Maytag LAT8604, LAT5914, LAT8614, LAT8624, LAT9714 User Manual

Future Reference .....InsideFrontCover Congratulationson your choice of a Maytag
Safety Instructions .......................... 1 washer! Yoursatisfactionisvery importantto us.
Using the Washer ........................ 2-3
Operating Instructions Additional information is found in the MAYTAG
SelectWater Level..................... 4 LAUNDERINGGUIDEon proper washing and
SelectWashCycle .................... 5 resultswith your washer.
SelectSoak Cycle.................. 5-6 Shouldyou haveany questionsabout usingyour
Startthe Washer ....................... 6 Maytag washer, contactus. Pleasehavethe
Indicator Lights.......................... 6 modeland serial numbersavailable.
Care of the Washer ........................ 6 MAYTAG
Theinformation in this USER'SGUIDEwill help you understandhow your washer operates.
carefully,you will be able to achieve excellent
Storing the Washer ......................... 6 CONSUMEREDUCATION
Cycle Descriptions ........................... 7 NEWTON, IOWA 50208
Water Usage ................................... 7 (515) 791-8911
Before You Call for Service ............ 8 (Mon.-Fri., 8am-5pm CST)
Warranty ......................................... 9 NOTE: For serviceand warranty informationsee
Consumer Publications ................... 9 pages 8-9.
Forfuturereferencewe suggestyouretainIbis manual. Recordthe model numberand serial
numberof this washer in the spacesprovided. (If thewasher changesownership, be surethis manual accompaniesthewasher.)
Thisinformation can be found on the data plate
located on top of thecontrol panel cover.
WARNING - Check with installer to make
sure appliance has been grounded to avoid possible electrical shock. Be sure
you read the following IMPORTANT
you start to use this washer.
Model Serial No.
When using liquidchlorinebleach,carefully
measuretheamountof bleachrecommendedon
thebottlelabel.General recommendationsare
1/8 cup for each 2 gallonsof washwater.
Amountof washwater in: EX.SMALL- 10 gallons(8 Imperialgallons;38 liters);SMALL-
12 gallons(10 Imperialgallons;45 liters);
MEDIUM- 14 gallons (12 Imperial gallons; 53 liters);LARGE- 17 gallons (14 Imperialgallons;
64 liters);EXTRALARGE- 19 gallons (16 Imperial gallons; 72 liters).
Add the recommendedamountof liquid chlorine bleach to the dispenserbefore placing the clothes
in thewasher tub. Properlydiluted bleachwill be added automaticallyto thewash water.
Becarefulwheneveryouuseliquidchlorine bleach.It isa powerfulchemicalandcancause
fabricdamage,suchastearsor colorloss,ifnot
Wipe upspillswitha papertowel. Oxygenor all-fabricbleachmay be addedwith
package. If usedimproperly,fabric damage may
occur, suchascolor loss.Donat putgranular
bleachor detergentin bleachdispenser.
Useeitherliquid or granular laundry detergent.
Add measuredamountof detergentto washtub
before loading. Readthemanufacturer'sinstructionsand usethe
correct amount.Most instructionsare for washing an "average" load. Ifthe size of the load is extra
large, the degree of soil is heavier than average and the water is harderthan 6 grains per gallon, moredetergentshould be used.
Wipe up any spillsof liquid laundrydetergenton thewasher.
Loading the Washer
Placedry, unfoldedclothesloosely in the tub, up to thetop row of holesfor a maximumload. Do
not pack or wrap itemsaround the agitator. See MAY'I'AGLAUNDERINGGUIDEfor suggestions
on sorting. Besureto emptyall pockets,mend any holesor tearsand pretreat spots,stainsand
heavilysoiled areas.
Fabric Softener
When usingrinse-addedfabric softener,add the recommendedamounttothecup locatedintop of
theagitator.Thecup maybe liftedoutforfilling. Add warm waterto bring liquidleveltothe
indicatedFILLLINEinthecup. Dilutedfabric softenerwill automaticallybe addedtotherinse. (Alwaysdilutefabricsoftenerwith water.)
Do notinterruptthe spinfollowingthewashcycle becausethesoftenerwill go intothewashtubat
thewrongtime. Thearea inand aroundthedispensercup should
beflushedand cleanedwithhotwaterand a soft brushperiodically.
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