Models: LAT9605 • LAT9615 • LAT9635 " LAT8435 " LAT8415 * LAT8405 " LAT8705 ° LAT4915
About Your Maytag ........ Inside Front Cover Congratulations on yonr choice of a Maytag washer!
Future Referenee ......... Inside Front Cover tion in this USER'S GUIDE will help you understand
Safety Instruetions ........................ 1 how },our washer operates. Additional information on
Using Laundry Additives .................... 2-3 proper laundering techniques is found in the MAYTAG
Loading the Washer ...................... 3 LAUNDERING GUIDE. By following these instruc-
Operating Instructions ................... 4-6
Select Water Level ....................... 4
Select Wash/Rinse Water Temp ............. 4 washer, contact us. Please haxe the washer's model and
Select Cycle and Time .................... 5 serial numbers available.
Start the Washer ......................... 6
Indicator Lights ......................... 6 One Dependability Sqnare
Maintaining the Washer ....................... 6 Newton, IA ,50208
Storing the Washer ....................... 6 (515) 791-8911 (8 am 5 pm Central time Mon.-Fri.)
Cycle Descriptions ............................. 7
Water Usage ............................. 7 NOTE: For service and warranty information, see
Before You Call for Service ................ 8
Your satist_action is very important to us. The iuforma-
tions carefully, you _dll achieve excellent results with
your washer.
If you have any questions about using your Maytag
Maytag Consumer Education
pages 8-9.
Warranty ................................ 9 FOR FUTURE REFERENCE
Consumer Publications .................... 9
We suggest you retain this guide after recording thei
NOTE: In a continuing effort to improve our wash- I model nmnber and serial nmnber (eight nmnbers and
ers it may be necessary to make changes to the ] twoletters) of this washer in the spaces provSdedbelmwappearance without revising this guide. This information can be found on the data plate locat-
ed at the top of the control panel cover.
IMPORTANT: Keep your sales slip or cancelled
check. Proof of original purchase date is needed
for warranty service.
Model Number Serial Number
WARNING - Check with installer to
make sure appliance has been ground-
ed to avoid possible electrical shock.
Be sure you read the following IMPOR-
TIONS before you start to use this

WARNING - To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons using this appli-
ance, follow basic precautions, including the following:
1. Read all instructions before using the appliance. 4. Befbre the appliance is removed from service or
discarded, remove the door to the washing corn-
2. To avoid the possibility of fire or explosion: partment.
a. Do not wash items that have been previously
cleaned in, washed in, soaked in, or spotted x_th 5. Do not reach into tlle appliance if the agitator is
gasoline, dry-cleaning solvents, other flammable moving.
or explosive substances as they give off vapors 6. Do not install or store this appliance where it will
that could ignite or explode, be exposed to the weathen
Any material on which you have used a cleaning 7. Do not tamper _th controls.
solvent, or which is saturated with flammable 8. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance
liquids or solids, should not be placed in the or attempt any serx@ing unless specifically recom-
washer until all traees of these liquids or solids mended in published user-repair instructions that
and their fumes have been removed, you understand and have the skills to carD, out.
There are many highly, flammable items used in 9. The agitator should not be removed. If the agita-
homes, such as: acetone, denatured 'alcohol,
gasoline, kerosene, some liqnid household
cleaners, some spot removers, turpentine, before the washer is operated.
waxes and w_ removers.
b. Do not add gasoline, dD_-eleaning solvents, or plug the appliance cord into a receptacle which is
other flammable or explosive substances to the not grounded adequately and in aeeordanee with
wash water. These substances give off vapnrs local and national codes. See installation instrnc-
that could ignite or explode, tions for grounding this appliance.
e. Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be
produced in a hot water system that has not
been used for 2 weeks or more. HYDROGEN
GAS IS EXPLOSIVE. If the hot water system
has not been used for such a period, before Save These Instructions
nsiug a washing machine or combination wash- Appliances with tile ® symbol on the data plate have
er-dryer, turn on all hot water faucets and let the been listed with Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc
water flow from each for several minutes. This Those with a CSA Monogram on the data plate have
u,ill release any accumulated hydrogen gas. As been certified by the CSA Testing Laboratories as corn-
the gas is flammable, do not smoke or use an plying with Canadian Standards Association require-
open flame during this time. ments.
tor is removed, it must be replaced by pushing
down completely and the locking screw tightened
10. This appliance must be properly grounded. Never
3, Do not allow children to play on or in the appli- Nevertheless, as with any' equipment using eleetrlcit
ante. Close supervision of children is necessary' and haying moving parts, there are potential hazard_
when the appliance is used near children. To use this appliance safel5; the operator shoul_
become familiar with the instructions for operation
the appliance and always exereise care when using it.

Add liquid chlorine bleach to the dispenser
before adding the clothes.
When using this bleach, carefully measnre the recom-
mended amonnt of bleach. General recommendations
are 1/8 cnp for each 2 gallons of wash water. Amount of
wash water in: EX. SMALL I0 gallons (8 Imperial
gallons; 38 liters); SMALL - 1'2 gallons (10 Imperial ,_ -oo
gallons; 45 liters); MEDIUM 14 gallons (12 hnperial ....
g_dlons; 53 liters); LARGE I7 gallons (14 hnperial
gallons; 64 liters); EXTRA LARGE 19 gallons (16
hnperial gallons; 72 liters),
Select water level, water temperature, desired cycle
and start washer. Dilute chlorine bleach as return- """
mended by the bleach manufacturer (generally 4
parts water to I part bleach). A few moments a{}er
the washing action starts, lif} the lid and pour the dilut-
ed bleach solution around the agitator. Then close the
lid immediately and re-start the washer.
Be careful whenever you use liquid chlorine
bleach. It is a powerful"chemical and ean cause
fabric damage, such as tears or color loss, if not
used properly. Do not pour directly on fabrics.
Always dilute with water. Wipe up spills with a
paper towel.
Non-Chlorlne bleach m_v be added with the deter-
gent. Follow the instructions on the package. If used
improperly; fabric damage may occur, such as color loss.
Fabric Softener
When using rinse-added fabdc softener, add the rec-
ommended amount to the cup located in top of the agi-
tator. Tile cup may be lifted out for fiIIing. Add warm
water to bring liquid level to the indicated FILL LINE
in the cup, Diluted fabric softener will automatically be
added to the rinse. (Always dilute fabric softener
with water.)
Do not interrupt the spin follo_dng the wash cycle
because the softener will go into the washtub at the
wrong time.
The area in and aronnd the dispenser cup should be
flushed and cleaned with hot water and a soft brush