
For Your Safety
WARNING: If the information in these instructions are not fol- HJ640POVET
lowed exactly, a fire or explosion may result, causing property HJ640NOVET2
damage, personalinjury or death. HJ640POVET2
-Do not store or usegasolineor other flammable vaporsand liq- HJ650POVET
uidsin the vicinityof this or any other appliance. HJ650NOVET2
• Do not try to light any appliance. HJ675PRVETZ
• Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in
your building.
° Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone.
Followthe gassupplier'sinstructions.
• if you cannot reachyour gassupplier,callthe fire department.
-Installation and servicemustbe performedby a qualified installer, FORPOTABLEWATER
serviceagency or the gas supplier. HEATING ONLY
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or mainte- SPACE HEATING
DAMAGE. Refer to this manual for assistanceor consultthe local
gas utility for further information. NOT FOR USE IN
Flammable vapors may be drawn by air currents from
areas of the structure to this appliance.
Save this Manual for Future Reference. This Product.
_,WARNING Read and Follow All

Safety Instructions
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service At the time of manufacture this water heater was pro-
or maintenance can cause DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY vided with a combination temperature-pressures relief
INJURY, OR PROPERTYDAMAGE. Refer to this manu- valve certified by a nationally recognized testing labo-
al for assistance consult your local gas utility or call ratory that maintains periodic inspection of production
Maytag Customer Service at 1-800-788-8899 for an of listed equipment or materiels, as meeting the
authorized servicer for further information, requirements for Relief Valves and Automatic Gas
Shutoff Devices for Hot Water Supply Systems, and
the latest edition of ANSI Z21.22 and the code requiR_-
ments of ASME. If replaced, the valve must meet the
AWARNING requirements of local codes,but not lessthan a combi-
WATER HEATERS EQUIPPED FOR ONE TYPE GAS nation temperature and pressure relief valve certified
ONLY: This water heater is equipped for one type as meeting the requirements for Relief Valves and
gas only. Check the model rating plate near the gas Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices for Hot Water Supply
control valve for the correct gas. DO NOT USE THIS Systems, ANSI Z21.22 by a nationally _cognized test-
WATER HEATER WITH ANY GAS OTHER THAN THE ing laboratory that maintains periodic inspection of
ONE SHOWN ON THE MODEL RATING PLATE.Failure production of listod equipment or materials.
to use the correct gas can cause problems which can The valve must be marked with a maximum set pres-
result in DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY, OR PROP- sure not to exceed the marked hydrostatic working
ERTY DAMAGE. If you have any questions or doubts pressure of the water heater (150 Ibs./sq. in.) and a
consult your gas supplier or local utility, discharge capacity not less than the water heater
AWARNING Your local jurisdictional authority, while mandating the
INSTALLATIONS IN AREAS WHERE FLAMMABLE LIQ- use of a temperature-pressure relief valve complying
UIDS (VAPORS)ARE LIKELYTO BEPRESENTOR STOREDI with ANSI Z21.22 and ASME, may require a valve model
(GARAGES, STORAGE, AND UTILITY AREAS, ETC)- different from the one furnished with the water heater.
Flammable liquids (suchas gasoline, solvents, propane Compliance with such local requirements must be sat-
(LP) or butane, etc.), all of which emit flammable isfiedby the installer or end user of the water heater
vapors, may be improperly/stored or used in such _ with a locally prescribed temperature-pressure relief
areas. The gas water heater .c_nitoror main burner can valve installed in the designated opening in the water
ignite such vapors. The resulting flashback and fire can heater in placeof the factory furnished valve.
cause death or serioushums to anyone n the area, as For safe operation of the water heater, the relief valve I
well asproperty damage.
If installation in such areas is your only option, then I plugged, r I I
the !nstallation must be accomplished in a way that The temperature-p essure relief va ve must be
the ignitor and main burner flame are elevatedfrom I installed directly into the fitting of the water heater
the floor at least 18 inches.While this may reduce the designated for the relief valve. Position the valve
chances of flammable vapors from a floor spill being downward and provide tubing so that any discharge
ignited, gasoline and other flammable substances will exit only within 6 inchesabove, or at any distance
should never be stored or used in the same room or below the structural floor. Becertain that no contact is
area containing a gas water heater or other open made with any live electrical part. The discharge open-
flame or spark producing appliance, ing must not be blocked or reduced in size under any
NOTE: Flammable vapors may be drawn by air currents circumstances. Excessivelength, over 30 feet, or use of
from other areas of the structure to the appliance, more than four elbows can cause restriction and
I the relief valve and the tank. Do not connect tubing
|If this water heater will be used in beauty shops, ed. To prevent bodily injury, hazard to life, or property
|barber shops, cleaning establishments, or self-ser- damage, the relief valve must be allowed to discharge
/vice laundries with dry cleaning equipment, it is water in quantities should circumstances demand. If
imperative that the water heater or water heaters the discharge pipe is not connected to a drain or other
be installed so that combustion and ventilation air suitab e means, the water flow may cause property
be taken from outside these areas. Refer to the damage.
"Locating The New Water Heater" section of this _TheDischarge Pipe:
manual and also the latest edition of the National • Must notbe smaller in size than the outlet pipe size
Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1, also referred to as NFPA of the valve, or have any reducing couplings or
54 for specifics provided concerning air required, other restrictions.
A fire can start if combustible materials such as the discharge pipe.
clothing, cleaning materials, or flammable liquids • Must terminate at an adequate drain.
are placed against or next to the water heater. ° Must not have any valve between the relief valve
j • Must be installed so as to allow complete drainage
input rate as shown on the model rating plate.
(Electric heaters - watts divided by 1000 x 3415 equal
BTU/Hr. rate.)
must not be removed from it's designated opening or
reduce the discharge capacity of the valve.
No valve or other obstruction isto be placed between
di_-tly to discharge drain unlessa 6" air gap is provid-
Must not be plugged or blocked.
Must be of material listed for hot water distribution.
of both the temperature-pressure relief valve, and
and tank.

Safety Instructions
A gas water heater cannot operate properly without |This water heater must not be installed directly on
the correct amount of air for combustion. Do not |carpeting. Carpeting must be protected by a metal
install Jn a confined area such a closet, unless you |or wood panel beneath the appliance extending
provide air as shown in the "Locating The New |beyond the full width and depth of the appliance by
Water Heater _ section. Never obstruct the flow of |at least 3 inches (76.2mm) in any direction, or if the
ventilation air. If you have any doubts or questions |appliance is installed in an alcove or closet, the
at all, call your gas company. Failure to provide the |entire floor must be covered by the panel. Failure to
proper amount of combustion air can result in a fire /heed this warning may result in a fire hazard.
or explosion and can cause DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY
The power vent water heater requires its own (sepa-
rate)venting system. It cannot be connected to an
AWARNING exist ng vent pipe or chimney. It must be term nated
HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water heaters are to the outdoors. Failure to properly install the vent-
intended to produce hot water. Water heated to a ing system can result in asphyxiation, a fire or explo-
temperature which will satisfy clothes washing, dish Ision and can cause DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY,
washing, and other sanitizing needs can sca|d and OR PROPERTY DAMAGE.
permanently injure you upon contact. Some people
are more likely to be permanently injured by hot
water than others, These indude the elderly, children,
the infirm, or physically/mentally handicapped. If I _,WARNING
anyone using hot water in your home fits into one of I
these groups or if the_ is a local code or state law _ _No vent damper installation is compatible with this
requiring a certain temperature water at the hot I whether it is operated thermally or otherwise is to
water tap, then you must take special precautions. In [ be installed on this power vented water heater. AI-
addition to using the lowest possible temperature I teration of any part of the factory-furnished vent as-
setting that satisfies your hot water needs, a means sembly could result in improper operation due to re-
such as a mixing valve, should be used at the hot striction of flue gases, spillage of flue gases and may
water taps used by these people or at the water 'cause carbon monoxide poisoning.
heater. Mixing valves are available at plumbing sup-
ply or hardware stores. Follow manufacturers instruc-
tions for installation of the valves. Before changing
the factory setting on the thermostat, read the AWARNING
'_Temperature Regulation" section in this manual.
A WARNING (3.5kPa).
Soot build-up indicates a problem that requires cor- • The appliance must be isolated from the gas sup-
rection before further use. Turn "OFF" gas to water ply piping system by closing its individual manual
heater and leave _OFF" until repairs are made, shutoff valve during any pressure testing of the
can result in a fire or explosion causing DEATH, SERI-
because failure to correct the cause of the sooting lessthan _½pound per square nch (3.5kPa).
power ventedwater heater design. No vent damper,
• The appliance and its individual shutoff valve must
be disconnected from the gas supply piping system
during any pressure testing of the gas system at
test pressures in excess of ½ pound per square inch
gas supply piping system at test pressures equal or
l AWARNING Chemical vapor corrosion of the flue and vent sys-
BEFORE LIGHTING [PROPANE (L.P,) GAS WATER chemical vapors. Spray can propellants, cleaning sol-
HEATERS]: Propane (L.P.) gas is heavier than air. vents, refrigerator and air conditioner refrigerants,
Should there be a leak in the system, the gas will set- swimming pool chemicals, calcium and sodium chlo-
tie near the ground. Basements, crawl spaces, skirted ride, waxes, bleach, and process chemicals are typi-
areas under manufactured (mobile) homes (even cal compounds which are potentially corrosive.
when ventilated), closets and areas below ground
Ilevel will serve as pockets for the accumulation of
this gas. Before attempting to operate the water
heater or turning on a nearby electrical light switch,
be absolutely sure there is no accumulatedgas in the
area. Search for odor of gas by sniffing at ground
level in the vicinity of the appliance. If odor isdetect-
ed, follow steps indicated at "For Your Safety" on the
cover page ofth s manua then eave the prem ses.
tem may occur if air for combustion contains certain
Obstructed or deteriorated vent systems may pre-
sent a serious health risk or asphyxiation.
3 Safety Instructions continued on page 4.

Safety Instructions
Minimum clearances between the water heater and Vent termination must not be within 4 feet of any
combustible and noncombustible construction are 0" items such as gas meters, gas valves or other gas reg-
at the sides and rear, 5 inches from front of jacket to u at n_l equ pment.
closet door, and 0" from the vent pipe. Clearance from
the top of the jacket is 14" (12" on some models).
Provide 24 inches front clearance for servicing and
adequate clearance between the jacket top and ceil- ACAUTION
ing tor servicing the flue area. Refer to the label on WATER HEATERS EVENTUALLY LEAK: Installation of
the water heater adjacent to the gas control valve for the water heater must be accomplished in such a
all clearances, manner that if the tank or any connections should
leak, the flow of water will not cause damage to
the structure. For this reason, it is not advisable to
AWARNING When such locations cannot be avoided, a suitable
Flood damage to a water heater may not be readily drain pan should be installed under the water
visible or immediately detectible. However, over a heater. Drain pans are available at your local hard-
period of time a flooded water heater will create ware store, Such a drain pan must be not greater
dangerous conditions which can cause DEATH, SERI- than 1½ inches deep, have a minimum length and
OUS BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. width of at least 2 inches greater than the water
Contact the Maytag dealer from whom the appli- heater dimensions and must be piped to an ade-
ance was purchased or call Maytag Customer Service quate drain. The pan must not restrict combustion
at 1-800-788-8899 for an authorized servicer to air flow. Under no circumstances is the manufactur-
replace a flooded water heater. Do not attempt to er to be held liable for any water damage in con-
repair the unit! It must be replaced! nection with this water heater.
install the water heater in at attic or upper floor.
HYDROGEN GAS: Hydrogen gas can be produced in
a hot water system that has not been used for a
long period of time (generally two weeks or more).
Hydrogen gas is extremely flammable and explosive.
To prevent the possibility of injury under these con-
ditions, we recommend the hot water faucet be
opened for several minutes at the kitchen sink
before any electrical appliances which are connected
to the hot water system are used (such as a dish-
washer or washing machine). If hydrogen gas is pre-
sent, there will probably be an unusual sound simi-
lar to air escaping through the pipe as the hot water
faucet isopened. There must be no smoking or open
flame near the faucet at the time it is open.
INSULATING JACKETS: When installing an external
water heater insulation jacket on a gas water heater:
• DO NOT cover the temperature-pressure relief valve.
• DO NOT put insulation over any part of the top of
the gas water heater.
• DO NOT put insulation over the gas control valve or
gas control valve/burner cover, or any accessareas
to the burner.
• DO NOT let insulation around the gas water heater
to get within 8 inches of the floor (air must get to
the burner).
• DO NOT cover or remove operating instructions,
and safety related warning labels and materials
affixed to the water heater.
Failure to heed this will result in the possibility of a
fire or explosion.

Table of Contents
,In tucton........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... -o,ontents
Customer Information .....................................................................................................................6
Accessories ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Basic Tools ..................................................................................................................................................................... .8
Instructions for Installation .....................................................................................................9-29
Removing the Old Water Heater ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Typical Installation ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
Locating the New Water Heater ................................................................................................................................... .11,12
Combustion Air and Ventilation ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Venting Clearances ....................................................................................................................................................... 12,13
Combustion Air and Ventilation for Appliances in Unconfined Spaces ............................................................................ 13
Combustion Air and Ventilation for Appliances in Confined Spaces ............................................................................... 14
Water Piping .................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve ............................................................................................................................... ..16
Filling the Water Heater ................................................................................................................................................. 17
Wiring. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 17,18
Venting ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19-27
Gas Piping ................................................................................................................................................................. 27,28
Installation Checklist ...................................................................................................................................................... 29
Instructions for Operation ..................................................................................................30-33
Operating ...................................................................................................................................................................... 30-32
Temperature Regulation .................................................................................................................................................. .33
Service and Maintenance ....................................................................................................... 34-36
Venting System Inspection ................................................................................................................................................ .34
Oiling Instructions ....................................................................................................................................................... B4
Burner Inspection ........................................................................................................................................................ .34
Burner Cleaning. .............................................................................................................................................................. 34
L.E Gas Control Valve and Burner Assembly Replacement Information .......................................................................... 35
Draining. ..................................................................................................................................................................... .35
Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve Operation ................................................................................................................. 36
Drain ValveWasher Replacement ................................................................................................................................ 36
Housekeeping ............................................................................................................................................................ 36
Service ................................................................................................................................................................................ .36
Condensation ......................................................................................................................................................... .37
Smoke/Odor .............................................................................................................................................................. 37
Thermal Expansion ................................................................................................................................................... ..37
Strange Sounds ....................................................................................................................................................... .37
Operational Conditions .............................................................................................................................................. 38,39
Smelly Water ................................................................................................................................................................ 38
"Air" in Hot Water Faucets ......................................................................................................................................... .38
High Temperature Shut Off System ....................................................................................................................... .38
Venting Manual Reset Switch ..................................................................................................................................... 38
Not Enough Hot Water ................................................................................................................................................. 39
Water is too Hot ......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Leakage Checkpoints .............................................................................................................................................. .40
Thermostat and Gas Supply Check .............................................................................................................................. 41
Electrical System Check .......................................................................................................................................... 42-44
Repair Parts List .............................................................................................................................. 46-50
Warranty ................................................................................................................................................................52

Customer Information
Thank You for purchasing a Maytag water heater. • The installation must conform with the instructions in this
Properly installed and maintained, it should give youyears of manual; gas company rules; and Local Codes, or in the
trouble free service. It is strongly suggested that this new water absence of LocaI Codes, with the latest edition of the
heater he professionally iastaIted, contact Mayt_g Customer National Fuel Gas code, ANSI Z223.1, also referred to as
Service (1-800-788-8899) for recommended installers. NFPA 54. This pubfication is available from your local
Abbreviations Found In This Instruction Manual government or public library or gas company or by writing
CSA - Canadian Standards Association NFPA, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.
NFPA - National Fire Protection Association • After reading this manual you have any questions or do not
ANSI - American National Standards Institute understand any portion of the instructions, call Maytag
Customer Service at 1-800-788-8899 for an authorized
AWARNING servicer.
This gas-fired water heater is design certified by Carefidly plan the place where you are going to put the
CSA INTERNATIONAL under American National water heater. Correct combustion, vent action, and vent
Standard/CSA Standard for Gas Water Heaters ANS pipe installation are very important in preventing death
Z21.10.1 * CSA 4.1 (latest edition). The installation from possible carbon monoxide poisoning and fires.
must conform with this manual, Local Codes and
with the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas Examine the location to ensure the water heater complies
Code, ANSI Z223.1. with the "Locating the New Water Heater" section in this
This publication is available from your local govern- manual.
ment or public library, gas company, or by writing
NFPA, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269. For California installation this water heater must be braced,
Read the "Safety Instructions" section, pages 2, 3 and 4 of earthquake. See instructions for correct instalIation proce-
this manual first and then the entire manual carefit!ly. If dures. Instructions may be obtained from your local dealer,
you don't follow the safety rules, the water heater _ not wholesaler, pubfic utilities or California Office of the State
operate properly. It could cause DEATH, SERIOUS Architect, 400 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.
BODILY INJURY AND/OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. • Massachusetts Code requires this water heater to be
• This manual contains instructions for the installation, installed in accordance with Massachusetts 248-CMR 2.00:
operation, and maintenance of the gas-fired water heater. State Plumbing Code and 248-CMR 5.00.
It also contains warnings through out the manual that you Compiles with SCAQ.MD rule #1121 and districts having
must read and be aware o£ All warnings and all instruc- equivalent NOx requirements.
tions are essential to the proper operation of the water
heater and your safety. Since we cannot put everything on
the first few pages, READ THE ENTIRE MANUAL
anchored, or strapped to avoid falling or moving during an

Product Specifications
Tank Capacity
In Gallons 40 40 40 40 50
Type of Gas Natural Propane Natural Propane Natural
B.T.U. rate 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000
Recovery Rate
In Gals Per Hr.
@_°F Rise 41 41 41 4I 41
Vent Pipe 3"** 3" ** 3" ** 3" ** 3" **
Diameter 18" 18° 20" 20" 20"
Height To
Top of Blower 68V:' 68%" 68_A" 68V: 67V:'
Tank Capacity
In Gallons 50 50 50 75 75
Type of Gas Propane Natural Propane Natural Propane
B.T.U. rate 40,000 40,000 40,000 75,000 70,000
Recovery Rate
In Gals Per Hr.
@90°FRise 41 41 41 77 72
Vent Pipe 3" ** 3" ** 3" ** 3"*** 3" ***
Diameter 20" 22" 22" 26%" 26%"
Height To
Top of Blower 67%" 673/4" 67%" 711/2" 711/:
*Adding suffix "D" denotes high altitude (Example HJ640NOVETD). High altitude models have a
B.T.U./Recovery Rate 10% less than shown.
**Limited usage of 2" vent pipe - see pages 19 through 27.
***Limited usage of 4" vent pipe - see pages 19 through 27.

Accessoriesand ToolsNeeded
To simplify the installation Maytag has available the installa-
tion parts shown below. You may or may not need all o£these
accessories depending on your type ofinstaTlation. CalI
Maytag Customer Service at 1-800-788-8899 for an autho-
rized installer.
You may or may not need all of these tools, depending on your ADDITIONAL TOOLS NEEDED
type ofinstaUation. These tools can be purchased at your local WHEN SWEAT SOLDERING
hardware store.
i Tubing Cutters or Hacksaw• Pipe Wrenches (2) 14" Propane Torch
• Screwdriver • Solder Flux
• Tin Snips _ _ _ o'WireBrushes
• 6 Foot Tape of Folding Rule Emery Cloth
• Drill
• Garden Hose _ "_ _
• Pipe dope or Teflon Tape GARDEN HOSE
So fat Solder

Instructions for Installation
Removing the Old Water Heater
Turn "OFF" the gas supply to the water heater. (_ Disconnect the vent pipe from the draft hood where they
AWARNING pipe can be lifted off after any screw or other attached
If the main9_aslineshutoffservingall gasappliancesisused,
"_" connect to the water heater. In most installations the vent
devices are removed. Dispose of the draft hood. The new
Ialso shut "oii" the gas at each appliance. Leave all gas appli- water heater has the draft hood which must be used for
[ ancesshut"off" unti/thewaterheaterinstallationiscomplete, proper operation.
Turn "OFF" the water to the water
heater. Some installations
the water be turned offto the entire
Q a. If you have copper piping to the water
i::=l_l___ _'_ _ ____ Additional cuts can be made later if
(_ the drain valve. The water heater is
r now completely disconnected and
(_ ready to be removed.
heater, the two copper water pipes can
four inches away from where they con-
nect to the water heater. This will
avoid cutting offthe pipes too short.
necessary. Disconnect the temperature-
pressure reliefvalve drain line. When
the water heater is drained, disconnect
the hose from the drain valve. Close
Check again sure gas sup-
ply is "OFF" to the water heater. Then I _ _ Q b. If you have galvanized pipe to the water
from the gas control valve, with a pipe wrench at the union in each
disconnect the gas supply connection _._) heater, loosen the two galvanized pipes
Q Attach a hose to the water heater drain pieces should be saved since they may
valve and
drain or outdoors. Open the water _'-'---_--'_ water beater. Disconnect the tempera-
heater drain valve. Open a nearby hot ture-pressure relief valve drain fine.
water faucet which will refieve pressure When the water heater is drained, dis-
in the water heater and speed draining, connect the hose from the drain valve.
to make the
line. Also disconnect the piping
I remaining to the water heater. These
put the other end in a floor _ _ be needed when reconnecting the new
Close the drain valve. The water heater
ready to be removed.
1 [ .c o..oN
Thewaterpassingout_ maybeextremelyhot.I I Mineralbuildupor sed_accumulated in theold
Toavoidbeingscalded,makesureallconnectionsare tight andI |water heater.Thiscausesthewater heaterto bemuchheavier
thatthe waterflow isdirectedawayfromanyperson. ] [thannormalandthisresidue,ifspilledout,couldcausestaining.

Instructions for Installation (cont'd)
Typical Installation
Vacuum Relief required
VENTTO (refer to local codes)
by some codes
(Do not capor plug)
7' power cord
This appliance has beendesign certified as complying with American National Standard/CSA Standard forwater heaters and is
consideredsuitable for:
Water(Potable)Heating: All models are%onsideredsuitableforwater (potable)heating."
When the system requires water at temperatures Thiswater heater shallnot be connectedto any heat-
tern may requirea meanssuchasa mixingvalve tobe
higherthan requiredfor other uses,the hotwater sys- non-potablewater heating appliance. I
installedto temper the water at certainpointsof use.
Some people are more likely to be permanently
injured by hot water than others; these includethe AWARNING
elderly,children,the infirm,or the physically/mentally Toxicchemicalssuchasusedfor treatment of boilersorI
handicapped. Before immersing yourself or anyone non-potable water heating appliancesshall never be
ture.elseinWARNING:hOtwater,HOTTERbesureWATERt°checkiNcREASEsthewater THEtempera'RISKintroducedintoa potablewaterspaceheatingsystem.
OF SCALDINJURY.(Alsosee"TemperatureRegulation" NOTE: Toprotectagainstuntimelycorrosionof hot and
section)Mixing valvesare availableat plumbingsup- coldwaterfittings,iris stronglyrecommendedthatdi-elec-
plyor hardwarestores.Followmanufacturersinstruc- tric unionsor couplingsbe installedon thiswater heater
tionsfor installationof thesevalves, whenconnectedto copperpipe.
ing systemsor component(s)previouslyusedwith a I

Instructions for Installation (cont'd)
Locating the New Water
Youshould carefitlly choose an indoor location for the new water
heater, because the placement is a very important consideration
for the safety of the occupants in the building and for the most DO not use an extension cord. If there is not a suit-I
economical use of the appliance. Thiswaterheaterisnotforuse able receptacle and/or local codes prohibit use of a ]
in manufactured(mobile)homesoroutdoorinstallation, power cord, f eld wit ng must be prey ded. ]
Whether replacing an old water heater or putting the water heater
in a new location, the following critical points must be observed. A CAUTIO N
The location selected should be indoors as close as practical to WATER HEATERS EVENTUALLY LEAK: Installation of
theventtermination point, and ascentralizedwith thewater the water heater must be accomplished in such a
piping system aspossible. The water heater, as all water leak, the flow of water will not cause damage to
heaters, willeventually leak. Do not install without adequate the structure. For this reason, it is not advisable to
drainage provisions where water flowwill cause damage, install the water heater in an attic or upper floor.
40,000 BTU/HR INPUT MODELS - If vented through an drain pan should be installed under the water
outside wall or through the roof, the 3" vent piping cannot heater. Drain pans are available at your local hard-
exceed a total of 115 feet (50 feet if optional 2" vent piping is ware store. Such a drain pan must be not greater
used), including vertical and horizontal runs with one 90° than 1½ inches deep, have a minimum length and
elbow. If more elbows are required, the venting distance must width of at least 2 inches greater than the water
be reduced 5 feet for every90°elbow. See page 22 for vent heater dimensions and must be piped to an ade-
chart, quate drain. The pan must not restrict combustion
70,000 AND 75,000 BTU/HR INPUT MODELS- If vent- er to be held liable for any water damage in con-
edthrough an outside wall or through the root the 3" vent nection with this water heater.
piping cannot exceed a total of V0feet (110 feet if optional 4"
vent piping is used), including vertical and horizontal runs • The location selection must provide adequate clearances
with one 90°elbow. If more elbows are required, the venting for servicing and proper operation of the water heater.
distance must be reduced 5 feet for every 90°elbow. See page
22 for vent chart.
manner that if the tank or any connections should
When such locations cannot be avoided, a suitable
air flow. Under no circumstances is the manufactur-
Vent piping cannot slope downward and horizontal runs A WARNING
require _/f'per five foot rise. All horizontal runs require ade- INSTALLATIONS IN AREAS WHERE FLAMMABLE LIQ-
quate support at 3 V2foot intervals andvertical runs supported UIDS (VAPORS) ARE LIKELY TO BE PRESENT OR
The water heaterrequires its own (separate)venting system, propane (LP) or butane, etc.), all of which emit
It cannot be connected to an existing vent pipe or chimney. It flammable vapors, may be improperly stored or
must terminate to the outdoors. Whenever possible terminate used in such areas. The gas water heater ignitor or [
the vent on the leeward side of the building if vented through main burner can ignite such vapors. The resulting [
an outside wall. NOTE: Condensation maybe created, at flashback and fire can cause death or serious burns I
times, asthecombustiongasesexit thevent capand discol- to anyone in the area, as well as property damage.
orationofsurfaceslnproximitytotheventcapmayoccur, then the installation must be accomplished in a]
ETC): Flammable liquids (such as gasoline, solvents,
If installation in such areas is your only option,]
way that the ignitor and main burner flame are ele- I
vated from the floor at least 18 inches. While this
AWARNING may reduce the chances of flammable vapors from
The power vent water heater requires its own (sepa- a floor spill being ignited, gasoline and other
rate) venting system. It cannot be connected to an ex- flammable substances should never be stored or
isting vent pipe or chimney. It must he terminated to used in the same room or area containing agas
the outdoors. Failure to properly install the venting sys-[ water heater or other open flame or spark produc-
tern can result in asphyxiation, a fire or explosion and ing appliance.
cancause DEATH,SERIOUSBODILYINJURY,ORPROPER- i NOTE: Flammable vapors may be drawn by air currents
TY DAMAGE. Ifrom other areas of the structure to the appliance.
• The water heater comes equipped with a 7 foot power Propellants of aerosol sprays and volatile com-
cord which can be used to connect to a 110/120 volt pounds, (cleaners, chlorine based chemicals, refrig-
power source if(l) local codes allow, and (2) there is a erants, etc.) in addition to being highly flammable
three prong receptacle available. This unit must have a hydrochloric acid when exposed to the combustion
grounded outlettooperate, products of the water heater. The results can be
in many cases, will also change to corrosive
hazardous, and also cause product failure.

Instructions for Installation (cont'd)
Locating the New Water
Heater (cont'd)
_kWARNING Combustion Air and Ventilation
This water heater must not be installed directly on
carpeting. Carpeting must be protected by a metal When determining the installation location for a power vent
or wood panel beneath the appliance extending water heater, snow accumulation and drifting should be con-
beyond the full width and depth of the appliance sidered in areaswhere applicable.
by at least 3 inches (76.2mm) in any direction, or if
the appliance is installed in an alcove or closet, the VENTINGCLEARANCES
entire floor must be covered by the panel. Failure
to heed this warning may result in a fire hazard. • 0" clearance for 3" (and optional 2" and 4") PVC, ABS or
•,WARNING Figure 2.
Minimum clearances between the water heater and
combustible and noncombustible construction are 0" . The Power Vent outlet terminal shall terminate at least 36"
at the sides and rear, 5 inches from front of jacket to above any forced air inlet into the building located within 10
closet door, and 0" from the vent pipe. Clearance from feet. Figure 3a.
the top of the jacket is 14" (12" on some models).
Provide 24 inches front clearance for servicing and • The Power Vent outlet terminal shall terminate at least 4 feet
adequate clearance between the jacket top and ceil- below, 4 feet horizontally from or 1 foot aboveany door,window
ing for servicing the flue area. Refer to the label on or gravity air inlet into the building. Figure 3a.
the water heater adjacent to the gas control valve for
all clearances. (see Figure 1). = 18" minimum from other natural draft (gravity) direct vent,
CPVC Schedule 40 vent piping from combustible surfaces.
• 12" minimum from the ground, 9" ceiling overhangs.
power vent or power direct vent appliance inlet and/or outlet
/VENTILATIONI H _ E1 ml _ ¢_-- • 24" minimum from any appfiance inlet and/or outlet vents
AIR i i S_ MIN.
/ OPEN'NGsOI 0"HIN. _......_ 5" when direcdy below or 45°to either side of center line. Figure
I { I TOPVIEW I ' 3b.
_ orCtC_ET roPw_vo"_N.
'HAX, WITHDOOR • 18" minimum in all directions from any obstruction that may
OFDOOR interfere. Figure 3c.
I Figure 1 I A,R DUCT • The location selection must provide clearances for servicing
_, WARNING • Vent termination must not be within 4 feet of any items such
A gas water heater cannot operate properly with- as gas meters, gasvalves or other gas regulating equipment.
out the correct amount of air for combustion. Do • The venting system must be installed in a manner which
not install in a confined area such a closet, unless allows inspection of the installation of the venting pipes and
you provide air as shown in the "Facts to Consider joints as well asperiodic inspection after installation as
About the Location" section. Never obstruct the
flow of ventilation air. If you have any doubts or required by ANSI Standards.
questions at all, call your gas company. Failure to
provide the proper amount of combustion air can
SERIOUS BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTY Vent termination must not be within 4 feet of
result in a fire or explosion and can cause DEATH, AWARNING any
DAMAGE. items such as gas meters, gas valves or other gas
If this water heater will be used in beauty shops, AWARNING Ibarber shops, cleaning establishments, or self-ser-
vice laundries with dry cleaning equipment, it is Failure to have required clearances between water
imperative that the water heater or water heaters heater and combustible material will result in a fire
be installed so that combustion and ventilation air hazard.
be taken from outside these areas. Refer to the
"Facts to Consider About the Location" section of
this manual and also the latest edition of the
National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1, also referred
to as NFPA 54 for specifics provided concerning air
0" vent(s) when directly above or 135 ° to either side of ceuter
and proper operation of the water heater. Figure 4.
u ating equ pment, reg"

Instructions for Installation (cont'd)
Must maintain
adequate service -_- ........ --
and maintenance /" ""
9" rain. from accessibility. "",,
any overhang
- q.of Flue
[ Figure 4 ] //"_'Range of degrees
.. ./" available for vent
................ pipe installation.
Venting Through Roof- Clearances
I Figure 2 I 0" clearance for 3" (or optional 2" and 4") PVC, ABS, or
CPVC Schedule 40 piping from combustible surfaces.
• The Power Vent outlet terminal shall terminate at least 18
inches above the roof surface. Figure 5.
ing and proper operation of the water heater. Figure 4.
• The venting system must be installed in a manner which
_ ,_ • The location selection must provide clearances for servic-
LESSTHAN joints aswell as periodic inspection after installation as
._" required by ANSI Stand_ds.
_. _48__ _ _i2, anows inspection of the installation of the venting pipes and
V_ £_ _in. 45° VENT CA_[i/90° STREETELLW/SCREEN
-- : "_ _ '_, [ Figure5 ]
2, CombustionAir andVentilation
_ for AppliancesLocatedin
' _--_RTUc_AvLEDT, POWERVENT, Unconfined Spaces
___. APPLIANCEINLETAND/OR Unconfined Space is aspace whose volume is not Jess than
Figure 3b I OUTLETVENT(S). 50 cubic feet per 1,000 Btu per hour of the aggregate inputJ
_ vent terminal 18" to wail or other considered a part of the unconfined space
-_._18" min. • quate to provide air for combustion, ventilation and dilution
Figure I cornerofbuilding Appliances Located in Confined Spaces, b.
obstructionsthat may
interferewithventing. In unconfined spaces in buildings, infdtration may be ade-
ventterminal example, weather stripping, heavily insulated, caulked, vapor
rn}in, barrier, etc.), additional air may need to be provided using the18"
rating of all appliances installed in that space. Rooms com-
municating directly with the space in which the appliances are
installed, through openings not furnished with doors, are
of flue gases. However, in buildings of tight construction (for
methods described in Combustion Air and Ventilation for

Instructions for Installation (cont'd)
CombustionAir andVentilation 1.Whendirectlycommunicatingwiththeoutdoors,each
AppliancesLocatedin per 4,000 BTU per hour oftotalinput rating of all equip-
ConfinedSpaces ment in the enclosure. (See Figure 7.)
Confined Space is a space whose volume is less than 50 cubic 2. When communicating with the outdoors through vertical
feet per 1,000 Btu per hour of the aggregate input rating of all ducts, each opening shall have a minimum free area of 1
appliances installed in that space, square inch per 4,000 BTU per hour of total input rating of
a. ALLAIR FROM INSIDE BUILDINGS: all equipment in the enclosure. (See Figure 8.)
(See Page 12 Figure 1, and Figure 6 below) (each er=dofattic)
The confined space shall be provided with two permanent
openings communicating directly with an additional
room(s) of sufficient volume so that the combined volume
of all spaces meets the criteria for an unconfined space.
The total input of all gas utilization equipment installed in
the combined space shall be considered in making this r _ (ends _"abovefloor)
determination. Each opening shall have a minimum free [ Figure 8 J
area of one square inch per 1,000 BTU per hour of the
total input rating of all gas utilization equipment in the 3. When communicating with the outdoors through horizon-
confined space, but not less than 100 square inches. One tal ducts, each opening shall have a minimum free area of 1
opening shall commence within 12 inches of the top and square inch per 2,000 BTU per hour of total input rating
one commencing within 12 inches of the bottom of the of all equipment in the enclosure. (See Figure 9.)
opening shall have a minimum free area of 1 square inch
[ Figure6 ] >A
b. ALL AIR FROM OUTDOORS: (see Figures 7-9) air ducts shall not be less than 3 inches. (See Figure 9.)
The confined space shall be provided with two permanent 5. Louvers and Grilles: In calculating free area, consideration
openings, one commencing within 12 inches of the top shall be given to the blocking effect of louvers, grilles or
and one commencing within 12 inches from the bottom of screens protecting openings. Screens used shall not be
the enclosure. The openings shall communicate directly, or smaller than 1/4inch mesh. If the free area through a design
by ducts, with the outdoors or spaces (crawl or attic) that of Iouver or grille is known, it should be used in calculating
freely communicate with the outdoors, the size opening required to provide the free area specified.
VENTILATION If the design and free area is not known, it may be assumed
(eachendofattic) VENTTHROUGH that wood louvers will be 20-25 percent free area and metal
4. When ducts are used, they shall be of the same cross-sec-
tional area as the free area of the openings to which they
connect. The minimum short side dimension of rectangular
louvers and grilles _11 have 60-75 percent free area.
Louvers and grilles shall be fixed in the open position or
interlocked with the equipment so that they are opened
automatically during equipment operation.
6. Special Conditions Created by Mechanical Exhausting or
Fireplaces: Operation of exhaust fans, ventilation systems,
Figure 7 ] clothes dryers orfireplaces may create conditions requiring
VENTILATIONLOUVERS installed gas utilization equipment.
special attention to avoid unsatisfactory operation of

Instructions for Installation (cont'd)
Water Piping
AWARNING 2. Look at the top cover of the water heater. The cold water
HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water heaters are inlet is marked cold. Connect the cold water pipe to the
intended to produce hot water. Water heated to a coldwaterinletof the waterheater.
temperature which will satisfyclotheswashing,
dish washing, and other sanitizing needs can scald NOTE: This water heater is super insulated to minimize
and permanently injure you upon contact. Some
people are more likely to be permanently injured by heat loss from the tank. Further reduction in heat loss
hot water than others. These include the elderly, canbeaccompllshedbyinsulatingthehotwaterlines
children, the infirm, or physically/mentally handi- _om thewaterheater.
capped. If anyone using hot water in your home fits
into one of these groups or if there is a local code or
state law requiring a certain temperature water at
the hot water tap, then you must take special pre-
cautions. In addition to using the lowest possible
temperature settingthat satisfies your hot water
needs, a means such as a mixing valve, should be
used at the hot water taps used by these people or VENTTO
at the water heater. Mixing valves are available at OUTDOORS
_alumbing supply or hardware stores. Follow manu-
cturers instructions for installation of the valves. COLDINLET
Before changing the factory setting on the thermo- WATERLINE
stat, read the "Temperature Regulation" section in
this manual. SHUTOFF J
This water heater shall not be connected to any heating sys-
tems or component(s) used with a non-potable water heating
If a water heater is installed in a closed water supply system; __
such as one having a back-flow preventer, check valve, water PRESSURERELIEF
meter with a check valve, etc.., in the cold water supply; VALVE
means shall be provided to control thermal expansion. J
Contact the local utility or call Maytag Customer Service HOTOUTLET
Center at 1-800-788-8899 for an authorized installer on how TOHOUSE
to control this situation.
NOTE: To protect against untimely corrosion of hot and
cold water fittings, it is strongly recommended that di-elec-
tric unions or couplings be installed on this water heater
when connected to copper pipe. DISCHARGEPIPE
The illustration shows the attachment of the water piping to PROVIDEA6" AIR
the water heater. The water heater is equipped with 3/4inch ENDOFTHE
water connections for 40,000 and Btuh models and 1 inch ANDDRAIN
water connections for 70,000 and 75,000 Btuh models.
NOTE: If using coppertubing, solder tubing to an adapter
before attaching the adaptor to the cold water inlet connection.
Do not solder the cold water supply line directly to the cold
water inlet. It will harm the dip tube and damage the tank.
(Donot capor plug)
1. Look at the top cover of the water heater. The water outlet
is marked hot. Connect the hot water pipe to the hot
water outlet on the water heater.

Instructions for Installation (cont'd)
Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve
At the time of manufacturethis water heater was provid- The temperature-pressure relief valve must be manu-
ed with a combination temperature-pressuresrelief valve all)' operated at least once a year. Caution should be
certified by a nationally recognizedtesting laboratory that taken to ensure that (1) no one is in front of or
maintains periodic inspection of production of listed around the outlet of the temperature-pressure relief
equipment or materials, as meeting the requirements for valve discharge line, and (2) the water manually dis-
ReliefValvesand Automatic GasShutoff Devicesfor Hot
Water Supply Systems, and the latest edition of ANSI damage becausethe water may be extremely hot.
Z21.22 and the code requirements of ASME. If replaced, If after manually operating the valve, it fails to com-
the valve mustmeet the requirementsof localcodes,but pletely reset and continues to release water, immedi-
not lessthan a combination temperature and pressure ately close the cold water inlet to the water heater,
relief valve certified as meeting the requirements for follow the draining instructions, and replace the
ReliefValvesand Automatic Gas Shutoff Devicesfor Hot temperature-pressure relief valve with a new one.
Water Supply Systems,ANSIZ21.22 by a nationally recog-
nized testing laboratory that maintainsperiodicinspection
of productionof listed equipment or materials.
The valve must be marked with a maximum set pressure
not to exceed the marked hydrostaticworking pressureof
the water heater (150 Ibs./sq.in.) and a dischargecapacity
not lessthan the water heater input rate asshown on the
model rating plate. (Electric heaters - watts divided by
1000x 3415 equal BTU/Hr.rate.) COLD
Your localjurisdictional authority, while mandating the
useof atemperature-pressurerelief valve complyingwith
ANSIZ21.22 and ASME,may require a valve modeldiffer-
ent from the onefurnishedwith the water heater.
Compliancewith suchlocalrequirementsmustbesatisfied
by the installer or end user of the water heater with a /f
Iocallyprescribed temperature-pressure relief valve
installedin the designatedopening in the water heater in
placeof the factoryfurnishedvalve. HOT
For safe operation of the water heater, the relief valve
must not be removed from it's designated opening or -- DISCHARGEPIPE
lugged. (Donotcaporplug)
_perature-pressure relief valve must be installed PROVIDEA6" AIR
into the fitting of the water heater designatedfor GAPBETWEENTHE
'alve. Positionthe valve downward and provide ENDOFTHEDISCHARGEPIPE
tubing so that any dischargewill exit only within 6 inches ANDDRAIN
above, or at any distance below the structural floor. Be
certain that no contact is made with any live electrical
part. The discharge opening must not be blocked or
reducedin size under any circumstances.Excessivelength,
over 30 feet, or use of more than four elbows can cause
restrictionand reducethe dischargecapacityof the valve.
No valve or other obstruction is to be placedbetween the
reliefvalve and the tank. Donot connecttubing directlyto RELIEF VALVE OPENING
dischargedrain unlessa 6" air gap isprovided. To prevent
bodilyinjury,hazard to life, or property damage,the relief "THISWATERHEATERISAPPROVEDWITHACOMBINATIONTEMPERATURE-
valve must be allowed to dischargewater in quantities THERELIEFVALVE(S)MUSTNOTBEREMOVEDFROMITSDESIGNATED
shouldcircumstancesdemand. If the dischargepipe isnot POINTOFiNSTALLATiONORPLUGGED."
connected to a drain or other suitable means,the water YOURLOCALJURISDICTIONALAUTHORITy,WHILEMANDATINGTHEUSE
• Must notbe smaller in sizethan the outlet pipe size of ONEFURNISHEDWITHTHEWATERHEATER.
• Must be of material listedfor hot water distribution.
• Must be installed so as to allow complete drainage of INSTALLATIONANDMAINTENANCEOFRELIEFVALVE,DISCHARGELINE
both the temperature-pressurerelief valve, and the dis- ANDOTHERSAFETYPRECAUTIONS.
• Must terminate at an adequatedrain.
• Must not have any valve between the relief valve and
charged will not cause any bodily injury or property