wrinkled, such as fr crowded closet or suitcase, or from sitting in the dryer too long after the cycle has ended. vides 10 minutes of tumbling followed by five minutes of cool-down tumbling and can be used with any tem peratur
e selection.
UUssiinngg tthhee AAiirr FFlluuffff
om a
Wrinkle Release pro-
Controls at a Glance (continued)
Step 4 Pull the Control Dial
Out to Start
Pull the control dial out and hold briefly to start the dryer. The dryer door must be closed for the dryer to start.
Operating Tips
Clean the Lint Filter
• After each load.
• To shorten drying time. o operate more energy efficiently.
• T
eeiitthheerr ddiirreeccttiioonn ttoo sseelleecctt aa ccyyccllee..OOnnccee ssttaarrtteedd, tthhee ddiiaall wwiillll nnoott aaddvvaannccee aatt aa ssppeecciiffiicc rraattee dduurriinng tthhee AAuuttoo DDrryy ccyycclleess..AAtt ffiirrsstt tthhee ddiiaall mmaayy nnoot aaddvvaannccee aatt aallll..TToowwaarrdd tthhee eenndd ooff tthhee ccyyccllee ((wwhheen tthhee llooaadd bbeeggiinnss ttoo ddrryy)) tthhee ddiiaall wwiillll aaddvvaannccee aatt a mmoorree rreegguullaarr rraattee aanndd mmuucchh mmoorree qquuiicckkllyy..TThhiiss iis nnoorrmmaall ooppeerraattiioonn.
WWhheenn ppuusshheedd iinn,,tthhee ddiiaall ccaann bbee ttuurrnneedd iin
t n a
Load the Dryer Properly
• Place only one washload in the dryer at a time.
• Mixed loads of heavy and lightweight clothes will dry dif heavy clothes may be damp.
• Add one or more similar items to the dryer when only one or two articles need drying. This improves the tumbling action and drying ef
ferently. Lightweight clothes will dry, while
ffiilltteerr iinn ppllaaccee.
DDoo nnoott ooppeerraattee tthhee ddrryyeerr wwiitthhoouutt tthhee lliinnt
• Overloading restricts tumbling action, resulting in uneven drying as well as excessive wrinkling of some fabrics.
• When drying large, bulky items such as a blanket or comforter
during the cycle to ensure even drying.
, it may be necessary to r
eposition the load
Drying Rack (select models)
Rear Legs
Installing the Drying Rack:
1. Open dryer door.
2. Position drying rack in tumbler placing the two rear legs in the two recessed areas in the back wall of the dryer.
3. Place the front lip of the drying rack on top of the lint filter.
4. Place items to be dried on the rack, leaving space between them so air can reach all the surfaces.
5. Close the dryer door.
6. Use the moistur be necessary to reset the timer if a longer drying time is needed.
Time Dry cycle. Select time according to
e and weight of item. Start the dryer. It may
Storing the Drying Rack:
On dryer sides:
The drying rack hanger fits between the dryer top and the dryer cabinet.
Place the flange on the hanger in the seam between
1. the top and the cabinet. Push all the way in.
2. Face the top of the drying rack toward the side of the dryer cabinet.
3. Place the drying rack handle over the lip of the hanger.
On dryer back:
Place the drying rack hanger between the dryer top
1. and the dryer cabinet just below the back of the con­trol panel.
Place the flange in the seam and push all the way in.
2. Face the top of the drying rack towar
3. dryer cabinet.
4. Place the drying rack handle on the lip of the hanger.
yyoouurr MMaayyttaagg ddeeaalleerr ffoorr tthhee aacccceessssoorryy kkiit MMAALL11110000AAXXXX oorr ccaallll11--880000--668888--88440088.
IIff nnoott iinncclluuddeedd wwiitthh yyoouurr ddrryyeerr,,ccoonnttaacct
d the back of the
t t
Washable sweaters (block to
shape and lay flat on rack)
fed toys (cotton or
polyester fiber filled)
fed toys (foam or
ubber filled)
Foam rubber pillows
Air Fluf
Air Fluff
Air Fluf
f or Heat
rruubbbbeerr oonn aa hheeaatt sseettttiinngg mmaayy ccaauussee ddaammaaggee tto tthhee iitteemm aanndd ccoouulldd lleeaadd ttoo aa ffiirree hhaazzaarrdd.
DDrryyiinngg ffooaamm rruubbbbeerr,,ppllaassttiicc oor
Care & Cleaning
Control Panel
Clean with a soft, damp cloth. Do not use abrasive sub­stances.
Remove any stains such as crayon, ink pen or fabric dye from new items (such as towels or jeans) with an all-purpose cleaner. Then tumble old towels or rags to remove any excess stain or cleaning substance. Once
these steps are done, stains may still be visible, but should not transfer to subsequent loads.
Wipe off any marks with soap and water. Use an appli­ance wax once a year if desired.
Dryer Exhaust System
Inspect and clean once a year to maintain optimum per­formance. The outside exhaust hood should be cleaned more frequently to ensure proper operation. (Refer to the Installation Instructions for more information.)
Replacing the Drum Light
Instructions for replacing the bulb:
1. Unplug or disconnect the dryer from the electrical power supply.
2. Open the door and use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the screw attaching the lens to the tumbler
3. Remove lens cover by pulling cover toward center of tumbler.
4. Rotate bulb counter-clockwise to remove from socket.
5. Replace the bulb with a candelabra base light bulb.
6. Turn the light bulb clockwise into socket.
7. Replace lens cover by hooking plastic tabs into tum­bler fr
8. Reinstall the screw into the lens cover screw hole.
9. Reconnect dryer to power supply.
120 volt, 10 watt maximum
ont below the light housing.
Special Laundry Tips
Please follow the care label or manufacturer’s instructions for drying special items. If care label instructions are not available, use the following information as a guide.
Bedspreads and Comforters
Curtains and Draperies
Cloth Diapers
Down-Filled Items
((jjaacckkeettss,, sslleeeeppiinngg bbaaggss,, ccoommffoorrtteerrss,, eettcc..))
Foam Rubber
((rruugg bbaacckkss,, ssttuuffffeedd ttooyyss,, cceerrttaaiinn sshhoouullddeerr ppaaddss,, eettcc..))
Follow the care label instructions or dry on the Regular cycle.
• Be sure the item is thoroughly dry before using or storing.
• May require repositioning to ensure even drying.
• Dry only one blanket at a time for best tumbling action.
• Be sure the item is thoroughly dry before using or storing.
• Use the Permanent Press cycle to help minimize wrinkling.
• Dry in small loads for best results and remove as soon as possible.
• Use the Regular cycle for soft, fluffy diapers.
• Use the Regular cycle and a delicate temperature setting.
• Place a clean pair of sneakers in the dryer with the item to fluff the down comforters, etc. Adding a couple of dry towels shortens dry time and absorbs moisture.
• DO NOT dry on a heat setting. Use the Time Dry/Air Fluff (no-heat) cycle.
WARNING – Drying a rubber item with heat may damage it or be a fire hazard.
• DO NOT dryer-dry kapok or foam pillows.
• Use the Regular cycle.
• Add a couple of dry towels and a pair of clean sneakers to help the tumbling action and to fluff the item.
((sshhoowweerr ccuurrttaaiinnss,, oouuttddoooorr ffuurrnniittuurree ccoovveerrss,, eettcc..))
•• FFiibbeerrggllaassss IItteemmss ((ccuurrttaaiinnss,,ddrraappeerriieess,,eettcc..)
•• WWoooolleennss,,uunnlleessss rreeccoommmmeennddeedd oonn tthhee llaabbeel
AAvvooiidd DDrryyeerr DDrryyiinngg .....
• Use the Time Dry/Air Fluff cycle on a Delicate or Air Fluff temperature depending on the care label instructions.
•• VVeeggeettaabbllee oorr ccooookkiinngg ooiill ssooaakkeedd iitteemmss ((SSeeee ppaaggee 22)
Dryer Exhaust Tips
PPllaassttiicc oorr nnoonnmmeettaall fflleexxiibbllee dduucctt pprreesseennttss aa ppootteennttiiaall ffiirree hhaazzaarrdd.
Read the installation instructions and the user’s guide.
Let your dryer exhaust the air easily.
Use 4 inch diameter rigid metal duct. Tape all joints, including at the dryer. Never use lint-trapping screws.
Let a poor exhaust system cause slow drying.
Restrict your dryer with a poor exhaust system.
Use plastic, thin foil, or non-metal flexible duct.
Keep duct r as straight as possible.
Use longer than necessary
uns with
duct r many elbows.
Clean all old ducts before installing your new dryer. Be sure vent flap opens and closes freely. Inspect and clean the exhaust system annually.
ushed or
cr clogged ducts and vent.
Before You Call
Check the following if your clothes dryer...
Doesn’t Run
• Be sure the door is shut.
• Is the electrical cord plugged in?
• Has a fuse blown or the circuit breaker tripped?
• Restart the dryer if the door was opened during the cycle.
Doesn’t Heat
• Has a fuse blown or the circuit breaker tripped?
• Select a heat setting, not air fluff.
• Check that the gas supply is on for gas dryers.
• Clean the lint filter and exhaust duct.
• Dryer timer may have moved into the cool-down portion of the cycle.
Doesn’t Dry Properly
• Check all of the above, plus . . .
• Check the exhaust hood outside the house, does it open and close freely?
• Check exhaust system for lint build-up. Ducting should be inspected and cleaned annually.
• Use rigid 4” metal exhaust duct.
• Do not overload. 1 wash load = 1 dryer load.
• Sort heavy items from lightweight items.
• Large, bulky items like blankets or comforters may require repositioning to ensure even drying.
• Check the washer to be sure it is draining properly to extract water from the load.
• Clothes load is too small to tumble properly. Add a few towels.
Is Noisy
• Check the load for objects such as coins, nails, etc. Remove promptly from dryer.
• It is normal to hear the dryer gas valve or heating element cycle on and off during the drying cycle.
• The dryer should be level and installed on a solid floor.
• Be sure the rubber feet are installed on the leveling legs.
• A clicking noise may be the timer advancing.
• It is normal for the dryer to hum due to the high velocity of air moving through the dryer drum and exhaust system.
Control Knob Advances Slowly
• This is normal operation for an Auto Dry cycle, especially at the beginning of cycle. Once the load begins to dry, the control knob will start to advance. The rate of advancement will be slow at the beginning of the cycle because there is more moisture in the load. As the load becomes more dry, the control knob will advance more quickly.
Dries Unevenly
• Seams, pockets and other similar heavy areas may not be completely dry when the rest of the load has reached the selected dryness level. This is normal. Select the “More Dry” setting if desired.
• If one heavy item is dried with a lightweight load, such as one towel with sheets, it is possible that the heavy item will not be completely dry when the rest of the load has reached the selected dryness level. Sort heavy items from lightweight items for best drying results.
Has an Odor
Household odors such as fr
• rounding room air. This is normal as the dryer draws the air from the room, heats it, pulls it through the tumbler and exhausts it to the outside. When these odors are present in the air, ventilate the room com­pletely before using the dryer.
om painting, varnishing, strong cleaners, etc. may enter the dryer with the sur-
For further assistance contact Maytag Appliances Sales Company, Maytag Customer Assistance:
U.S. 1-800-688-9900 or Canada 1-800-688-2002
U.S. customers using TTY for deaf, hearing impair
ed or speech impair
ed, call 1-800-688-2080.
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