Safety Instructions ................................................. I-2
Operating Instructions ...............................................3
Control Panel .............................................................4
Controls at a Glance ............................................5-15
Features .................................................................16-17
Care & Cleaning ...................................................... 18
Storing the Clothes Washer ...................................19
Before You Call ....................................................20-2 I
Operating Sounds ................................................... 22
Questions and Answers ......................................... 23
Pop-Up Windows ......................................................24
Warranty ................................................................... 25
Guide de rUtilisateur ............................................. 26
Guia del Usuario ..................................................... 53
J Pour obtenir un affichage en fran(;ais ou en espagnol,appuyer sur la touche Help (Aide), puis sur la zone (S61ectiondes pr6f_rences) et s_lecdonner b lanKue de votre choix. J
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6 2727070 13/09/02 MCS pin 22003305 _2002 MaytagAppliances Sales Co. Bringln9innovatIOnhome

Welcome and congratulations on your
purchase of a Maytag Neptune _ washer!
Your complete satisfaction is very impor-
tant to us. For best results, we suggest
reading this material to help acquaint you
with proper operating and maintenance
Should you need assistance in the future,
it is helpful to:
l)Have complete model and serial
number identification of your washer.
This is located on a data plate on the
Date of Purchase
Model Number
Serial Number
2) IMPORTANT: Keep this guide and
the sales receipt in a safe place for
future reference. Proof a/" original
purchase date is needed for war-
ranty service.
If you have questions, write us (include
your model, serial number and phone
number) or call:
Maytag Appliances Sales Company
Attn: CAIR _"Center
RO. Box 2370
Cleveland,TN 37320-2370
1-888-462-9824 USA and CANADA
1-800-688-2080 USA T1-Y
(for deaf, hearing impaired or speech
(Mon.-Fri., 8am-8pm Eastern Time)
htt p://www.may_ag.com
read before operating your washer
What you need to know about safety instructions
Warning and Important Safety Instructions appearing in this manual are not
meant to cover a] possible conditions and situations that may occur. Common
sense, cauuon, and care must be exercised when installing, maintaining or oper-
aung apphance.
Always contact your dealer, distributor, service agent, or manufacturer about
problems or conditions you do not understand.
WARNING - Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD result in severe
Personal inlury or death.
CAUTION - Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD result in minor
personal nlury.
Read a instructions before using the appliance.
As with any equipment using electricity and having moving parts, there
are potential hazards. To use this appliance safely, the operator should
become familiar with the instructions for operation of the appliance and
always exercise care when using it.
Do not install or store this appliance where it will be exposed to the
Install and level the clothes washer on a floor that can support the
For service and warranty informa-
tion, see page 25.
NOTE: In our continuing effort to
improve the quality of our appliances, it
may be necessary to make changes to
the appliance without revising this
This appliance must be properly grounded. Never plug the appliance
cord moo a receptacle which is not grounded adequately and in accor-
dance with ]oca and national codes. See installation instructions for
grounding this appliance.
To avoid the possibility of fire or explosion:
Do mot wasn items that have been previously cleaned in, washed
n. soaked in, or spotted with gasoline, dry-cleaning solvents, other
flammable or explosive substances as they give off vapors that
could ignite or explode. Hand wash and line dry any items con-
taining these substances.
Any material on which you have used a cleaning solvent, or which
is saturated with flammable liquids or solids, should not be placed
in the clothes washer until all traces of these liquids or solids and
their fumes have been removed.

These items includeacetone, denaturedalcohol,gasoline,kerosene,some liquid household cleaners,some spot
removers,turpentine, waxes and wax removers.
Do not addgasoline,dry-cleaningsolvents,or other flammableor explosivesubstancesto the washwater. These
substancesgive offvapors that could ignite or explode.
Under certain conditions,hydrogengasmaybe produced in a hot water system that hasnot been usedfor 2
weeks or more. Do not reach into the applianceifthe tumbler ismoving. HYDROGEN GAS ISEXPLOSIVE. If
the hot water system has not been used for such a period, before using a washing machine or combination
washer-dryer, turn on all hot water faucets and let the water flow from each for several minutes. This will
release any accumulatedhydrogengas.As the gas isflammable,do not smoke or use an open flameduringthis
Do not reach into the applianceif the tumbler ismoving.
Do not allow children to playon or in the appliance. Close supervisionof children is necessarywhen the appliance
is used near children.
Do not tamper with controls.
]_ Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance or a_cemptany servicingunlessspecificallyrecommended in pub-
lisheduser-repair instructionsthat you understand and havethe skillsco carry our_
]_ Unplugpower supplycord before attempting to serviceyour clothes washer.
]_ Store laundryaids and other material Jna cool, dry placewhere children cannot reach chem.
]_ Do not wash or dry itemsthat are soiledwith vegetableor cooking oil. These items may contain some oil after laun-
dering. Due to the remainingoil, the fabric maysmoke or catch fire by itself.
6 Do not use chlorine bleach and ammonia or acids(such as vinegar or rust remover) in the samewash. Hazardous
fumes can form.
]_t Do not machine wash fiberglassmaterials. Small particles can stick to fabrics washed in following loadsand causeskin
]_ Before the applianceisremoved from service or discarded,remove the door to the washing compartment.
_t Do not sit on top of the clothes washer.
Inlet hoses are subject co damage and deterioration over time. Check the hosesperiodically for bulges,kinks, cuts,
wear or leaks and replace them every fiveyears.

For detailed information on sorting, pretreating stains, etc., see the enclosed Laundering Tips booklet.
• The tub can be loaded completely full with dry
unfolded clothes. However, do not pack the tub tightly.
• When washing heavily soiled loads, it is very important
to avoid overloading the washer to assure good
cleaning results.
• Overloading may reduce washing efficiency and pos-
sibly cause creasing or wrinkling of the load.
• To load a forgotten item, press the Start/Pause
touchpad, add the item, close the door and press the
• When washing big bulky items or a couple of small
items that do not fill the tub completely, such as a rug
or two sweaters, a few towels should be added for ................................................................................
improved tumbling and spin performance, i NOTE: To assure that your additional items get clean,
Start/Pause touchpad. After a 15 to 30 second
pause,the cycle will resume.
', do not wait more than five minutes after the cycle has
i started to add the item.
Door Locked - Displays whenever the door of the clothes washer is locked. The door
can be unlocked by pressing the Start/Pause touchpad to stop the washer•
i ......................................................
After pressing start, this display will show the estimated time remaining in the cycle. The estimated
time may fluctuate to better indicate the wash time left in the cycle.
The amount of water used will vary with each load.The Maytag Neptune ® clothes washer uses an adaptive fill to provide the
appropriate amount of water for efficient cleaning performance and conservation of water and energy. Fill time will vary
depending on water pressure.

j ]
• _ _ _;_!_i•_ _• •• • _ !*•• _ •i_ !• •• • _ • i_ ¸•
Sp_€|al Note: Press Back o¢:Home for previous couChscreen_

If there are no words on the touchscreen, open the door, touch any pad (except off), or touch the screen to
"wake" the controls.
cotton/sturdy - Normal tumble pattern and high speed spin. Use for towels,
jeans, sheets, linens, underwear, t-shirts.
wrinkle free - Reduced tumble pattern and spin speed to reduce wrinkling.
Use for dress shirts/pants, wrinkle free clothing, poly/cotton blend clothing.
delicates - Gentle tumble action and gentle spin speed. Use for dress
shirts/blouses, nylons, sheer or lacy garments.
Home Screen Select the
appropriate fabric setting. For
information on More Cycles and
Favorites see pages 7 and 9.
G_DIU r{nsB W_rri3 rinse
_1 r!nse _ld r;nse
Wash/Rinse Te m perature - Select
the appropriate wash/rinse tempera-
iight Soii quick
29rain Wash I 16nlht wash
10 m{fii_aSh 5 mira wash
hand wash - Alternating periods of short tumble and long soak with a gentle
spin speed. Use for items labeled hand wash.
NOTE: To minimize wrinkling of wrinkle free fabrics, select Wrinkle Free fab-
rics setting. The Max Extract option is not recommended
hot/cold - Whites and heavily soiled color-fast items.
warm/warm - Color-fast items.When warm rinse is selected, only the third
rinse will be warm.The first and second rinses will be cold to conserve energy.
warm/cold - Moderately soiled color-fast items; most wrinkle free items.
coldlcold - Brightly colored, lightly soiled items; washable woolens.
IMPORTANT: The washer features an automatic temperature control to provide a
warm wash of approximately 105" F and cold wash of approximately 65" F.
While the washer is filling, you may notice only hot and/or only cold water going
throu.F.h the dispenser when cold or warm wash temperatures are selected. This is a
normal function of the automatic temperature control feature as the washer deter-
mines the temperature of the wate_
extra heavy soil - Use for cleaning ground-in, stubborn soils.
heavy soil Use for cleaning heavily soiled loads.
normal soil - Use for cleaning moderately soiled loads.This setting will he
appropriate for most loads.
light soil - Use for cleaning lightly soiled loads.
quick - The Quick setting offers a quick cycle time. Suggested uses include
freshening newly purchased clothes or clothing that has been packed away.
Soil Level/Wash Time Select the
appropriate soil leve}/wash time.
Special Note: Press Back Home for J

coeonlsturdy options
fabrics ree!!urn cy_e chin"e
hot wash re_d chimeON
cold rinse ;
normal Soil
exlm rinse OH
Step 4j
Review Screen -This screen
reviews your selections before
starting the washer. You may press
Start/Pause to begin washing or
press a displayed choice to change
previous selections.
Step 5j
Options Screen -The option
choices on the left turn the options
on or off. Some option choices on
the right show an additional screen
with multiple choices. When the
desired selections are made, touch
Continue to see the review screen
once again.
extra rinse - A fourth rinse at the end of the cycle to more completely
remove laundry additives and perfumes.
end of cycle chime -Touch "Loud", "Medium", "Soft" or "Off" to set
the volume level of the end of cycle chime. Touch "Continue" to accept the
selected volume setting.
presoak -Adds 15 minutes of mostly soaking with minimal tumbling. Can be
selected with any cycle.
spin selection -This allows the proper spin speed selection for specific loads.
Max Extract should be selected for jeans, towels, and bedding. Wrinkle Free
for khakis, dress shirts and other Permanent Press or Wrinkle Free items.
Regular spin for anything else.
stain cycle Adds time to the wash and rinses for better stain removal.
Automatically provides a fourth rinse. Can be selected with any cycle.
delay wash -Allows the start of any cycle to be delayed for up to 12 hours.
Touch the up or down arrow under hour and minutes to set the time.
remind chime -When on, the washer will chime every 5 minutes for 2 hours
or until the door is opened.
Step 6j
If you are satisfied with the selections,
press the Start/Pause pad to begin the
Special Note: Press Back or Home for previous touchscreen_ I

Favorites allows you to create, name and save up to 24 commonly used wash cycles.
"Blue jeans" and "towels" favorite cycles have been programmed for you. To change these cycles for your prefer-
ences,see Edit a Favorite on page 8. For a detailed description of the settings, see pagesS and 6,"Setting aWash Cycle".
Touch "Favorites" on the home
screen or the Favorites pad.
WashlRinse Temps - Select the
appropriate wash/rinse temperature.
_ra rins_ modl_l hd of
Touch "Create a Favorite".
Soil Level/_Vash Time - Select the
appropriate soil level/wash time.
_otton/st_rd_ options;:
fabrics _iui_ _ _
Fabrics Select the appropriate
fabric setting.
hot wash i
Review Screen -This screen reviews
your cycle choices and allows you to
choose Options to further customize
your wash cycle. Press "Options" if
desired, or press "Continue".
rehllnd Chime _,;.i_ue
Options Screen The option choices
on the left turn the options on or off.
Some option choices on the right show
an additional screen with multiple
choices. When the desired selections
are made,touch "Continue" to see the
review screen once again.
1ti mind,rash €ontlnu_
Step 8j
If satisfied with your selec-
tions, press "Continue" to
name your favorite cycle
Name A Favorite Cycle - Touch the corresponding
letter and space combination _ospell out your favorite cycle
name, up to 12 characters. Press "Save". Your new
Favorite Cycle will be displayed on the Favorites page