4_; _4_ '_¸_ _'
Consumer Information ................................. 1
Important Safety Instructions ................... 2-3 .....
Installation ................................................. 4-6
Gas Requirements ................................ 4-5
Adjustments ......................................... 5-6
Leak Testing ............................................. 6
Grill at a Glance ............................................ 7
Using Your Grill ........................................ 8-10
Operation ................................................. 8
Lighting the Burners ............................. 8-9
Grilling Hints ........................................... 9
Cleaning & Maintenance ....................... 10-1 i
Optional Accessories ................................... 12
Before You Call for Service ......................... 13
If You Need Service ..................................... 13
Warranty ...................................................... 14
Guide de L'utilisateur ................................. 16
Gufa del Usuario ......................................... 32
Pa_ No. 24-5_ _0_00

CONSUMER INFORMATION. . . • • • • • • • • • • • •
This guide is intended to assist you in the operation and
maintenance of your new Jenn-Air Grill. Please read it For future reference, record the following informa-
carefully, and keep it handy for reference, tion and refer to it when contacting the factory or
Locate the model and serial numbers.
an authorized servicer.
Your new grill model and serial numbers are included on a
nameplate located on the inside back wall underneath the
firebox of the grill. Remove the drip tray to visually access
the nameplate label from the front of the grill. Use a flash- SerialNumber
light if lighting conditions require it (see illustration below).
NOTE: When handling the drip tray, use care to avoid
scratching stainless steel surfaces. Date of Purchase
Complete and return the warranty card.
Please take a moment to fill out and mail the Warranty Card PurchasedFrom
included with your Jenn-Air Grill. Make sure you enter the
model and serial numbers of your new appliance on the War- IMPORTANT: Keep this guide and the salesreceipt in
ranty Card. a safe place for future reference. Proof of original
j _/ O Attn: CAIR ®Center
ModelNumber GasType
purchase date is needed for warranty service.
If you have questions, write to us (include your model
and serial numbers and phone number) or call:
Jenn-Air Customer Service
P.O. Box 2370
Cleveland, TN 37320-2370
1-800-688-1100 (USA and CANADA)
1-800-688-2080 ( U.S. TrY for deaf, hearing
impaired or speech impaired)
(Mon. - Fri., 8 am-8 pm Eastern Time)
i Internet: http://www.j enn-air.com
Removedriptray andlook Many operating problems are minor,and can becor-
throughopening rected without a technician. Refer toBefore You Call
For service information, see page 13.
Before calling for service...
for Service on page 13 before calling for service.
Please have the model and serial numbers handy
when callingfor service.
1. Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable va-
pors and liquids inthe vicinity of this orany otherap- 1. Shut off gas to the appliance.
pliance. 2. Extinguish any open flame.
2. An LP cylinder not connected for use shall not be stored 3. Open lid.
in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. 4. If odor continues, immediately call your gas
supplier or your fire department.

Please read before installing and California Proposition 65 -
operating your new Jenn-Air Grill WARNING
WARNING: If the information in this manual is not fol- The burning of gas cooking fuel generates some by-prod-
lowed exactly, afire or explosion may result cansingprop- ucts that are on the list of substances, which are known by
erty damage, personal injury or death, the State ofCalifornia to cause cancer orreproductive harm.
• Installation and service must be performed by a quill- California law requires businesses to warn customers of po-
fled installer, service agency, or the gas supplier, to these substances, always operate this unit according to the
• To the installer: Please leave these instructions with the use and caremanual, ensuring you provide good ventilation
consumer, when cooking with gas.
• To the consumer: Retain these instructions for future
reference. Spider and Insect Warning
General Safety Information Spiders and other insects can nest in the burners of the grill
Before using your grill: Prior to turning the gas on, in- ates a dangerous condition that can result in a fire from be-
spect the gas supply piping orhose. Make sure only the hose hind the valve panel. It is a good practice to inspect the
and regulator supplied by Jenn-Air are being used. If signs burners for blockage and clean them regularly; in addition,
of abrasion, cuts, wear and tear or other damage are no- such inspection and cleaning is absolutely necessary if any
ticed on the hose, it should be replaced. Contact your local of the following conditions exist:
Jenn-Air dealer for replacement parts, a) Smell of gas in conjunction with a yellow flame.
Installation of this appliance must conform with local codes h) Grill does not heat completely.
or, in the absence of local codes, with either the National e) Grill heats unevenly.
Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1, or CAN/CGA-B i49.1, Natu-
ral Gas Installation Code or CAN/CGA-B 149.2, Propane In case any of the above conditions are present, turn off the
Installation Code. burners. (See page 11 of this guide.)
The utilization of an external electrical source requires that
when installed, this gas appliance be electrically grounded
in accordance with local codes or, in the absence of local General Precautions
codes, with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70,
or the Canadian Electrical Code, CSA C22.1. serviced. Refer to the installation instructions provided
This outdoor gas cooking appliance and its individual shutoff in this manual. Ask the installer where the gas supply
valve must be disconnected from the gas supply piping sys- shut-off is located and how to operate it. All gas lines
tem during any pressure testing of that system at test pres- must have a shut-off that is readily and easily accessible.
sures in excess of _/2psi (3.5 kPa). 2. Be sure to connect the grill to the type of gas (LP or
This outdoor gas cooking appliance must be isolated from natural) as identified on the nameplate.
the gas supply piping systemby closing its individual manual
shutoff valve during any pressure testing of the gas supply 3. If you smell gas, call a qualified service technician. Do
piping system at test pressures equal to or less than _/2psi not try to fix the problem yourself.
(3.5 kPa). 4. CAUTION: To prevent fire or smoke damage, remove
The utilization of a self-contained LP-gas supply system
requires that this self-contained supply cylinder be con- 5. Before starting to cook, clean the grill thoroughly, espe-
structed and marked in accordance with the specifications cially the grates, with hot, soapy water. This is neces-
for LP-gas cylinders of the U.S. Department of Transporta- sary to remove residuals and solvents used at the factor_
tion (DOT)or the National Standards of Canada, CAN/CSA- which may have remained from the manufacturing pro-
B339, Cylinders, Spheres and Tubes for the Transportation cess.
of Dangerous Goods.
tential exposure to such substances. To minimize exposure
and block the gas and airflow to the burner ports. This cre-
grill immediately; allow it to cool, inspect and clean the
1. Your Jenn-Air gas grill should be properly installed and
all packing material from the grill before operating it.

6. In the event a burner goes out and gas escapes into the 17. This outdoor gas cooking appliance is not intended to
grill, turn off burner knobs, fully open the grillhood and be installed in or on recreational vehicles and/or boats.
vent all the gas out of the grill. Do not attempt to use the
appliance until the gas has had time to escape. Special
care should be taken with LP gas which settles at the l egaramg
bottom of the grill and will need to be fanned out. 1. Never leave children unattended in the area where the
7. Unless specifically recommended inthis manual,do not grill is being used.
repairor replace any partof the grill. A qualified techni-
cian should perform all other service. Warrantyservice
mustbe performed by an authorized service agency.
8. Never grill without the driptray in place and pushed all
the way to the back of the grill. Without it, hot grease
could leak downward and produce a fire or explosion.
9. L using the optional rotisserie accessory, keep electrical Use Precautions
supply cord away from the heated areas of the grill.
10. Never use the grill in windy conditions. If located in a settings.
consistently windy area (oceanfront, mountaintop, etc.)
a windbreak will be required. 2. Always position handles of utensils inward, so they do
11. The area surrounding your Jenn-Air grill should be kept This reduces the risk of ignition of flammable materi-
clea ,, and free from flammable liquids and other corn- als, and spillage due to accidental contact with the uten-
bustible materials such as mops, rags, brooms, etc., as sils.
well as solvents, cleaning fluids, and gasoline.
12. Do not use the grill as a storage area for flammable or
plastic items, which may ignite. Do not store spare LP
cylinders or flammable materials in the cart. An LP cyl-
inder not connected for use should not be stored in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance, ignite and result in personal injury.
13. Never line surface burners with tin foil.
14. When the unit is not in use and connected to a self-con- hot and could cause bums.
tained LP-gas supply system, the gas must be turned off
at the supply cylinder. 6. Proper apparel is a safety consideration. Never wear
15.When not in use, it is permissible for a self-contained
LP-gas outdoor appliance, to be stored indoors only if
the cylinder isdisconnected and removed. Cylinders must
be stored outdoors out of the reach of children and must
not be stored in a building, garage or any other enclosed
area. 8. Do not use charcoal in the grill.
16.Never locate this appliance under unprotected combus-
tible construction or enclosed area such as a garage, shed,
or breezeway. Keep clear of trees and shrubs.
Precautions Children
2. Do not store items of interest tochildren around or be-
low the grill.
3. Never allow children to sit or standon any part of the
1. Never leave the grill unattended while using high flame
not extend over adjacent work areas or cooking areas.
3. Do not use water on grease fires.
4. Never let clothing, potholders or other flammable ma-
terials come in contact with or too close to any burner
or hot surface until the surface has cooled. Fabric may
5. When using the grill, do not touch the grill rack or im-
mediate surroundings as these areas become extremely
loose fitting or hanging garments while using your grill.
7. Do not heat any unopened glass or metal container of
food on the grill. Pressure may build up and cause the
container to burst resulting in serious harm or damage
to the grill.
Save These Instructions for Future Reference

Gas Requirements
Your Jenn-Air grill is designed to work as either an LP approved type and is resistant to the actions of LP gas.
(Liquid Propane) Gas grill or as a Natural Gas grill. Check
your nameplate to make sure the gas supply you are hooking of gases mentioned above i.e., either LP or Natural Gas,
up to is the gas type for which the grill is manufactured, and should be hooked up to the gas specified on the name-
An installer supplied gas shut-off valve must be installed in plate. The grill cannot be used with the other type of gas.
an easily accessible location. Only use pipe sealant that is an
IMPORTANT: Your grill is set to work on one of the types
LP Gas Cylinder Hook Up
Jf -7-
/ / \
/ / \
: / /
___ .... /
1/2NPTX 112"FLARE_ ( I i
Natural or LP Gas Hook Up from LP Cylinder Located Outside Freestanding Grill
/ / \
/ / \
j I