Maytag LAW9304 Instruction Manual

Future Reference .....Inside FrontCover Congratulationson your choiceofa Maytag
Safety Instructions .......................... 1 washer! Your satisfactionisvery importantto us.
Theinformation in this USER'SGUIDEwill help
Using the Washer ........................ 2-3
you understandhow your washer operates.
Operating Instructions Additional information is found intheMAYTAG
SelectWater Level..................... 4 drying techniques.Byfollowing theseinstructions
carefully,you will be able to achieve excellent
SelectWater Temperature...........5 resultswith your washer.
SelectWash Cycle .................... 5
Shouldyou have any questionsabout usingyour
Startthe Washer ....................... 5 Maytag washer, contact us.Pleasehavethe
Care of the Washer ........................ 6 model and serial numbersavailable.
Storing the Washer ......................... 6 MAYTAG
Cycle Descriptions ........................... 7 CONSUMEREDUCATION
Water Usage ................................... 7 NEWTON, IOWA 50208
Before You Call far Service ......... 7-8 (515) 791-8911
Warranty ......................................... 9 (Mon.-Fri., 8am-5pm CST)
Consumer Publications ................... 9 NOTE: For serviceand warranty information see
pages 7-9.
Forfuturereferencewe suggestyou retainthis
manual. Recordthe model numberand serial
numberof thiswasher in the spacesprovided. (If
thewasher changes ownership, be surethis
manualaccompaniesthe washer.)
Thisinformation can be found on the data plate locatedon top of the control panel cover.
Model SerialNo.
WARNING - Check with installer to make
sure appliance has been grounded to
avoid possible electrical shock. Be sure
you read the following IMPORTANT
you start to use this washer.
WARNING -- Toreducethe risk of fire, electricshock,or injury to personsusing this
appliance, follow basic precautions, includingthe following:
1. Readall instructionsbefore usingthe 4. Beforetheappliance is removed from service appliance, or discarded, removethedoor to the
2. Toavoid the possibilityof fire or explosion: washing compartment. a. Do notwash itemsthat have been 5. Do not reach into the appliance if the
previouslycleaned in, washed in, soaked agitator is moving. in, or spottedwith gasoline,dry-cleaning 6. Do not installor storethisappliance where it
solvents,otherflammable or explosive will be exposedto theweather. substancesas theygive off vapors that 7. Do not tamperwith controls.
could ignite or explode. 8. Do not repair or replaceany part of the Any materialon which you have useda appliance or attemptany servicing unless
cleaning solvent,or which is saturated specifically recommendedin publisheduser- with flammable liquids or solids, should repair instructionsthatyou understand and
not be placed in thewasher, untilall havethe skillsto carry out.
tracesof theseflammable liquids or solids and theirfumeshave been removed. 9. Theagitator shouldnot be removed. If the
agitator is removed, it mustbe replaced by
Thereare many highly flammableitems pushing down completelyand the locking
usedin homes,suchas: acetone, screwtightened beforethe washer is
denatured alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, operated.
someliquid householdcleaners, some spotremovers,turpentine,waxes and wax 10. Thisappliance mustbeproperly grounded.
Never plug the appliance cord into a
removers, receptaclewhich is not grounded adequately
b. Do not add gasoline, dry-cleaning and in accordancewith local and national
solvents,or other flammableor explosive codes. Seeinstallation instructionsfor substancesto thewash water.These grounding thisappliance.
substancesgive off vaporsthat could ignite or explode.
c. Under certain conditions, hydrogengas Save These Instructions
may be produced in a hotwater system Applianceswith the(_) symbolon thedata plate
that has not been usedfor 2 weeksor more. HYDROGENGAS ISEXPLOSIVE.If have beenlistedwith Underwriters' Laboratories,
the hotwater systemhasnot been used Inc. Thosewith a CSA Monogram on the data for sucha period, beforeusing a washing plate have beencertified by the CSA Testing
machine or combinationwasher-dryer, Laboratoriesascomplying with Canadian turnon all hotwater faucetsand letthe StandardsAssociationrequirements.
water flow from each for severalminutes. Nevertheless,aswith any equipmentusing Thiswill releaseanyaccumulated electricity and having moving parts, thereare
hydrogen gas. As the gas is flammable, potential hazards. Tousethisappliance safely, do not smokeor usean open flame the operator should becomefamiliar with the during this time. instructionsfor operation of theAppliance and
3. Do not allow children to play on or in the always exercisecare when using it.
appliance. Closesupervisionof children is necessarywhen the appliance is usednear
Useeither liquid or granular laundry detergent. Add measuredamount of detergentto washtub before loading.
Readthemanufacturer'sins_uctionsand usethe correctamount.Most instructionsare for washing
on "average" load. If the size of the load isextra large, thedegree o_soil isheavier thanaverage
and thewater is harder than 6 grains pergallon, moredetergentshouldbe used.
Wipe up any spillsof liquid laundry detergenton
NOTE: If usingwash water savedfroma
previousload, useonly halfof the normal amountof detergent.
Loading the Washer
Placedry, unfoldedclothes looselyin the tub, up
to thetop row of holesfor a maximumload. Do
not pack or wrap itemsaroundthe agitator. See MAYTAGLAUNDERINGGUIDEfor suggestions
on sorting. Besureto emptyall pockets,mend any holesor tearsand pretreatspots,stainsand
heavily soiled areas.
Whenreusingwater,do natloadclothesuntilthe washwater hasbeenreturnedto thewashertub.
Suggestedloadsand launderingsequenceare:
a. Lightlysoiledwhites,suchassheetsand
b. Lightlysoiledcolors, suchascotton blouses,
shirtsand sheets.
c. Dark or bright colored items. d. Heavily soileditemssuchas jeans, work
clothesor rugs.
NOTE: It is recommendedthat permanentpress
Thefirstload shouldbe one that can be safely
washed in hot water. When thewater is reused,
thetemperaturewill be suitable for warm water washing.
Thenumberof timesthe wash water is savedand
reuseddependsupon how dirty the loads are and thescarcityof water.
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