For Future Reference ................................................................................ 1
Consumer Publications .............................................................................. 1
Safety Instructions ...................................................................................... 2
Using Your Dishwasher .............................................................................. 3--7
• Hot Water is Essential ........................................................................ 3
• Preparing Dishes ................................................................................. 3
• Loading Your Dishwasher .................................................................. 3-6
• Using Detergent and Rinse Aid ......................................................... 6-7
Selecting Cycles and Options/Starting Dishwasher ............................. 8-9
Special Tips ................................................................................................... 10-13
• For Best Results .................................................................................. 10
• Water Conditions ................................................................................ 10-11
• Energy Saving Tips ............................................................................. 11
• What Can and Cannot Be Washed ..................................................... 12
• Caring for Dishwasher ........................................................................ 13
• Changing Panels .................................................................................. 13
Before You C_I! For Service ..................................................................... 14-15
Warranty .......................................................................................................

Congratulations on vour choice of a Ma_ag For future reference we suggest you retain this
Jetclean TM dishwasher. As vou use your new manual after recording the model number and
dishwasher we know vou will appreciate the serial number of this dishwasher in the spaces
many features that provide unsurpassed provided. This information can be found on the
cleaning and capaci_ along with ener_/ data plate located on the upper left comer of the
efficiency and dependability, tub opening.
On the following pages you will find a wealth of Model Number
information regarding all aspects of your
beautiful new dishwasher. By following these
instructions carefully, you will be able to achieve Serial Number
excellent results with your dishwasher. Should
you have any questions about using your Maytag
dishwasher, contact us. Be sure to provide the
model number of your dishwasher. WARNING - Check with installer to
MAYTAG COMPANY grounded to avoid possible electrical
CONSUMER EDUCATION shock. Be sure you read the
NE_rI'ON, IOWA 50208 INSTRUCTIONS on page 2 before you
(515) 791-8911 start to use this dishwasher.
(Mon.-Fri., 8 am-5 pm CST)
make sure appliance has been
For additional information order the following booklets from Maytag at the prices indicated. Send your
name, address, booklet title, form number and payment to: Consumer Education Dept., Maytag Co., One
Dependability Square, Newton, IA 50208. Allow 6-8 weeks for deliver.
Innovative Ideas for Today's Kitchens -- 22PR ..................................... $1.00
Before You Call (Appliance Servicing Tips) -- 206YG ............................ 50¢
Appliance Buying Guides .............................................................. 50¢ EACH
Washer -- 211YC
D_er -- 212YG
Dishwasher -- 213YG
Electric Range m 214YG
Gas Range -- 215YG
Refrigerator -- 276YG

Products with a (_) label have been listed with 8. Be carefid not to touch the heating element
the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. - those with on the bottom of the tub during or at the
a CSA tag have been listed with Canadian completion of a cycle. It may be hot.
Standards Association. Nevertheless, as with any
other equipment using electricity and moving 9. Use only detergents and rinse additives
parts, there is a potential hazard. When using designed for an automatic dishwasher. Never
your dishwasher, follow basic precautions, use soap, laundry detergent, or hand
including the foUowing: washing detergent in your dishwasher. Keep
1. Read all instructions before using the these products out of the reach of children.
dishwasher. 10. Do not sit, stand on or abuse the door or
2. Use the dishwasher only for its intended dish racks of the dishwashen
11. Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may
3. Disconnect eleCtrical power to dishwasher be produced in a hot water system that has
before attempting to service, not been used for two weeks or more.
4. To avoid electrical shock hazard, the sides Hydrogen gas is explosive. If the hot water
and back must be enclosed, and the front system has not been used for such a period,
panels must be attached before electrical
power is applied to the dishwasher. Refer to water flow from each for several minutes.
the installation instructions for proper
grounding procedures. This will release any accumulated hydrogen
turn on all hot water faucets and let the
5. Connect to a properly rated, protected and gas. As the gas is flammable, do not smoke or
sized power supply circuit to avoid electrical use an open flame during this process.
overload. 12. Do not wash plastic items unless marked
6. Children sholdd never be permitted to "dishwasher safe" or the equivalent. For
operate, or play in, with, or around this plastic items not so marked, check the
dishwasher, manufacturer's recommendations.
7. To reduce the risk of injury when loading 13. Do not tamper with controls.
items to be washed, sharp or pointed items
should be located with the handles up. Also, 14. Always remove the door to the washing
load shaW items so they me not likely to compartment when removing an old
danaage the door seal. dishwasher from service or discarding it.

Hot Water is Essential Loading Your Dishwasher
For good cleaning and drying results, hot water Seldom will households have identical dishes;
is necessary'. The water should be 120°-140°F. If, the number and type of articles used will vary
for any reason, the temperature of the water daily. Your dishwasher is designed to be flexible
being delivered by the water heater is below and accommodate a wide variety of dishes and
120°F, select the Temp Boost Sensor option to utensils. The following instructions and pictures
have your dishwasher heat the water, will help you become fanfiliar with your
To check water temperature, turn on the hot dishwasher. With experience, you will learn the
water faucet nearest the dishwasher. Let water
run into a glass in the sink until it is as hot as General Recommendations
possible, then check with a candy or meat
thermometer. If the temperature at the faucet is • Place all items on racks so they are separated
below 120°F (49°C), have a qualified person and face the center to insure the water spray
raise the water heater thermostat setting, will reach the soiled surfaces. Do not allow
Before starting the dishwasher, tuna on the hot
water faucet and let it run until the water is hot. * Make sure the movement of the upper and
best arrangement for your particular needs.
items to extend out of file racks.
lower spray arms is not blocked by items
hanging below the lower rack or tall articles in
Preparing Dishes the upper rack.
• It is not necessary to rinse dishes before ° Insure the free flow of water to the detergent
placing them in your Maytag dishwasher, cup by not blocking it with large items.
Simply scrape off bones and large pieces of
food. The food disposer in your dishwasher * Larger, flat, lightweight items (such as plastic
can handle a variety of items such as pits, fruit covers) may be wedged next to the silverware
seeds, popcorn and toothpicks. These items
will be chopped into small pieces during drain * The wash tower rises through the center of the
and removed with the drain water. If hard lower rack during the cycle. For the best
items get into the dishwasher module, you cleaning results, avoid blocking it or loading
may hear chopping noises during drain. These tall articles next to it.
sounds are normal.
• Foods that have been burned onto cooking W_h toWel....
utensils will need to be scraped or soaked.
basket or along the sides and back of the racks.
• Certain foods, such as mustard, mayonnaise,
lemon juice, vinegar, salt or dressings may
cause stainless steel flatware to rust and pit if
allowed to remain in contact with the surface
for a period of time. Therefore, it is best to
rinse these food soils off stainless steel flatware
unless the dishwasher is to be operated soon
after loading.
• If your dishwasher drains into a food waste
disposer, make certain the disposer is
completely empty" before starting the
dishwasher to provide for proper draining.

Upper Rack The hinged shelf can be used to stack two levels
of cups, juice glasses, and other short items.
The upper rack of your dishwasher is designed Load small diameter items under shelf so water
with flexibility in mind. Glasses, cups, small will reach upper tier. When the shelf is folded
plates, bowls, pans, etc. can be loaded in many up, this area can be used for taller glasses,
different positions to suit your needs, stemware, etc.
The rack is designed so dishes can be centered
behind a single tine and held in place by the
rack's support wires. Dishes can also be loaded at
an angle to maximize space.
When loading glassware, leave a small space The upper rack may be removed if desired.
between each piece so they do not touch each Push inward on the front of the rack rail ends to
other during the wash cycle. Do not place unsnap. Remove rail ends and pull out rack.
glasses over the tines. To replace rack: reinsert rack, place rail ends in
position and snap fronts into place by pushing

Lower Rack The convertible bowl tines in the right rear
corner can be folded to provide either narrow or
Large dinner plates and other dishes may be wide spacing. This allows flexible loading of a
placed in any convenient location in the lower variety of articles such as serving bowls, plates,
rack but soiled surfaces should face the
pans or casserole dishes.
Tall items such as bakeware and large platters
should be loaded on the left side of this rack.
Thin items (cookie sheets, pizza pans, etc.) may
be placed behind tile folding shel£ With the
shelf down, two levels of glasses and cups can be
loaded. For best washability, do not place any
items in the short tines when the shelf is being
Small items such as plates, saucers or shallow
bowls may be loaded in the elevated area behind
the wash tower.