Pag e
For Fu t ure Reference ...................................................................... 1
Importan t Safety Ins t ruc t ions ............................................................... 2 - 3
Oven Fea t ures ............................................................................. 4_5
• Ele ctr o n ic Cl oc k a n d Ove n Co ntr ol ........................................................ 4 5
• S e tting t he C l ock an d Ti m e r .............................................................. 5
U sing Your O ven ........................................................................... 6 - 9
• Bak i ng an d R o ast i ng .................................................................... 6 - 7
• Broi li ng ............................................................................... 8
• Pr o gramm e d Oven Op e rat io ns ............................................................ 8 - 9
Cleaning .................................................................................. 10 - i 2
• S e lf - C l ean Ov e n ........................................................................ 10 - 11
• Ove n Cl e an i ng C h art .................................................................... i1 - i2
Maintenance .............................................................................. 12
• A djust i ng Ov e n The rm o stat .............................................................. 1 2
• L i ght R epl ac e me n t ..................................................................... 12
• Ov e n Door ............................................................................ 12
B efore You Call for Service ................................................................. 1 3
Warranty .............................................................................. Back C o ver
Congratulations on your ehoice of a Maytag electric wall For future reference, keep this manual in a convenient
oven. As you use your new wall oven we know you x _411 location. Record the model number, serial number and
appreciate the many features that provide excellent purchase date of this electric wall oven in the spaces
performance, ease of cleaning, convenience and provided. (This information can be found on the data
d epe n dability plate, located o n t he frame ar o u nd the oven.)
Read this manual. New features have dramatically Model Number
changed today's cooki n g appliance s and the way we
cook. It is therefore very important to understand how
? , our new electric wall oven operates. On the tbllowing
pages you _ x dll find information regarding its operation. Serial Number ]
By following these instructions carefully you will be
able to h i lly enjoy' and properly maintain your new
May_ag wall oven. Purchase Date
Save time and money. Please t ake a moment to
review the enclosed booklet, " C ooki ng Made
S impl e ." Whether you need assistance in selecting the
r i gh t bakeware o r r e v iewing th e " ' d os and dou' ts " o f
baking , roasting and broiling, the answers are contained
in this booklet.
If smnething goes wrong, check the "Before You Call
for Service" section of this manual. It is designed to
solve common problems you may encounter.
Should you have any questions about using your Mayqtag
wall oven, call or write us. Be sure to provide the model
and serial numbers of your wall oven.
Read all instructions before using CAUTI O N: Do not store i t ems of interest to children
this appliance, in cabinets above an appliance. Children climbing Oil
The fol l owing ins t ructions are based on safety injured.
considerations and must be strictly _bllowed to reduce
the potential risks of fire, electric shock, or personal About Y our A pplia n ce
injui_. To prevent injury or damage
B e s ure applian c e i s properly in s talled and grounded by t o the applia n ce, d o not u s e
a qualified technician, appliance as a space heater
Do not attempt to adjnst, repair, service, or replace any to hea t or warm a room.
part of appliance unless it is specificalIy recommended Also, do not u se t he o v en as
in this book All other servicing should be referred to a a storage area for food or
qualified servicer. Always disconnect power to unit cooking utensils.
before any set,icing by tripping cireuit breaker to the Keep the ove n vent ducts
OFF position or removing the fnse. U N O B S T R U C T E D .
Loca t e and mark the breaker o r f us e. Ne v er replace a Blockage of the vent pre-
blo,_ (hse or reset a breaker until you know what has vents the proper oven air
caused the problem. Always replace a blown fuse with circulation and will affect the oven performance.
one of the correct amperage. Listen for fan. A fan noise should be heard durillg bake,
To Prevent Fire or Smoke Damage operation and call a servicer.
the appliance door to reach items could he seriously
convect, broil and cleaning cycles. If not, cancel the
Remove all packing materials from the appliance before Do not toneh a hot oven light bulb with a damp cloth as
operating it. the bulb could break. Should the bnlb break, disconnect
F l ammable materials shou l d not be stored in an oven. power to the appliance before removing bulb to aw ) id
Many aerosol-type spray cans are EXPLOSIVE when
exposed to heat and may tie highly flammable. Avoid Do not cover oven racks, the oven bottom or any other
their nee or storage near an appliance, part of the oven with aluminum foil, This will cause
In Case of Fire shock.
Turn off appliance to avoid spreading the flame. Cooking Safety
Use dry chemic_d or foam-type extinguisher or baking A l ways tur n o ff t he oven when eookiug i s c o mplete d .
soda to smother fire or flame. Never use water on a
grease fire. Never heat an unopened food containei: Pressure build-
If { ; re is in the oven or broi l er pan, smother by c l osing injury or damage to the appliance.
oven duor.
Child Safety surfaces may cause burn s I?om steam. Towels or other
Do not leave children alone or unsupervised near the let potholders touch hot heating elements.
appliance when it i s in use o r is still hot.
Children mnst be taught that the appliance and utensils accumulate in or near the appliance.
in it can be hot. L o o s e fitting or long F 2 "_ _...-_ ; . 2 , 4 _1
Children should be tanght that an appliance is not a toy. hanging-sleeved apparel
Children shonld not be allowed to play with controls or shou l d not be worn while
other parts of the unit. children should never be cooking.
allowed to sit or stand on an} , part of the appliance.
electrical shock.
uneven browning and may result in a risk of electric
up may cause container to burst resulting in personal
Use dry, stnrdy potholders. Damp potholders on hot
bulky" items should never be used as potholders. Do not
Do not let grease or other fIammable materials
Ahvays place oven racks in the desired positions while Cleaning Safety
oven is cool. If a rack must be moved while hot, use a Turn off all controls and wait for appliance parts to cool
dD ' potholder and avoid touching hot element in oven.
before touehing or cleaning them.
Use care when opening the oven door. Let hot air or C lean only parts listed in this manual.
steam escape before remm4ng or replacing food.
Do not clean door gasket. The door gasket is essential
PR EPA RE D F OOD WA R NING: Follow food for a good seal . Care should be taken not to rub,
manufacturer ' s instructions. If a plastic frozen food damage or move the gasket.
containe r and / o r i t s cov er dist ort s , wa r p s , o r i s othe r wi se
damaged during cooking, immediately discard the food Self-Clean Oven
and its contai n er. The fuod could be contaminated.
Do not use oven cleaners of any kind in or around any
DO NOT TOUCH THE OVEN ELEMENTS, AREAS pair of the self-clean oven.
SURFACES OF OVEN. Elements may be hot even Before self-cleaning the oven, remove broiler pan, oven
though they are dark in color. The interior surfaces of racks, and other utensils, and wipe off excessive
the oven )nay become hot enough to cause burns, s pillover s to prevent exces s i v e s moke o r flar e -up s .
During and after use, do not touch or let clothing or
other flammable materials contact heating elements, UTENSILS, ETC., IN THE OVEN DUllING THE
areas near elements or interior surfaces of oven until SELF-CLEAN CYCLE.
they have had sufficient time to cool. Other surfaces of
the appliance may become hot enough to cause burns. Important Safety N otice and Warning
Among the s e area s are the oven vent opening and the The California Safe Drinking Wate r and Toxic
s u rCc aee s near opening, oven dool; and oven windo_v Enfo r cement Act of I986 (Proposition 65) r equires the
Do not allow ahnniunm foil or any othe r metal object to Governor of California to publish a list of substances
co n tact hea t ing elements, known t o the State o f Calif o rnia t o cau s e cance r o r
rep r oductive harm , and requires busine s ses to warn
Utensil Safety customers of potential exposures to such substances.
Be sure uten s il is large enough to prope r ly contain food Users of this appliance a r e hereby warned that when
and avoid spillove r s, the oven is engaged in the self-clean cycle, there may be
some low level expo s ure to some of the li s ted
Follow the manui?tcture r 's directions when using oven s ubstances , including carbon monoxide. Exposure to
cooking bag s . these s ubstance s can he min i mized by p r operly ven t ing
Only ce r tain types of glass, glass / ce r amic, ceramic , or the oven to the outdoors during the self-clean cycle by
glazed utensil s a r e suitable for oven u s age without opening the window s and / or door in the r oom where
b r eaking due to the sudden change in temperature, the appliance is located.
This appliance has been tested for safe performance
using conventional cookware. Do not use any devices o r
acce s sories that are not specifically r ecommended in
this manual. Do not u s e add - on oven convection
system s . The use of devices or accessorie s that are not
exp r essly recommended in this manual can create
serious safety hazard s , result in performance problems,
and reduce the lif b of the components of the applianee.
Electronic Clock and Oven Control
The e l ectronic eloek and oven c o ntr o l o n your Ma_ag Clock Pad
wail oven is used for the time - of-day clock, timer, hake, Use this pad to set the tinae-of-day clock. See the
convection bake , broil , programmed ove n operations instructions on setting the dock on page 5.
and se l f-clean fimct i ons. A beep wi ll sound each t i me a
fimction pad is p r e s sed. The display window features You ma._ also press this pad to recall the current tirne of
indicator words which flash to prompt you when setting day. For example , if the timer is counting down in the
the o ven. display , p r ess the C LOCK pad to retnrn the cu r rent
time to the display. The time r will continue to count
The displa y on the control will flash when power is first down and a signal x _qll sound when the time expires.
supplied to the wall oven o r if there is a power failure.
Once t h e time-of-day dock has been set (see Setting the Broil P ad
Clock, page 5), the display will stop flashing. Use this pad to select broil. Two heat selections are
The o ven will aut o matically t u rn off if it is left o n available fo r broiling-Hi and Lo. See page 8 fo r mo r e
for 12 h o urs , broiling inforlnation.
Self Clean Pad
Press this pad to set the oven for a se l f-clean cycle. See
pages 10 11 fo r detailed info r mation.
Ov e n Stop / Co o k Time Pads
These pads are used to program the oven to start and
s top antoinaticafly, either immediately or at a later time.
For deta i led inf o rmation ori u sing Programmed O v en
Operations, see pages 8-9.
The following pads are fbnnd on your Ma_ag electronic Convect Pad
clock and oven control:
Press thi s pad to s elect convection baking and roasting.
Cancel Pad Set the oven temperature by pressing the • or • pads.
Press th i s pad t o cance l al l opera t ions except the time- See pages 6 7 I ' or more information on convection
of-day clock and timer. If you are ever unsu r e if you ' ve cooking.
p r og r ammed the cont r ol cor r ectly , p r ess the CANCEL
pad and st ar t ove r .
Oven Temp Pad Timer
Press this pad to select regular baking and roasting. Set To set t he timer:
the oven temperature by pressing the • or • pads. 1. Press the TIMER pad once. The words "SET
Additional information can be found on pages 6-7. TIMER" will flash in the display.
Timer Pad 2. Set the desired time using the • and • pads.
The timer can be set from 1 minute to 9 hours, 50 • Press either pad once to change the time by 1
minutes. It w i ll count down by seconds (when set for 1 minute (if the Timer is set for up to 1 hour), 5
minute) or minutes (when set for 2 minutes or more minutes (if the Timer is set for over 1 hour), or 10
time). See below fbr instructions on setting the timer, minutes (if the Timer is set for over 2 hours).
• and • Pads • P re ss a n d hold either pad to change the time in
Press or press and hold these pads to enter the time or
temperature desired. These pads are also used to select upon the time set in the display.
Hi or [ 1o broil. The TIMER can be set from 1 minute (0HR:01) up to 9
,5 minute or 10 minute increments , depending
hours and 50 minutes (9 HR:50).
Setting the Clock and Timer The timing operation will start automatieally. Colons
will flash in the display to indicate a timing operation.
Clock One long continuous beep will signal the end of the
To set the time-of-day clock: timing operation and "End" will briefly appear in the
1. Press the CLOCK pad once. The words "SET display. The time of day will automatically reappear in
TIME" will flash in the display, the display. The TIMER p a d d oes no t control the
2. Set the correct time of day using the • and • pads.
• To change the time by one minute, press either
pad o nce. delay.
• To change the time in increme n ts of 10 minutes,
press and h o ld either pad.
When the power is first supplied to the wall oven or if
there has been a power failure, the display" w ill flash.
Follow above instructions to set the clock. The clock
time cannot be changed when the oven is set for a cook
or self-clean operation. Cancel the operation to set the
o ve n.
To eaneeh Press the TIMER pad and hold for 3
seconds. The time of day will reappear after a slight
Press the CLOCK pad to recall the time of day when
another function is displayed.
Ev e r y ov e n has its own characteristics. You may find Oven Racks
that the cooking times vary slightly" from your old oven. The f})ur oven racks are designed with a loek-stop edge
This is normal, to keep the racks from coming completely o ut of the
For safety reasons , when opening the oven door , allow oven when there is food placed on them.
ste am and h ot ai r to e s cap e before reaching int o t h e To rem o ve : Be sure the rack is tool. Pull the rack
oven to remove food. straight out until it stops. Tilt the front end of the rack
up and contin u e p u ll i ng it on t .
Baking and Roasting To r eplace: Tilt the front end of the rack up and plaee
( F or add i tional baking, roasting and convection tips , it between the rack supports. S l ide it b aek unti l it c l ears
refer to "Coo k ing Made Simple" booklet.) the lock-stop position. Lower the front and slide the
rack s traigl_t in .
Setting the Oven Controls for Baking, D o n ot co v e r a n e ntir e o v e n r a c k o r ove n b otto m
Convection Baking, Roasting and . dt h al u min u m fo i l. This wil l restrict air floua
Convection Roasting
1. Place racks on proper rack positions.
2. Press the OV E N TE MP pad or CO N VECT pad. oven is h ot. U s e fi le f o llowing guideline s when selecting
"BAKE" or " CONVECT BAKE" and 000 ° will the proper rack positio n . N e v er pl a ce pans dire ct ly
appear in the display, on t h e o v e n bo t t om .
3. Press either the • or • pad once and 350 ° will
appear in the display when in the bake mode. W hen Regular Baking and Roasting Positions
in the eonveet mode 325 ° will appear. Press the • or
• pad until the desired oven temperature is Rack 1: Used for roasting large cots of meat
displayed, position) or angel food cake.
The Word ON will light in the displa y ; the oven x sdll
tuna on and the ternperatnre display will rise in 5 ° R a ck 2 : U s ed for roasting small ents of mea t ,
increments while the oven is preheating. A beep will bread, cakes (in either tube, bundt , or
sound to indicate that the oven has preheated. M low layer pans) or two-rack baking.
10-15 minutes for preheating. Rack 3: Used for most baked goods on a
4. After the cooking operation, turn the oven off by (middle cookie sheet or jelly roll pan, or
pressing the CANCEL pad. Remove food from oven. position) froTxen convenience {hods.
Rack Positions
Do not attempt to change the rack positions when the
(lowest mid large poultry, frozen pies, soutlqes
large casseroles, baking loaves of
Rack 4: U sed for most broiling and two-rack
bak i ng.
Rack 5 : Used for broiling thin, non-fatty fi ) ods
(highest : sneh as fish, toasting bread.